ilspy .net 开源反编译工具

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Modified on 2011/07/16 18:10 by DanielGrunwald Categorized as ILSpy
ILSpy is the open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler.

Development started after Red Gate announced that the free version of .NET Reflector would cease to exist by end of February 2011.


Version 1.0 (ILSpy
ILSpy requires .NET 4.0.

Test the latest ILSpy builds: Build Server

Get ILSpy plugins from here.

ILSpy Features

  • Assembly browsing
  • IL Disassembly
  • Decompilation to C#
    • Supports lambdas and 'yield return'
    • Shows XML documentation
  • Saving of resources
  • Search for types/methods/properties (substring)
  • Hyperlink-based type/method/property navigation
  • Base/Derived types navigation
  • Navigation history
  • BAML to XAML decompiler
  • Save Assembly as C# Project
  • Find usage of field/method
  • Extensible via plugins (MEF)

ILSpy 2.0 Roadmap

  • Assembly Lists
  • Support the remaining C# 4.0 features
    • Expression trees
    • C# 4.0 "dynamic"
    • Fixed fields ("struct A{ public unsafe fixed int Field10; }")
    • Simplify comparison operators on nullables
    • Add casts where required to make C# overload resolution call the correct method
  • Debugger Eusebiu's blog
  • Decompile to Visual Basic (pre-info)

ILSpy - Further Down the Road

  • Support C# 5.0 "async"
  • Bookmarks
  • Decompiling ILSpy with itself and recompiling the result should result in a working ILSpy copy
  • Assembly editing capabilities (similar to Reflexil)

Release History

Want to know when major new features are added? When a new stable version is released?

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Discussion Forum

Please use the forum to discuss issues, feature ideas, et cetera. For bug reporting, either use the forum or if you have a GitHub account, add them directly to

Blog Posts on ILSpy Development

ILSpy Source Code


Screencasts, Demo & How To Videos


Viewing IL (Build 199)
ilspy .net 开源反编译工具_第1张图片

Navigating Types (Build 199)
ilspy .net 开源反编译工具_第2张图片

Saving Resources (Build 199)
ilspy .net 开源反编译工具_第3张图片

Decompiling a Type to C# (Build 199)

Decompiling method with 'yield return' (Build 528)
ilspy .net 开源反编译工具_第4张图片

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.
