ruby on rails_将社交登录集成到Ruby on Rails应用程序中

ruby on rails

I remember the old days when people had to register for an account separately on each website.


It was a boring and tedious process to repetitively enter the same information over and over again on each website's registration page.


Times have changed and so has the way people use their preferred websites and services.


After the advent of the OAuth2 specification, it has become quite a trivial task to allow your users to sign in to your application using a third party service.


Logging in through third party services has become such an important option that if your application does not have it, it seems a bit out-dated.


So, in this tutorial, we are going to learn how to allow your users to log in using their social media accounts.


During the course of this tutorial, you will learn.


  1. Creating an application on Facebook, Github, Google, and Twitter.

  2. Adding login strategies for Facebook, Github, Google, and Twitter to a Rails application.

  3. Writing callbacks to authenticate users upon redirection.


This tutorial assumes you have configured Devise without third party authentication and users are able to use your on-site Devise features. It is beyond the scope of this tutorial to demonsrate how to fully customize Devise and setup it's on-site features. The repository for this tutorial includes the code you need to fully set up and customize Devise along with the code discussed as part of this tutorial.

本教程假定您未使用第三方身份验证配置了Devise,并且用户能够使用您的现场Devise功能。 演示如何完全自定义Devise并设置其现场功能超出了本教程的范围。 本教程的资源库包括完全设置和自定义Devise所需的代码,以及本教程中讨论的代码。

创建应用程序 ( Creating Applications )

Though it is a bit out of scope, however, to round things up nicely, let us have a look at how to create an application through the respective third party websites.


Before we begin creating applications, there is a small bit regarding callback url that we need to talk about as we will need it when registering an application.


Some of the third party OAuth providers require that you specify a callback url when you create an application.


The callback url is used to redirect the user back to your application after they have granted permissions to your application and added it to their account.


Devise works by providing a callback url for each provider that you use.


The callback url follows the convention //auth//callback where provider is the gem name which is used to account for a specific third party login strategy.

回调URL遵循惯例//auth//callback ,其中provider是gem名称,用于说明特定的第三方登录策略。

For example, if my application is hosted at and I have created Devise for the users entity whom I wish to allow to log in using their Twitter account, the callback url, considering the gem name that provides the strategy is twitter, would be

例如,如果我的应用程序托管在http://www.myapp.com并且我已为希望允许使用其Twitter帐户登录的users实体(回调URL)创建了Devise,并考虑了提供的gem名称,该策略是twitter ,即

We are going to confirm the callback routes later in this tutorial once we are done setting up the different providers.


创建一个Facebook应用程序 (Creating a Facebook Application)

Log in to your Facebook account and browse to the url


Facebook Developers Page

I am assuming you have not registered for a Facebook developer account and have never created a Facebook application before.


Click the Register button at the top-right of the page.

单击页面右上方的“ 注册”按钮。

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Accept the Facebook developer agreement(in the modal dialog) by turning the switch to YES and clicking the Register button.

通过将开关转到“是”并单击“ 注册”按钮,接受Facebook开发人员协议(在模式对话框中)。

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Click the Create App ID button that shows up in the same modal dialog.


Facebook Application Details

Fill in the Display Name, and Contact Email fields and click the Create App ID button.

填写“ 显示名称 ”和“ 联系电子邮件”字段,然后单击“ 创建应用程序ID”按钮。

Once your application is created, you will be taken to the application settings page.


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Choose Settings > Basic from the left menu.


Enter localhost in the App Domains field.

在“ 应用程序域”字段中输入localhost

Click the Add Platform button at the bottom of the page.

单击页面底部的“ 添加平台”按钮。

Choose Website as the platform.


Enter http://localhost:3000 in the Site URL field.

在“ 网站URL”字段中输入http://localhost:3000

Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

单击页面底部的“ 保存更改”按钮。

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Choose Dashboard from the left menu.


Note down the App ID, and App Secret shown on the page as they will be needed later.

