每日术语总结 - 能源报告 (5.17)


中国可再生能源规模化发展项目    China Renewable Energy Scale-up Program (CRESP)

可再生能源电力配额机制    Renewable Portforlia Standard

配额制    RPS

可再生能源电力配额    renewable electricity quota

可再生能源    renewable energy

非化石能源    non-fossil energy

标准煤    standard coal

发电燃料    power fuel

生物液体燃料    liquid biofuel

一次能源    primary energy

光伏组件    PV modules

增量替代    incremental substitution

存量替代    inventory substitution

弃水    hydropower curtailment

弃风    wind power curtailment

最低保障收购小时数    minimum hours of guaranteed acquisition

限电    power restrictions

逆向分布    reverse distribution

通道    transmission lines

“三北”地区    Northeast/North/Northwest China

爬坡率    ramp rate

以热定电    power generation based on heat

售电量    electricity sales

交叉补贴    cross-subsidization

批发电力市场    power wholesale market

电力现货市场    spot power market

绿色证书    Green Certificate

上网    grid connection

总装机容量    gross installed capacity

发电量    electricity generation

终端电力用户    End users of electricity

并网消纳    Grid-connected consumption

国家能源局    National Energy Administration

Guiding Opinions on Establishing a Target Guidance System for the Development and Utilization of Renewable Energy

《可再生能源法》    Renewable Energy Law

倒逼机制    Forced mechanism

允许弃风率    Allowable rate of wind power curtailment

火电机组    Thermal power unit

自备机组    Self-contained unit

年利用小时数    Annual utilization hours

自备电厂企业    Self-supply power plants

非水可再生能源电力    non-hydro renewable electricity

特高压直流通道    UHV DC transmission line

并网装机容量    Grid-connected installed capacity

固定差价补贴模式    Fixed price difference subsidy model

绿色电力证书交易体系    Green electricity certificate trading mechanism

国家可再生能源发展基金    National Renewable Energy Development Fund

最低保障性收购    guaranteed minimum purchase

超低排放煤电    Coal-fired power of ultra-low emission

集中式风电    Centralized wind power

上网电价    on-grid tariff

附加基金    Surcharge funds

配额指标体系    Quota indicator system

燃煤锅炉    Coal-fired boiler

《能源生产和消费革命战略》    Revolutionary Strategy of Energy Production and Consumption

人均用电量法    Per capita electricity consumption method

弹性系数法    Elastic coefficient method

产值单耗法    Unit consumption method

送端    Sending end

受端    Receiving end

《可再生能源发展“十三五”规划》    13th Five-Year Plan for Renewable Energy Development

Guiding Opinions on Implementation of the "13th FYP" for Renewable Energy Development

约束性配额指标    Binding quota indicators

激励性配额指标    Incentive quota indicators

电力净输出地区    Net power output areas

平水年份    normal-flow year

配额义务    quota obligation

配额完成情况    quota performance

配额指标    quota indicator

省级/地方/国家能源主管部门    provincial/local/national energy authority

国务院能源主管部门    Energy Authority of the State Council

保障性收购    guaranteed purchase

陆上风电    onshore wind power

海上风电    offshore wind power

光伏发电    photovoltaic power

可再生能源的并网    grid connection of renewable energy

绿色电力证书    green electricity certificate

自愿绿色证书政策    Voluntary green certificate policy 

绿色证书制度的衔接    linkage with the green certificate system

自愿绿色证书政策衔接    linkage with the voluntary green certificate policy

民间绿色能源消费需求    private consumption demand for green energy

electricity distribution companies with the right to operate distribution network ("distribution companies")

标杆电价    benchmark tariff

自发自用电量    quantity of self-generated and self-used electricity

on-grid electricity production by grid-connected renewable electricity generation projects

统购统销    unified purchase and sale

可再生能源强制上网制度    feed-in tariff for renewable energy

可再生能源发电实施全额保障性收购制度    guaranteed full purchase of renewable electricity

可再生能源绿色电力证书交易机制    Renewable green electricity certificate trading mechanism

Prediction of renewable electricity generation and consumption capacity

配额监测考核方式    quota monitoring and assessment

配额交易    quota trading 

配额交易组织方式    organization way of quota trading

配额监测考核方式及奖罚措施    quota monitoring and assessment mode

配额补偿金标准    the quota compensation standard

quota implementation mechanism for the operation areas of power grid enterprises

广州电力交易中心    Guangzhou Electric Power Trading Center

北京电力交易中心    Beijing Electric Power Trading Center

南方电网公司    China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd.

China National Renewable Energy Information Management Center

绿色标识    green logo

电力交易机构    electricity trading agency

电网企业    power grid enterprises

可再生能源电力配额实施方 案    Renewable Electricity Quota Execution Plan

可再生能源电力    Renewable Electricity

临时性核减机制    Temporary accounting mechanism

终端销售电价    Terminal sales tariff

售电电价    Sales tariff

美国风能协会    American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)

美国加利福尼亚州自动电力交易所    California Automated Power Exchange

可再生能源证书    Renewable Energy Certificate

欧盟可再生能源法令    EU Renewable Energy Directive

配额义务主体    Quota obligation entities

电力零售供应商    Electricity retailer

销售绿色证书合同    Contract on sales of green certificate

绿色电力证书交易系统    Green Electricity Certificate Trading System

德克萨斯州公用事业委员会    Public Utilities Commission of Texas (PUCT)

德克萨斯州电力可靠性协会    Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)

电力零售商    Power retailer

发电商    Generator

德克萨斯州公用事业监管法    Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of Texas

可交易的可再生能源义务证书    tradable renewable energy obligation certificate

英国能源与气候变化部    UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)

买断价格    Buyout price

英国天然气和电力市场监管办公室    UK Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem)

建筑光伏    Building PV

地面光伏    Terrestrial PV

零售价格指数    Retail price index (RPI)

滞纳金    Late fees

绿色证书买断缴纳费用返还机制    Refund mechanism for buyout payment of green certificate


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