人人快速开发平台 renren-fast 源码分析(二)异常处理和校验机制



 * 异常处理器
 * @author chenshun
 * @email [email protected]
 * @date 2016年10月27日 下午10:16:19
public class RRExceptionHandler {
    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

     * 处理自定义异常
    public R handleRRException(RRException e){
        R r = new R();
        r.put("code", e.getCode());
        r.put("msg", e.getMessage());

        return r;

    public R handlerNoFoundException(Exception e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return R.error(404, "路径不存在,请检查路径是否正确");

    public R handleDuplicateKeyException(DuplicateKeyException e){
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return R.error("数据库中已存在该记录");

    public R handleAuthorizationException(AuthorizationException e){
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return R.error("没有权限,请联系管理员授权");

    public R handleException(Exception e){
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return R.error();

该类用@RestControllerAdvice修饰,这个注解修饰的类,里面的方法作用于@ResponseBody修饰的方法返回结果。从handleRRException(RRException e)方法看得出,系统中的业务逻辑异常都是直接往上抛,最后由RRExceptionHandler处理并且返回对应的提示信息。
查看R类可以发现,该项目 RESTful 接口返回结果都是一个统一格式的 map 转成的 json

 * 返回数据
 * @author chenshun
 * @email [email protected]
 * @date 2016年10月27日 下午9:59:27
public class R extends HashMap {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    public R() {
        put("code", 0);
        put("msg", "success");
    public static R error() {
        return error(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "未知异常,请联系管理员");
    public static R error(String msg) {
        return error(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg);
    public static R error(int code, String msg) {
        R r = new R();
        r.put("code", code);
        r.put("msg", msg);
        return r;

    public static R ok(String msg) {
        R r = new R();
        r.put("msg", msg);
        return r;
    public static R ok(Map map) {
        R r = new R();
        return r;
    public static R ok() {
        return new R();

    public R put(String key, Object value) {
        super.put(key, value);
        return this;


项目中使用的是 Hibernate-validator 做输入的校验

 * 登录表单
 * @author Mark [email protected]
 * @since 3.1.0 2018-01-25
@ApiModel(value = "登录表单")
public class LoginForm {
    @ApiModelProperty(value = "手机号")
    private String mobile;

    @ApiModelProperty(value = "密码")
    private String password;

    public String getMobile() {
        return mobile;

    public void setMobile(String mobile) {
        this.mobile = mobile;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;


 * APP登录授权
 * @author chenshun
 * @email [email protected]
 * @date 2017-03-23 15:31
public class AppLoginController {
    private UserService userService;
    private JwtUtils jwtUtils;

     * 登录
    public R login(@RequestBody LoginForm form){

        long userId = userService.login(form);

        String token = jwtUtils.generateToken(userId);

        Map map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("token", token);
        map.put("expire", jwtUtils.getExpire());

        return R.ok(map);



 * hibernate-validator校验工具类
 * 参考文档:http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/validator/5.4/reference/en-US/html_single/
 * @author chenshun
 * @email [email protected]
 * @date 2017-03-15 10:50
public class ValidatorUtils {
    private static Validator validator;

    static {
        validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();

     * 校验对象
     * @param object        待校验对象
     * @param groups        待校验的组
     * @throws RRException  校验不通过,则报RRException异常
    public static void validateEntity(Object object, Class... groups)
            throws RRException {
        Set> constraintViolations = validator.validate(object, groups);
        if (!constraintViolations.isEmpty()) {
            StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
            for(ConstraintViolation constraint:  constraintViolations){
"); } throw new RRException(msg.toString()); } } }

参照 hibernate-validator文档 ,得知,在AppLoginControllerlogin 方法中,调用ValidatorUtils.validateEntity(form);通过 LoginForm声明的属性对应的@NotBlank注解,来校验输入是否符合约束。若不符合,根据 validator 返回的message拼接成异常信息,然后抛出 RRException,提示对应信息,这就连接上异常处理功能了。

异常处理和校验,如果只是看怎么使用,为什么要这么用的话是挺简单的。项目中使用@RestControllerAdvice作为异常处理的方式,并且用 hibernate-validator 作为校验工具,可以减少大量的输入校验和异常捕获的代码(当然有些时候还是需要自己在代码中捕获不希望抛出的异常的)。

但是只看怎么用实在是太没有意思了。因此我们来试着读一下 validator 的源码~

首先我们找到 Validator 的实现类 ValidatorImpl,找到validate(T object, Class... groups)方法

    public final  Set> validate(T object, Class... groups) {
        Contracts.assertNotNull( object, MESSAGES.validatedObjectMustNotBeNull() );
        sanityCheckGroups( groups );