记下页面上显示的App IDApp Secret ,因为以后将需要它们。

创建一个Github应用程序 (Creating a Github Application)

Log in to your Github account.


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Once you have logged in, click your account avatar at the top-right and choose Settings from the drop-down menu.


On the Settings page, choose Developer settings > OAuth applications from the left menu.

在“ 设置”页面上,从左侧菜单中选择开发者设置> OAuth应用程序

Click the Register a new application button.


Fill in the Application name, Homepage URL, and Application description fields.


Enter http://localhost:3000/users/auth/github/callback in the Authorization callback URL field.


Click the Register application button.


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Once your application is created, you will be taken to the application page.


Note down the Client ID, and Client Secret shown on the page as they will be needed later.

记下页面上显示的Client IDClient Secret ,因为以后将需要它们。

创建一个Google Plus应用程序 (Creating a Google Plus Application)

Log in to your Google account and browse to the url


On the Google developer console, choose Credentials from the left menu.

在Google开发者控制台上,从左侧菜单中选择“ 凭据 ”。

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Click the Create credentials button and choose OAuth client ID from the menu that pops up.


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For your Application type, choose Web application.

对于您的应用程序类型 ,选择Web应用程序

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Fill in the Name field.


Under the Restrictions section, enter http://localhost:3000 in the Authorized JavaScript origins field.

在“ 限制”部分下的“ 授权JavaScript来源”字段中输入http://localhost:3000

Enter http://localhost:3000/users/auth/google_oauth2/callback in the Authorized redirect URIs field and click the Create button.

在“ 授权重定向URI”字段中输入http://localhost:3000/users/auth/google_oauth2/callback ,然后单击“ 创建”按钮。

Google Application Page

Once your application is created, you will be shown the client ID, and client secret in a modal dialog.


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Note down the client ID, and client secret shown in the modal dialog as they will be needed later.

记下在模式对话框中显示的客户端ID客户端密钥 ,因为稍后将需要它们。

创建一个Twitter应用程序 (Creating a Twitter Application)

Log in to your Twitter account and browse to the url


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On the Twitter apps page, click the Create New App button.

在Twitter应用程序页面上,单击“ 创建新应用程序”按钮。

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Fill in the Name, Description, and Website fields.

填写“ 名称” ,“ 描述 ”和“ 网站”字段。

Enter http://localhost:3000/users/auth/twitter/callback in the Callback URL field.

在“ 回调URL”字段中输入http://localhost:3000/users/auth/twitter/callback

Accept the Developer Agreement and click the Create your Twitter application button.

接受开发者协议 ,然后单击创建您的Twitter应用程序按钮。

On the application page, that is shown next, click the Settings tab.

在接下来显示的应用程序页面上,单击“ 设置”选项卡。

Enter a mock url in the Privacy Policy URL, and Terms of Service URL field and click the Update Settings button.

在“ 隐私政策URL ”和“服务条款URL”字段中输入模拟URL ,然后单击“ 更新设置”按钮。

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Click the Permissions tab and change the Access type to Read only.

单击“ 权限”选项卡,然后将“ 访问”类型更改为“ 只读”

Check the Request email addresses from users field under the Additional Permissions section and click the Update Settings button.

检查“ 其他权限”部分下的“ 从用户请求电子邮件地址”字段,然后单击“ 更新设置”按钮。

Click the Keys and Access Tokens tab.

单击“ 密钥和访问令牌”选项卡。

Note down the Consumer Key (API Key), and Consumer Secret (API Secret) shown on the page as they will be needed later.


添加宝石 ( Adding Gems )

We are going to need a number of gems to make authentication through third party providers work.


Apart from that, we are also going to add two additional gems.


The first one will help us store user sessions in the database while the second one will only be used in the development environment to set environment variables.


The reason we will allow our application to save user sessions in the database is because there is a limit to how much data you can store in a session which is four kilo-bytes. Using database as the session store will overcome this limitation.

