今天MSDN的WEBCAST听的晕晕乎乎,一会儿W主任找我拉家常谈心,Z主任又跑来让我给她修笔记本,搞的我最关心的MOBILE开发的课程没有听好,回来的时候就看到出了一堆题目,果然又是有奖答题,这次的机会是错过了。还好上月移动设备开发黄金周成为幸运观众,微软送本《Windows Mobile手机应用开发》  http://www.msdnwebcast.com.cn/goldweeklucky.aspx ,不知道什么时候能拿到手上。

         对WAP、MMIT的概念还是比较模糊,到网上查了查人家给出如下解释:The Mobile Internet Toolkit (MMIT) from Microsoft is an extension to the .NET Framework and ASP.NET that allows developers to write mobile Web applications that target multiple devices such as cell phones and PDAs. The MMIT frees the developer to concentrate on the application logic and leave the UI rendering to the runtime. (http://www.devx.com/wireless/Article/10148/0/page/1)

       涉及到MIIT也就是Mobile Control的开发,就不能不提到Simulator,Openwave自然是.NET平台上的首选,m3gate好像也不错,大同小异。
      到官网看了介绍:Openwave® Phone Simulator is a free software development kit that makes creating innovative mobile applications even easier. This flexible and powerful programming tool features the latest versions of the Openwave® Mobile Browser and Openwave® Mobile Messaging Client, as well as documentation and sample code for authoring wireless applications using XHTML/CSS and MMS-SMIL.
      Openwave Mobile SDK 1.5 (~53MB) contains:

    • Openwave Phone Simulator 6.2.2 Main Package (5MB)

    • Openwave Phone Simulator 6.2.2 WAP Simulator Plug-in (5MB)

    • Openwave MMS SDK (6.4MB)

    • Openwave Location Studio SDK (3.6MB)

    • Openwave WAP Push Library (1.0 MB)


