
腳 & 腿  Feet & Legs:

屈膝,讓腹部貼靠大腿  Bend your knees so that your stomach is on your thighs

肋骨與大腿保持相貼  Ribs and thighs stay in contact

保持屈膝  Keep your knees bend

向後走或跳,來到板式  Step or hop back into plank position

需要的話就屈膝,讓手掌壓實墊子  You might need to bend your knees to get your palms flat on the mat

雙腳抬起來  Lift your feet

臀部  Hips:

臀部越過肩膀  Get the hips over the shoulders

背  Back:

拱背  Round your back, arch your spine

軀乾前側  Front Torso:

身體前側延展  Extend the front of your torso

前側肋骨往內收,往下沈  Draw in your front ribs and pull them down

前側肋骨往內收,往下沈  Pull your front ribs in and down

收前側肋骨,感覺到班達開始啓動  Contain your front ribs and feel your bandhas start to engage

肋骨外突  Ribs pop out

肩&頸  Shoulders & neck:

雙肩下沈,遠離耳朵  Shoulders dropped away from your ears

肩胛骨彼此分離  Shoulder blades should move away from each other

手臂 & 手  Arms & Hands:

腋窩展開  Armpit is open

保持手指併攏  Keep your fingers together

保持手臂伸直  Keep your arms straight

手臂展開向上  Extend your arms up into the air

重心來到雙手  Let the weight come into the hands

雙手壓實地面  Press the hands into the floor

肘窩由相對稍微轉向前  The eyes of the elbows will turn from facing each other to a slight forward angle


呼與吸時間等長  Make the inhalation same duration as exhalation

吸五個數,呼五個數  Inhale for five counts, exhale for five counts

呼吸引領動作,體式跟隨呼吸  Movement follows breath


減少多餘的動作  Minimize extra movements

重心前移  Shift your weight forward

看鼻尖  Look to the tips of your nose

看眉心  Look between the eyebrows