之所以允许我们的应用程序将用户会话保存在数据库中,是因为会话中可以存储的数据量为4 KB,这是有限制的。 将数据库用作会话存储将克服此限制。

As for using a gem to set environment variables in the development environment, it is because we will be using a lot of third party application information that needs to be kept secret.


Therefore, it is recommended to expose this information to our application as environment variables instead of adding it directly to a configuration file.


Open the file Gemfile and add the following gems.


# Use Devise for authentication
gem 'devise', '~> 4.2'
# Use Omniauth Facebook plugin
gem 'omniauth-facebook', '~> 4.0'
# Use Omniauth Github plugin
gem 'omniauth-github', '~> 1.1', '>= 1.1.2'
# Use Omniauth Google plugin
gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2', '~> 0.4.1'
# Use Omniauth Twitter plugin
gem 'omniauth-twitter', '~> 1.2', '>= 1.2.1'
# Use ActiveRecord Sessions
gem 'activerecord-session_store', '~> 1.0'

We have started off by adding the Devise gem.

我们首先添加了Devise gem。

Devise gem supports integration with Omniauth which is a gem that standardizes third party authentication for Rails applications.

Devise gem支持与Omniauth集成, Omniauth是使Rails应用程序的第三方身份验证标准化的gem。

Therefore, following the Devise gem, we have simply added the Omniauth strategies we need, namely, facebook, github, google-oauth2, and twitter.

因此,紧随Devise gem之后,我们仅添加了所需的Omniauth策略,即facebookgithubgoogle-oauth2twitter

Database sessions are facilitated by the activerecord-session_store gem which has been added towards the bottom.

底部已添加了activerecord-session_store gem,从而促进了数据库会话。

The last gem we need to add is the dotenv gem.


However, since this gem will only be used in the development environment, we need to add it to the development group in the Gemfile.


Open the Gemfile, locate the group :development do declaration, and append the following gem.

打开Gemfile ,找到group :development do声明,然后添加以下gem。

group:development do
  # Use Dotenv for environment variables
  gem 'dotenv', '~> 2.2.1'

All our gems have been added.


Execute the following command at the root of your project to install the added gems.


$ bundleinstall --with development

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We are done as far as the gems for our project are concerned.


设置环境变量 ( Setting Environment Variables )

The dotenv gem we added earlier allows us to create a .env file at the root of our project and set environment variables easily.

前面添加的dotenv gem使我们可以在项目的根目录下创建.env文件,并轻松设置环境变量。

However, if you are using source control like Git, make sure the .env file is ignored and not committed to your repository as it will contain confidential information.


You can however, add a .env.example file with placeholder data for the environment variables and commit it to the repository to show other developers on the project how information needs to be added to the .env file.


Also recall, when creating the third party applications, I instructed you to note down the respective client id and secret which we will be using here.


Create a .env file at the root of your project and add the following code.



The , and needs to be replaced with your application id and secret.


Similarly, replace the remaining placholders with the information provided to you by the respective third parties.


组态 ( Configuration )

For our application configuration, we only need to touch a couple of areas, Devise and the session configuration.


配置设计 (Configuring Devise)

Once we have added our provider application information as environment variables, we need to configure Devise to use it as part of the corresponding provider strategy.


Open the file config/initializers/devise.rb and add the following code.


# ==> OmniAuth
# Add a new OmniAuth provider. Check the wiki for more information on setting
# up on your models and hooks.

config.omniauth :facebook, ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_ID'], ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET'], scope: 'public_profile,email'
config.omniauth :github, ENV['GITHUB_APP_ID'], ENV['GITHUB_APP_SECRET'], scope: 'user,public_repo'
config.omniauth :google_oauth2, ENV['GOOGLE_APP_ID'], ENV['GOOGLE_APP_SECRET'], scope: ',userinfo.profile'
config.omniauth :twitter, ENV['TWITTER_APP_ID'], ENV['TWITTER_APP_SECRET']

You can use the comments in the above code snippet to locate the section of the configuration file where you need to add the Omniauth strategy settings.


The config.omniauth method lets you add and configure an Omniauth strategy.


