Great Presentation on Data-Oriented Design



A few days ago, Tony Albrecht posted the slides of his presentation titled “Pitfalls of Object-Oriented Design” [1]. Even though the title is really broad and could easily be misinterpreted, it’s not just a general bash on OOD. Instead, it’s very much focused on how object-oriented design is not a good match for high-performance apps (games) on modern hardware architectures with slow memory access and deep memory hierarchies. His proposed solution: Data-oriented design. Spot on!

If you haven’t seen the presentation, go download it right now. It’s really well put together and he has some great detailed examples on how caches are affected with traditional object-oriented design vs. a more data-oriented approach.

[1] Thanks to Christer Ericson for pointing that out.


Related posts:

  1. Data-Oriented Design (Or Why You Might Be Shooting Yourself in The Foot With OOP)

