

我们这个世界是阴阳统一、二元对立的,兽性与神性、善良与邪恶、光明与黑暗并存。人性是神性与兽性的混合体,只不过—— 有的人生命中的神性成分占比较大;有的人生命中的兽性成分占比较大;有的人完全是兽,有的人半人半兽,有的人非常接近神……



每个人的人性呈现千变万化、光怪陆离的现象。人张扬了兽性就会成为兽,人遵从了规范才能成为人,人只有提升内心的品质才能成为有德行的人。如果世界被兽性主导,那会变成炼狱;被神性主导,那就是天堂。现在的人喜欢“崇尚天性”,本意很美好,是想让每个人活出自己内在的个性。但是我们要小心, 释放天性不意味着为所欲为, 完全不顾忌别人、不顾忌规则、不顾忌后果。如果这样, 释放天性, 就有可能变为释放兽性。没有约束、不符合人伦道德的天性,是世界的灾难。我们的行为需要规范,让每个人拥有规则意识和敬畏之心。我们可以不成为神,但首先要成为人,然后要成为有德行的人。了解人性结构, 让我们每个人的修炼和人格的提升有了正确方向,促使整个人类文明向着光明、向着正确、向着最高的自由境界飞升。

The Man and the Lion

It is a face that betrays nothing, staring out from the middle of a desert. The Sphinx of ancient Egypt is a mixture of the head of a man and the body of a lion. The head stands for mercy, intelligence and virtue, while the body stands for desire, cruelty and barbarity. Is it a human or animal? Nobody can give a correct answer. Perhaps it implies a structure in humanity. As a wise civilization, maybe ancient Egypt wants to tell us that desire and violence should be restrained by nobler intentions. We are both—we should favor the best one.

We live in a world with a unity of Yin and Yang, the binary of oppositions, where barbarity and divinity, good and evil, light and darkness all co-exist. Humanity is a mixture of all. The mix varies with each person. The essential difference between humans and animals is not that humans are cultivated by civilization and animals are not. Barbarity and divinity exist in both species. There are humans with extremely base instincts, and animals that show more humanity than humans. The unity of yin and yang is Tao, where yin and yang reach a balance through mutually conditioning the other. To reach a harmony of Yin and Yang, we find a way through the choices. The humanity of each and every one of us vacillates. We choose the mixture of our own nature.

Sometimes people favor “going back to nature”, where everyone is free to live as they wish and become who they wish to be. But we must be careful, because sometimes that leads to a distorted view of the world and unwise decisions; not considering the welfare of others has consequences. Understanding the pull and push of ancient forces inside us further promotes civilization. It doesn’t matter if we don’t become gods, but we must first be humans—and then try to be better humans. Think of the Sphinx. Think of what it has seen in all the time it has been there.

Also think of the age of the Tao. How it has been a companion to us as we struggle with the emotions that rage inside us.
