Formal and informal tones

在雅思General Writing 小作文中,选择合适的语气是一个非常重要的注意事项。


非正式信(Informal letter)示例:

Write a letter to your friend that you shifted to another flat

Describe the reason why you shifted

Describe the new flat and invite him to your new flat

Dear John, 

I'm just writing to let you know that I've moved house.

As you know, I went for an interview for a job here in London. Well, they gave me the position!

It would have been impractical to travel down from Manchester every day, so we've found a house here, in a nice of London call Greenwich.

Our new house isn't ideal. If you ever fancy a trip to London, you're more than welcome to come and stay. It would be great to see you. From where we live, it's only a quick ride on the underground into the city centre, so we could do some sight-seeing together.

Keep in touch!

All the best,


本信Infomal tone总结如下:

Beginning: Dear John

Stating the purpose: I'm just writing to let you know that

Informal choice of language: As you know, Well, prices are crazy, on the bright side, it's got nice big windows, a lovely view, if you ever fancy, great to see you

Use of contractions: I'm, we've, isn't, it's

Ending: Keep in touch! All the best

正式信(Formal letter)示例:

You missed a flight due to a problem at the airport.

Write a letter to the airline. In your letter

Describe what happened that caused you miss the flight

Explain how missing your flight affected you

Make it clear what you would like the airline to you.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to a flight that I missed due to a mistake by one of your employees.

Two weeks ago I was due to catch a flight to Roe, where I intended to spend four days on holidays. Unfortunately, the attendant at the check-in desk gave me a boarding card for a different flight, and I did not notice the mistake until I I arrived at the departure gate and it was too late.

As a result of the error, I was not allowed to board the flight to Rome, and this caused me great inconvenience. I had to book a new flight two later, which meant that I missed two days of holiday and I spent an extra 220 dollars.

As the mistake was caused by your company, I hope that you will compensate me for the cost of the additional flight, as well as for my taxi fares to and from the airport. 

I look forward to receiving your response.

Yours faithfully,


本信Formal tones总结如下:

Beginning: Dear Sir or Madam

Stating the purpose: I am writing with regard to

Formal choice of language: due to, I intended, as a result of, caused me great inconvenience, compensate me, the additional flight

No contractions: I am (not "I'm")

Ending: I look forward to receiving your response. Yours faithfully,


Informal letter:

Beginning: Dear + first name

Friendly greeting: I hope this letter finds you well.

Contractions: I'm, didn't, couldn't, there's...

Questions: Do you remember...? Why don't you...?

Exclamation: ...earlier than I thought it was!

Linking: Well, Anyway, so, and

Phrases: had a great time, couldn't have asked for, working flat out, back to normal

Ending: Hope to see you soon + first name

Formal letter:

Beginning: Dear Sir or Madam

No greeting necessary

No contractions: I am, did not...

Normally avoid direct questions: "I would like" instead of "Can I have?"

No exclamation marks (!)

Linking: However, Consequently, and, also

Phrases and vocabulary: with regard to, appliance, it was installed, the following day, failed to (meaning "didn't"), procedure, he assured me, report the issue, contacted, under warranty, I am entitled to, replacement, phone me personally

Ending: I await your prompt response, Yours faithfully + full name

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