Simscape Electronical Technical Articles 2020-03-31

Simscape Electronical Technical Articles and Newsletters

1. Estimating Transfer Function Models for a Boost Converter

编程操作 >> Estimating Transfer Function Models for a Boost Converter
Apps操作 >> Estimating the Frequency Response of a Power Electronics Model
Transfer Function Models

Find the transfer function from the PWM duty cycle set-point to the load voltage, Uout.


  1. Specify which portion of the model requires frequency response estimation.
    打开Apps -> Linearization Manager,选中黑色simulink信号线点DutyCycle出线和Uout入线,分别选Cloosed-LoopInput PerturbationOutput Measurent.
  2. Find an operating point and initialize the model.
    打开Apps -> Model Linearizer -> Esitimation -> Operating Point -> Take Simulation Snapshot,输入一个稳态工作点,如0.01s。
    Initialize modelMATLAB Workspace;
  3. Create a perturbation signal.
    Input Signal -> Create sinestream input绿色加号,200~20000rad/s内取30点,shift选中全部点,设置幅值等参数。
  4. Compute the non-parametric frequency response.
    ESTIMATE -> Bode把生成的frd数据拖入MATLAB Workspace;
  5. Obtain the parametric model
    help bodehelp bodeoptions。使用tfest进行传递函数的参数识别。

Using the spa and tfest commands requires System Identification Toolbox™ software.
sys_np is a nonparametric identified model. sys_p is a parametric identified model.

sysA = tfest(estsys1,2) % estsys1是模型线性化得到的frd数据,2代表二阶系统


sysA =
  From input "DutyCycle" to output "PS-Simulink Converter":
  -4.442e06 s + 6.178e09
  s^2 + 6941 s + 9.822e06
Continuous-time identified transfer function.

   Number of poles: 2   Number of zeros: 1
   Number of free coefficients: 4
   Use "tfdata", "getpvec", "getcov" for parameters and their uncertainties.

Estimated using TFEST on frequency response data "Frequency response estimation using the input signal "in_sine1"".
Fit to estimation data: 97.51%                                                                                     
FPE: 254.9, MSE: 194.9    


bopt               = bodeoptions;
bopt.Grid          = 'on';
bopt.PhaseMatching = 'on';

  1. Verify the results.
    Perform a time-domain verification in a Simulink® simulation with the switch-mode boost converter and a Transfer Function block implementing the parametric estimation. We measure and compare the response of both systems to the same small perturbation signal, that is, a 2% positive step superimposed on the steady-state duty cycle.


>> 电力电子电路小信号分析
>> Design Controller for Power Electronics Model Using Frequency Response Data

  • Validate Controller
    You can examine the tuned controller performance using a simulation with line and load disturbances. To examine the controller dynamic performance, the Simulink model uses the following disturbances:
  • Line disturbance at t = 0.075 sec, which increases the input voltage, from 5V to 10V. 使用模型step配合Controlled Voltage Source
  • Load disturbance at t = 0.1 sec, which increases the load resistance, from 3 ohms to 6 ohms. 使用模型step配合Variable Resistor

>> Design PID Controllers for Three-Phase Rectifier using Closed-Loop PID Autotuner Block

2. 各种变换器模型


Three Types of Models:

  1. Switching Devices: Converters are modeled using standard SPS power switches and diodes(see in simscape -> Electrical -> Specicalized Power Systems -> Fundamental Blocks -> Power Electronics) controlled by firing pulses produced by PWM generators.

  2. Switching Function: Converters are modeled using a switching-function model. Two model types can be used depending on the nature of the firing signals sent to the g input:
    a) Switching Function controlled by firing pulses (0/1) produced by PWM generators. 结果比较接近第一种方法。
    b) Switching Function (PWM averaging) controlled by firing pulses averaged over a specified period. The g input then expects signals values between 0 and 1.

  3. Average Model (Uref-controlled or D-controlled): Converters are modeled using a switching-function model directly controlled by the reference signal (Uref) or duty cycle (D). PWM generators are not required.

Technique 1 is the most accurate, while technique 3 yields to the fastest simulation. Techniques 2a and 2b are well-suited for real-time simulation.

这几种变换器模型中(Zero-Order Hold)采样时间不同:

%% Sample times
Ts_PWM = 5e-6;           % PWM generators sample time(s)
Ts_Control = 50e-6;      % Control systems sample time(s)
Ts_Power1= 5*Ts_PWM;     % Simscape(TM) Electrical(TM) Specialized Power Systems time step(s) for modeling technique "Switching Function (PWM averaging)"
Ts_Power2 = Ts_Control;  % Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems time step(s) for modeling technique "Uref-Controlled" 平均模型
Ts_Power = Ts_PWM;       % Default value
power_converters/Control Systems/PWM Gen Boost


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  • PWM 产生

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