using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using OWC10;
using cncic.kmp.DataBase;
using CI_Components.Price;
namespace WebAppCI_Portal.UI.Price
/// <summary>
/// Author: Lance
/// Notes: General Chart
/// Summary description for $codebehindclassname$
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class PPChart : IHttpHandler
public String Sjzq = string.Empty;
private void doPost(HttpContext context, HttpRequest Request, HttpResponse Response, HttpServerUtility Server)
string id = DotNet.Common.Utilities.myUtils.StringUtils1.InputText(Request.QueryString["id"], 20);
string n = DotNet.Common.Utilities.myUtils.StringUtils1.InputText(Request.QueryString["n"], 20);
string t1 = DotNet.Common.Utilities.myUtils.StringUtils1.InputText(Request.QueryString["t1"], 20);
string t2 = DotNet.Common.Utilities.myUtils.StringUtils1.InputText(Request.QueryString["t2"], 20);
string pids = DotNet.Common.Utilities.myUtils.StringUtils1.InputText(Request.QueryString["pids"], 50);
string tf = Request.QueryString["tf"];
Sjzq = tf.Trim();
string pnames = Request.QueryString["pname"];
ShowCharX(id, n, t1, t2, pids, context, tf,pnames);
private string GetTableName(params object[] otmp)
string sqlcmd = string.Empty;
string id = otmp[0].ToString();
string n = otmp[1].ToString();
string t1 = otmp[2].ToString();
string t2 = otmp[3].ToString();
string pids = otmp[4].ToString();
pids = pids.Substring(0, pids.Length - 1);
HttpContext context = (HttpContext)otmp[5];
string tableName = string.Empty;
switch (int.Parse(n))
case 0:
tableName = "T_Ccjg";
case 1:
tableName = "T_dqjg";
case 2:
tableName = "t_pfjg";
case 3:
tableName = "t_ckjg";
case 4:
tableName = "t_jkjg";
return tableName;
/// <summary>
/// 基本格式:
/// select * from dbo.T_Ccjg where productId ={0} {1}
/// Colums:
/// bjrq,jg
/// </summary>
/// <param name="otmp"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string GetSql(params object[] otmp)
string sqlcmd = string.Empty;
string id = otmp[0].ToString();
string n = otmp[1].ToString();
string t1 = otmp[2].ToString();
string t2 = otmp[3].ToString();
string pids = otmp[4].ToString();
pids = pids.Substring(0, pids.Length - 1);
pids = pids.Replace('`', ',');
HttpContext context = (HttpContext)otmp[5];
string sqlcmd0 = @" select bjrq,datepart(yy,bjrq) as yy,datepart(mm,bjrq) as mm,datepart(dd,bjrq)dd,sum(jg)/count(1) jg,productId from
group by bjrq,productId
order by bjrq";
sqlcmd = @" select convert(varchar(11),bjrq,120) bjrq,sum(jg)/count(1) jg,productId from {0}
group by convert(varchar(11),bjrq,120),jg,productId ";
switch (int.Parse(n))
case 0:
sqlcmd = string.Format(sqlcmd, " dbo.T_Ccjg where productId in {0} {1} ");
case 1:
sqlcmd = string.Format(sqlcmd, " dbo.T_Dqjg where productId in {0} {1} ");
case 2:
sqlcmd = string.Format(sqlcmd, " dbo.T_Pfjg where productId in {0} {1} ");
case 3:
sqlcmd = string.Format(sqlcmd, " dbo.T_Ckjg where productId in {0} {1} ");
case 4:
sqlcmd = string.Format(sqlcmd, " dbo.T_Jkjg where productId in {0} {1} ");
sqlcmd = string.Format(sqlcmd, "("+pids+")", " and bjrq between '" + t1 + "' and '" + t2 + "' ");
sqlcmd = string.Format(sqlcmd0, sqlcmd);
return sqlcmd;
/// <summary>
/// 条状
/// </summary>
private void ShowCharT(params object[] otmp)
HttpContext context = (HttpContext)otmp[otmp.Length - 1];
/// <summary>
/// 取出产品名称
/// </summary>
/// <param name="otmp"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string GetProductName(params object[] otmp)
string id = otmp[0].ToString();
