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Vue is a very popular JavaScript front-end framework, one that’s experiencing a huge amount of growth.
It is simple, tiny (~24KB), and very performant. It feels different from all the other JavaScript front-end frameworks and view libraries. Let’s find out why.
它简单,小巧(〜24KB),并且性能很高。 感觉与所有其他JavaScript前端框架和视图库不同。 让我们找出原因。
If you’re unsure what a JavaScript framework is, Vue is the perfect first encounter with one.
A JavaScript framework helps us to create modern applications. Modern JavaScript applications are mostly used on the Web, but also power a lot of Desktop and Mobile applications.
JavaScript框架可帮助我们创建现代应用程序。 现代JavaScript应用程序主要在Web上使用,但也为许多桌面和移动应用程序提供支持。
Until the early 2000s, browsers didn’t have the capabilities they have now. They were a lot less powerful, and building complex applications inside them was not feasible performance-wise. The tooling was not even something that people thought about.
直到2000年代初,浏览器才具备现在所没有的功能。 它们的功能要弱得多,并且在它们内部构建复杂的应用程序在性能上是不可行的。 人们甚至都没有想到过这种工具。
Everything changed when Google unveiled Google Maps and GMail, two applications that ran inside the browser. Ajax made asynchronous network requests possible. Over time, developers started building on top of the Web platform, while engineers worked on the platform itself — browsers, the Web standards, the browser APIs, and the JavaScript language.
当Google推出浏览器中运行的两个应用程序Google Maps和GMail时 ,一切都发生了变化。 Ajax使异步网络请求成为可能。 随着时间的流逝,开发人员开始在Web平台之上进行构建,而工程师则在平台本身上进行工作-浏览器,Web标准,浏览器API和JavaScript语言。
Libraries like jQuery and Mootools were the first big projects that built upon JavaScript and were hugely popular for a while. They basically provided a nicer API to interact with the browser and provided workarounds for bugs and inconsistencies among the various browsers.
像jQuery和Mootools这样的库是第一个基于JavaScript的大型项目,并在一段时间内大受欢迎。 他们基本上提供了一个更好的API与浏览器进行交互,并提供了各种浏览器之间的错误和不一致的解决方法。
Frameworks like Backbone, Ember, Knockout, and AngularJS were the first wave of modern JavaScript frameworks.
诸如Backbone , Ember , Knockout和AngularJS之类的框架是现代JavaScript框架的第一波潮流。
The second wave, which is the current one, has React, Angular, and Vue as its main actors.
第二波是当前波,其主要参与者是React , Angular和Vue 。
Note that jQuery, Ember and the other projects I mentioned are still being heavily used, actively maintained, and millions of websites rely on them.
That said, techniques and tools evolve, and as a JavaScript developer, you’re now likely to be required to know React, Angular or Vue rather than those older frameworks.
Frameworks abstract the interaction with the browser and the DOM. Instead of manipulating elements by referencing them in the DOM, we declaratively define and interact with them, at a higher level.
框架抽象了与浏览器和DOM的交互。 我们不是在DOM中通过引用元素来操作元素,而是在更高的级别上以声明方式定义它们并与之交互。
Using a framework is like using the C programming language instead of using the Assembly language to write system programs. It’s like using a computer to write a document instead of using a typewriter. It’s like having a self-driving car instead of driving the car yourself.
使用框架就像使用C编程语言而不是使用汇编语言编写系统程序一样。 就像使用计算机来编写文档而不是使用打字机一样。 这就像拥有自动驾驶汽车,而不是自己驾驶汽车。
Well, not that far, but you get the idea. Instead of using low-level APIs offered by the browser to manipulate elements, and building hugely complex systems to write an application, you use tools built by very smart people that make our life easier.
好吧,不是很远,但是您知道了。 您不必使用由浏览器提供的低级API来操纵元素,而是使用非常聪明的人构建的工具来使我们的生活更轻松,这些工具可以构建非常复杂的系统来编写应用程序。
How popular is Vue.js?
Vue had:
and it has more than 100,000+ stars on GitHub, as of June 2018.
Its npm download count is growing every day, and now it’s at ~350,000 downloads per week.
I would say Vue is very popular, given those numbers.
In relative terms, it has approximately the same numbers of GitHub stars as React, which was born years before.
Numbers are not everything, of course. The impression I have of Vue is that developers love it.
当然,数字不是万能的。 我对Vue的印象是开发人员喜欢它。
A key point in time of the rise of Vue has been the adoption in the Laravel ecosystem, a hugely popular PHP web application framework. But since then it has become widespread among many other development communities.
Vue兴起的关键时刻是在Laravel生态系统中的采用,Laravel生态系统是一种非常流行PHP Web应用程序框架。 但是从那以后,它已经在许多其他开发社区中广泛传播。
First, Vue is called a progressive framework.
This means that it adapts to the needs of the developer. Other frameworks require a complete buy-in from a developer or team and often want you to rewrite an existing application because they require some specific set of conventions. Vue happily lands inside your app with a simple script
tag to start with, and it can grow along with your needs, spreading from 3 lines to managing your entire view layer.
这意味着它可以适应开发人员的需求。 其他框架则需要开发人员或团队的全面支持,并且由于它们需要一些特定的约定集,因此常常希望您重写现有的应用程序。 Vue可以通过一个简单的script
You don’t need to know about webpack, Babel, npm or anything to get started with Vue. But when you’re ready, Vue makes it simple for you to rely on them.
您不需要了解webpack , Babel ,npm或任何有关Vue入门的知识。 但是当您准备就绪时,Vue使您可以轻松依赖它们。
This is one great selling point, especially in the current ecosystem of JavaScript front-end frameworks and libraries that tend to alienate newcomers and also experienced developers that feel lost in the ocean of possibilities and choices.
Vue.js is probably the most approachable front-end framework around. Some people call Vue the new jQuery, because it easily gets in the application via a script tag, and gradually gains space from there. Think of it as a compliment, since jQuery dominated the Web in the past few years, and it still does its job on a huge number of sites.
Vue.js可能是最容易接近的前端框架。 有人称Vue为新的jQuery ,因为它很容易通过script标签进入应用程序,并从那里逐渐获得空间。 自从jQuery在过去几年中统治了Web以来,它一直是一种赞美,现在它仍然在大量站点上发挥作用。
Vue was built by picking the best ideas of frameworks like Angular, React and Knockout, and by cherry-picking the best choices those frameworks made. And by excluding some less brilliant ones, it kind of started as a “best-of” set and grew from there.
Vue的构建是通过选择Angular,React和Knockout等框架的最佳思想,并挑选这些框架的最佳选择来进行的。 通过排除一些不太出色的产品,它开始成为“最佳”产品,并从那里发展起来。
The two elephants in the room, when talking about web development, are React and Angular. How does Vue position itself relative to those two big and popular frameworks?
在谈论Web开发时,会议室中的两个大象是React和Angular。 Vue如何相对于这两个流行的大型框架定位自己?
Vue was created by Evan You when he was working at Google on AngularJS (Angular 1.0) apps. It was born out of a need to create more performant applications. Vue picked some of the Angular templating syntax, but removed the opinionated, complex stack that Angular required, and made it very performant.
Vue是由Evan You在Google上使用AngularJS(Angular 1.0)应用程序创建的。 它源于创建更多高性能应用程序的需要。 Vue选择了一些Angular模板语法,但删除了Angular所需的,自以为是的复杂堆栈,并使其表现出色。
The new Angular (Angular 2.0) also solved many of the AngularJS issues, but in very different ways. It also requires a buy-in to TypeScript which not all developers enjoy using (or want to learn).
新的Angular(Angular 2.0)也解决了许多AngularJS问题,但是方式却截然不同。 它还需要TypeScript的支持 ,并非所有开发人员都喜欢使用(或想学习)。
What about React? Vue took many good ideas from React, most importantly the Virtual DOM. But Vue implements it with some sort of automatic dependency management. This tracks which components are affected by a change of the state so that only those components are re-rendered when that state property changes.
那React呢? Vue从React获得了很多好主意,最重要的是虚拟DOM。 但是Vue通过某种自动依赖管理来实现它。 这跟踪状态更改影响哪些组件,以便在状态属性更改时仅重新呈现那些组件。
In React, on the other hand, when a part of the state that affects a component changes, the component will be re-rendered. By default all its children will be re-rendered as well. To avoid this you need to use the shouldComponentUpdate
method of each component and determine if that component should be re-rendered. This gives Vue a bit of an advantage in terms of ease of use, and out of the box performance gains.
另一方面,在React中,当影响组件的状态的一部分发生变化时,组件将被重新渲染。 默认情况下,其所有子级也会重新渲染。 为了避免这种情况,您需要使用每个组件的shouldComponentUpdate
方法,并确定是否应重新呈现该组件。 就易用性和开箱即用的性能而言,这给Vue带来了一些优势。
One big difference with React is JSX. While you can technically use JSX in Vue, it’s not a popular approach and instead the templating system is used. Any HTML file is a valid Vue template. JSX is very different than HTML, and has a learning curve for people on the team that might only need to work with the HTML part of the app, like designers.
与React的一大不同是JSX 。 尽管您可以在Vue中使用JSX,但它并不是一种流行的方法,而是使用了模板系统 。 任何HTML文件都是有效的Vue模板。 JSX与HTML截然不同,它为团队中的人员提供了学习曲线,他们可能只需要使用应用程序HTML部分,例如设计师。
Vue templates are very similar to Mustache and Handlebars (although they differ in terms of flexibility). As such, they are more familiar to developers that already used frameworks like Angular and Ember.
Vue模板与Moustache和Handlebars非常相似(尽管它们在灵活性方面有所不同)。 因此,对于已经使用Angular和Ember等框架的开发人员来说,它们更加熟悉。
The official state management library, Vuex, follows the Flux architecture and is somewhat similar to Redux in its concepts. Again, this is part of the positive things about Vue, which saw this good pattern in React and borrowed it for its ecosystem. And while you can use Redux with Vue, Vuex is specifically tailored for Vue and its inner workings.
官方状态管理库Vuex遵循Flux架构,其概念在某种程度上类似于Redux 。 再次,这是关于Vue的积极事情的一部分,Vue在React中看到了这种良好模式,并将其借用于其生态系统。 尽管可以将Redux与Vue结合使用,但Vuex是专门针对Vue及其内部功能而量身定制的。
Vue is flexible, but the fact that the core team maintains two packages that are very important for any web app (like routing and state management) makes it a lot less fragmented than React. For example: vue-router
and vuex
are key to the success of Vue.
Vue非常灵活,但是核心团队维护着两个软件包,这对于任何Web应用程序(如路由和状态管理)都非常重要,这使得它比React更加零碎。 例如: vue-router
You don't need to choose or worry if that library you chose is going to be maintained in the future and will keep up with framework updates. Since they are official, they are the canonical go-to libraries for their niche (but you can choose to use what you like, of course).
您无需选择或担心您将来选择的那个库是否将要维护,并会跟上框架更新的步伐。 由于它们是官方的,因此它们是其利基市场的规范性去库(但您当然可以选择使用喜欢的库)。
One thing that puts Vue in a different bucket compared to React and Angular is that Vue is an indie project: it’s not backed by a huge corporation like Facebook or Google.
Instead, it’s completely backed by the community, which fosters development through donations and sponsors. This makes sure the roadmap of Vue is not driven by a single company’s agenda.
相反,它得到了社区的完全支持,该社区通过捐赠和赞助者促进发展。 这可以确保Vue的路线图不受单个公司议程的驱动。
If you’ve never created a Vue.js application, I am going to guide you through the task of creating one so that you understand how it works.
First I’ll go through the most basic example of using Vue.
You create an HTML file which contains:
{{ hello }}
and you open it in the browser. That’s your first Vue app! The page should show a “Hello World!” message.
然后在浏览器中将其打开。 这是您的第一个Vue应用! 该页面应显示“ Hello World!” 信息。
I put the script tags at the end of the body so that they are executed in order after the DOM is loaded.
What this code does is instantiate a new Vue app, linked to the #example
element as its template. It's defined using a CSS selector usually, but you can also pass in an HTMLElement
元素作为其模板。 通常是使用CSS选择器定义的,但是您也可以传入HTMLElement
Then, it associates that template to the data
object. That is a special object that hosts the data we want Vue to render.
对象相关联。 这是一个特殊的对象,用于承载我们要Vue渲染的数据。
In the template, the special {{ }}
tag indicates that this is some part of the template that's dynamic, and its content should be looked up in the Vue app data.
在模板中,特殊的{{ }}
You can see this example on CodePen.
