
1. 字符串长度计算

int strlen(const char *str) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0;str[i] != '\0';i++);
    return i;
.section .text
.global strlen
    # a0 = const char *str
    add  t0, zero, zero   # i = 0
1: # Start of for loop
    add  t1, t0, a0      # Add the byte offset for str[i]
    lb   t1, 0(t1)       # Dereference str[i]
    beq  t1, zero, 1f    # if str[i] == 0, break for loop
    addi t0, t0, 1       # Add 1 to our iterator
    jal  zero, 1b        # Jump back to condition (1 backwards)
1: # End of for loop
    addi a0, t0, 0       # Move t0 into a0 to return
    jalr zero, ra        # Return back via the return address register


void stringcopy(char *dst, const char *src) {
    do {
      // Copy the source's byte into the destination's byte
      *dst = *src;
      // We check '\0' here so that we copy the source's \0
      // into the destination.
      if (*src == '\0') break;
      // Advance both the destination and source to the next byte.
    } while (true);
.section .text
.global stringcopy
    # a0 = destination
    # a1 = source
    lb      t0, 0(a1)    # Load a char from the src
    sb      t0, 0(a0)    # Store the value of the src
    beq     t0, zero, 1f # Check if it's 0

    addi    a0, a0, 1    # Advance destination one byte
    addi    a1, a1, 1    # Advance source one byte
    jal     zero, 1b     # Go back to the start of the loop
    jalr    zero, 0(ra)  # Return back via the return address
// from the strncpy man pages
char *strncpy(char *dst, const char *src, unsigned long n) {
    unsigned long i;
    for (i = 0; i < n && src[i] != '\0'; i++)
        dst[i] = src[i];
    for ( ; i < n; i++)
        dst[i] = '\0';
    return dst;
.section .text
.global strncpy
    # a0 = char *dst
    # a1 = const char *src
    # a2 = unsigned long n
    # t0 = i

    addi    t0, zero, 0  # i = 0
1:  # first for loop
    bge     t0, a2, 1f   # break if i >= n
    add     t1, a1, t0   # src + i
    lb      t1, 0(t1)    # t1 = src[i]
    beq     t1, zero, 1f # break if src[i] == '\0'
    add     t2, a0, t0   # t2 = dst + i
    sb      t1, 0(t2)    # dst[i] = src[i]
    addi    t0, t0, 1    # i++
    jal     zero, 1b     # back to beginning of loop
1:  # second for loop
    bge     t0, a2, 1f   # break if i >= n
    add     t1, a0, t0   # t1 = dst + i
    sb      zero, 0(t1)  # dst[i] = 0
    addi    t0, t0, 1    # i++
    jal     zero, 1b     # back to beginning of loop
    # we don't have to move anything since
    # a0 hasn't changed.
    jalr    zero, 0(ra) # return via return address register


void strrev(char *str) {
    int i;
    int sz = strlen(str);
    for (i = 0;i < sz / 2;i++) {
        char c = str[i];
        str[i] = str[sz - i - 1];
        str[sz - i - 1] = c;
.section .text
.global strrev
    # s1 = str
    # a0 = sz
    # t0 = sz / 2
    # t1 = i
    # Enter stack frame
    addi    sp, sp, -16
    sd      ra, 0(sp)
    sd      s1, 8(sp)

    # Get the size of the string
    mv      s1, a0
    call    strlen
    srai    t0, a0, 1     # Divide sz by 2
    li      t1, 0         # i = 0
1:  # for loop
    bge     t1, t0, 1f
    add     t2, s1, t1    # str + i
    sub     t3, a0, t1    # sz - i
    addi    t3, t3, -1    # sz - i - 1
    add     t3, t3, s1    # str + sz - i - 1
    lb      t4, 0(t2)     # str[i]
    lb      t5, 0(t3)     # str[sz - i - 1]
    sb      t4, 0(t3)     # swap
    sb      t5, 0(t2)
    addi    t1, t1, 1
    j       1b
    # Leave stack frame
    ld      s1, 8(sp)
    ld      ra, 0(sp)
    addi    sp, sp, 16

4. 计算数组大小

int arraysum(int a[], int size) {
    int ret = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0;i < size;i++) {
        ret = ret + a[i];
    return ret;
.section .text
.global arraysum
    # a0 = int a[]
    # a1 = int size
    # t0 = ret
    # t1 = i
    addi  t0, zero, 0  # ret = 0
    addi  t1, zero, 0  # i = 0
1:  # For loop
    bge   t1, a1, 1f   # if i >= size, break
    slli  t2, t1, 2    # Multiply i by 4 (1 << 2 = 4)
    add   t2, a0, t2   # Update memory address
    lw    t2, 0(t2)    # Dereference address to get integer
    add   t0, t0, t2   # Add integer value to ret
    addi  t1, t1, 1    # Increment the iterator
    jal   zero, 1b     # Jump back to start of loop (1 backwards)
    addi  a0, t0, 0    # Move t0 (ret) into a0
    jalr  zero, 0(ra)  # Return via return address register