In our case, we have simply passed the name of the strategy, and the application id and secret using environment variables.


There is also an additional scope parameter which has been added to some of the providers. It helps us specify the amount of control we wish to have over the authenticated user's data.

还有一个附加的scope参数已添加到某些提供程序中。 它有助于我们指定希望对经过身份验证的用户数据进行控制的数量。

The reason the scope parameter is optional is some of the providers allow you to specify the scope when you create an application so there is no need to be explicit in such a case.


Also notice, the strategy names(facebook, github, google_oauth2, and twitter) are the same as the gem name for the respective strategy.

还要注意,策略名称( facebookgithubgoogle_oauth2twitter )与相应策略的gem名称相同。

配置会话 (Configuring Sessions)

Open the file config/initializers/session_store.rb and replace the Rails.application.config.session_store directive with the following code, completely replacing the single line of code contained in the file.


Rails.application.config.session_store :active_record_store, key: '_devise-omniauth_session'

And we are done!


写作迁移 ( Writing Migrations )

In order to allow our users to login using third party providers, we need to update the users table, more generally, the entity table you have generated that Devise uses to authenticate users.


I am going to assume the Devise entity is user but you can very well replace this entity name for your case.


We are also going to create a table to store user sessions.


更新用户表迁移 (Update Users Table Migration)

Execute the following command at the root of your project to generate a update users table migration.


$ rails generate migration update_users

Open the file db/migrate/update_users.rb and add the following code.


class UpdateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    add_column(:users, :provider, :string, limit: 50, null: false, default: '')
    add_column(:users, :uid, :string, limit: 500, null: false, default: '')

The provider and uid fields help to identify a user uniquely as this pair will always have unique values.


For our case, the provider can be Facebook, Github, Google, or Twitter and the uid will be the user id assigned to a user by any of these third parties.

对于我们的情况,提供者可以是FacebookGithubGoogleTwitter ,而uid将是由任何第三方分配给用户的用户ID。

创建会话表迁移 (Create Sessions Table Migration)

Execute the following command at the root of your project to generate a create sessions table migration.


$ rails generate migration create_sessions

Rails Generate Migration Command

Open the file db/migrate/create_sessions.rb and add the following code.


class CreateSessions < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :sessions do |t|
      t.string :session_id, null: false
      t.text :data

    add_index :sessions, :session_id, unique: true
    add_index :sessions, :updated_at

Our sessions table stores the session id and data with timestamps.


We have also added an index to the session_id and updated_at fields respectively as it will help with searching user sessions when they return to our application.


迁移数据库 (Migrating the Database)

Execute the following command at the root of your project to migrate the database.


$ rails db:migrate

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You may go ahead and browse the database to make sure the respective tables were created and updated.


更新用户模型 ( Updating User Model )

We are going to add a method to our user model that will create the user record in the database using the data provided by the third party provider.


We also need to register the Omniauth strategies in our user model so that they are picked up by Devise.


Again, your Devise entity may be different and so will be the model's file name.


Open the file app/models/user.rb and add the following code.


class User < ApplicationRecord
  # Include default devise modules. Others available are:
  # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable
  devise  :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
        :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable,
        :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable,
        :omniauthable, omniauth_providers: [:facebook, :github, :google_oauth2, :twitter]

  def self.create_from_provider_data(provider_data)
    where(provider: provider_data.provider, uid: provider_data.uid).first_or_create do | user | =
      user.password = Devise.friendly_token[0, 20]

The omniauth_providers array passed to the devise method helps us register the Omniauth strategies.


The array contains symbolized names of the strategies. These names come from and should be same as the gem name for the respective Omniauth strategy.

该数组包含策略的符号名称。 这些名称来自各个Omniauth策略的gem名称,并且应该与它们的gem名称相同。

The create_from_provider_data method is passed the data provided by the third party and is used to create the user in the database.


The user is first searched using the provider string and user id(uid) by the first_or_create method.

首先通过first_or_create方法使用provider字符串和用户id( uid )搜索用户。

The first_or_create method would either fetch the user if it found in the database or create it if it is not present.


