
1.你要记着别人对你的好,不要去记你对别人的好。人心里不要装那么多东西,这样才会快活自在。 -- 《魔道祖师》

You should remember others' kindness to you, not your kindness to others. Don't put so many things in one's heart, so that one can be happy and comfortable. -"The Father of the Magic Road"

2.其实所有纠结做选择的人心里早就有了答案,咨询只是想得到内心所倾向的选择。最终的所谓命运,还是自己一步步走出来的。 -- 《解忧杂货店》

In fact, all those who struggle to make choices have already got the answer in their hearts, and consultation only wants to get the choice they prefer. The ultimate so-called fate, or come out step by step. -"Worry-free Grocery Store"

3.你可以骗我一百次,我可以假装不知道一百次,但你要知道,我只信你一次。 --《李宫俊的诗》

You can lie to me a hundred times, and I can pretend I don't know a hundred times, but you know, I only believe you once. -"Li Gongjun's Poetry"


I haven't forgotten anything, but there are some things that are only suitable for collection, which can't be said or thought about, but can't be forgotten. —— Shi Tiesheng


Even joy is inevitably mixed with an indescribable bitterness, which makes lovers in flowers anxious. -Lucretius
