Docker 基本操作

终于开始了新的工作,感觉非常不错。今天公司居然停电可以早点下班了,记录一下 Docker 的一些基本操作,上下班路上方便用手机复习。网上找到了这个非常好的教程 Docker Curriculum ,比官网更加简洁。

Useful commands:

  • docker build: build an image defined by Dockerfile
  • docker images: list all locally available images
  • docker rmi image_name: remove image
  • docker run:
    • docker run -c 1024 -it -w /working_directory_within_container/ -p 8888:8888 -v /full_host_dir/: /container_dir/ image_name /bin/bash: create a container from an image and run interactively with bash, with 8888 later for jupyter notebook, with full CPU usage
    • docker run --rm image_name: create a container from an image and then delete it, the image can be downloaded if not available
  • docker load -i: load an image from tar file
  • docker pull: download images
  • docker ps -a: all runed containers
  • docker container stop container_name: stop a running container
  • docker rm container_name: remove a container
  • docker rm $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited) == docker container prune
  • Run an existed container
    • docker container start container_name
    • docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash
    • jupyter notebook --ip --port 8888 --no-browser --allow-root


  1. Docker Curriculum

  2. Docker IO

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