Docker命令-docker ps

docker ps





名称 默认 描述
--all, -a 列出所有容器,默认显示运行中的容器
--filter, -f 根据条件过滤显示内容
--format 通过模板展示容器信息
--last, -n -1 显示最近创建的n个容器(包含所有容器状态)
--latest, -l 显示最近创建的容器(包含所有容器状态)
--no-trunc 不截断输出
--quiet, -q '静默模式',只展示容器ID
--size, -s 显示容器总的文件大小


  1. 一般使用
$ docker ps
$ docker ps -a
  1. filter使用
$ docker ps --filter name=nginx
$ docker ps -a --filter exited=0
$ docker ps --filter status=running
$ docker ps --filter expose=3306
  1. format使用
$ docker ps --format "{{.ID}}: {{.Names}}: {{.Command}}"
a6bb8030cefc: zk2181: "/docker-entrypoint.…"
f3dbb867fe91: mysql: "docker-entrypoint.s…"


  • filter使用参数
Filter Description
id Container’s ID
name Container’s name
label An arbitrary string representing either a key or a key-value pair. Expressed as or =
exited An integer representing the container’s exit code. Only useful with --all.
status One of created, restarting, running, removing, paused, exited, or dead
ancestor Filters containers which share a given image as an ancestor. Expressed as [:],, or
before or since Filters containers created before or after a given container ID or name
volume Filters running containers which have mounted a given volume or bind mount.
network Filters running containers connected to a given network.
publish or expose Filters containers which publish or expose a given port. Expressed as [/] or /[]
health Filters containers based on their healthcheck status. One of starting, healthy, unhealthy or none.
isolation Windows daemon only. One of default, process, or hyperv.
is-task Filters containers that are a “task” for a service. Boolean option (true or false)
  • format
Placeholder Description
.ID Container ID
.Image Image ID
.Command Quoted command
.CreatedAt Time when the container was created.
.RunningFor Elapsed time since the container was started.
.Ports Exposed ports.
.Status Container status.
.Size Container disk size.
.Names Container names.
.Labels All labels assigned to the container.
.Label Value of a specific label for this container. For example '{{.Label "com.docker.swarm.cpu"}}'
.Mounts Names of the volumes mounted in this container.
.Networks Names of the networks attached to this container.

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