        ValidationContext validationContext = getValidationContextBuilder().forValidate( object );

        if ( !validationContext.getRootBeanMetaData().hasConstraints() ) {
            return Collections.emptySet();

        ValidationOrder validationOrder = determineGroupValidationOrder( groups );
        ValueContext valueContext = ValueContext.getLocalExecutionContext(

        return validateInContext( validationContext, valueContext, validationOrder );

根据官网文档指出,groups 不传的话应该是对所有属性进行校验,否则只对对应 groups 的属性进行校验。那我们就来看看它是怎么做到的.

  1. 根据 object 参数获得 ValidationContext
  2. 根据 groups 参数获得ValidationOrder
  3. 根据 object, validationContext 等获得ValueContext
  4. 调用validateInContext( validationContext, valueContext, validationOrder );


根据 object 参数获得 ValidationContext


 * Context object keeping track of all required data for a validation call.
 * We use this object to collect all failing constraints, but also to have access to resources like
 * constraint validator factory, message interpolator, traversable resolver, etc.

也就说,这个类是用来做 validation call 的时候传入的,并且会把调用时产生的所有需要的数据都追踪。这个类是通过ValidationContextBuilder.forValidate(T rootBean)创建的。看看都是怎么创建的吧。

public  ValidationContext forValidate(T rootBean) {
            Class rootBeanClass = (Class) rootBean.getClass();
            return new ValidationContext<>(
                    beanMetaDataManager.getBeanMetaData( rootBeanClass ),
                    null, //executable
                    null, //executable parameters
                    null, //executable return value
                    null //executable metadata

已知传入的参数有待校验的 bean,这个 bean 所属的 class,还有一堆杂七杂八的参数,先放着。目前已知这个类是用来存放所有校验时的数据的就行了。

根据 groups 参数获得 ValidationOrder

跟踪 determineGroupValidationOrder( groups ) 会找到getValidationOrder(Collection> groups)

     * Generates a order of groups and sequences for the specified validation groups.
     * @param groups the groups specified at the validation call
     * @return an instance of {@code ValidationOrder} defining the order in which validation has to occur
    public ValidationOrder getValidationOrder(Collection> groups) {
        if ( groups == null || groups.size() == 0 ) {
            throw LOG.getAtLeastOneGroupHasToBeSpecifiedException();

        // HV-621 - if we deal with the Default group we return the default ValidationOrder. No need to
        // process Default as other groups which saves several reflection calls (HF)
        if ( groups.size() == 1 && groups.contains( Default.class ) ) {
            return ValidationOrder.DEFAULT_GROUP;

        for ( Class clazz : groups ) {
            if ( !clazz.isInterface() ) {
                throw LOG.getGroupHasToBeAnInterfaceException( clazz );

        DefaultValidationOrder validationOrder = new DefaultValidationOrder();
        for ( Class clazz : groups ) {
            if ( Default.class.equals( clazz ) ) { // HV-621
                validationOrder.insertGroup( Group.DEFAULT_GROUP );
            else if ( isGroupSequence( clazz ) ) {
                insertSequence( clazz, clazz.getAnnotation( GroupSequence.class ).value(), true, validationOrder );
            else {
                Group group = new Group( clazz );
                validationOrder.insertGroup( group );
                insertInheritedGroups( clazz, validationOrder );

        return validationOrder;

然后我们看看默认的 ValidationOrder

class DefaultGroupValidationOrder implements ValidationOrder {

        private final List defaultGroups;

        private DefaultGroupValidationOrder() {
            defaultGroups = Collections.singletonList( Group.DEFAULT_GROUP );

        public Iterator getGroupIterator() {
            return defaultGroups.iterator();

        public Iterator getSequenceIterator() {
            return Collections.emptyIterator();

        public void assertDefaultGroupSequenceIsExpandable(List> defaultGroupSequence) throws GroupDefinitionException {

可以看出ValidationOrder是用来存放校验的顺序的。里面可以取得一个校验迭代器,估计后面校验的时候是根据这个迭代器来比较属性的 group 的,这其实看类名就可以猜到了。

根据 object, validationContext 等获得 ValueContext


 * An instance of this class is used to collect all the relevant information for validating a single class, property or
 * method invocation.

