Loki 日志系统分布式部署实践七 promtail 安装


promtail 是loki的日志收集agent,也是类似于 promtheus 的服务发现机制,应该是最云原生的日志agent了。赞一个


# helm pull loki/promtail --version=2.0.1
# helm show values promtail-2.0.1.tgz

生成 promtail 配置文件:

# cat > promtail-config.yaml <


docker: {}

docker 阶段将匹配并解析此格式的日志行:

`{"log":"level=info ts=2019-04-30T02:12:41.844179Z caller=filetargetmanager.go:180 msg=\"Adding target\"\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2019-04-30T02:12:41.8443515Z"}`

自动将时间提取到日志 timestamp 中,stream 传输到标签中,并将日志字段输出到 output 中,因为 docker以这种方式包装您的应用程序日志,这将对其进行解包,以便仅对日志内容进行进一步的管道处理 。

Docker 阶段只是如下定义的包装:

- json:
    output: log
    stream: stream
    timestamp: time
- labels:
- timestamp:
    source: timestamp
    format: RFC3339Nano
- output:
    source: output

kubernetes_sd_config 发现规则跟 prometheus 一样的包括:

  1. node:
    __meta_kubernetes_node_name: The name of the node object.
    _meta_kubernetes_node_label: Each label from the node object.
    _meta_kubernetes_node_labelpresent: true for each label from the node object.
    _meta_kubernetes_node_annotation: Each annotation from the node object.
    _meta_kubernetes_node_annotationpresent: true for each annotation from the node object.
    _meta_kubernetes_node_address: The first address for each node address type, if it exists.

  2. service:
    __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the service object.
    _meta_kubernetes_service_annotation: Each annotation from the service object.
    _meta_kubernetes_service_annotationpresent: true for each annotation of the service object.
    __meta_kubernetes_service_cluster_ip: The cluster IP address of the service. (Does not apply to services of type ExternalName)
    __meta_kubernetes_service_external_name: The DNS name of the service. (Applies to services of type ExternalName)
    _meta_kubernetes_service_label: Each label from the service object.
    _meta_kubernetes_service_labelpresent: true for each label of the service object.
    __meta_kubernetes_service_name: The name of the service object.
    __meta_kubernetes_service_port_name: Name of the service port for the target.
    __meta_kubernetes_service_port_protocol: Protocol of the service port for the target.

  3. pod:
    __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the pod object.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_name: The name of the pod object.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_ip: The pod IP of the pod object.
    _meta_kubernetes_pod_label: Each label from the pod object.
    _meta_kubernetes_pod_labelpresent: true for each label from the pod object.
    _meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation: Each annotation from the pod object.
    _meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent: true for each annotation from the pod object.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_init: true if the container is an InitContainer
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name: Name of the container the target address points to.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name: Name of the container port.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number: Number of the container port.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol: Protocol of the container port.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_ready: Set to true or false for the pod’s ready state.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_phase: Set to Pending, Running, Succeeded, Failed or Unknown in the lifecycle.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name: The name of the node the pod is scheduled onto.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_host_ip: The current host IP of the pod object.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_uid: The UID of the pod object.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_kind: Object kind of the pod controller.
    __meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_name: Name of the pod controller.

  4. endpoints:
    __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the endpoints object.
    __meta_kubernetes_endpoints_name: The names of the endpoints object.

对于直接从端点列表中发现的所有目标(未从基础 pod 中另外推断出的那些目标),将附加以下标签:
__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_hostname: Hostname of the endpoint.
__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_node_name: Name of the node hosting the endpoint.
__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_ready: Set to true or false for the endpoint’s ready state.
__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name: Name of the endpoint port.
__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_protocol: Protocol of the endpoint port.
__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_kind: Kind of the endpoint address target.
__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_name: Name of the endpoint address target.
注意:对于由 Pod 支持的所有目标,将附加角色的所有标签:Pod 发现的所有标签。

  1. ingress:
    __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the ingress object.
    __meta_kubernetes_ingress_name: The name of the ingress object.
    _meta_kubernetes_ingress_label: Each label from the ingress object.
    _meta_kubernetes_ingress_labelpresent: true for each label from the ingress object.
    _meta_kubernetes_ingress_annotation: Each annotation from the ingress object.
    _meta_kubernetes_ingress_annotationpresent: true for each annotation from the ingress object.
    __meta_kubernetes_ingress_scheme: Protocol scheme of ingress, https if TLS config is set. Defaults to http.
    __meta_kubernetes_ingress_path: Path from ingress spec. Defaults to /.

