UDDI 全球联盟散伙,原有数据保留到06年1月12日.

        今天上MSN看到 uddi.microsfto.com发来的邮件,大意是说UDDI Business Registry (UBR)网站建设已有5年,建设目的是定义标准实现escription, discovery and integration ,并且通过对共享标准的执行来证明交互性,现在目的已经达到了,以后IBM, Microsoft or SAP 要分家了,建立各自的UDDI中心,以前所有数据保留到January 12, 2006.




You are receiving this mail because you have registered as a publisher on the 

Microsoft node of the UDDI Business Registry (UBR). 

The primary goal of the UBR was to prove the interoperability and robustness of 

the UDDI specifications through a public implementation.  This goal was met and 

far exceeded, and now the UBR is discontinuing its operations. As part of this 

process the Microsoft UBR node at uddi.microsoft.com will be permanently 

unavailable for all operations beginning January 12, 2006.  Data stored in the 

UBR may be retrieved until January 12, 2006 and used in accordance with the 

UDDI Business Registry terms of use available at 

http://uddi.microsoft.com/policies/termsofuse.aspx.  You may find the UDDI Data 

Export Wizard useful for retrieving your data, and it is available here: 



For more information, please see the frequently asked questions related to the 

UBR discontinuation at http://uddi.microsoft.com/about/FAQshutdown.htm.  You 

may submit feedback to Microsoft at the following location: 


Thank You,

Microsoft UDDI Team

