


Assemble所做的事情很纯粹,那就是创建站点页面实例 - pageState。 因为支持多站点,contentMaps有多个。 所以Assemble不仅要创建pageState,还需要管理好所有的pages,这就用到了PageMaps。

type pageMap struct {
	s *Site
type pageMaps struct {
	workers *para.Workers
	pmaps   []*pageMap

实际上pageMap就是由contentMap组合而来的。 而contentMap中的组成树的结点就是contentNode。


type contentNode struct {
	p *pageState
	// Set if source is a file.
	// We will soon get other sources.
	fi hugofs.FileMetaInfo
	// The source path. Unix slashes. No leading slash.
	path string




type pageState struct {
	// This slice will be of same length as the number of global slice of output
	// formats (for all sites).
	pageOutputs []*pageOutput
	// This will be shifted out when we start to render a new output format.
	// Common for all output formats.

从注解中可以看出普通信息将由pageCommon提供,而输出信息则由pageOutput提供。 比较特殊的是pageOutputs,是pageOutput的数组。 在 基础架构中,对这一点有作分析。 这要归因于Hugo的多站点渲染策略 - 允许在不同的站点中重用其它站点的页面。

// hugo-playground/hugolib/page__new.go
// line 97
// Prepare output formats for all sites.
// We do this even if this page does not get rendered on
// its own. It may be referenced via .Site.GetPage and
// it will then need an output format.
ps.pageOutputs = make([]*pageOutput, len(ps.s.h.renderFormats))



从上图中,可以看出Assemble阶段主要是新建pageState。 其中pageOutput在这一阶段只是一个占位符,空的nopPageOutput。 pageCommon则是在这一阶段给赋予了很多的信息,像meta相关的信息,及各种细节信息的providers。

动手实践 - Show Me the Code of Create a PageState 

package main
import (
func main() {
	outputFormats := createOutputFormats()
	renderFormats := initRenderFormats(outputFormats)
	s := &site{
		outputFormats: outputFormats,
		renderFormats: renderFormats,
	ps := &pageState{
		pageOutputs: nil,
		pageOutput:  nil,
		pageCommon:  &pageCommon{m: &pageMeta{kind: KindPage}},
	// prepare
	ps.pageOutput = ps.pageOutputs[0]
	// render
type site struct {
	outputFormats map[string]Formats
	renderFormats Formats
type pageState struct {
	// This slice will be of same length as the number of global slice of output
	// formats (for all sites).
	pageOutputs []*pageOutput
	// This will be shifted out when we start to render a new output format.
	// Common for all output formats.
func (p *pageState) init(s *site) {
	pp := newPagePaths(s)
	p.pageOutputs = make([]*pageOutput, len(s.renderFormats))
	for i, f := range s.renderFormats {
		ft, found := pp.targetPaths[f.Name]
		if !found {
			panic("target path not found")
		providers := struct{ targetPather }{ft}
		po := &pageOutput{
			f:                      f,
			pagePerOutputProviders: providers,
			ContentProvider:        nil,
		contentProvider := newPageContentOutput(po)
		po.ContentProvider = contentProvider
		p.pageOutputs[i] = po
func newPageContentOutput(po *pageOutput) *pageContentOutput {
	cp := &pageContentOutput{
		f: po.f,
	initContent := func() {
		cp.content = template.HTML("

hello content

") } cp.initMain = func() { initContent() } return cp } func newPagePaths(s *site) pagePaths { outputFormats := s.renderFormats targets := make(map[string]targetPathsHolder) for _, f := range outputFormats { target := "/" + "blog" + "/" + f.BaseName + "." + f.MediaType.SubType paths := TargetPaths{ TargetFilename: target, } targets[f.Name] = targetPathsHolder{ paths: paths, } } return pagePaths{ targetPaths: targets, } } type pagePaths struct { targetPaths map[string]targetPathsHolder } type targetPathsHolder struct { paths TargetPaths } func (t targetPathsHolder) targetPaths() TargetPaths { return t.paths } type pageOutput struct { f Format // These interface provides the functionality that is specific for this // output format. pagePerOutputProviders ContentProvider // May be nil. cp *pageContentOutput } // pageContentOutput represents the Page content for a given output format. type pageContentOutput struct { f Format initMain func() content template.HTML } func (p *pageContentOutput) Content() any { p.initMain() return p.content } // these will be shifted out when rendering a given output format. type pagePerOutputProviders interface { targetPather } type targetPather interface { targetPaths() TargetPaths } type TargetPaths struct { // Where to store the file on disk relative to the publish dir. OS slashes. TargetFilename string } type ContentProvider interface { Content() any } type pageCommon struct { m *pageMeta } type pageMeta struct { // kind is the discriminator that identifies the different page types // in the different page collections. This can, as an example, be used // to to filter regular pages, find sections etc. // Kind will, for the pages available to the templates, be one of: // page, home, section, taxonomy and term. // It is of string type to make it easy to reason about in // the templates. kind string } func initRenderFormats( outputFormats map[string]Formats) Formats { return outputFormats[KindPage] } func createOutputFormats() map[string]Formats { m := map[string]Formats{ KindPage: {HTMLFormat}, } return m } const ( KindPage = "page" ) var HTMLType = newMediaType("text", "html") // HTMLFormat An ordered list of built-in output formats. var HTMLFormat = Format{ Name: "HTML", MediaType: HTMLType, BaseName: "index", } func newMediaType(main, sub string) Type { t := Type{ MainType: main, SubType: sub, Delimiter: "."} return t } type Type struct { MainType string `json:"mainType"` // i.e. text SubType string `json:"subType"` // i.e. html Delimiter string `json:"delimiter"` // e.g. "." } type Format struct { // The Name is used as an identifier. Internal output formats (i.e. HTML and RSS) // can be overridden by providing a new definition for those types. Name string `json:"name"` MediaType Type `json:"-"` // The base output file name used when not using "ugly URLs", defaults to "index". BaseName string `json:"baseName"` } type Formats []Format



