



作者:Sam Wolfson

Fox News host says he hasn't washed hands in 10 years

① Donald Trump's favourite TV show, Fox & Friends, has a reputation for giving airtime to conspiracy theories that benefit the White House agenda. But host Pete Hegseth may now have managed to upset the famously germaphobic president – by revealing that he has not washed his hands in a decade.

② The admission came as Hegseth discussed eating day-old pizza that had not been refrigerated. He said that he didn't think he had washed his hands in 10 years.

③ Met with laughter, he explained: "I inoculate myself. Germs are not a real thing. I can't see them, therefore they're not real."

④ The centers for disease control advises that regular hand washing is one of the best ways to remove germs and avoid getting sick. Being well educated about hand washing reduces the number of people who get sick with diarrhea by 23% to 40%, it says.

⑤ Hegseth, who served with the national guard in Iraq, was once reported to be Trump's favoured pick to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs. That role would have made him responsible for the health and wellbeing of 20 million Americans.


host /həʊst/: n. 主持人

have a reputation for: 因为……而名声在外

conspiracy /kənˈspɪrəsi/: n. 阴谋

airtime /ˈeətaɪm/: n. 播放时间

benefit / 'benɪfɪt/: vt. 对……有利

agenda /ə'dʒendə/: n. 意图;企图;议程

manage to do something: 努力尝试并且成功做成了某事

germaphobic /dʒɜːməˈfəʊbɪk/: 恐惧细菌的

reveal /rɪˈviːl/: vt. 揭露

day-old: adj. 隔夜的

refrigerate /rɪ'frɪdʒəreɪt/: vt. 冰冻;冷冻

inoculate /ɪ'nɒkjʊleɪt/: vt. 接种

germ /dʒɜːm/: 细菌

avoid /ə'vɒɪd/: vt. 避免

diarrhea/,daɪə'riə/: n. 痢疾

serve with: 服役

the national guard: 国民警卫队

be reported to be: 有报道称;有报道说

pick /pɪk/: n. 选择

the Department of Veterans Affairs: 美国退役军人事务部

wellbeing /,wel'bi:ɪŋ/: n. 福利;福祉


1. have a reputation for: 因为......而名声在外

·be known for / be famous for: 因某事而出名

2. airtime: n. 播放时间

·give air to: 发表意见

They have bought airtime on all the major TV networks.


We are encouraged to give air to our opinions about the company's management.


3. benefit: vt. 对……有利

Keeping fit benefits me.


4. agenda: n. 意图;企图;议程

I just want to see you again, without any agenda.


5. refrigerate: vt. 冰冻;冷冻

·refrigerator /rɪ'frɪdʒəreɪtə/: n. 冰箱

6. inoculate: vt. 接种

The children had been inoculated against flu.


7. avoid: vt. 避免

·avoid getting sick 避免生病

·avoid being seen in the public 避开大众视线

·avoid getting crowded 避免人群拥挤

8. diarrhea: n. 痢疾

·get sick with diarrhea / suffer from diarrhea: 身患痢疾

9. serve with: 服役

Following the marriage, Prince William will continue to serve with the Royal Air Force.


10. wellbeing: n. 福利;福祉

Others might care about your success, but I only care about your health and wellbeing.






have a reputation for


·be known for / be famous for: 因某事而出名

conspiracy /kənˈspɪrəsi/

n. 阴谋

benefit / 'benɪfɪt/

vt. 对……有利

Keeping fit benefits me.


agenda /ə'dʒendə/

n. 意图;企图;议程

I just want to see you again, without any agenda.


manage to do


germaphobic /dʒɜːməˈfəʊbɪk/


reveal  /rɪˈviːl/

vt. 揭露

airtime /ˈeətaɪm/

n. 播放时间

·give air to:发表意见

They have bought airtime on all the major TV networks.


We are encouraged to give air to our opinions about the company's management.



adj. 隔夜的

refrigerate  /rɪ'frɪdʒəreɪt/

vt. 冰冻;冷冻

·refrigerator /rɪ'frɪdʒəreɪtə/: n. 冰箱

inoculate /ɪ'nɒkjʊleɪt/

vt. 接种

The children had been inoculated against flu.


germ  /dʒɜːm/


avoid /ə'vɒɪd/

vt. 避免

·avoid getting sick 避免生病

·avoid being seen in the public 避开大众视线

·avoid getting crowded 避免人群拥挤

diarrhea /,daɪə'riə/

n. 痢疾

·get sick with diarrhea / suffer from diarrhea: 身患痢疾

the national guard


serve with


Following the marriage, Prince William will continue to serve with the Royal Air Force.


be reported to be


pick /pɪk/

n. 选择

the Department of Veterans Affairs


wellbeing /,wel'bi:ɪŋ/

n. 福利;福祉

Others might care about your success, but I only care about your health and wellbeing.

