

昨天的正确答案是B,对于火星上有没有水这个观点,支持者认为有水,反对者认为没有水。原句写的是批评者的观点,火星上那些梯田似的地形可能是由地质活动造成,并不是水流冲击形成,因此那些梯田似的地形跟水没有关系。原句强调了批评者的首要观点:the terraces是地质活动造成的。后跟一句定语,解释geological activity。然后用in which case引导出另一个观点:the terraces与火星的水没有任何关系(they指代the terraces)。B答案清晰表达了这两个观点,D答案少了首要观点,亦即少了第二个观点的前提条件,所以不对。

今天的题目选自《Colonizing the Americas via the Northwest Coast》,这是一篇关于人类迁徙的文章,大约14000年前冰河时代后期,东北亚人乘坐皮筏子,穿越寒冷的白令海峡,沿着北美洲西北海岸,向南寻找宜居的环境。有几个假说解释了这条移民路线的形成,其中Fladmark的假说最为著名。

Fladmark’s hypothesis received additional support form from the fact that the greatest diversity in native American languages occurs along the west coast of the Americas, suggesting that this region has been settled the longest.

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?

A. Because this region has been settled the longest, it also displays the greatest diversity in Native American languages.

B. Fladmark's hypothesis states that the west coast of the Americas has been settled longer than any other region.

C. The fact that the greatest diversity of Native American languages occurs along the west coast of the Americans lends strength to Fradmark's hypothesis.

D. According to Fladmark, Native American languages have survived the longest along the west coast of the Americas.