CodePen is a little different from using a plain HTML file, and you need to configure it to point to the Vue library location in the Pen settings:
Let’s level up the game a little bit. The next app we’re going to build is already done, and it’s the Vue CLI default application.
让我们稍微升级一下游戏。 我们将要构建的下一个应用程序已经完成,它是Vue CLI的默认应用程序。
What is the Vue CLI? It’s a command line utility that helps to speed up development by scaffolding an application skeleton for you, with a sample app in place.
什么是Vue CLI? 它是一个命令行实用程序,可通过在适当位置安装示例应用程序来为您架设一个应用程序框架来帮助加快开发速度。
There are two ways you can get this application:
Use the Vue CLI locally
在本地使用Vue CLI
The first is to install the Vue CLI on your computer and run the command:
首先是在计算机上安装Vue CLI并运行以下命令:
vue create
Use CodeSandbox
A simpler way, without having to install anything, is to go to CodeSandbox. The link opens the Vue CLI default application.
一个简单的方法(无需安装任何程序)是转到CodeSandbox 。 该链接将打开Vue CLI默认应用程序。
CodeSandbox is a cool code editor that allows you build apps in the cloud. You can use any npm package, and can easily integrate with Zeit Now for an easy deployment and with GitHub to manage versioning.
CodeSandbox是一个很棒的代码编辑器,可让您在云中构建应用程序。 您可以使用任何npm软件包,并且可以轻松地与Zeit Now集成以实现轻松部署,并可以与GitHub集成以管理版本控制。
Whether you chose to use the Vue CLI locally, or go through CodeSandbox, let’s inspect that Vue app in detail.
无论您是选择在本地使用Vue CLI,还是通过CodeSandbox,我们都将详细检查该Vue应用程序。
Beside package.json
, which contains the configuration, these are the files contained in the initial project structure:
)The index.html
file is the main app file.
In the body it includes just one simple element: . This is the element the Vue application we’ll use to attach to the DOM.
在主体中,它仅包含一个简单元素: This is the main JavaScript file that drives our app. 这是驱动我们的应用程序的主要JavaScript文件。 We first import the Vue library and the App component from 我们首先从 We set 我们将 Next, we create the Vue instance, by assigning it to the DOM element identified by 接下来,我们通过将Vue实例分配给我们在 This might seem weird at first, but Single File Components are a great way to create self-contained components that have all they need in a single file. 乍一看这很奇怪,但是“单个文件组件”是创建自包含组件的好方法,这些组件可以在单个文件中包含所有需要的组件。 We have the markup, the JavaScript that is going to interact with it, and style that’s applied to it, which can be scoped or not. In this case, it’s not scoped, and it’s just outputting that CSS which is applied like regular CSS to the page. 我们具有标记,将要与之交互JavaScript以及应用于其的样式,可以对其范围进行限制。 在这种情况下,它没有作用域,只是输出了像常规CSS一样应用到页面CSS。 The interesting part lies in the 有趣的部分在于 We import a component from the 我们从 This component is going to be referenced in our component. It’s a dependency. We are going to output this code 该组件将在我们的组件中引用。 这是一个依赖关系。 我们将输出此代码 from this component, which you see references the 在该组件中,您会看到它引用了 Here’s the 这是 This component outputs a set of links, along with a message. 该组件输出一组链接以及一条消息。 Remember above we talked about CSS in App.vue, which was not scoped? The 还记得上面我们讨论过App.vue中CSS,但没有限定范围吗? You can easily determine it by looking at the CodeSandbox has a cool preview functionality. You can run the app and edit anything in the source to have it immediately reflected in the preview. CodeSandbox具有很酷的预览功能。 您可以运行该应用程序并编辑源代码中的任何内容,以使其立即反映在预览中。 CodeSandbox is very cool for online coding and working without having to setup Vue locally. A great way to work locally is by setting up the Vue CLI (command line interface). Let’s find out more about it. CodeSandbox非常适合在线编码和工作,而无需在本地设置Vue。 在本地工作的好方法是设置Vue CLI(命令行界面)。 让我们进一步了解它。 In the previous example, I introduced an example project based on the Vue CLI. What’s the Vue CLI exactly, and how does it fit in the Vue ecosystem? Also, how do we setup a Vue CLI-based project locally? Let’s find out! 在上一个示例中,我介绍了一个基于Vue CLI的示例项目。 Vue CLI到底是什么,它如何适合Vue生态系统? 另外,我们如何在本地设置基于Vue CLI的项目? 让我们找出答案! Note: There is a huge rework of the CLI going on right now, going from version 2 to 3. While not yet stable, I will describe version 3, because it’s a huge improvement over version 2, and quite different. 注意:从版本2到版本3,现在正在对CLI进行大量修改。虽然尚不稳定,但我将介绍版本3,因为它是对版本2的巨大改进,并且有很大的不同。 The Vue CLI is a command line utility, and you install it globally using npm: Vue CLI是一个命令行实用程序,您可以使用npm在全局安装它: or using Yarn: 或使用纱线: Once you do so, you can invoke the 完成后,您可以调用 The CLI is essential for rapid Vue.js development. CLI对于快速Vue.js开发至关重要。 Its main goal is to make sure all the tools you need are working along, to perform what you need, and abstracts away all the nitty-gritty configuration details that using each tool in isolation would require. 它的主要目标是确保所需的所有工具都可以正常工作,执行所需的工作,并抽象出单独使用每种工具所需的所有细节。 It can perform an initial project setup and scaffolding. 它可以执行初始项目设置和脚手架。 It’s a flexible tool. Once you create a project with the CLI, you can go and tweak the configuration, without having to eject your application (like you’d do with 这是一个灵活的工具。 使用CLI创建项目后,就可以进行配置调整,而不必退出应用程序(就像对 When you eject from 从 You can configure anything and still be able to upgrade with ease. 您可以进行任何配置,仍然可以轻松升级。 After you create and configure the app, it acts as a runtime dependency tool, built on top of Webpack. 创建和配置应用程序后,它充当基于Webpack的运行时依赖工具。 The first encounter with the CLI is when creating a new Vue project. 与CLI的第一次接触是在创建新的Vue项目时。 The first thing you’re going to do with the CLI is to create a Vue app: 使用CLI要做的第一件事是创建一个Vue应用程序: The cool thing is that it’s an interactive process. You need to pick a preset. By default, there is one preset that provides Babel and ESLint integration: 最酷的是,这是一个交互式过程。 您需要选择一个预设。 默认情况下,有一个预设可提供Babel和ESLint集成: I’m going to press the down arrow ⬇️ and manually choose the features I want: 我将按向下箭头⬇️并手动选择所需的功能: Press 按 Next thing is choosing how to apply linting. I choose 下一步是选择如何应用棉绒。 我选择 Next up: testing. Vue CLI lets me choose between the two most popular unit testing solutions: Mocha + Chai and Jest. 接下来:测试。 Vue CLI让我在两种最受欢迎的单元测试解决方案之间进行选择: Mocha + Chai和Jest 。 Vue CLI asks me where to put all the configuration: in the Vue CLI询问我将所有配置放在哪里:在 Next, Vue CLI asks me if I want to save these presets, and allows me to pick them as a choice the next time I use Vue CLI to create a new app. It’s a very convenient feature, as having a quick setup with all my preferences is a complexity reliever: 接下来,Vue CLI询问我是否要保存这些预设,并允许我下次使用Vue CLI创建新应用时选择它们。 这是一个非常方便的功能,因为根据我的喜好进行快速设置可以缓解复杂性: Vue CLI then asks me if I prefer using Yarn or NPM: 然后,Vue CLI询问我是否更喜欢使用Yarn或NPM: This is the last thing it asks me, and then it goes on to download the dependencies and create the Vue app: 这是它问我的最后一件事,然后继续下载依赖项并创建Vue应用程序: Vue CLI has created the app for us, and we can go in the Vue CLI已经为我们创建了应用程序,我们可以进入 The starter example application source contains a few files, including 入门示例应用程序源代码包含一些文件,包括 This is where all the CLI commands are defined, including 这是定义所有CLI命令的地方,包括我们在一分钟前使用的 I will describe the sample application generated by Vue CLI in a separate tutorial. 我将在单独的教程中描述由Vue CLI生成的示例应用程序。 Notice the 注意VS Code左下角的 This is pretty cool. How many times do you dive in and change things, only to realize, when you want to commit the result, that you didn’t commit the initial state? 这很酷。 您投入了多少次并进行了更改,才意识到,当您要提交结果时,您没有提交初始状态? You can skip the interactive panel and instruct Vue CLI to use a particular preset: 您可以跳过交互式面板,并指示Vue CLI使用特定的预设: Presets are stored in the 预设存储在主目录中的 As you can see from reading the configuration, a preset is basically a collection of plugins, with some optional configuration. 从阅读配置可以看到,预设基本上是插件的集合,带有一些可选配置。 Once a project is created, you can add more plugins by using 创建项目后,您可以使用 All those plugins are used in the latest version available. You can force Vue CLI to use a specific version by passing the version property: 所有这些插件均以可用的最新版本使用。 您可以通过传递version属性来强制Vue CLI使用特定版本: This is useful if a new version has a breaking change or a bug, and you need to wait a little bit before using it. 如果新版本具有重大更改或错误,并且您需要稍等片刻才能使用它,这将很有用。 A preset can be stored in GitHub (or on other services) by creating a repository that contains a 通过创建一个包含一个 Extracted from the above, I made a sample preset which contains this configuration: 从以上摘录中,我制作了一个包含以下配置的示例预设 : It can be used to bootstrap a new application using: 可以使用以下命令来引导新应用程序: Up until now, I’ve explained how to use the Vue CLI to create a new project from scratch, with all the bells and whistles. But for really quick prototyping, you can create a really simple Vue application (even one that’s self-contained in a single .vue file) and serve that, without having to download all the dependencies in the 到目前为止,我已经解释了如何使用Vue CLI从头开始创建所有项目。 但是对于真正快速的原型制作,您可以创建一个非常简单的Vue应用程序(甚至是一个包含在单个.vue文件中的应用程序)并提供该服务,而不必下载 How? First install the 怎么样? 首先安装 Create an app.vue file: 创建一个app.vue文件: and then run 然后运行 You can serve more organized projects, composed by JavaScript and HTML files as well. Vue CLI by default uses 您还可以提供由JavaScript和HTML文件组成的更有条理的项目。 默认情况下,Vue CLI使用 Since this uses global dependencies, it’s not an optimal approach for anything more than a demonstration or quick testing. 由于这使用了全局依赖性,因此除了演示或快速测试之外,它不是最佳方法。 Running 运行 Internally, Vue CLI uses Webpack, but the configuration is abstracted and we don’t even see the config file in our folder. You can still have access to it by calling 在内部,Vue CLI使用Webpack,但是配置是抽象的,我们甚至在文件夹中都看不到配置文件。 您仍然可以通过调用 When you’re first experimenting with Vue, if you open the Browser Developer Tools, you will find this message: “Download the Vue Devtools extension for a better development experience:" 首次尝试使用Vue时,如果打开浏览器开发人员工具,则会发现以下消息:“下载Vue Devtools扩展以获得更好的开发体验: https : // ” This is a friendly reminder to install the Vue Devtools Extension. What’s that? Any popular framework has its own devtools extension, which generally adds a new panel to the browser developer tools that is much more specialized than the ones that the browser ships by default. In this case, the panel will let us inspect our Vue application and interact with it. 这是一个友好的提醒,请安装Vue Devtools Extension。 那是什么? 任何流行的框架都有其自己的devtools扩展,通常会向浏览器开发人员工具添加一个新面板,该面板比浏览器默认提供的工具更加专业。 在这种情况下,面板将使我们检查Vue应用程序并与其进行交互。 This tool will be an amazing help when building Vue apps. The developer tools can only inspect a Vue application when it’s in development mode. This makes sure no one can use them to interact with your production app — and will make Vue more performant, because it does not have to care about the Dev Tools. 构建Vue应用程序时,此工具将为您提供惊人的帮助。 开发人员工具只能在处于开发模式时检查Vue应用程序。 这样可以确保没有人可以使用它们与您的生产应用程序进行交互,并且可以使Vue的性能更高,因为它不必关心开发工具。 Let’s install it! 让我们安装它! There are 3 ways to install the Vue Dev Tools: 有3种安装Vue Dev Tools的方法: Safari, Edge and other browsers are not supported with a custom extension, but using the standalone application you can debug a Vue.js app running in any browser. 自定义扩展不支持Safari,Edge和其他浏览器,但是使用独立应用程序,您可以调试在任何浏览器中运行的Vue.js应用程序。 Go to this page on the Google Chrome Store and click 转到Google Chrome 商店上的此页面,然后点击 Go through the installation process: 完成安装过程: The Vue.js devtools icon shows up in the toolbar. If the page does not have a Vue.js instance running, it’s grayed out. Vue.js devtools图标显示在工具栏中。 如果页面没有正在运行的Vue.js实例,则该页面显示为灰色。 If Vue.js is detected, the icon has the Vue logo’s colors. 如果检测到Vue.js,则该图标具有Vue徽标的颜色。 The icon does nothing except show us that there is a Vue.js instance. To use the devtools, we must open the Developer Tools panel, using “View → Developer → Developer Tools”, or 图标什么也不做只是告诉我们, 有一个Vue.js实例。 要使用devtools,我们必须使用“视图→开发人员→开发人员工具”或 You can find the Firefox dev tools extension in the Mozilla Add-ons store. 您可以在Mozilla附加组件商店中找到Firefox开发工具扩展。 Click “Add to Firefox” and the extension will be installed. As with Chrome, a grayed icon shows up in the toolbar 单击“添加到Firefox”,将安装扩展名。 与Chrome一样,工具栏中会显示灰色图标 And when you visit a site that has a Vue instance running, it will become green, and when we open the Dev Tools we will see a “Vue” panel: 当您访问正在运行Vue实例的站点时,该站点将变为绿色,并且当我们打开开发工具时,我们将看到一个“ Vue”面板: Alternatively, you can use the DevTools standalone app. 或者,您可以使用DevTools独立应用程序。 Simply install it using: 只需使用以下命令安装它: and run it by calling: 并通过调用来运行它: This will open the standalone Electron-based application. 这将打开独立的基于电子的应用程序。 Now, paste the script tag it shows you 现在,粘贴显示给您的脚本标签 inside the project 在项目 As mentioned, the Vue DevTools can be activated by opening the Developer Tools in the browser and moving to the Vue panel. 如前所述,可以通过在浏览器中打开开发人员工具并移至Vue面板来激活Vue DevTools。 Another option is to right-click on any element in the page, and choose “Inspect Vue component”: 另一个选项是右键单击页面中的任何元素,然后选择“检查Vue组件”: When the Vue DevTools panel is open, we can navigate the components tree. When we choose a component from the list on the left, the right panel shows the props and data it holds: 打开Vue DevTools面板后,我们可以导航组件树。 当我们从左侧的列表中选择一个组件时,右侧面板将显示其拥有的道具和数据: On the top there are fourbuttons: 在顶部有四个按钮: Components (the current panel), which lists all the component instances running in the current page. Vue can have multiple instances running at the same time. For example, it might manage your shopping cart widget and the slideshow, with separate, lightweight apps. 组件 (当前面板),其中列出了当前页面中运行的所有组件实例。 Vue可以同时运行多个实例。 例如,它可以使用单独的轻型应用程序管理购物车小部件和幻灯片。 Vuex is where you can inspect the state managed through Vuex. 在Vuex中,您可以检查通过Vuex管理的状态。 Events shows all the events emitted. 事件显示所有发出的事件。 Refresh reloads the devtools panel. 刷新将重新加载devtools面板。 Notice the small 注意组件旁边的小 It’s very cool to inspect and interact with components without having to assign them to a global variable in the code. 检查组件并与之交互非常酷,而不必在代码中将它们分配给全局变量。 Start typing a component name, and the components tree will filter out the ones that don’t match. 开始输入组件名称,组件树将过滤出不匹配的组件。 Click the 单击 You can hover over any component in the page with the mouse, click it, and it will be opened in the devtools. 您可以用鼠标悬停在页面上的任何组件上,单击它,然后它将在devtools中打开。 You can choose to show components in camelCase or use dashes. 您可以选择在camelCase中显示组件或使用破折号。 On the right panel, you can type any word to filter the properties that don’t match it. 在右侧面板上,您可以输入任何单词以过滤不匹配的属性。 