Inside the first_or_create block, we have simply set the user attributes from the provider data, which for our case is only the user's email.


There are two parts worth mentioning inside the block.


The first one is the user.password = Devise.friendly_token[0, 20] which sets an arbitrary password for the user since it is not exposed by the provider and is required to create a user.

第一个是user.password = Devise.friendly_token[0, 20] ,它为用户设置了任意密码,因为提供者未公开该密码,而创建用户则需要该密码。

The second one is the user.skip_confirmation! declaration which skips the user email verification process since it has already been verified by the respective provider.

第二个是user.skip_confirmation! 声明,由于相应的提供者已经对其进行了验证,因此跳过了用户电子邮件验证过程。

If you have added other fields to your Devise entity table such as first_name, last_name, and date of birth, you can set these fields to the corresponding field values in the third party provider data.

如果您已将其他字段(例如first_namelast_namedate of birth添加到Devise实体表中,则可以将这些字段设置为第三方提供程序数据中的相应字段值。

回调控制器 ( The Callbacks Controller )

What we need to work on next is to add the controller that will be handling the third party redirects back to our application.


Execute the following command to generate an Omniauth callbacks controller.


$ rails generate controller users/omniauth

Rails Generate Controller Command

I have appended users/ before the controller name to generate it under a directory same as the Devise entity.

我在控制器名称之前附加了users/ ,以在与Devise实体相同的目录下生成它。

You can change it based on your Devise entity or if you are using multiple Devise entities, you can altogether skip adding the controller under a separate directory by simply executing rails generate controller omniauth.

您可以根据自己的Devise实体进行更改,或者如果您正在使用多个Devise实体,则可以通过简单地执行rails generate controller omniauth来完全跳过将控制器添加到单独的目录下的rails generate controller omniauth

It is a Devise convention to create a controller method named as the strategy that it will be handling the callback for so we will need to add four methods named facebook, github, google_oauth2, and twitter respectively to our Omniauth controller.


The controller actions that follow should be added to the app/controllers/users/omniauth_controller.rb file that we have just created.


Facebook回调 (Facebook Callback)

# facebook callback
def facebook
  @user = User.create_from_provider_data(request.env['omniauth.auth'])
  if @user.persisted?
    sign_in_and_redirect @user
    set_flash_message(:notice, :success, kind: 'Facebook') if is_navigational_format?
    flash[:error] = 'There was a problem signing you in through Facebook. Please register or try signing in later.'
    redirect_to new_user_registration_url

The user data provided by the third party is available to our application in the request environment variable request.env['omniauth.auth'] so we have passed it to the create_from_provider_data method we created earlier.

在请求环境变量request.env['omniauth.auth'] ,第三方提供的用户数据可用于我们的应用程序,因此我们已将其传递给我们先前创建的create_from_provider_data方法。

If the user is saved to the database, we set a flash message using the set_flash_message helper method provided by Devise, sign the user in and redirect them to their homepage.


In case the user is not saved to the database, a flash error message is set and the user is redirected to the registration page.


The code for the remaining provider callbacks is very similar, other than the flash message text.


Github回调 (Github Callback)

# github callback
def github
  @user = User.create_from_github_data(request.env['omniauth.auth'])
  if @user.persisted?
    sign_in_and_redirect @user
    set_flash_message(:notice, :success, kind: 'Github') if is_navigational_format?
    flash[:error] = 'There was a problem signing you in through Github. Please register or try signing in later.'
    redirect_to new_user_registration_url

Google回调 (Google Callback)

# google callback
def google_oauth2
  @user = User.create_from_google_data(request.env['omniauth.auth'])
  if @user.persisted?
    sign_in_and_redirect @user
    set_flash_message(:notice, :success, kind: 'Google') if is_navigational_format?
    flash[:error] = 'There was a problem signing you in through Google. Please register or try signing in later.'
    redirect_to new_user_registration_url

Twitter回调 (Twitter Callback)

# twitter callback
def twitter
  @user = User.create_from_twitter_data(request.env['omniauth.auth'])
  if @user.persisted?
    sign_in_and_redirect @user
    set_flash_message(:notice, :success, kind: 'Twitter') if is_navigational_format?
    flash[:error] = 'There was a problem signing you in through Twitter. Please register or try signing in later.'
    redirect_to new_user_registration_url

失败回调 (Failure Callback)

Apart from the respective provider callbacks, we also need to add a failure callback which Devise will execute for all cases where authentication fails for some reason.


