《ASP.NET 4 Social Networking》 - 书摘精要

(P22) If you want to buid a site that can grow with your community, we will want to start building it in a certain way from the beginning;

The easiest way to maintain SoC is to first break major areas of your application into layers;

While building Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) service layer is built on top of the business logic layer;

(P27) While layers are logical separation of concerns, tier are used for physical separation;

(P32) A Repository is an object whose purpose is specific to a single Entity object;

(P36) Model - The model is a direct reference to your domain logic - the business logic layer so to speak. This provides access to the backend data (from the database) and implements additional business logic on it;

(P68) var is called an anonymous type. The caveat to using an anonymous type is that it can only be used locally;

(P72) lambda Expression consists of a lambda operator '=>' (goes to), left side of which signifies the input parameter (for more than one input parameter, make it comma separated) and right side signifies the expression or statement block to be evaluated;

(P77) The basic reason for the MVP pattern is so that at the end of the day you can wrap a large percentage of your front end code with testing;

(P78) Model View Presenter - The basic reason for this patterns is so that at the end of the day you can wrap a large percentage of your front end code with testing;

(P84) We hope you are noticing that as each file is responsible for a very specific set of tasks, each file is also short and sweet. While this is a complex way of thinking about things, it is very nice to work with!

(P119) Include - This has an advantage of fetching data in batches as against hitting database multiple times;

Service layer will be consumed by Presentation layer project;

The Repositpry classes (except entities) will never be accessed directly in Presentation layer project and will be always accessed only in Business Logic project;

(P261) SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is generally defined as the process that optimizes organic search traffic;

(P322) Ratings - With the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit you are able to create horizontal or vertically positioned stars; stars that can be run from left-to-right anf right-to-left;

(P404) Web farming - Web farming (or load balancing) is the concept of spreading out your site's traffic over many servers;

(P432) Lucene .NET;