Click the Inspect DOM button to be brought to the DevTools Elements inspector, with the DOM element generated by the component: 单击“检查DOM”按钮,将其带到DevTools Elements检查器中,该DOM元素由组件生成: Any user component (not framework-level components) has a button that opens it in your default editor. Very handy. 任何用户组件(不是框架级组件)都有一个按钮,可以在默认编辑器中将其打开。 非常便利。 Visual Studio Code is one of the most used code editors in the world right now. Editors have, like many software products, a cycle. Once TextMate was the favorite among developers, then it was Sublime Text, now it’s VS Code. Visual Studio Code是目前世界上最常用的代码编辑器之一。 像许多软件产品一样,编辑器有一个循环。 一旦TextMate成为开发人员的最爱,那么它就是Sublime Text ,现在是VS Code。 The cool thing about being popular is that people dedicate a lot of time to building plugins for everything they can imagine. 受欢迎的有趣之处在于,人们花了很多时间来为他们可以想象的一切构建插件。 One such plugin is an awesome tool that can help us Vue.js developers. 一个这样的插件是一个很棒的工具,可以帮助我们Vue.js开发人员。 It’s called Vetur, it’s hugely popular (more than 3 million downloads), and you can find it on the Visual Studio Marketplace. 它被称为Vetur,非常受欢迎(下载量超过300万),您可以在Visual Studio Marketplace上找到它。 Clicking the Install button will trigger the installation panel in VS Code: 单击“安装”按钮将在VS Code中触发安装面板: You can also simply open the Extensions in VS Code and search for “vetur”: 您也可以简单地在VS Code中打开扩展,然后搜索“ vetur”: What does this extension provide? 此扩展程序提供什么? Vetur provides syntax highlighting for all your Vue source code files. Vetur为所有Vue源代码文件提供语法高亮显示。 Without Vetur, a 如果没有Vetur,VS代码将以这种方式显示 with Vetur installed: 安装了Vetur时: VS Code is able to recognize the type of code contained in a file from its extension. VS Code能够从其扩展名识别文件中包含的代码类型。 Using Single File Components, you can mix different types of code inside the same file, from CSS to JavaScript to HTML. 使用单个文件组件,您可以在同一文件中混合使用不同类型的代码,从CSS到JavaScript到HTML。 VS Code by default cannot recognize this kind of situation, and Vetur provides syntax highlighting for each kind of code you use. 默认情况下,VS Code无法识别这种情况,而Vetur为您使用的每种代码提供语法高亮显示。 Vetur enables support, among other things, for: Vetur支持以下方面的支持: As with syntax highlighting, since VS Code cannot determine the kind of code contained in a part of a 与语法突出显示一样,由于VS Code无法确定 Vetur gives VS Code the ability to use your favorite snippets in Single File Components. Vetur使VS Code能够在单个文件组件中使用您喜欢的代码段。 IntelliSense is also enabled by Vetur, for each different language, with autocomplete: Vetur还为每种不同的语言启用了IntelliSense ,并具有自动完成功能: In addition to enabling custom snippets, Vetur provides its own set of snippets. Each one creates a specific tag (template, script, or style) with its own language: 除了启用自定义片段外,Vetur还提供了自己的片段集。 每个人都使用自己的语言创建一个特定的标签(模板,脚本或样式): If you type 如果输入 The others are specific and create a single block of code. 其他的则是特定的,并创建单个代码块。 Note: (scoped) in the above list means that it applies to the current component only. 注意:以上列表中的(作用域)意味着它仅适用于当前组件。 Emmet, the popular HTML/CSS abbreviations engine, is supported by default. You can type one of the Emmet abbreviations, and by pressing 默认情况下, Emmet是流行HTML / CSS缩写引擎。 您可以输入Emmet缩写之一,然后按VS Code Vetur integrates with ESLint through the VS Code ESLint plugin. Vetur通过VS Code ESLint插件与ESLint集成。 Vetur provides automatic support for code formatting to format the whole file upon save — in combination with the Vetur为代码格式化提供自动支持,以在保存时对整个文件进行格式化-结合 You can choose to disable automatic formatting for some specific languages by setting the 您可以通过在VS Code设置 Most of the languages supported use Prettier for automatic formatting, a tool that’s becoming an industry standard. It uses your Prettier configuration to determine your preferences. 支持的大多数语言都使用Prettier进行自动格式化,该工具已成为行业标准。 它使用您的Prettier配置来确定您的首选项。 Components are single, independent units of an interface. They can have their own state, markup, and style. 组件是接口的单个独立单元。 他们可以具有自己的状态,标记和样式。 Vue components can be defined in four main ways. Let’s talk in code. Vue组件可以通过四种主要方式进行定义。 让我们谈谈代码。 The first is: 第一个是: The second is: 第二个是: The third is by using local components. These are components that are only accessible by a specific component, and not available elsewhere (great for encapsulation). 第三是通过使用本地组件。 这些是只能由特定组件访问的组件,而在其他地方则不可用(非常适合封装)。 The fourth is in 第四个位于 Let’s dive into the first 3 ways in detail. 让我们详细介绍前三种方式。 Using 在构建不是单页应用程序(SPA)的应用程序时,使用 In an SPA, where it’s Vue that builds the HTML, it’s more common to use Single File Components as they are more convenient. 在SPA中,是由Vue构建HTML的,使用单文件组件更为方便,因此更为常见。 You instantiate Vue by mounting it on a DOM element. If you have a 您可以通过将Vue安装在DOM元素上来实例化Vue。 如果您有 A component initialized with 用 Other components used in the application are initialized using 使用 Hi {{ name }} See on JSFiddle 在JSFiddle上查看 What are we doing? We are initializing a Vue root component on 我们在做什么? 我们正在 The component accepts a prop, which is an attribute we use to pass data down to child components. 组件接受道具,这是我们用来将数据向下传递给子组件的属性。 In the 在 Vue automatically creates an alias internally from Vue会在内部从 Any component created using 使用 You can encapsulate components locally by assigning an object that defines the component object to a variable: 您可以通过将定义组件对象的对象分配给变量来在本地封装组件: and then make it available inside another component by using the 然后使用 You can write the component in the same file, but a great way to do this is to use JavaScript modules: 您可以在同一文件中编写组件,但是一种很好的方法是使用JavaScript模块: A child component can be added multiple times. Each separate instance is independent of the others: 子组件可以添加多次。 每个单独的实例都独立于其他实例: Hi {{ name }} See on JSFiddle 在JSFiddle上查看 So far we’ve seen how a component can accept the 到目前为止,我们已经看到了组件如何接受 A component accepts other properties: 组件接受其他属性: A Vue component can be declared in a JavaScript file ( 可以在JavaScript文件( or also: 或者: or it can be specified in a 或者可以在 The all in just a single file. As such it got the name of Single File Component. 全部都在一个文件中。 因此,它的名称为“单个文件组件”。 Here’s an example: 这是一个例子: {{ hello }} All of this is possible thanks to the use of Webpack. The Vue CLI makes this very easy and supported out of the box. 由于使用了Webpack,所有这些都是可能的。 Vue CLI使得此操作非常容易,并且开箱即用。 Since Single File Components rely on Webpack, we get for free the ability to use modern Web features. 由于单个文件组件依赖Webpack,因此我们免费获得了使用现代Web功能的功能。 Your CSS can be defined using SCSS or Stylus, the template can be built using Pug, and all you need to do to make this happen is to declare to Vue which language preprocessor you are going to use. 可以使用SCSS或Stylus定义CSS,可以使用Pug构建模板,而要做的就是向Vue声明要使用哪种语言预处理器。 The list of supported preprocessors include 支持的预处理器列表包括 We can use modern JavaScript (ES6–7–8) regardless of the target browser using the Babel integration, and ES Modules too, so we can use We can use modern JavaScript (ES6–7–8) regardless of the target browser using the Babel integration, and ES Modules too, so we can use We can use CSS Modules to scope our CSS. We can use CSS Modules to scope our CSS. Speaking of scoping CSS, Single File Components make it absolutely easy to write CSS that won’t leak to other components, by using Notice how I used Notice how I used in the component’s JavaScript to set up the data. in the component's JavaScript to set up the data. Other common ways you will see are: Other common ways you will see are: The above is equivalent to what we did before. The above is equivalent to what we did before. Or: 要么: This is different, because it uses an arrow function. Arrow functions are fine until we need to access a component method. This is an issue if we need to make use of This is different, because it uses an arrow function. Arrow functions are fine until we need to access a component method. This is an issue if we need to make use of You might also see: You might also see: This is using the CommonJS syntax and it works as well. But I recommend using the ES Modules syntax, as that is a JavaScript standard. This is using the CommonJS syntax and it works as well. But I recommend using the ES Modules syntax, as that is a JavaScript standard. Vue.js uses a templating language that’s a superset of HTML. Vue.js uses a templating language that's a superset of HTML. Any HTML is a valid Vue.js template. In addition to that, Vue.js provides two powerful things: interpolation and directives. Any HTML is a valid Vue.js template. In addition to that, Vue.js provides two powerful things: interpolation and directives. This is a valid Vue.js template: This is a valid Vue.js template: This template can be put inside a Vue component declared explicitly: This template can be put inside a Vue component declared explicitly: or it can be put into a Single File Component: or it can be put into a Single File Component: This first example is very basic. The next step is making it output a piece of the component state, for example, a name. This first example is very basic. The next step is making it output a piece of the component state, for example, a name. This can be done using interpolation. First, we add some data to our component: This can be done using interpolation. First, we add some data to our component: and then we can add it to our template using the double brackets syntax: and then we can add it to our template using the double brackets syntax: One interesting thing here. See how we just used One interesting thing here. See how we just used This is because Vue.js does some internal binding and lets the template use the property as if it was local. Pretty handy. This is because Vue.js does some internal binding and lets the template use the property as if it was local. 很方便。 In a single file component, that would be: In a single file component, that would be: I used a regular function in my export. Why not an arrow function? I used a regular function in my export. Why not an arrow function? This is because in This is because in Do note that we could use an arrow function, but then I would need to remember to switch to a regular function in case I use Do note that we could use an arrow function, but then I would need to remember to switch to a regular function in case I use Now, back to the interpolation. Now, back to the interpolation. While in those templating engines they are “dumb”, in Vue, you can do much more, and it’s more flexible. While in those templating engines they are “dumb”, in Vue, you can do much more, and it's more flexible. You can use any JavaScript expression inside your interpolations, but you’re limited to just one expression: You can use any JavaScript expression inside your interpolations, but you're limited to just one expression: Vue provides access to some global objects inside templates, including Math and Date, so you can use them: Vue provides access to some global objects inside templates, including Math and Date, so you can use them: It’s best to avoid adding complex logic to templates, but the fact that Vue allows it gives us more flexibility, especially when trying things out. It's best to avoid adding complex logic to templates, but the fact that Vue allows it gives us more flexibility, especially when trying things out. We can first try to put an expression in the template, and then move it to a computed property or method later on. We can first try to put an expression in the template, and then move it to a computed property or method later on. The value included in any interpolation will be updated upon a change of any of the data properties it relies on. The value included in any interpolation will be updated upon a change of any of the data properties it relies on. You can avoid this reactivity by using the You can avoid this reactivity by using the The result is always escaped, so you can’t have HTML in the output. The result is always escaped, so you can't have HTML in the output. If you need to have an HTML snippet, you need to use the If you need to have an HTML snippet, you need to use the The simplest option to add CSS to a Vue.js component is to use the The simplest option to add CSS to a Vue.js component is to use the Hi! This is as static as you can get. What if you want This is as static as you can get. What if you want Hi! Notice how we had to wrap Notice how we had to wrap You can avoid the quotes by using a special camelCase syntax that Vue.js enables, and rewriting it to You can avoid the quotes by using a special camelCase syntax that Vue.js enables, and rewriting it to Hi! Instead of binding an object to Instead of binding an object to Hi! Vue components generate plain HTML, so you can choose to add a class to each element, and add a corresponding CSS selector with properties that style it: Vue components generate plain HTML, so you can choose to add a class to each element, and add a corresponding CSS selector with properties that style it: Hi! You can use SCSS like this: You can use SCSS like this: Hi! You can hard code the class like in the above example. Or you can bind the class to a component property, to make it dynamic, and only apply to that class if the data property is true: You can hard code the class like in the above example. Or you can bind the class to a component property, to make it dynamic, and only apply to that class if the data property is true: Hi! Instead of binding an object to class, like we did with H Instead of binding an object to class, like we did with H Hi! You can assign multiple classes, either by adding two classes to You can assign multiple classes, either by adding two classes to Hi! The same can be done using an object inlined in the class binding: The same can be done using an object inlined in the class binding: Hi! And you can combine the two statements: And you can combine the two statements: Hi! You can also use a computed property that returns an object, which works best when you have many CSS classes to add to the same element: You can also use a computed property that returns an object, which works best when you have many CSS classes to add to the same element: Hi! Notice that in the computed property you need to reference the component data using Notice that in the computed