hello content

page Program exited.






可以看到,在render阶段,pageState的pageOutput得到了最终的处理,为发布做准备了。 为了发布,最重的信息是发布什么,以及发布到哪里去。 这些信息都在pageOutput中,其中ContentProvider是提供发布内容的,而targetPathsProvider则是提供发布地址信息的。 其中地址信息主要来源于PagePath,这又和站点的RenderFormats和OutputFormats相关,哪下图所示:


其中OutputFormats, RenderFormats及PageOutput之间的关系有在 基础架构中有详细提到,这里就不再赘述。

// We create a pageOutput for every output format combination, even if this
// particular page isn't configured to be rendered to that format.
type pageOutput struct {
	// These interface provides the functionality that is specific for this
	// output format.
	// May be nil.
	cp *pageContentOutput

其中pageContentOutput正是实现了ContentProvider接口的实例。 其中有包含markdown文件原始信息的workContent字段,以及包含处理过后的内容content字段。 如Hugo Shortcode特性。 就是在这里经过contentToRender方法将原始信息进行处理,而最终实现的。

动手实践 - Show Me the Code of Publish

package main
import (
// publisher needs to know:
// 1: what to publish
// 2: where to publish
func main() {
	// 1
	// src is template executed result
	// it is the source that we need to publish
	// take a look at template executor example
	// https://c.sunwei.xyz/template-executor.html
	src := &bytes.Buffer{}
	src.Write([]byte("template executed result"))
	b := &bytes.Buffer{}
	transformers := createTransformerChain()
	if err := transformers.Apply(b, src); err != nil {
	dir, _ := os.MkdirTemp("", "hugo")
	defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
	// 2
	// targetPath is from pageState
	// this is where we need to publish
	// take a look at page state example
	// https://c.sunwei.xyz/page-state.html
	targetPath := filepath.Join(dir, "index.html")
	if err := os.WriteFile(
		bytes.TrimSuffix(b.Bytes(), []byte("\n")),
		os.ModePerm); err != nil {
	fmt.Println("1. what to publish: ", string(b.Bytes()))
	fmt.Println("2. where to publish: ", dir)
func (c *Chain) Apply(to io.Writer, from io.Reader) error {
	fb := &bytes.Buffer{}
	if _, err := fb.ReadFrom(from); err != nil {
		return err
	tb := &bytes.Buffer{}
	ftb := &fromToBuffer{from: fb, to: tb}
	for i, tr := range *c {
		if i > 0 {
			panic("switch from/to and reset to")
		if err := tr(ftb); err != nil {
	_, err := ftb.to.WriteTo(to)
	return err
func createTransformerChain() Chain {
	transformers := NewEmpty()
	transformers = append(transformers, func(ft FromTo) error {
		content := ft.From().Bytes()
		w := ft.To()
		tc := bytes.Replace(
			[]byte("result"), []byte("transferred result"), 1)
		_, _ = w.Write(tc)
		return nil
	return transformers
// Chain is an ordered processing chain. The next transform operation will
// receive the output from the previous.
type Chain []Transformer
// Transformer is the func that needs to be implemented by a transformation step.
type Transformer func(ft FromTo) error
// FromTo is sent to each transformation step in the chain.
type FromTo interface {
	From() BytesReader
	To() io.Writer
// BytesReader wraps the Bytes method, usually implemented by bytes.Buffer, and an
// io.Reader.
type BytesReader interface {
	// Bytes The slice given by Bytes is valid for use only until the next buffer modification.
	// That is, if you want to use this value outside of the current transformer step,
	// you need to take a copy.
	Bytes() []byte
// NewEmpty creates a new slice of transformers with a capacity of 20.
func NewEmpty() Chain {
	return make(Chain, 0, 2)
// Implements contentTransformer
// Content is read from the from-buffer and rewritten to to the to-buffer.
type fromToBuffer struct {
	from *bytes.Buffer
	to   *bytes.Buffer
func (ft fromToBuffer) From() BytesReader {
	return ft.from
func (ft fromToBuffer) To() io.Writer {
	return ft.to


1. what to publish:  template executed transferred result
2. where to publish:  /tmp/hugo2834984546
Program exited.


以上就是go开源Hugo站点构建三步曲之集结渲染的详细内容,更多关于go Hugo站点构建集结渲染的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!