string n = otmp[1].ToString();
string t1 = otmp[2].ToString();
string t2 = otmp[3].ToString();
string pids = otmp[4].ToString();
pids = pids.Substring(0, pids.Length - 1);
HttpContext context = (HttpContext)otmp[5];
string pnames = otmp[7].ToString();
pnames = pnames.Substring(0, pnames.Length - 1);
pnames = pnames.Replace('`', ',');
return pnames;
#region 从数据库里取出产品名字,改为了参数传递产品名字
//string sqlcmd = string.Format("select * from t_product where id in ({0}) order by id desc ", pids.Replace("`", ","));
//DataTable dtCpmc = helper.SQL.ExecuteDataset(CONNST_STRING.ConnectionStringPriceDb, CommandType.Text, sqlcmd).Tables[0];
//string pname = string.Empty;
//foreach (DataRow dr in dtCpmc.Rows)
// pname += dr["productname"].ToString() + ",";
//pname = pname.TrimEnd(',');
//return pname.Trim();
private string GetDw(params object[] otmp)
string id = otmp[0].ToString();
string n = otmp[1].ToString();
string t1 = otmp[2].ToString();
string t2 = otmp[3].ToString();
string pids = otmp[4].ToString();
pids = pids.Substring(0, pids.Length - 1);
HttpContext context = (HttpContext)otmp[5];
string sqlcmd = "select top 1 dw from " + GetTableName(otmp);
return helper.SQL.ExecuteScalar(CONNST_STRING.ConnectionStringPriceDb, CommandType.Text, sqlcmd).ToString().Trim();
public string[] GetProductsId(params object[] otmp)
string id = otmp[0].ToString();
string n = otmp[1].ToString();
string t1 = otmp[2].ToString();
string t2 = otmp[3].ToString();
string pids = otmp[4].ToString();
pids = pids.Substring(0, pids.Length - 1);
HttpContext context = (HttpContext)otmp[5];
return pids.Split('`');
/// <summary>
/// 线状
/// </summary>
private void ShowCharX(params object[] otmp)
string id = otmp[0].ToString();
string n = otmp[1].ToString();
string t1 = otmp[2].ToString();
string t2 = otmp[3].ToString();
string pids = otmp[4].ToString();
pids = pids.Substring(0, pids.Length - 1);
HttpContext context = (HttpContext)otmp[5];
string tf = otmp[6].ToString();
string cpmc = GetProductName(otmp);
string dw = GetDw(otmp);
#region 设置画布
ChartSpace mySpace = new ChartSpaceClass();
ChChart myChart = mySpace.Charts.Add(0);
mySpace.Border.Color = "white";
myChart.HasLegend = true;
myChart.HasTitle = true;
myChart.Title.Font.Name = "宋体";
myChart.Title.Font.Size = 9;
myChart.Title.Position = ChartTitlePositionEnum.chTitlePositionTop;
myChart.Title.Caption = "("+cpmc+")"+UtilsPrice.GetPriceStyle(otmp);
myChart.Legend.Position = ChartLegendPositionEnum.chLegendPositionBottom;
myChart.Legend.Font.Name = "宋体";
myChart.Legend.Font.Size = 9;
myChart.PlotArea.Interior.Color = "white";//lxj
myChart.PlotArea.Border.Color = "#b5cae1";
myChart.Axes[0].Font.Name = "宋体";
myChart.Axes[0].Font.Size = 8;
myChart.Axes[0].HasTitle = true;
myChart.Axes[0].Title.Font.Name = "宋体";
myChart.Axes[0].Title.Font.Size = 9;
myChart.Axes[0].Title.Caption = "时间(按" + tf + ")";
myChart.Axes[0].Font.Color = "#282727";//lxj X轴字体颜色
myChart.Axes[0].Line.Color = "#b6cbe8";//lxj X轴颜色
myChart.Axes[0].HasMajorGridlines = true;//lxj 显示X轴网格线
myChart.Axes[0].MajorGridlines.Line.Color = "#b5cae1";//lxj X轴网格线颜色
myChart.Axes[1].Font.Name = "Arial";
myChart.Axes[1].Font.Size = 7;
myChart.Axes[1].HasTitle = true;
myChart.Axes[1].Title.Font.Name = "宋体";
myChart.Axes[1].Title.Font.Size = 9;
myChart.Axes[1].Title.Caption = "数量(" + dw + ")";
myChart.Axes[1].Font.Color = "#282727";//lxj Y轴字体颜色
myChart.Axes[1].Line.Color = "#b6cbe8";//lxj Y轴颜色
myChart.Axes[1].MajorGridlines.Line.Color = "#b5cae1";//Y轴网格线颜色
double intmax1 = 0;