property you need to reference the component data using Any CSS that’s not hard coded like in the first example is going to be processed by Vue, and Vue does the nice job of automatically prefixing the CSS for us. This allows us to write clean CSS while still targeting older browsers (which still means browsers that Vue supports, so IE9+). Any CSS that's not hard coded like in the first example is going to be processed by Vue, and Vue does the nice job of automatically prefixing the CSS for us. This allows us to write clean CSS while still targeting older browsers (which still means browsers that Vue supports, so IE9+). We saw in Vue.js templates and interpolations how you can embed data in Vue templates. We saw in Vue.js templates and interpolations how you can embed data in Vue templates. This section explains the other technique offered by Vue.js in templates: directives. This section explains the other technique offered by Vue.js in templates: directives. Directives are basically like HTML attributes which are added inside templates. They all start with Directives are basically like HTML attributes which are added inside templates. They all start with Let’s see each of the Vue directives in detail. Let's see each of the Vue directives in detail. Instead of using interpolation, you can use the Instead of using interpolation, you can use the You know how You know how Any time Any time Unless you use the Unless you use the When you use interpolation to print a data property, the HTML is escaped. This is a great way that Vue uses to automatically protect from XSS attacks. When you use interpolation to print a data property, the HTML is escaped. This is a great way that Vue uses to automatically protect from XSS attacks. There are cases, however, where you want to output HTML and make the browser interpret it. You can use the There are cases, however, where you want to output HTML and make the browser interpret it. You can use the Interpolation only works in the tag content. You can’t use it on attributes. Interpolation only works in the tag content. You can't use it on attributes. Attributes must use Attributes must use Message is: {{ message }} You can use any JavaScript expression inside a directive: You can use any JavaScript expression inside a directive: Any variable used in a directive references the corresponding data property. Any variable used in a directive references the corresponding data property. Inside a directive you can use the ternary operator to perform a conditional check, since that’s an expression: Inside a directive you can use the ternary operator to perform a conditional check, since that's an expression: There are dedicated directives that allow you to perform more organized conditionals: There are dedicated directives that allow you to perform more organized conditionals: Hey! You can iterate on a simple array of values: You can iterate on a simple array of values: Or on an array of objects: Or on an array of objects: You can pass parameters to any event: You can pass parameters to any event: Small bits of JavaScript (a single expression) can be put directly into the template: Small bits of JavaScript (a single expression) can be put directly into the template: You can choose to only show an element in the DOM if a particular property of the Vue instance evaluates to true, using You can choose to only show an element in the DOM if a particular property of the Vue instance evaluates to true, using Something The element is still inserted in the DOM, but set to The element is still inserted in the DOM, but set to Vue offers some optional event modifiers you can use in association with Vue offers some optional event modifiers you can use in association with One good example is One good example is In this case, the form does not cause the page to be reloaded, which is the default behavior: In this case, the form does not cause the page to be reloaded, which is the default behavior: Other modifiers include Other modifiers include The Vue default directives already let you do a lot of work, but you can always add new, custom directives if you want. The Vue default directives already let you do a lot of work, but you can always add new, custom directives if you want. Read here if you’re interested in learning more. Read here if you're interested in learning more. A Vue method is a function associated with the Vue instance. A Vue method is a function associated with the Vue instance. Methods are defined inside the Methods are defined inside the or in the case of Single File Components: or in the case of Single File Components: Methods are especially useful when you need to perform an action and you attach a Methods are especially useful when you need to perform an action and you attach a Methods can accept parameters. Methods can accept parameters. In this case, you just pass the parameter in the template: In this case, you just pass the parameter in the template: or in the case of Single File Components: or in the case of Single File Components: You can access any of the data properties of the Vue component by using You can access any of the data properties of the Vue component by using We don’t have to use We don't have to use As you saw before in the events description, methods are closely interlinked to events, because they are used as event handlers. Every time an event occurs, that method is called. As you saw before in the events description, methods are closely interlinked to events, because they are used as event handlers. Every time an event occurs, that method is called. A watcher is a special Vue.js feature that allows you to spy on one property of the component state, and run a function when that property value changes. A watcher is a special Vue.js feature that allows you to spy on one property of the component state, and run a function when that property value changes. Here’s an example. We have a component that shows a name, and allows you to change it by clicking a button: 这是一个例子。 We have a component that shows a name, and allows you to change it by clicking a button: My name is {{name}} When the name changes we want to do something, like print a console log. When the name changes we want to do something, like print a console log. We can do so by adding to the We can do so by adding to the The function assigned to The function assigned to Watchers cannot be looked up from a template as you can with computed properties. Watchers cannot be looked up from a template as you can with computed properties. In Vue.js you can output any data value using parentheses: In Vue.js you can output any data value using parentheses: {{ count }} This property can host some small computations. For example: This property can host some small computations. 例如: But you’re limited to a single JavaScript expression. But you're limited to a single JavaScript expression . In addition to this technical limitation, you also need to consider that templates should only be concerned with displaying data to the user, not perform logic computations. In addition to this technical limitation, you also need to consider that templates should only be concerned with displaying data to the user, not perform logic computations. To do something more than a single expression, and to have more declarative templates, you use a computed property. To do something more than a single expression, and to have more declarative templates, you use a computed property. Computed properties are defined in the Computed properties are defined in the Here’s an example that uses a computed property Here's an example that uses a computed property Notice: 注意: I didn’t have to call I didn't have to call I used a regular function (not an arrow function) to define the I used a regular function (not an arrow function) to define the {{ count }} If you already know about Vue methods, you may wonder what’s the difference. If you already know about Vue methods, you may wonder what's the difference. First, methods must be called, not just referenced, so you’d need to do: First, methods must be called, not just referenced, so you'd need to do: {{ count() }} But the main difference is that computed properties are cached. But the main difference is that computed properties are cached. The result of the The result of the Important: Computed properties are only updated when a reactive source updates. Regular JavaScript methods are not reactive, so a common example is to use Important: Computed properties are only updated when a reactive source updates. Regular JavaScript methods are not reactive, so a common example is to use {{ now }} It will render once, and then it will not be updated even when the component re-renders. It’s just updated on a page refresh, when the Vue component is quit and reinitialized. It will render once, and then it will not be updated even when the component re-renders. It's just updated on a page refresh, when the Vue component is quit and reinitialized. In this case, a method is better suited for your needs. In this case, a method is better suited for your needs. Now that you know about methods, watchers and computed properties, you might be wondering when should you use one vs the others. Now that you know about methods, watchers and computed properties, you might be wondering when should you use one vs the others. Here’s a breakdown of this question. Here's a breakdown of this question. To call a function when something happens in your component. To call a function when something happens in your component. You can call a method from computed properties or watchers. You can call a method from computed properties or watchers. Props are the way components can accept data from components that include them (parent components). Props are the way components can accept data from components that include them (parent components). When a component expects one or more prop, it must define them in its When a component expects one or more prop, it must define them in its Hi {{ name }} or, in a Vue Single File Component: or, in a Vue Single File Component: {{ name }} You can have multiple props by simply appending them to the array: You can have multiple props by simply appending them to the array: Hi {{ firstName }} {{ lastName }} You can specify the type of a prop very simply by using an object instead of an array, using the name of the property as the key of each property, and the type as the value: You can specify the type of a prop very simply by using an object instead of an array, using the name of the property as the key of each property, and the type as the value: Hi {{ firstName }} {{ lastName }} The valid types you can use are: The valid types you can use are: When a type mismatches, Vue alerts you (in development mode) in the console with a warning. When a type mismatches, Vue alerts you (in development mode) in the console with a warning. Prop types can be more articulated. Prop types can be more articulated. You can allow multiple different value types: You can allow multiple different value types: You can require a prop to be mandatory: You can require a prop to be mandatory: You can specify a default value: You can specify a default value: For objects: For objects: You can even build a custom validator, which is cool for complex data: You can even build a custom validator, which is cool for complex data: You pass a prop to a component using the syntax You pass a prop to a component using the syntax if what you pass is a static value. if what you pass is a static value. If it’s a data property, you use If it's a data property, you use You can use a ternary operator inside the prop value to check a truthy condition and pass a value that depends on it: You can use a ternary operator inside the prop value to check a truthy condition and pass a value that depends on it: Vue.js allows us to intercept any DOM event by using the Vue.js allows us to intercept any DOM event by using the If we want to do something when a click event happens in this element: If we want to do something when a click event happens in this element: we add a we add a Vue also offers a very convenient alternative syntax for this: Vue also offers a very convenient alternative syntax for this: You can choose to use the parentheses or not. You can choose to use the parentheses or not. What you need to know here is that you can pass parameters from events: What you need to know here is that you can pass parameters from events: In many cases, you will want to perform an action on the event object or look up some property in it. How can you access it? In many cases, you will want to perform an action on the event object or look up some property in it. How can you access it? Use the special Use the special and if you already pass a variable: and if you already pass a variable: From there you could call From there you could call Instead of messing with DOM “things” in your methods, tell Vue to handle things for you: Instead of messing with DOM “things” in your methods, tell Vue to handle things for you: All those options can be combined by appending one modifier after the other. All those options can be combined by appending one modifier after the other. For more on propagation, bubbling and capturing, see my JavaScript events guide. For more on propagation, bubbling and capturing, see my JavaScript events guide . A component can choose to define its content entirely, like in this case: A component can choose to define its content entirely, like in this case: Hi {{ name }} Or it can also let the parent component inject any kind of content into it, by using slots. Or it can also let the parent component inject any kind of content into it, by using slots. What’s a slot? What's a slot? You define it by putting You define it by putting When using this component, any content added between the opening and closing tag will be added inside the slot placeholder: When using this