void bubsort(long *list, int size) {
    bool swapped;
    do {
        swapped = false;
        for (int i = 1;i < size;i++) {
            if (list[i-1] > list[i]) {
               swapped = true;
               long tmp = list[i-1];
               list[i-1] = list[i];
               list[i] = tmp;
    } while (swapped);
.section .text
.global bubsort
    # a0 = long *list
    # a1 = size
    # t0 = swapped
    # t1 = i
1: # do loop
    addi t0, zero, 0  # swapped = false
    addi t1, zero, 1  # i = 1
2: # for loop
    bge t1, a1, 2f    # break if i >= size
    slli t3, t1, 3    # scale i by 8 (for long)
    add t3, a0, t3    # new scaled memory address
    ld  t4, -8(t3)    # load list[i-1] into t4
    ld  t5, 0(t3)     # load list[i] into t5
    ble t4, t5, 3f    # if list[i-1] < list[i], it's in position
    # if we get here, we need to swap
    addi t0, zero, 1  # swapped = true
    sd  t4, 0(t3)     # list[i] = list[i-1]
    sd  t5, -8(t3)    # list[i-1] = list[i]
3: # bottom of for loop body
    addi t1, t1, 1    # i++
    jal zero, 2b      # loop again
2: # bottom of do loop body
    bne t0, zero, 1b  # loop if swapped = true
    jalr    zero, 0(ra) # return via return address register

6. 64bit浮点数运算

struct Coordinate {
    double x;
    double y;
double distance(const Coordinate &from, const Coordinate &to) {
    double x = to.x - from.x;
    double y = to.y - from.y;
    return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
.section .text
.global distance
    # a0 = Coordinate &from
    # a1 = Coordinate &to
    # Coordinate structure
    # Name    Offset     Size (bytes)
    # x       0          8
    # y       8          8
    # Total size = 16 bytes
    fld   ft0, 0(a0)  # ft0 = from.x
    fld   ft1, 8(a0)  # ft1 = from.y
    fld   ft2, 0(a1)  # ft2 = to.x
    fld   ft3, 8(a1)  # ft3 = to.y

    fsub.d  ft0, ft2, ft0 # ft0 = to.x - from.x
    fsub.d  ft1, ft3, ft1 # ft1 = to.y - from.y
    fmul.d  ft0, ft0, ft0 # ft0 = ft0 * ft0
    fmul.d  ft1, ft1, ft1 # ft1 = ft1 * ft1
    fadd.d  ft0, ft0, ft1 # ft0 = ft0 + ft1
    fsqrt.d fa0, ft0     # fa0 = sqrt(ft0)
    # Return value goes in fa0
    jalr    zero, 0(ra)  # Return

7. 32位浮点数运算

void minmax(float a, float b, float c, float &mn, float &mx) {
    mn = mx = a;
    if (mn > b) mn = b;
    else if (mx < b) mx = b;
    if (mn > c) mn = c;
    else if (mx < c) mx = c;
.section .text
.global minmax
    # fa0 = float a
    # fa1 = float b
    # fa2 = float c
    # ft0 = min
    # ft1 = max
    # a0  = float &mn
    # a1  = float &mx

    # Set mn = mx = a
    fmv.s   ft0, fa0
    fmv.s   ft1, fa0

    fgt.s   t0, ft0, fa1  # if (mn > b)
    beq     t0, zero, 1f  # skip if false
    # if we get here, then mn is > b
    fmv.s   ft0, fa1      # ft0 is mn, set it to b
    jal     zero, 2f      # jump past the else if statement
    flt.s   t0, ft1, fa1  # else if (mx < b)
    beq     t0, zero, 2f  # skip if false
    # if we get here then mx < b
    fmv.s   ft1, fa1      # ft1 is mx, set it to b
    fgt.s   t0, ft0, fa2  # if (mn > c)
    beq     t0, zero, 1f  # skip if false
    # if we get here then mn > c
    fmv.s   ft0, fa2      # ft0 is mn, set it to c
    jal     zero, 2f      # skip the else if statement
    flt.s   t0, ft1, fa2  # else if (mx < c)
    beq     t0, zero, 2f  # skip if false
    # If we get here then mx < c
    fmv.s   ft1, fa2      # ft1 is mx, set it to c
    fsw     ft0, 0(a0)    # store minimum into &mn
    fsw     ft1, 0(a1)    # store maximum into &mx
    jalr    zero, 0(ra)   # return via return address register

8. 单链表操作

LL *addll(LL *list, LL *element) {
    element->next = list;
    return element;
.section .text
.global addll
    # a0 = list
    # a1 = element
    # LL structure
    # Name       Offset       Size (bytes)
    # data       0            2
    # next       8            8

    sd      a0, 8(a1)     # element->next = list
    addi    a0, a1, 0     # set a0 to return element instead of list
    jalr    zero, 0(ra)   # return via return address register

