

  • 属于虚词,不扮演任何角色,功能是:连接,连接的是词与词、句子与句子、短语与短语;分为两大类:平等连词与从属连词,连词没有情景变形,因此只从连词成员一个维度展开。

  • 平等连词:连接的左右两个部分是平等一致的,即相同词性的两个词(诸如主宾格也要一致)、相同短语或两个句子(非从句)
    1. 表并列关系
      • and 和,也 you had better go home and rest.
      • 句子中使用have,let,make,see,hear,watch等使役动词做谓语时,做宾补的不定式要省略to
      • both A and B 两者都 these clothes are for both you and him
      • A as well as B 也,又,除了....还.... 强调前面A的内容 Bruce as well as Blenda was my student.
      • not only A but also B 不仅....还.... 强调后面B的内容 I like to eat not only apple but also banana.
      • or 或者,否则 Would you like coffee or tea?
      • either A or B 不是....就是..... 两者之一 ,与or意思相近。you can choose either to stay here or to leave.
      • neither A nor B 既不是...也不是...,与either or 意思相反 we lack neither food nor clothing today
      • A rather than B 与其...不如...,宁愿...也不...,是...而不是... I would like to stay downstairs rather than upstairs.
    2. 表转折关系
      • but 但是
      • except that 除了 The restaurant has nothing to recommend except than it's cheap.
      • however 然而 ,尽管如此 It's raining hard . however , I still want to go there.
      • nevertheless 与however 用法基本一致
      • otherwise 否则 Be modest ,otherwise you will lag behind.
      • yet
      • whereas 但是,而
    3. 表因果关系
      • so 因此 Keep down so you won't be hit by shell fragments.
      • therefore 然而,所以,故而 He was busy,therefore he couldn't come.
    4. 表递进关系
      • furthermore 而且,此外,再者说 I don't want to go there,furthermore ,I have no time to do so.
      • moreover 与furthermore 意思近似
      • what's more 而且,更重要的是 Jack speaks English ,and what's more he speak it very well.
  • 从属连词:用于连接主句和从句,可连接(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句以及状语从句