component, any content added between the opening and closing tag will be added inside the slot placeholder: If you put any content side the If you put any content side the A complicated component layout might require a better way to organize content. A complicated component layout might require a better way to organize content. Enter named slots. Enter named slots . With a named slot, you can assign parts of a slot to a specific position in your component template layout, and you use a With a named slot, you can assign parts of a slot to a specific position in your component template layout, and you use a Anything outside any template tag is added to the main Anything outside any template tag is added to the main For convenience, I use a For convenience, I use a Page content Filters are a functionality provided by Vue components that let you apply formatting and transformations to any part of your template dynamic data. Filters are a functionality provided by Vue components that let you apply formatting and transformations to any part of your template dynamic data. They don’t change a component’s data or anything, but they only affect the output. They don't change a component's data or anything, but they only affect the output. Say you are printing a name: Say you are printing a name: Hi {{ name }}! What if you want to check that What if you want to check that Enter filters: Enter filters: Hi {{ name | fallback }}! Notice the syntax to apply a filter, which is Notice the syntax to apply a filter, which is The The The returned value is the one that’s actually printed in the Vue.js template. The returned value is the one that's actually printed in the Vue.js template. The filter, of course, has access to the component data and methods. The filter, of course, has access to the component data and methods. What’s a good use case for filters? What's a good use case for filters? Above you saw a simple example of a filter: Above you saw a simple example of a filter: Filters can be chained, by repeating the pipe syntax: Filters can be chained, by repeating the pipe syntax: This first applies the This first applies the Advanced filters can also accept parameters, using the normal function parameters syntax: Advanced filters can also accept parameters, using the normal function parameters syntax: Hello {{ name | prepend('Dr.') }} If you pass parameters to a filter, the first one passed to the filter function is always the item in the template interpolation ( If you pass parameters to a filter, the first one passed to the filter function is always the item in the template interpolation ( You can use multiple parameters by separating them using a comma. You can use multiple parameters by separating them using a comma. Notice I used an arrow function. We avoid arrow functions in methods and computed properties, generally, because they almost always reference Notice I used an arrow function. We avoid arrow functions in methods and computed properties, generally, because they almost always reference This package has a lot of pre-made filters for you to use directly in templates, which include This package has a lot of pre-made filters for you to use directly in templates, which include Components in Vue can communicate in various ways. Components in Vue can communicate in various ways. The first way is by using props. The first way is by using props. Parents “pass down” data by adding arguments to the component declaration: Parents “pass down” data by adding arguments to the component declaration: Props are one-way: from parent to child. Any time the parent changes the prop, the new value is sent to the child and re-rendered. Props are one-way: from parent to child. Any time the parent changes the prop, the new value is sent to the child and re-rendered. The reverse is not true, and you should never mutate a prop inside the child component. The reverse is not true, and you should never mutate a prop inside the child component. Events allow you to communicate from the children up to the parent: Events allow you to communicate from the children up to the parent: The parent can intercept this using the The parent can intercept this using the You can pass parameters of course: You can pass parameters of course: and retrieve them from the parent: and retrieve them from the parent: Using events you’re not limited to child-parent relationships. You can use the so-called Event Bus. Using events you're not limited to child-parent relationships. You can use the so-called Event Bus. Above we used Above we used What we can do instead is to emit the event on a more generally accessible component. What we can do instead is to emit the event on a more generally accessible component. You can also create a Vue component dedicated to this job, and import it where you need. You can also create a Vue component dedicated to this job, and import it where you need. Any other component can listen for this event. You can do so in the Any other component can listen for this event. You can do so in the This is what Vue provides out of the box. This is what Vue provides out of the box. When you outgrow this, you can look into Vuex or other 3rd part libraries. When you outgrow this, you can look into Vuex or other 3rd part libraries. Vuex is the official state management library for Vue.js. Vuex is the official state management library for Vue.js. Its job is to share data across the components of your application. Its job is to share data across the components of your application. Components in Vue.js out of the box can communicate using Components in Vue.js out of the box can communicate using Sometimes things get more complex than what these simple options allow. Sometimes things get more complex than what these simple options allow. In this case, a good option is to centralize the state in a single store. This is what Vuex does. In this case, a good option is to centralize the state in a single store. This is what Vuex does. Vuex is not the only state management option you can use in Vue (you can use Redux too), but its main advantage is that it’s official, and its integration with Vue.js is what makes it shine. Vuex is not the only state management option you can use in Vue (you can use Redux too), but its main advantage is that it's official, and its integration with Vue.js is what makes it shine. With React you have the trouble of having to choose one of the many libraries available, as the ecosystem is huge and has no actual standard. Lately Redux was the most popular choice, with MobX following up in terms of popularity. With Vue I’d go as far as to say that you won’t need to look around for anything other than Vuex, especially when starting out. With React you have the trouble of having to choose one of the many libraries available, as the ecosystem is huge and has no actual standard. Lately Redux was the most popular choice, with MobX following up in terms of popularity. With Vue I'd go as far as to say that you won't need to look around for anything other than Vuex, especially when starting out. Vuex borrowed many of its ideas from the React ecosystem, as this is the Flux pattern popularized by Redux. Vuex borrowed many of its ideas from the React ecosystem, as this is the Flux pattern popularized by Redux. If you know Flux or Redux already, Vuex will be very familiar. If you don’t, no problem — I’ll explain every concept from the ground up. If you know Flux or Redux already, Vuex will be very familiar. If you don't, no problem — I'll explain every concept from the ground up. Components in a Vue application can have their own state. For example, an input box will store the data entered into it locally. This is perfectly fine, and components can have local state even when using Vuex. Components in a Vue application can have their own state. For example, an input box will store the data entered into it locally. This is perfectly fine, and components can have local state even when using Vuex. You know that you need something like Vuex when you start doing a lot of work to pass a piece of state around. You know that you need something like Vuex when you start doing a lot of work to pass a piece of state around. In this case, Vuex provides a central repository store for the state, and you mutate the state by asking the store to do that. In this case, Vuex provides a central repository store for the state, and you mutate the state by asking the store to do that. Every component that depends on a particular piece of the state will access it using a getter on the store, which makes sure it’s updated as soon as that thing changes. Every component that depends on a particular piece of the state will access it using a getter on the store, which makes sure it's updated as soon as that thing changes. Using Vuex will introduce some complexity into the application, as things need to be set up in a certain way to work correctly. But if this helps solve the unorganized props passing and event system that might grow into a spaghetti mess if too complicated, then it’s a good choice. Using Vuex will introduce some complexity into the application, as things need to be set up in a certain way to work correctly. But if this helps solve the unorganized props passing and event system that might grow into a spaghetti mess if too complicated, then it's a good choice. In this example, I’m starting from a Vue CLI application. Vuex can be used also by directly loading it into a script tag. But, since Vuex is more in tune with bigger applications, it’s much more likely you will use it on a more structured application, like the ones you can start up quickly with the Vue CLI. In this example, I'm starting from a Vue CLI application. Vuex can be used also by directly loading it into a script tag. But, since Vuex is more in tune with bigger applications, it's much more likely you will use it on a more structured application, like the ones you can start up quickly with the Vue CLI. The examples I use will be put CodeSandbox, which is a great service that has a Vue CLI sample ready to go. I recommend using it to play around. The examples I use will be put CodeSandbox, which is a great service that has a Vue CLI sample ready to go. I recommend using it to play around. Once you’re there, click the Add dependency button, enter “vuex” and click it. Once you're there, click the Add dependency button, enter “vuex” and click it. Now Vuex will be listed in the project dependencies. Now Vuex will be listed in the project dependencies. To install Vuex locally you can simply run To install Vuex locally you can simply run Now we are ready to create our Vuex store. Now we are ready to create our Vuex store. This file can be put anywhere. It’s generally suggested to put it in the This file can be put anywhere. It's generally suggested to put it in the In this file we initialize Vuex and tell Vue to use it: In this file we initialize Vuex and tell Vue to use it: We export a Vuex store object, which we create using the We export a Vuex store object, which we create using the Now that we have a skeleton in place, let’s come up with an idea for a good use case for Vuex, so I can introduce its concepts. Now that we have a skeleton in place, let's come up with an idea for a good use case for Vuex, so I can introduce its concepts. For example, I have two sibling components, one with an input field, and one that prints that input field content. For example, I have two sibling components, one with an input field, and one that prints that input field content. When the input field is changed, I want to also change the content in that second component. Very simple, but this will do the job for us. When the input field is changed, I want to also change the content in that second component. Very simple, but this will do the job for us. I delete the HelloWorld component and add a Form component, and a Display component. I delete the HelloWorld component and add a Form component, and a Display component. You chose ??? We add them to the We add them to the So with this in place, we go back to the store.js file. We add a property to the store called So with this in place, we go back to the store.js file. We add a property to the store called We’ll update it when the user types into the input field. We'll update it when the user types into the input field. The state cannot be manipulated except by using mutations. We set up one mutation which will be used inside the The state cannot be manipulated except by using mutations. We set up one mutation which will be used inside the With that set, we need to add a way to look at the state. We do so using getters. We set up a getter for the With that set, we need to add a way to look at the state. We do so using getters. We set up a getter for the Notice how Notice how Now the store is ready to be used. We go back to our application code, and in the main.js file, we need to import the state and make it available in our Vue app. Now the store is ready to be used. We go back to our application code, and in the main.js file, we need to import the state and make it available in our Vue app. We add We add and we add it to the Vue application: and we add it to the Vue application: Once we add this, since this is the main Vue component, the Once we add this, since this is the main Vue component, the Let’s update the state when the user types something. Let's update the state when the user types something. We do so by using the We do so by using the But first, let’s create a method that is invoked when the input content changes. We use But first, let's create a method that is invoked when the input content changes. We use Now that we have the value of the flavor, we use the Vuex API: Now that we have the value of the flavor, we use the Vuex API: See how we reference the store using See how we reference the store using The The Now we need to reference the getter of this value in