9. 汇编中调用C函数

.section .rodata
enter_prompt: .asciz "Enter a, b, and c: "
scan: .asciz "%d %d %d"
result_out: .asciz "Result = %d\n"

.section .text
.global main
    addi    sp, sp, -32     # Allocate 32 bytes from the stack
    sd      ra, 0(sp)       # Since we are making calls, we need the original ra

    # Prompt the user first
    la      a0, enter_prompt 
    jal     ra, printf

    # We've printed the prompt, now wait for user input
    la      a0, scan
    addi    a1, sp, 8        # Address of a is sp + 8
    addi    a2, sp, 16       # Address of b is sp + 16
    addi    a3, sp, 24       # Address of c is sp + 24
    jal     ra, scanf

    # Now all of the values are in memory, load them
    # so we can jal ra, the c function.
    lw      a0, 8(sp)
    lw      a1, 16(sp)
    lw      a2, 24(sp)
    jal     ra, cfunc

    # The result should be in a0, but that needs to be
    # the second parameter to printf.
    add     a1, zero, a0
    la      a0, result_out
    jal     ra, printf

    # Restore original RA and return
    ld      ra, 0(sp)
    addi    sp, sp, 32       # Always deallocate the stack!
    jalr    zero, 0(ra)
// extern "C" is required so we can link the name into assembly
// without knowing how C++ mangles it.
extern "C" {
    int cfunc(int a, int b, int c);
// Simple function we're going to call from assembly.
int cfunc(int a, int b, int c) {
    return a + b * c;


int binsearch(const int arr[], int needle, int size) {
    int mid;
    int left = 0;
    int right = size -1;

    while (left <= right) {
        mid = (left + right) / 2;
        // Needle is bigger than what we're looking at,
        // only consider the upper half of the list.
        if (needle > arr[mid]) {
            left = mid + 1;
        else if (needle < arr[mid]) {
            right = mid - 1;
        else {
            return mid;
    // We've gone through all elements and the needle wasn't found.
    return -1;
.section .text
.global binsearch
    # a0 = int arr[]
    # a1 = int needle
    # a2 = int size
    # t0 = mid
    # t1 = left
    # t2 = right

    addi    t1, zero, 0  # left = 0
    addi    t2, a2, -1   # right = size - 1
1: # while loop
    bgt     t1, t2, 1f   # left > right, break
    add     t0, t1, t2   # mid = left + right
    srai    t0, t0, 1    # mid = (left + right) / 2

    # Get the element at the midpoint
    slli    t4, t0, 2    # Scale the midpoint by 4
    add     t4, a0, t4   # Get the memory address of arr[mid]
    lw      t4, 0(t4)    # Dereference arr[mid]

    # See if the needle (a1) > arr[mid] (t3)
    ble     a1, t4, 2f   # if needle <= t3, we need to check the next condition
    # If we get here, then the needle is > arr[mid]
    addi    t1, t0, 1    # left = mid + 1
    jal     zero, 1b
    bge     a1, t4, 2f   # skip if needle >= arr[mid]
    # If we get here, then needle < arr[mid]
    addi    t2, t0, -1   # right = mid - 1
    jal     zero, 1b
    # If we get here, then needle == arr[mid]
    addi    a0, t0, 0
    jalr    zero, 0(ra)


void matmul(float dst[3], float matrix[3][3], float vector[3]) {
    int r;
    int c;
    float d;
    for (r = 0;r < 3;r++) {
        d = 0;
        for (c = 0;c < 3;c++) {
             d = d + matrix[r][c] * vector[c];
        dst[r] = d;
.section .text
.global matmul
    # a0 = dst[3]
    # a1 = matrix[3][3]
    # a2 = vector[3]
    # t0 = r
    # t1 = c
    # t3 = 3
    # ft0 = d
    # Row for loop
    addi    t0, zero, 0
    addi    t3, zero, 3
    bge     t0, t3, 1f  # break when we arere done
    fmv.s.x fa0, zero   # Set d = 0
    # Column for loop
    addi    t1, zero, 0
    bge     t1, t3, 2f
    flw     ft0, 0(a1)  # Load matrix value
    flw     ft1, 0(a2)  # Load vector value
    fmul.s  ft0, ft0, ft1 # ft0 = matrix[r][c] * vec[c]
    fadd.s  fa0, fa0, ft0 # d = d + ft0
    addi    t1, t1, 1
    addi    a1, a1, 4   # Move to the next matrix value
    addi    a2, a2, 4   # Move to the next vector value
    jal     zero, 2b
    addi    a2, a2, -12 # Move the vector back to the top
    fsw     fa0, 0(a0)  # dst[r] = d
    addi    t0, t0, 1
    addi    a0, a0, 4   # Move to next destination
    jal     zero, 1b
    jalr    zero, 0(ra)