double intmin1 = 0;
double tempunit = 1;
DataTable dtTmp = new DataTable();
string sqlcmd = GetSql(otmp);
dtTmp = helper.SQL.ExecuteDataset(CONNST_STRING.ConnectionStringPriceDb, CommandType.Text, sqlcmd).Tables[0];
foreach (DataRow dr in dtTmp.Rows)
double dtmp = double.Parse(dr["jg"].ToString());
if (intmax1 <dtmp)
intmax1 = dtmp;
if (intmin1 > dtmp)
intmin1 = dtmp;
tempunit = intmax1-intmin1;
tempunit = Math.Pow(10, Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt64(tempunit)).Length - 1);// *2;
myChart.Axes[1].MajorUnit = tempunit;
myChart.Axes[1].Scaling.Minimum = (int)(intmin1 / tempunit - 1) * tempunit;
myChart.Type = ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeLineMarkers;
string[] productIds = pids.Split('`');
string[] productNames = cpmc.Split(',');
int itmp = productIds.Length;
string strValueStrtemp = ValueStrtemp(dtTmp);
string Temp = "";
#region 跟据产品的数量生成相应的线
for (int i = 0; i < itmp; i++)
string strValueStr = ValueStr(dtTmp,productIds[i]);
Temp = productNames[i];
myChart.SeriesCollection[i].SetData(ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimSeriesNames, (int)(ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), Temp);
myChart.SeriesCollection[i].SetData(ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimCategories, (int)(ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), strValueStrtemp);
myChart.SeriesCollection[i].SetData(ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimValues, (int)(ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), strValueStr);
string colortmp = UtilsPrice.GetColor(i);
myChart.SeriesCollection[i].Line.Color = colortmp;
myChart.SeriesCollection[i].Interior.Color = colortmp;
myChart.SeriesCollection[i].Marker.Size = 5;
myChart.SeriesCollection[i].Marker.Style = ChartMarkerStyleEnum.chMarkerStyleCircle;
int width = 550, height = 450;
context.Response.BinaryWrite((byte[])mySpace.GetPicture("GIF", width, height));
mySpace = null;
protected string ValueStr(DataTable dttmp,string productId)
string strtemp = string.Empty;
DataRow[] drtmp = dttmp.Select(" productId= " + productId);
if (drtmp.Length == 0)
return "0";
foreach (DataRow dr in drtmp)
if (dr["jg"].ToString().Trim() == "0" || dr["jg"].ToString().Trim() == "")
strtemp += ",0";
strtemp += "," + dr["jg"].ToString();
strtemp = strtemp.TrimStart(',');
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return strtemp;
/// <summary>
/// 生成以逗号分隔的日期字符串
/// </summary>
/// <returns>逗号分隔的字符串</returns>
protected string ValueStrtemp(DataTable dttmp)
string strtemp = string.Empty;
if (dttmp.Rows.Count == 0)
return "0";
foreach (DataRow dr in dttmp.Rows)
switch (Sjzq)
case "月":
strtemp += DateTime.Parse(dr["bjrq"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy.MM") + ",";
case "周":
strtemp += dr["yy"].ToString() +"."+ (int.Parse(dr["mm"].ToString())*4) + ",";
case "日":
strtemp += DateTime.Parse(dr["bjrq"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd") + ",";
strtemp = strtemp.Substring(0, strtemp.Length - 1);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return strtemp;
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
context.Response.Buffer = false;
context.Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
context.Response.AddHeader("pragma", "no-cache");
context.Response.AddHeader("cache-control", "");
context.Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpg";
doPost(context, context.Request, context.Response, context.Server);
public bool IsReusable
return false;