笃学奖-topic 4-A14571-甘比精读



Cardiac arrest:

:absence of systole

: asystole  cardiopulmonary arrest

Eg.Recent findings: Cardiac arrest and ventricular fibrillation in children are not as uncommon as previously reported.




Doctors have met to discuss computer-based tools for medical diagnosis, training and telemedicine.

characteristic or indicative of a disease

Diagnostic equipment, methods, or systems are used for discovering what is wrong with people who are ill or with things that do not work properly

e.g. a diagnostic sign of yellow fever

concerned with diagnosis

e.g. a diagnostic reading test


Wearable clothes are practical, comfortable, and suitable for ordinary people to wear, rather than being very unusual or extreme. e.g.It's fashionable but wearable, and it's easy to look after.


A sensor is an instrument which reacts to certain physical conditions or impressions such as heat or light, and which is used to provide information.

e.g.The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor.

Recite :

If you recite something such as a list, you say it aloud.

e.g.All he could do was recite a list of Government failings...


the act of reviving a person and returning them to consciousness

e.g. Although he was apparently drowned, resuscitation was accomplished by artificial respiration


- A grubby person or object is rather dirty.

e.g.His white coat was grubby and stained.

e.g....kids with grubby faces.

If you call an activity or someone's behaviour grubby, you mean that it is not completely honest or respectable.

e.g....the grubby business of politics.

In the near future she will probably help doctors with grubby hands to take notes and to request scans ,as well as remind patients to take their pills.


Eg. Fortunately there is a way forward for Italy: deep and comprehensive reformsto its over-regulated economy.

Eg .Furthermore, Brazil is held back by an over-regulated labour market, a highly complex tax system and crumbling infrastructure.


If a process or movement gains momentum, it keeps developing or happening more quickly and keeps becoming less likely to stop.

e.g. This campaign is really gaining momentum...

In physics, momentum is the mass of a moving object multiplied by its speed in a particular direction

Eg, A falling object gains momentum as it falls.


If the amount, value, level, or volume of something soars, it quickly increases by a great deal.

e.g....figures showed customer complaints had soared to record levels and profits were falling.

If something such as a bird soars into the air, it goes quickly up into the air.

e.g.If you're lucky, a splendid golden eagle may soar into view...

Trees or buildings that soar upwards are very tall.

e.g.The steeple soars skyward.

If music soars, it rises greatly in volume or pitch.

e.g.The music soared to the rafters, carrying its listeners' hearts...

If your spirits soar, you suddenly start to feel very happy.

e.g.For the first time in months, my spirits soared.


To innovate means to introduce changes and new ideas in the way something is done or made.

e.g....his constant desire to innovate and experiment.


Expenditure is the spending of money on something, or the money that is spent on something.

e.g.Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure...

Expenditure of something such as time or energy is the using of that thing for a particular purpose.

e.g.The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort.


having seven units or components,seven times

Eg. The population of this village increased sevenfold in the past 100 years

a fraction of=a part of ,for a while

She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding

Eliminating a fraction of this sum is a huge opportunity
Consumers seem readier to accept digital products than just a few years ago.

health-care value chain

traditional innovators

pharmaceutical :

parmaceutical means connected with the industrial production of medicine.

e.g... .a Swiss pharmaceutical company... Pharmaceuticals are medicines.

e.g.Antibiotics were of no use, neither were other pharmaceuticals

You can refer to something's bulk when you want to emphasize that it is very large.

e.g.The truck pulled out of the lot, its bulk unnerving against the dawn.

You can refer to a large person's body or to their weight or size as their bulk .

e.g.Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.

The bulk of something is most of it.

e.g.The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents...

If you buy or sell something in bulk, you buy or sell it in large quantities.

e.g.Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.



VERB .If you prod someone or something, you give them a quick push with your finger or with a pointed object.

e.g.He prodded Murray with the shotgun...

e.g.Cathy was prodding at a boiled egg.

VERB .If you prod someone into doing something, you remind or persuade them to do it.

e.g.The report should prod the Government into spending more on the Health Service...

blockbuster :

N-COUNT 轰动一时的电影;一度热卖的畅销书 A blockbuster is a film or book that is very popular and successful, usually because it is very exciting

Eg.He has opened two more restaurant clubs in Beijing and has appeared in several blockbuster Chinese movies.


N-UNCOUNT 胰岛素 Insulin is a substance that most people produce naturally in their body and which controls the level of sugar in their blood.

e.g.In diabetes the body produces insufficient insulin.


ADV .Verily is an old-fashioned or religious word meaning 'truly'. It is used to emphasize a statement or opinion.

e.g.Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.


N-COUNT .A backdrop is a large piece of cloth, often with scenery painted on it, that is hung at the back of a stage while a play is being performed.

N-COUNT The backdrop to an object or a scene is what you see behind it.

e.g.Leeds Castle will provide a dramatic backdrop to a fireworks display next Saturday...

N-COUNT  The backdrop to an event is the general situation in which it happens.

e.g.The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability.

deliver on:

Evidence of reliability lies in the consistency with which we deliver on commitment, promises and statements.

We have of course arranged patent protection.

patient outcomes 病人恢复结果


ADJ-GRADED 获利多的;赚大钱的 A lucrative activity, job, or business deal is very profitable.

e.g.Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.


N-UNCOUNT 超声波 Ultrasound is sound waves which travel at such a high frequency that they cannot be heard by humans. Ultrasound is used in medicine to get pictures of the inside of people's bodies.

e.g.I had an ultrasound scan to see how the pregnancy was progressing.


N-COUNT (用于筛查乳腺癌的)乳房X光造影检查 A mammogram is a test used to check whether women have breast cancer, using x-rays.

Another reason for the decline in breast cancer deaths, however, is delayed diagnosis due to the fact that many women are not getting their yearly X-ray or mammogram.


equivalent to :

Repair rate is low, equivalent to the owners save a lot of money and time.

The amount of solar energy used in Tibet each year is equivalent to that provided by 130,000 tons of standard coal.


N-COUNT A hedge is a row of bushes or small trees, usually along the edge of a garden, field, or road.

VERB If you hedge against something unpleasant or unwanted that might affect you, especially losing money, you do something which will protect you from it.

V n e.g.You can hedge against redundancy or illness with insurance...

e.g.Today's clever financial instruments make it possible for firms to hedge their risks.


N-COUNT Something that is a hedge against something unpleasant will protect you from its effects.

e.g.Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation.

VERB .If you hedge, you avoid answering a question or committing yourself to a particular action or decision.

e.g.They hedged in answering various questions about the operation...

e.g.'I can't give you an answer now,' he hedged.

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