the Display template, by using Now we need to reference the getter of this value in the Display template, by using You chose {{ $store.getters.flavor }} The full, working source code is available here. The full, working source code is available here . There are still many concepts missing in this puzzle: There are still many concepts missing in this puzzle: But now you have the basics to go and read about them in the official docs. But now you have the basics to go and read about them in the official docs. In a JavaScript web application, a router is the part that syncs the currently displayed view with the browser address bar content. In a JavaScript web application, a router is the part that syncs the currently displayed view with the browser address bar content. In other words, it’s the part that makes the URL change when you click something in the page, and helps to show the correct view when you hit a specific URL. In other words, it's the part that makes the URL change when you click something in the page, and helps to show the correct view when you hit a specific URL. Traditionally, the Web is built around URLs. When you hit a certain URL, a specific page is displayed. Traditionally, the Web is built around URLs. When you hit a certain URL, a specific page is displayed. With the introduction of applications that run inside the browser and change what the user sees, many applications broke this interaction, and you had to manually update the URL with the browser’s History API. With the introduction of applications that run inside the browser and change what the user sees, many applications broke this interaction, and you had to manually update the URL with the browser's History API. You need a router when you need to sync URLs to views in your app. It’s a very common need, and all the major modern frameworks now allow you to manage routing. You need a router when you need to sync URLs to views in your app. It's a very common need, and all the major modern frameworks now allow you to manage routing. The Vue Router library is the way to go for Vue.js applications. Vue does not enforce the use of this library. You can use whatever generic routing library you want, or also create your own History API integration, but the benefit of using Vue Router is that it’s official. The Vue Router library is the way to go for Vue.js applications. Vue does not enforce the use of this library. You can use whatever generic routing library you want, or also create your own History API integration, but the benefit of using Vue Router is that it's official. This means it’s maintained by the same people who maintain Vue, so you get a more consistent integration in the framework, and the guarantee that it’s always going to be compatible in the future, no matter what. This means it's maintained by the same people who maintain Vue, so you get a more consistent integration in the framework, and the guarantee that it's always going to be compatible in the future, no matter what. Vue Router is available via npm with the package named Vue Router is available via npm with the package named If you use Vue via a script tag, you can include Vue Router using If you use Vue via a script tag, you can include Vue Router using UNPKG is a very handy tool that makes every npm package available in the browser with a simple link. UNPKG is a very handy tool that makes every npm package available in the browser with a simple link. If you use the Vue CLI, install it using: If you use the Vue CLI, install it using: Once you install Once you install You import it after You import it after After you call After you call The router object, accessed using The router object, accessed using We can make the app navigate to a new route using We can make the app navigate to a new route using which resemble the which resemble the Usage samples: Usage samples: I’m using a Vue Single File Component in this example. I'm using a Vue Single File Component in this example. In the template I use a In the template I use a The The A A In the JavaScript part, we first include and install the router, then we define three route components. In the JavaScript part, we first include and install the router, then we define three route components. We pass them to the initialization of the We pass them to the initialization of the Here’s the code: 这是代码: Usually, in a Vue app, you instantiate and mount the root app using: Usually, in a Vue app, you instantiate and mount the root app using: When using the Vue Router, you don’t pass a When using the Vue Router, you don't pass a The syntax used in the above example: The syntax used in the above example: is shorthand for: is shorthand for: See in the example, we pass a See in the example, we pass a If you pass a If you pass a Remember how we used the Router object to push a new state before? Remember how we used the Router object to push a new state before? With a named route we can pass parameters to the new route: With a named route we can pass parameters to the new route: The same goes for The same goes for The application will render the route component that matches the URL passed to the link. The application will render the route component that matches the URL passed to the link. The new route component that handles the URL is instantiated and its guards called, and the old route component will be destroyed. The new route component that handles the URL is instantiated and its guards called, and the old route component will be destroyed. Since we mentioned guards, let’s introduce them. Since we mentioned guards, let's introduce them. You can think of them as life cycle hooks or middleware. Those are functions called at specific times during the execution of the application. You can jump in and alter the execution of a route, redirecting or simply canceling the request. You can think of them as life cycle hooks or middleware. Those are functions called at specific times during the execution of the application. You can jump in and alter the execution of a route, redirecting or simply canceling the request. You can have global guards by adding a callback to the You can have global guards by adding a callback to the What does “the navigation is confirmed” mean? We’ll see it in a second. In the meantime think of it as “the app can go to that route”. What does “the navigation is confirmed” mean? We'll see it in a second. In the meantime think of it as “the app can go to that route”. The usage is: The usage is: Like in Node middleware, if you're familiar, Like in Node middleware, if you're familiar, Single route components also have guards: Single route components also have guards: We mentioned navigation. To determine if the navigation to a route is confirmed, Vue Router performs some checks: We mentioned navigation. To determine if the navigation to a route is confirmed, Vue Router performs some checks: it calls it calls it calls the router it calls the router it calls the it calls the it calls the it calls the it calls the it calls the it calls the router it calls the router it calls the router it calls the router You can use the route-specific guards ( You can use the route-specific guards ( The example above shows a different view based on the URL, handling the The example above shows a different view based on the URL, handling the A very common need is to handle dynamic routes, like having all posts under A very common need is to handle dynamic routes, like having all posts under You can achieve this using a dynamic segment. You can achieve this using a dynamic segment. Those were static segments: Those were static segments: We add in a dynamic segment to handle blog posts: We add in a dynamic segment to handle blog posts: Notice the Notice the You’re not limited to this kind of syntax. Vue relies on this library to parse dynamic routes, and you can go wild with Regular Expressions. You're not limited to this kind of syntax. Vue relies on this library to parse dynamic routes, and you can go wild with Regular Expressions. Now inside the Post route component we can reference the route using Now inside the Post route component we can reference the route using We can use this parameter to load the contents from the back-end. We can use this parameter to load the contents from the back-end. You can have as many dynamic segments as you want, in the same URL: You can have as many dynamic segments as you want, in the same URL: Remember before when we talked about what happens when a user navigates to a new route? Remember before when we talked about what happens when a user navigates to a new route? In the case of dynamic routes, what happens is a little different. In the case of dynamic routes, what happens is a little different. For Vue to be more efficient, instead of destroying the current route component and re-instantiating it, it reuses the current instance. For Vue to be more efficient, instead of destroying the current route component and re-instantiating it, it reuses the current instance. When this happens, Vue calls the When this happens, Vue calls the There you can perform any operation you need: There you can perform any operation you need: In the examples, I used In the examples, I used Notice the Notice the Before I mentioned that you can have as many dynamic segments as you want, in the same URL, like: Before I mentioned that you can have as many dynamic segments as you want, in the same URL, like: So, say we have an Author component taking care of the first dynamic segment: So, say we have an Author component taking care of the first dynamic segment: We can insert a second We can insert a second We add the Post component: We add the Post component: Then we’ll inject the inner dynamic route in the Then we'll inject the inner dynamic route in the Thank you for reading! 感谢您的阅读! Get this post PDF/ePub/Kindle ebook at Get this post PDF/ePub/Kindle ebook at 翻译自: vue.js手册
导入Vue库和App组件。 productionTip
to false
, to avoid Vue outputting a “you’re in development mode” tip in the console.productionTip
,以避免Vue在控制台中输出“您处于开发模式”提示。 #app
, which we defined in index.html
, and we tell it to use the App component.index.html
标识的DOM元素来创建Vue实例,并告诉它使用App组件。 // The Vue build version to load with the `import` command
// (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias.
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App'
Vue.config.productionTip = false
/* eslint-disable no-new */
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: { App },
template: '
is a Single File Component. It contains three chunks of code: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.App.vue
是单个文件组件。 它包含三个代码块:HTML,CSS和JavaScript。 script
标签。 components/HelloWorld.vue
file, which we'll describe later.components/HelloWorld.vue
component. Vue will automatically insert that component inside this placeholder.HelloWorld
组件。 Vue会自动将该组件插入此占位符。
component, which is included by the App component.HelloWorld
组件,它包含在App组件中。 HelloWorld
component has scoped CSS.HelloWorld
组件的作用域为CSS。 style
tag. If it has the scoped
attribute, then it's scoped:
运行应用 (Run the app)
Vue CLI (The Vue CLI)
安装 (Installation)
npm install -g @vue/cli
yarn global add @vue/cli
命令。 Vue CLI提供了什么? (What does the Vue CLI provide?)
)。 create-react-app
you can update and tweak what you want, but you can’t rely on the cool features that create-react-app
提供的出色功能。 如何使用CLI创建新的Vue项目 (How to use the CLI to create a new Vue project)
vue create example
to enable one of the things you need, and then press enter
to go on. Since I chose Linter / Formatter
, Vue CLI prompts me for the configuration. I chose ESLint + Prettier
since that's my favorite setup:space
键继续。 由于我选择了Linter / Formatter
,因此Vue CLI会提示我进行配置。 我选择了ESLint + Prettier
因为这是我最喜欢的设置: Lint on save
.Lint on save
。 package.json
file, or in dedicated configuration files, one for each tool. I chose the latter.package.json
文件或专用配置文件中,每个工具一个。 我选择了后者。 如何启动新创建的Vue CLI应用程序 (How to start the newly created Vue CLI application)
folder and run yarn serve
to start up our first app in development mode:example
文件夹并运行yarn serve
以在开发模式下启动我们的第一个应用程序: package.json
: yarn serve
, which we used a minute ago. The other commands areyarn serve
。 其他命令是
yarn build
, to start a production buildyarn build
,开始生产 yarn lint
, to run the linteryarn lint
yarn test:unit
, to run the unit testsyarn test:unit
,运行单元测试 Git仓库 (Git repository)
word in the lower-left corner of VS Code? That's because Vue CLI automatically creates a repository, and makes the first commit. So we can jump right in, change things, and we know what we changed:master
词吗? 这是因为Vue CLI自动创建存储库并进行第一次提交。 这样我们就可以跳进去,进行更改,然后我们知道更改了什么: 从命令行使用预设 (Use a preset from the command line)
vue create -p favourite example-2
预设存储在哪里 (Where presets are stored)
file in your home directory. Here's mine after creating the first "favorite" preset:.vuejs
文件中。 创建第一个“收藏夹”预设后,这是我的: {
"useTaobaoRegistry": false,
"packageManager": "yarn",
"presets": {
"favourite": {
"useConfigFiles": true,
"plugins": {
"@vue/cli-plugin-babel": {},
"@vue/cli-plugin-eslint": {
"config": "prettier",
"lintOn": [
"@vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest": {}
"router": true,
"vuex": true
外挂程式 (Plugins)
vue add
:vue add
添加更多插件: vue add @vue/cli-plugin-babel
"@vue/cli-plugin-eslint": {
"version": "^3.0.0"
远程存储预设 (Remotely store presets)
file, which contains a single preset configuration.preset.json
文件的存储库,可以将一个预置存储在GitHub(或其他服务)中,该文件包含一个预置配置。 { "useConfigFiles": true, "plugins": { "@vue/cli-plugin-babel": {}, "@vue/cli-plugin-eslint": { "config": "prettier", "lintOn": [ "save" ] }, "@vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest": {} }, "router": true, "vuex": true}
vue create --preset flaviocopes/vue-cli-preset example3
Vue CLI的另一种用法:快速原型制作 (Another use of the Vue CLI: rapid prototyping)
。 cli-service-global
global package:cli-service-global
全局软件包: npm install -g @vue/cli-service-global
yarn global add @vue/cli-service-global
Hello world!