根据类注释可知这个类是用来存放待校验的 property 和 method invocation 的。也就是说这个类是校验时用来遍历的。


调用validateInContext( validationContext, valueContext, validationOrder );

     * Validates the given object using the available context information.
     * @param validationContext the global validation context
     * @param valueContext the current validation context
     * @param validationOrder Contains the information which and in which order groups have to be executed
     * @param  The root bean type
     * @return Set of constraint violations or the empty set if there were no violations.
    private  Set> validateInContext(ValidationContext validationContext, ValueContext valueContext,
            ValidationOrder validationOrder) {
        if ( valueContext.getCurrentBean() == null ) {
            return Collections.emptySet();

        BeanMetaData beanMetaData = valueContext.getCurrentBeanMetaData();
        if ( beanMetaData.defaultGroupSequenceIsRedefined() ) {
            validationOrder.assertDefaultGroupSequenceIsExpandable( beanMetaData.getDefaultGroupSequence( valueContext.getCurrentBean() ) );

        // process first single groups. For these we can optimise object traversal by first running all validations on the current bean
        // before traversing the object.
        Iterator groupIterator = validationOrder.getGroupIterator();
        while ( groupIterator.hasNext() ) {
            Group group = groupIterator.next();
            valueContext.setCurrentGroup( group.getDefiningClass() );
            validateConstraintsForCurrentGroup( validationContext, valueContext );
            if ( shouldFailFast( validationContext ) ) {
                return validationContext.getFailingConstraints();
        groupIterator = validationOrder.getGroupIterator();
        while ( groupIterator.hasNext() ) {
            Group group = groupIterator.next();
            valueContext.setCurrentGroup( group.getDefiningClass() );
            validateCascadedConstraints( validationContext, valueContext );
            if ( shouldFailFast( validationContext ) ) {
                return validationContext.getFailingConstraints();

        // now we process sequences. For sequences I have to traverse the object graph since I have to stop processing when an error occurs.
        Iterator sequenceIterator = validationOrder.getSequenceIterator();
        while ( sequenceIterator.hasNext() ) {
            Sequence sequence = sequenceIterator.next();
            for ( GroupWithInheritance groupOfGroups : sequence ) {
                int numberOfViolations = validationContext.getFailingConstraints().size();

                for ( Group group : groupOfGroups ) {
                    valueContext.setCurrentGroup( group.getDefiningClass() );

                    validateConstraintsForCurrentGroup( validationContext, valueContext );
                    if ( shouldFailFast( validationContext ) ) {
                        return validationContext.getFailingConstraints();

                    validateCascadedConstraints( validationContext, valueContext );
                    if ( shouldFailFast( validationContext ) ) {
                        return validationContext.getFailingConstraints();
                if ( validationContext.getFailingConstraints().size() > numberOfViolations ) {
        return validationContext.getFailingConstraints();

这个方法主要调用了validateConstraintsForCurrentGroup( validationContext, valueContext );,那么继续看源码

private void validateConstraintsForCurrentGroup(ValidationContext validationContext, ValueContext valueContext) {
        // we are not validating the default group there is nothing special to consider. If we are validating the default
        // group sequence we have to consider that a class in the hierarchy could redefine the default group sequence.
        if ( !valueContext.validatingDefault() ) {
            validateConstraintsForNonDefaultGroup( validationContext, valueContext );
        else {
            validateConstraintsForDefaultGroup( validationContext, valueContext );

看看默认 group 的校验

private  void validateConstraintsForDefaultGroup(ValidationContext validationContext, ValueContext valueContext) {
        final BeanMetaData beanMetaData = valueContext.getCurrentBeanMetaData();
        final Map, Class> validatedInterfaces = new HashMap<>();

        // evaluating the constraints of a bean per class in hierarchy, this is necessary to detect potential default group re-definitions
        for ( Class clazz : beanMetaData.getClassHierarchy() ) {
            BeanMetaData hostingBeanMetaData = beanMetaDataManager.getBeanMetaData( clazz );
            boolean defaultGroupSequenceIsRedefined = hostingBeanMetaData.defaultGroupSequenceIsRedefined();

            // if the current class redefined the default group sequence, this sequence has to be applied to all the class hierarchy.
            if ( defaultGroupSequenceIsRedefined ) {
                Iterator defaultGroupSequence = hostingBeanMetaData.getDefaultValidationSequence( valueContext.getCurrentBean() );
                Set> metaConstraints = hostingBeanMetaData.getMetaConstraints();

                while ( defaultGroupSequence.hasNext() ) {
                    for ( GroupWithInheritance groupOfGroups : defaultGroupSequence.next() ) {
                        boolean validationSuccessful = true;