安装 promtail

# helm install promtail promtail-2.0.1.tgz -f promtail-config.yaml -n grafana

# kubectl get all -n grafana
NAME                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/loki-0           1/1     Running   0          136m
pod/promtail-2b5rt   1/1     Running   0          49s
pod/promtail-58llq   1/1     Running   0          49s
pod/promtail-bvp6q   1/1     Running   0          49s
pod/promtail-cr5hv   1/1     Running   0          49s
pod/promtail-dfq44   1/1     Running   0          49s
pod/promtail-jm9wc   1/1     Running   0          49s
pod/promtail-kl5wr   1/1     Running   0          49s
pod/promtail-mrxjc   1/1     Running   0          49s
pod/promtail-qklwp   1/1     Running   0          49s

NAME                        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/loki                ClusterIP           3100/TCP   136m
service/loki-headless       ClusterIP   None                    3100/TCP   136m
service/promtail-headless   ClusterIP   None                    3101/TCP   51s

daemonset.apps/promtail   9         9         9       9            9                     51s

NAME                    READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/loki   1/1     136m

修改为 hostNetwork:

# kubectl edit ds -n grafana promtail 
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
      hostNetwork: true

Promtail 公开了几个 URL,可用于了解其服务发现的工作方式:

  1. /service-discovery 服务发现页面,显示在 relabeling 之前和之后所有发现的目标及其标签,以及删除目标的原因。
  2. /targets 目标页面,仅显示正在主动抓取的目标及其相应的标签,文件和位置。
  3. /ready 健康检查接口
  4. /metrics metrics 接口
  5. /static/ 一些静态页,没啥用
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: promtail
  name: promtail
  namespace: grafana
  - name: http-metrics
    port: 3101
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: http-metrics
    app: promtail
    release: promtail
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: ClusterIP
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: traefik
  name: promtail
  namespace: grafana
  - host: promtail.hupu.io
      - backend:
          serviceName: promtail
          servicePort: 3101
        path: /


# kubectl get cm -n grafana promtail -o yaml |grep job_name
    - job_name: kubernetes-pods-name
    - job_name: kubernetes-pods-app
    - job_name: kubernetes-pods-direct-controllers
    - job_name: kubernetes-pods-indirect-controller
    - job_name: kubernetes-pods-static


# kubectl get cm -n grafana promtail -o yaml

试运行 Promtail:

# cat my.log | promtail --stdin --client.url --dry-run
# cat my.log | promtail --stdin --client.url -server.grpc-listen-port 9999 -positions.file /tmp/2.yaml --stdin -log.level debug
# cat my.log | promtail --stdin --client.url --client.external-labels=k1=v1,k2=v2

发现 promtail 性能比 filebeat 好,promtail 还收集了所有的 .log 日志, filebeat 只收集了一部分:

top - 21:54:40 up 104 days,  1:06,  1 user,  load average: 30.98, 31.73, 32.47
Tasks: 472 total,   2 running, 470 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  67.4/10.8   78[||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||                      ]
KiB Mem : 65806668 total,  3318964 free, 34830892 used, 27656812 buff/cache
KiB Swap:        0 total,        0 free,        0 used. 30111884 avail Mem 

  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                                                  
22705 root      20   0   18.5g   5.8g  25760 S 389.1  9.3   1317:56 java
46827 root      20   0 2557116 371756  17212 S 238.3  0.6  17288:44 filebeat
44872 root      20   0   19.0g   9.2g  18904 S 169.6 14.6  25432:15 java
55659 root      20   0 8576336 102280  22444 S 160.4  0.2 243:31.13 promtail


  1. 您的应用向 Promtail 跟踪的文件发出一条日志行
  2. Promtail 读取新行并增加其计数器
  3. Promtail 将日志行转发给 distributor,在该 distributor 中应增加收到的计数器
  4. distributor 将日志行转发到 ingester,请求持续时间计数器应在此增加

你可能感兴趣的:(Loki 日志系统分布式部署实践七 promtail 安装)