
      大气中二氧化碳的浓度增加,以及由此影响的气候变化,对于一部分人(比如位于气候温和区域的农民)来说是好事:更多的二氧化碳有利于作物进行光合作用,意味着产量增加,同时更加温和的气候使得耕作季延长。(balanced against these potential benefits)但另一方面大概是为了平衡气候变化带来的这些好处,可怕的枯萎病开始蔓延,作物感染更为常见。为了应对这一危机,企业,植物学联合起来家建立基因遗传库刻不容缓。

  (Part of the problem is that centuries of selective breeding have refined the genomes of most high-value crops. They are spectacular at growing in today’s conditions but genetic variations that are not immediately useful to them have been bred out. This is good for yields but bad for coping with change. A minor disease or even an unknown one could suddenly rampage through a genetically honed crop.)


        【由于国与国之间贸易往来(经济全球化),新型疾病不太可能让人们陷入饥荒,(It will always be able to buy its way out of a shortage by importing calories from elsewhere.)但粮食价格的上升会引发营养不良或饥荒问题。】承上启下

  (As an insurance policy, those genes need to be collected, studied and stored, usually in the form of seeds, until a time comes when a threat arises that requires them to be inserted into the genome of a specific crop.)



  (You might think that the giant commercial agribusinesses would help.)无视食物安全和企业长期净利,加上本身这是一项风险过大以至于没有商业吸引力的工程,农业企业巨头如Bayer都认为这是政府的职责。

  (Academic botanists can indeed help, as the agrifirms say.)植物学家/农作物学者当然也会参与其中。只是工作单调,薪酬又少,缺乏社会认可的现状需要改变。

  (One barrier to funding and recognition is official dogma.)因此补助机构包括美国农业部需要投入资金,官方政策中要肯定基因工程的重要性。