vue serve app.vue
main.js / index.js
as its entry point, and you can have a package.json
and any tool configuration set up. vue serve
will pick it up.main.js / index.js
和任何工具配置。 vue serve
会捡起来。 vue build
will prepare the project for deployment in dist/
, and will generate all the corresponding code (also for vendor dependencies).vue build
部署的项目做好准备,并将生成所有相应的代码(也用于供应商依赖性)。 Webpack (Webpack)
vue inspect
:vue inspect
来访问它: Vue开发工具 (The Vue DevTools)
在Chrome上安装 (Install on Chrome)
Add to Chrome
.Add to Chrome
。 Cmd-Alt-i
打开“开发人员工具”面板 在Firefox上安装 (Install on Firefox)
安装独立应用 (Install the standalone app)
npm install -g @vue/devtools
yarn global add @vue/devtools
file, and wait for the app to be reloaded. It will automatically connect to the app.index.html
文件中,然后等待应用程序重新加载。 它将自动连接到应用程序。 如何使用开发人员工具 (How to use the Developer Tools)
= $vm0
text beside a component? It's a handy way to inspect a component using the Console. Pressing the "esc" key shows up the console in the bottom of the devtools, and you can type $vm0
to access the Vue component:= $vm0
文本吗? 这是使用控制台检查组件的便捷方法。 按下“ esc”键将在devtools底部显示控制台,您可以键入$vm0
来访问Vue组件: 过滤组件 (Filter components)
在页面中选择一个组件 (Select a component in the page)
Select component in the page
button.Select component in the page
按钮中的Select component in the page
。 格式化组件名称 (Format components names)
筛选检查的数据 (Filter inspected data)
检查DOM (Inspect DOM)
在编辑器中打开 (Open in editor)
设置VS Code以与Vue一起使用 (Setup VS Code to work with Vue)
威图 (Vetur)
安装Vetur (Installing Vetur)
语法高亮 (Syntax highlighting)
file will be displayed in this way by VS Code:.vue
片段 (Snippets)
file, it cannot provide the snippets we all love. Snippets are pieces of code we can add to the file, provided by specialized plugins..vue
文件的一部分中包含的代码类型,因此它无法提供我们都喜欢的代码段。 代码片段是我们可以添加到文件中的代码片段,由专用插件提供。 智能感知 (IntelliSense)
脚手架 (Scaffolding)
template with html
template with html
template with pug
template with pug
script with JavaScript
script with JavaScript
script with TypeScript
script with TypeScript
style with CSS
style with CSS
style with CSS (scoped)
style with CSS (scoped)
style with scss
style with scss
style with scss (scoped)
style with scss (scoped)
style with less
style with less
style with less (scoped)
style with less (scoped)
style with sass
style with sass
style with sass (scoped)
style with sass (scoped)
style with postcss
style with postcss
style with postcss (scoped)
style with postcss (scoped)
style with stylus
style with stylus
style with stylus (scoped)
style with stylus (scoped)
, you'll get a starter pack for a single-file component:scaffold
,您将获得一个单文件组件的入门包: Emmet (Emmet)
VS Code will automatically expand it to the HTML equivalent:tab
将其自动扩展为等效HTML: 整理和错误检查 (Linting and error checking)
代码格式化 (Code Formatting)
VS Code setting."editor.formatOnSave"
VS Code设置。 vetur.format.defaultFormatter.XXXXX
to none
in the VS Code settings. To change one of those settings, just start searching for the string, and override what you want in the user settings on the right panel.vetur.format.defaultFormatter.XXXXX
来选择禁用某些特定语言的自动格式设置。 要更改这些设置之一,只需开始搜索字符串,然后在右侧面板的用户设置中覆盖所需的内容即可。 介绍Vue组件 (Introducing Vue Components)
如何使用组件 (How to use components)
new Vue({ /* options */})
Vue.component('component-name', { /* options */})
files, also called Single File Components..vue
文件中,也称为“单个文件组件”。 new Vue()
or Vue.component()
is the standard way to use Vue when you're building an application that is not a Single Page Application (SPA). You use this method, rather, when you’re just using Vue.js in some pages, like in a contact form or in the shopping cart. Or maybe Vue is used in all pages, but the server is rendering the layout, and you serve the HTML to the client, which then loads the Vue application you Vue()
是使用Vue的标准方法。 相反,当您仅在某些页面中使用Vue.js(例如在联系表单或购物车中)时,就使用此方法。 也许在所有页面中都使用了Vue,但是服务器正在渲染布局,然后您将HTML提供给客户端,然后客户端将加载您构建的Vue应用程序。 tag, you will use:
new Vue({ el: '#app' })
new Vue
has no corresponding tag name, so it's usually the main container Vue
初始化的组件没有相应的标签名称,因此通常是主要的容器组件。 Vue.component()
. Such a component allows you to define a tag — with which you can embed the component multiple times in the application — and specify the output of the component in the template
初始化应用程序中使用的其他组件。 这样的组件允许您定义一个标记(您可以使用该标记在应用程序中多次嵌入该组件),并在template
属性中指定该组件的输出: Vue.component('user-name', { props: ['name'], template: '
new Vue({ el: '#app'})
, and inside that, we use the Vue component user-name
, which abstracts our greeting to the user.#app
,它抽象了向用户的问候。 Vue.component()
call we passed user-name
as the first parameter. This gives the component a name. You can write the name in 2 ways here. The first is the one we used, called kebab-case. The second is called PascalCase, which is like camelCase, but with the first letter capitalized:Vue.component()
作为第一个参数。 这为组件命名。 您可以在此处以两种方式输入名称。 第一个是我们使用的那个,叫做kebab-case。 第二个称为PascalCase,类似于camelCase,但是第一个字母大写: Vue.component('UserName', { /* ... */})
to UserName
, and vice versa, so you can use whatever you like. It's generally best to use UserName
in the JavaScript, and user-name
in the template.user-name
自动创建别名,反之亦然,因此您可以随意使用。 通常最好在JavaScript中使用UserName
。 本地组件 (Local components)
is globally registered. You don't need to assign it to a variable or pass it around to reuse it in your templates.Vue.component()
创建的任何组件都是全局注册的。 您无需将其分配给变量或将其传递以在模板中重复使用。 const Sidebar = { template: ''}
属性使其在另一个组件内部可用: new Vue({ el: '#app', components: { Sidebar }})
import Sidebar from './Sidebar'
export default { el: '#app', components: { Sidebar }}
重用组件 (Reusing a component)
Vue.component('user-name', { props: ['name'], template: '
new Vue({ el: '#app'})
组件的组成部分 (The building blocks of a component)
, props
and template
, props
is only used in root components initialized using new Vue({})
, and identifies the DOM element the component will mount on.el
仅在使用new Vue({})
初始化的根组件中使用,并标识组件将安装在其上的DOM元素。 props
lists all the properties that we can pass down to a child componentprops
列出了我们可以传递给子组件的所有属性 template
is where we can set up the component template, which will be responsible for defining the output the component generates.template
the component local statedata
组件本地状态 methods
: the component methodsmethods
:组件方法 computed
: the computed properties associated with the componentcomputed
:与组件关联的计算属性 watch
: the component watcherswatch
:组件观察者 单个文件组件 (Single File Components)
) like this:.js
)中声明Vue组件,如下所示: Vue.component('component-name', { /* options */})
new Vue({ /* options */})
文件中指定。 .vue
file is pretty cool because it allows you to define:.vue
files cannot be used without a Webpack setup, and as such, they are not very suited to apps that just use Vue on a page without being a full-blown single-page app (SPA)..vue
export default { data() { return { hello: 'Hello World!' } }}
export default { data: function() { return { name: 'Flavio' } }}
export default { data: () => { return { name: 'Flavio' } }}
, and such property is not bound to the component using arrow functions. So it's mandatory to use regular functions rather than arrow functions.this
, and such property is not bound to the component using arrow functions. So it's mandatory to use regular functions rather than arrow functions. module.exports = { data: () => { return { name: 'Flavio' } }}
Vue Templates (Vue Templates)
new Vue({ template: 'Hello!'})
new Vue({
data: {
name: 'Flavio'
template: 'Hello!'
new Vue({ data: { name: 'Flavio' }, template: 'Hello {{name}}!'})
instead of
instead of
? Hello {{name}}!
we might need to access a method in our component instance, and we can't do that if this
is not bound to the component, so we can’t use an arrow
we might need to access a method in our component instance, and we can't do that if this
is not bound to the component, so we can't use an arrow function. this
. Better play it safe, I think.this
. Better play it safe, I think. {{ name }}
should remind you of Mustache / Handlebars template interpolation, but it's just a visual reminder.{{ name }}
should remind you of Mustache / Handlebars template interpolation, but it's just a visual reminder. {{ name.reverse() }}
{{ name === 'Flavio' ? 'Flavio' : 'stranger' }}
{{ Math.sqrt(16) * Math.random() }}
directive. v-html
directive instead.v-html
directive instead. Styling components using CSS (Styling components using CSS)
tag, just like in HTML:style
tag, just like in HTML:
to be defined in the component data? Here's how you can do it:underline
to be defined in the component data? 方法如下:
is a shorthand for v-bind:style
. I'll use this shorthand throughout this tutorial.:style
is a shorthand for v-bind:style
. I'll use this shorthand throughout this tutorial. text-decoration
in quotes. This is because of the dash, which is not part of a valid JavaScript identifier.text-decoration
in quotes. This is because of the dash, which is not part of a valid JavaScript identifier. textDecoration
, you can reference a computed property:style
, you can reference a computed property:
in this case or by using an array:paragraphClass
in this case or by using an array:
, while in the template data, properties are conveniently put as first-level properties.this.[propertyName]
, while in the template data, properties are conveniently put as first-level properties. 指令 (Directives)
, to indicate that's a Vue special attribute.v-
, to indicate that's a Vue special attribute.
directive. It performs the same job:v-text
directive. It performs the same job:
){{ name }}
binds to the name
property of the component data.{{ name }}
binds to the name
property of the component data. name
changes in your component data, Vue is going to update the value represented in the
changes in your component data, Vue is going to update the value represented in the browser. v-once
directive, which is basically like an HTML attribute:v-once
directive, which is basically like an HTML attribute: {{ name }}
: {{ linkText }}
is so common that there is a shorthand syntax for it:v-bind
is so common that there is a shorthand syntax for it: {{ linkText }}{{ linkText }}
Two-way binding using
(Two-way binding using v-model
lets us bind a form input element for example, and makes it change the Vue data property when the user changes the content of the field:v-model
lets us bind a form input element for example, and makes it change the Vue data property when the user changes the content of the field: Fruit chosen: {{ selected }}
Using expressions (Using expressions)
{{ linkText }}
有条件的 (Conditionals)
, v-else
and v-else-if
, v-else
and v-else-if
. shouldShowThis
is a boolean value contained in the component's data.shouldShowThis
is a boolean value contained in the component's data. 循环 (Loops)
allows you to render a list of items. Use it in combination with v-bind
to set the properties of each item in the list.v-for
allows you to render a list of items. Use it in combination with v-bind
to set the properties of each item in the list.
can give you the index using:v-for
can give you the index using: 大事记 (Events)
allows you to listen to DOM events, and trigger a method when the event happens. Here we listen for a click event:v-on
allows you to listen to DOM events, and trigger a method when the event happens. Here we listen for a click event: Click me!
Click me!
is just one kind of event. A common event is submit
, which you can bind using v-on:submit
is just one kind of event. A common event is submit
, which you can bind using v-on:submit
. v-on
is so common that there is a shorthand syntax for it, @
is so common that there is a shorthand syntax for it, @
: Click me!Click me!
Show or hide (Show or hide)
: display: none
if the condition is not satisfied.display: none
if the condition is not satisfied. Event directive modifiers (Event directive modifiers)
, which automatically make the event do something without you explicitly coding it in your event handler.v-on
, which automatically make the event do something without you explicitly coding it in your event handler. .prevent
, which automatically calls preventDefault()
on the event..prevent
, which automatically calls preventDefault()
on the event. .stop
, .capture
, .self
, .once
, .passive
and they are described in detail in the official docs..stop
, .capture
, .self
, .once
, .passive
and they are described in detail in the official docs . Custom directives (Custom directives)
方法 (Methods)
What are Vue.js methods? (What are Vue.js methods?)
property: new Vue({ methods: { handleClick: function() { alert('test') } }})
directive on an element to handle events. Like this one, which calls handleClick
when the element is clicked:v-on
directive on an element to handle events. Like this one, which calls handleClick
when the element is clicked: Click me!
Pass parameters to Vue.js methods (Pass parameters to Vue.js methods)
Click me!
new Vue({ methods: { handleClick: function(text) { alert(text) } }})
How to access data from a method (How to access data from a method)
: Click me!
, just
. Vue does provide a transparent binding for us. Using
will raise an
, just
. Vue does provide a transparent binding for us. Using
will raise an error. Watchers (Watchers)
object a property named as the data property we want to watch over:watch
object a property named as the data property we want to watch over:
can optionally accept 2 parameters. The first is the new property value. The second is the old property
can optionally accept 2 parameters. The first is the new property value. The second is the old property value: Computed Properties (Computed Properties)
What is a Computed Property (What is a Computed Property)
{{ count * 10 }}
property of the Vue component:computed
property of the Vue component: An example of a computed property (An example of a computed property)
to calculate the output.count
to calculate the output.
{{ count() }}
. Vue.js automatically invokes the function{{ count() }}
. Vue.js automatically invokes the function count
computed property, because I need to be able to access the component instance through this
computed property, because I need to be able to access the component instance through this
Computed properties vs. methods (Computed properties vs. methods)
computed property is internally cached until the items
data property changes.count
computed property is internally cached until the items
data property changes.
Methods vs. Watchers vs. Computed Properties (Methods vs. Watchers vs. Computed Properties)
When to use methods (When to use methods)
When to use computed properties (When to use computed properties)
When to use watchers (When to use watchers)
Props: pass data to child components (Props: pass data to child components)
property: Vue.component('user-name', { props: ['name'], template: '
Accept multiple props (Accept multiple props)
Vue.component('user-name', { props: ['firstName', 'lastName'], template: '
Set the prop type (Set the prop type)
Vue.component('user-name', { props: { firstName: String, lastName: String }, template: '
props: { firstName: [String, Number]}
Set a prop to be mandatory (Set a prop to be mandatory)
props: { firstName: { type: String, required: true }}
Set the default value of a prop (Set the default value of a prop)
props: { firstName: { type: String, default: 'Unknown person' }}
props: { name: { type: Object, default: { firstName: 'Unknown', lastName: '' } }}
can also be a function that returns an appropriate value, rather than being the actual value.default
can also be a function that returns an appropriate value, rather than being the actual value. props: { name: { validator: name => { return name === 'Flavio' //only allow "Flavios" } }}
Passing props to the component (Passing props to the component)
Handling Events in Vue (Handling Events in Vue)
What are Vue.js events? (What are Vue.js events?)
directive on an element.v-on
directive on an element. Click me!
directive: Click me!
Click me!
is equivalent to @click="handleClick()"
is equivalent to @click="handleClick()"
. handleClick
is a method attached to the component:handleClick
is a method attached to the component: @click="handleClick(param)"
and they will be received inside the method.@click="handleClick(param)"
and they will be received inside the method. Access the original event object (Access the original event object)
directive: Click me!
Click me!