                        for ( Group defaultSequenceMember : groupOfGroups ) {
                            validationSuccessful = validateConstraintsForSingleDefaultGroupElement( validationContext, valueContext, validatedInterfaces, clazz,
                                    metaConstraints, defaultSequenceMember );
                        if ( !validationSuccessful ) {
            // fast path in case the default group sequence hasn't been redefined
            else {
                Set> metaConstraints = hostingBeanMetaData.getDirectMetaConstraints();
                validateConstraintsForSingleDefaultGroupElement( validationContext, valueContext, validatedInterfaces, clazz, metaConstraints,
                        Group.DEFAULT_GROUP );

            validationContext.markCurrentBeanAsProcessed( valueContext );

            // all constraints in the hierarchy has been validated, stop validation.
            if ( defaultGroupSequenceIsRedefined ) {

这下应该就一目了然了,如果这个 class 被重新定义成 default group 那么遍历所有的这个类的层次结构。然后获取到这个类相关的所有MetaConstraint,传给下一个方法validateConstraintsForSingleDefaultGroupElement( validationContext, valueContext, validatedInterfaces, clazz, metaConstraints, defaultSequenceMember );。看MetaConstraint这个类可知,它是对应的一种约束,比如 Email, String等等。

private  boolean validateConstraintsForSingleDefaultGroupElement(ValidationContext validationContext, ValueContext valueContext, final Map, Class> validatedInterfaces,
            Class clazz, Set> metaConstraints, Group defaultSequenceMember) {
        boolean validationSuccessful = true;

        valueContext.setCurrentGroup( defaultSequenceMember.getDefiningClass() );

        for ( MetaConstraint metaConstraint : metaConstraints ) {
            // HV-466, an interface implemented more than one time in the hierarchy has to be validated only one
            // time. An interface can define more than one constraint, we have to check the class we are validating.
            final Class declaringClass = metaConstraint.getLocation().getDeclaringClass();
            if ( declaringClass.isInterface() ) {
                Class validatedForClass = validatedInterfaces.get( declaringClass );
                if ( validatedForClass != null && !validatedForClass.equals( clazz ) ) {
                validatedInterfaces.put( declaringClass, clazz );

            boolean tmp = validateMetaConstraint( validationContext, valueContext, valueContext.getCurrentBean(), metaConstraint );
            if ( shouldFailFast( validationContext ) ) {
                return false;

            validationSuccessful = validationSuccessful && tmp;
        return validationSuccessful;

validateConstraintsForSingleDefaultGroupElement()方法,了解方法主要是遍历metaConstraints,每个metaConstraint都对这个 group 进行一次校验。

往下读得知,它先是逐步创建约束对应的 constraintTree ,每个 constraintTree 用一个工厂类创建了 ConstraintValidator ,然后调用 isValid()方法,完成了校验。最后如果校验失败了,将不符合约束的地方写到了ValidationContext中。每个constraintTree会校验目标对象的所有指定约束的属性。比如@Email

protected final  Set> validateSingleConstraint(ValidationContext executionContext,
            ValueContext valueContext,
            ConstraintValidatorContextImpl constraintValidatorContext,
            ConstraintValidator validator) {
        boolean isValid;
        try {
            V validatedValue = (V) valueContext.getCurrentValidatedValue();
            isValid = validator.isValid( validatedValue, constraintValidatorContext );
        catch (RuntimeException e) {
            if ( e instanceof ConstraintDeclarationException ) {
                throw e;
            throw LOG.getExceptionDuringIsValidCallException( e );
        if ( !isValid ) {
            //We do not add these violations yet, since we don't know how they are
            //going to influence the final boolean evaluation
            return executionContext.createConstraintViolations(
                    valueContext, constraintValidatorContext
        return Collections.emptySet();


  1. 如果传 groups ,就根据 groups 获取 group sequence,否则就是获取 default group sequence,也就是所有属性都要遍历都要校验。
  2. 每个 group 都进行一次 metaConstraints 的遍历,metaConstraint 对应一种约束,比如 Email 类型,或者 String 类型等等
  3. metaConstraint 拿到 constraintTree,然后创建 Validator,进行校验,如果校验不通过写到 ValidationContext 中
  4. 从 ValidationContext 中可以获取到校验不通过的所有信息




你可能感兴趣的:(人人快速开发平台 renren-fast 源码分析(二)异常处理和校验机制)