It could be that the redirection failed or the user did not grant permissions to your application.


Add the following failure callback, below the provider callbacks we added earlier.


def failure
  flash[:error] = 'There was a problem signing you in. Please register or try signing in later.' 
  redirect_to new_user_registration_url

You might think that we need to add the appropriate links to redirect users to third party applications to allow them to sign in to our application but this is taken care of by Devise.


Open the file app/views/devise/shared/_links.html.erb and locate the following code snippet.


<%- if devise_mapping.omniauthable? %>
  <%- resource_class.omniauth_providers.each do |provider| %>
    <%= link_to "Sign in with #{OmniAuth::Utils.camelize(provider)}", omniauth_authorize_path(resource_name, provider) %><br />
  <% end -%>
<% end -%>

The above code snippet checks your Omniauth setup and auto-generates the required links.


Since this shared view is rendered on the sessions/new view, your users have the option to sign in using your configured providers.


Isn't Devise a thing of beauty?


添加路线 ( Adding Routes )

The last piece of the puzzle is to set up the application routes.


Throughout this post, I have assumed that you have an on-site Devise implementation configured and fully functional.


So, there is a possibility you may already have the following route added to your routes file.


However, what you need to focus on is the additional controllers parameter which is used to specify the callbacks controller and will not be present in the route declaration that you have already added.


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  devise_for :users, controllers: { omniauth_callbacks: 'users/omniauth' }

Once you have configured the routes, you can execute the following command to make sure the callback urls were set up correctly.


$ rails routes

Rails Routes

Voila! we are all set up to test our application.

瞧! 我们都准备测试我们的应用程序。

社交时间 ( Time to Socialize )

We have successfully added third party login through Facebook, Github, Google, and Twitter to our application.


It is time to take it out for a test drive.


Recall that we are using the dotenv gem in our development environment so the command to execute our rails application changes slightly based on that since we also want to set the environment variables to be available to our application.

回想一下,我们在development环境中使用了dotenv gem,因此执行Rails应用程序的命令会基于此稍有变化,因为我们还希望将环境变量设置为可用于我们的应用程序。

Execute the following command to start your rails application.


$ dotenv rails server

ruby on rails_将社交登录集成到Ruby on Rails应用程序中_第16张图片

Browse to Devise's user login page and you should see the text "Sign in with..." for each of the providers we set up.


Here is a screenshot of how it looks with Devise's primitive set up.


ruby on rails_将社交登录集成到Ruby on Rails应用程序中_第17张图片

Go ahead and try signing in.


You will be taken to the third party provider's webpage where you will be prompted to grant your application access to the user's data.


Once you have done that, you will be taken back to your application, to the user's homepage, with a flash message notifying you of successful sign in.


Here is a screenshot of when the Sign in with Facebook link is clicked through.

这是单击“ 使用Facebook登录”链接时的屏幕截图。

Facebook Permissions Page

幕布 ( Curtains )

Adding a third party login option to your application is a nice touch and further enhances your application.


Though we have targeted four of the most famous of the lot, you are free to get your hands dirty and try the others available.


The Omniauth gem's wiki has a comprehensive list of the strategies available and you should probably get to playing around with them.

Omniauth gem的 Wiki提供了可用策略的完整列表,您可能应该开始使用它们。

I hope you found this tutorial interesting and knowledgeable. Until my next piece, happy coding!

我希望您发现本教程有趣且知识丰富。 直到我的下一篇文章,祝您编程愉快!


ruby on rails