, but there's a better way: event modifiers.event.preventDefault()
, but there's a better way: event modifiers. Event modifiers (Event modifiers)
call event.preventDefault()
call event.preventDefault()
call event.stopPropagation()
call event.stopPropagation()
makes use of the passive option of addEventListener@click.passive
makes use of the passive option of addEventListener @click.capture
uses event capturing instead of event bubbling@click.capture
uses event capturing instead of event bubbling @click.self
make sure the click event was not bubbled from a child event, but directly happened on that element@click.self
make sure the click event was not bubbled from a child event, but directly happened on that element @click.once
the event will only be triggered exactly once@click.once
the event will only be triggered exactly once Inject content using slots (Inject content using slots)
Vue.component('user-name', { props: ['name'], template: '
lt;/slot> in a component template:
lt;/slot> in a component template: Vue.component('user-information', { template: '
lt;/slot> tags, that serves as the default content in case nothing is passed in.
lt;/slot> tags, that serves as the default content in case nothing is passed in. slot
attribute to any tag, to assign content to that slot.slot
attribute to any tag, to assign content to that slot. slot
. page
single file component in this example:page
single file component in this example:
Page title
Filters, helpers for templates (Filters, helpers for templates)
is actually containing a value, and if not print 'there', so that our template will print "Hi there!"?name
is actually containing a value, and if not print 'there', so that our template will print "Hi there!"?
| filterName
. If you're familiar with Unix, that's the Unix pipe operator, which is used to pass the output of an operation as an input to the next one.| filterName
. If you're familiar with Unix, that's the Unix pipe operator, which is used to pass the output of an operation as an input to the next one. filters
property of the component is an object. A single filter is a function that accepts a value and returns another value.filters
property of the component is an object. A single filter is a function that accepts a value and returns another value.
{{ name | fallback }}
.{{ name | fallback }}
. {{ name | fallback | capitalize }}
filter, then the capitalize
filter (which we didn't define, but try making one!).fallback
filter, then the capitalize
filter (which we didn't define, but try making one!).
in this case), followed by the explicit parameters you
in this case), followed by the explicit parameters you passed. this
to access the component data. But in this case, the filter does not need to access this
but receives all the data it needs through the parameters, and we can safely use the simpler arrow function syntax.this
to access the component data. But in this case, the filter does not need to access this
but receives all the data it needs through the parameters, and we can safely use the simpler arrow function syntax. capitalize
, uppercase
, lowercase
, placeholder
, truncate
, currency
, pluralize
and more.capitalize
, uppercase
, lowercase
, placeholder
, truncate
, currency
, pluralize
and more. Communication among components (Communication among components)
Using Props (Using Props)
Using Events to communicate from children to parent (Using Events to communicate from children to parent)
directive when including the component in its template:v-on
directive when including the component in its template:
Using an Event Bus to communicate between any components (Using an Event Bus to communicate between any components)
to emit an event on the component instance.this.$emit
to emit an event on the component instance. this.$root
, the root component, is commonly used for this.this.$root
, the root component, is commonly used for this. mounted
callback: Manage state using Vuex (Manage state using Vuex)
Why should you use Vuex? (Why should you use Vuex?)
开始吧 (Let’s start)
npm install vuex
or yarn add vuex
inside the project folder.npm install vuex
or yarn add vuex
inside the project folder. Create the Vuex store (Create the Vuex store)
file, so we'll do that.src/store/store.js
file, so we'll do that. import Vue from 'vue'import Vuex from 'vuex'
export const store = new Vuex.Store({})
API. A use case for the store (A use case for the store)
Introducing the new components we need (Introducing the new components we need)
Adding those components to the app (Adding those components to the app)
code instead of the HelloWorld component:App.vue
code instead of the HelloWorld component:
Add the state to the store (Add the state to the store)
, which is an object, that contains the flavor
property. That's an empty string initially.state
, which is an object, that contains the flavor
property. That's an empty string initially. import Vue from 'vue'import Vuex from 'vuex'
export const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { flavor: '' }})
Add a mutation (Add a mutation)
component to notify the store that the state should change.Form
component to notify the store that the state should change. import Vue from 'vue'import Vuex from 'vuex'
export const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { flavor: '' }, mutations: { change(state, flavor) { state.flavor = flavor } }})
Add a getter to reference a state property (Add a getter to reference a state property)
property: import Vue from 'vue'import Vuex from 'vuex'
export const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { flavor: '' }, mutations: { change(state, flavor) { state.flavor = flavor } }, getters: { flavor: state => state.flavor }})
is an object. flavor
is a property of this object, which accepts the state as the parameter, and returns the flavor
property of the state.getters
is an object. flavor
is a property of this object, which accepts the state as the parameter, and returns the flavor
property of the state. Adding the Vuex store to the app (Adding the Vuex store to the app)
import { store } from './store/store'
new Vue({ el: '#app', store, components: { App }, template: '
variable inside every Vue component will point to the Vuex
variable inside every Vue component will point to the Vuex store. Update the state on a user action using commit (Update the state on a user action using commit)
API. @input
rather than @change
because the latter is only triggered when the focus is moved away from the input box, while @input
is called on every keypress.@input
rather than @change
because the latter is only triggered when the focus is moved away from the input box, while @input
is called on every keypress.
? This is thanks to the inclusion of the store
object in the main Vue component initialization.this.$store
? This is thanks to the inclusion of the store
object in the main Vue component initialization. commit()
method accepts a mutation name (we used change
in the Vuex store) and a payload, which will be passed to the mutation as the second parameter of its callback function.commit()
method accepts a mutation name (we used change
in the Vuex store) and a payload, which will be passed to the mutation as the second parameter of its callback function. Use the getter to print the state value (Use the getter to print the state value)
. this
can be removed because we're in the template, and this
is implicit.$store.getters.flavor
. this
can be removed because we're in the template, and this
is implicit.
Handle URLs using Vue Router (Handle URLs using Vue Router)
安装 (Installation)
. npm install vue-router
and make it available either using a script tag or via Vue CLI, you can now import it in your app.vue-router
and make it available either using a script tag or via Vue CLI, you can now import it in your app. vue
, and you call Vue.use(VueRouter)
to install it inside the app:vue
, and you call Vue.use(VueRouter)
to install it inside the app: import Vue from 'vue'import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
passing the router object, in any component of the app you have access to these objects:Vue.use()
passing the router object, in any component of the app you have access to these objects:
is the router objectthis.$router
is the router object this.$route
is the current route objectthis.$route
is the current route object The router object (The router object)
from any component when the Vue Router is installed in the root Vue component, offers many nice features.this.$router
from any component when the Vue Router is installed in the root Vue component, offers many nice features.
, replaceState
and go
methods of the History API.pushState
, replaceState
and go
methods of the History API.
is used to go to a new route, adding a new item to the browser historypush()
is used to go to a new route, adding a new item to the browser history replace()
is the same, except it does not push a new state to the historyreplace()
is the same, except it does not push a new state to the history this.$router.push('about') //named route, see laterthis.$router.push({ path: 'about' })this.$router.push({ path: 'post', query: { post_slug: 'hello-world' } }) //using query parameters (post?post_slug=hello-world)this.$router.replace({ path: 'about' })
goes back and forth, accepting a number that can be positive or negative to go back in the history:go()
goes back and forth, accepting a number that can be positive or negative to go back in the history: this.$router.go(-1) //go back 1 stepthis.$router.go(1) //go forward 1 step
Defining the routes (Defining the routes)
tag that has three router-link
components, which have the labels Home, Login, and About. A URL is assigned through the to
tag that has three router-link
components, which have the labels Home, Login, and About. A URL is assigned through the to
attribute. router-view
component is where the Vue Router will put the content that matches the current URL.router-view
component is where the Vue Router will put the content that matches the current URL.
component renders an a
tag by default (you can change that). Every time the route changes, either by clicking a link or by changing the URL, a router-link-active
class is added to the element that refers to the active route, allowing you to style it.router-link
component renders an a
tag by default (you can change that). Every time the route changes, either by clicking a link or by changing the URL, a router-link-active
class is added to the element that refers to the active route, allowing you to style it. router
object, and we pass this object to the Vue root instance.router
object, and we pass this object to the Vue root instance. new Vue({ render: h => h(App)}).$mount('#app')
property but instead, you use router
property but instead, you use router
. new Vue({ router}).$mount('#app')
new Vue({ router: router}).$mount('#app')
array to the VueRouter
constructor. Each route in this array has a path
and component
array to the VueRouter
constructor. Each route in this array has a path
and component
params. name
param too, you have a named
param too, you have a named route. Using named routes to pass parameters to the router push and replace methods (Using named routes to pass parameters to the router push and replace methods)
this.$router.push({ path: 'about' })
this.$router.push({ name: 'post', params: { post_slug: 'hello-world' } })
: this.$router.replace({ name: 'post', params: { post_slug: 'hello-world' } })
What happens when a user clicks a
(What happens when a user clicks a router-link?
) Route guards (Route guards)
and afterEach()
property of the router.beforeEach()
and afterEach()
property of the router.
is called before the navigation is confirmedbeforeEach()
is called before the navigation is confirmed beforeResolve()
is called when beforeEach()
is executed and all the components beforeRouterEnter
and beforeRouteUpdate
guards are called, but before the navigation is confirmed. The final check.beforeResolve()
is called when beforeEach()
is executed and all the components beforeRouterEnter
and beforeRouteUpdate
guards are called, but before the navigation is confirmed. The final check. afterEach()
is called after the navigation is confirmedafterEach()
is called after the navigation is confirmed this.$router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { // ...})
this.$router.afterEach((to, from) => { // ...})
and from
represent the route objects that we go to and
and from
represent the route objects that we go to and from. beforeEach
has an additional parameter next
which if we call with false
as the parameter, will block the navigation and cause it to be unconfirmed.beforeEach
has an additional parameter next
which if we call with false
as the parameter, will block the navigation and cause it to be unconfirmed. next()
should always be called, otherwise execution will get
should always be called, otherwise execution will get stuck.
beforeRouteEnter(from, to, next)
is called before the current route is confirmedbeforeRouteEnter(from, to, next)
is called before the current route is confirmed beforeRouteUpdate(from, to, next)
is called when the route changes but the component that manages it is still the same (with dynamic routing, see next
)beforeRouteUpdate(from, to, next)
is called when the route changes but the component that manages it is still the same (with dynamic routing, see next
) beforeRouteLeave(from, to, next)
is called when we move away from herebeforeRouteLeave(from, to, next)
is called when we move away from here
guard in the current component(s)beforeRouteLeave
guard in the current component(s) beforeEach()
guard beforeRouteUpdate()
in any component that needs to be reused, if any existbeforeRouteUpdate()
in any component that needs to be reused, if any exist beforeEnter()
guard on the route object (I didn't mention it but you can look here)beforeEnter()
guard on the route object (I didn't mention it but you can look here ) beforeRouterEnter()
in the component that we should enter intobeforeRouterEnter()
in the component that we should enter into beforeResolve()
guard afterEach()
guard beforeRouteEnter
and beforeRouteUpdate
in case of dynamic routing) as life cycle hooks, so you can start data fetching requests for example.beforeRouteEnter
and beforeRouteUpdate
in case of dynamic routing) as life cycle hooks, so you can start data fetching requests for example. Dynamic routing (Dynamic routing)
, /login
and /about
, /login
and /about
routes. /post/
, each with the slug name:/post/
, each with the slug name:
const router = new VueRouter({ routes: [ { path: '/', component: Home }, { path: '/login', component: Login }, { path: '/about', component: About } ]})
const router = new VueRouter({ routes: [ { path: '/', component: Home }, { path: '/post/:post_slug', component: Post }, { path: '/login', component: Login }, { path: '/about', component: About } ]})
syntax. This means that you can use any string, and that will be mapped to the post_slug
syntax. This means that you can use any string, and that will be mapped to the post_slug
placeholder. $route
, and the post slug using $route.params.post_slug
, and the post slug using $route.params.post_slug
: const Post = { template: '
life cycle event.beforeRouteUpdate
life cycle event. const Post = { template: '
Using props (Using props)
to access the route data. A component should not be so tightly coupled with the router, and instead, we can use props:$route.params.*
to access the route data. A component should not be so tightly coupled with the router, and instead, we can use props: const Post = { props: ['post_slug'], template: '
const router = new VueRouter({ routes: [ { path: '/post/:post_slug', component: Post, props: true } ]})
props: true
passed to the route object to enable this functionality.props: true
passed to the route object to enable this functionality. Nested routes (Nested routes)
component instance inside the Author template:router-view
component instance inside the Author template: const Author = { template: '
const Post = { template: '
configuration: const router = new VueRouter({ routes: [{ path: '/post/:author', component: Author, children: [ path: ':post_slug', component: Post ] }]})