1、安装 wangEditor
npm 安装npm i wangeditor --save
注:wangeditor 全小写
package.json 文件
"wangeditor": "^4.7.11"
2-1、封装 wangEditor 组件(wangEditor.vue)
src / components / wangEditor / index.vue
import E from "wangeditor"; import fileMenu from "./fileMenu"; export default { name:"editoritem", data() { return { editor:"", info_:null, }; }, model: { prop:"value", event:"change", }, props: { value: { type:String, default:"", }, isClear: { type:Boolean, default:false, }, quTitle: { type:String, default:"", }, }, watch: { isClear(val) { // 触发清除文本域内容 if (val) { this.editor.txt.clear(); this.info_ =null; } }, value:function (value) { if (value !==this.editor.txt.html()) { this.editor.txt.html(this.value); } }, // value 为编辑框输入的内容,这里我监听了一下值,当父组件调用得时候,如果给value赋值了,子组件将会显示父组件赋给的值 }, mounted() { this.seteditor(); this.editor.txt.html(this.quTitle); // this.editor.unFullScreen() }, methods: { seteditor() { // this.editor =new E(this.$refs.toolbar, this.$refs.editor); this.editor.config.uploadImgShowBase64 =false; // base 64 存储图片 // this.editor.config.uploadImgServer = 'http://baidu.com' // 配置服务器地址, 这个是处理图片上传问题的 // this.editor.config.uploadImgServer = Settings.apiUrl + "/api/CoreService/File/UploadFile"; // 配置服务器端地址 this.editor.config.uploadImgHeaders = {}; // 自定义header this.editor.config.uploadFileName ="file"; // 后端接受上传文件的参数名 this.editor.config.uploadImgMaxSize =6 *1024 *1024; // 将图片大小限制为6M this.editor.config.uploadImgMaxLength =6; // 限制一次最多上传 6 张图片 this.editor.config.uploadImgTimeout =3 *60 *1000; // 设置超时时间 // 配置菜单 this.editor.config.menus = [ "head", // 标题 "bold", // 粗体 "fontSize", // 字号 "fontName", // 字体 "italic", // 斜体 "underline", // 下划线 "strikeThrough", // 删除线 "foreColor", // 文字颜色 "backColor", // 背景颜色 "link", // 插入链接 "list", // 列表 "justify", // 对齐方式 "quote", // 引用 "emoticon", // 表情 "image", // 插入图片 "emoticon", // 插入表情 "table", // 表格 "video", // 插入视频 "code", // 插入代码 "undo", // 撤销 "redo", // 重复 "fullscreen", // 全屏 // 附件 , 多图上传 ]; // 加上以下代码, 上传视频的 tab 和图标显示出来 this.editor.config.uploadVideoServer ="/api/upload-video"; this.editor.config.showFullScreen =true; this.editor.config.showLinkImg =false; // 隐藏网络图片的tab this.editor.config.showLinkImgAlt =false; // 配置 alt 选项 this.editor.config.showLinkImgHref =false; // 配置超链接 // this.editor.fullScreen() // this.editor.unFullScreen() // 上传图片 this.editor.config.uploadImgHooks = { fail: (xhr, editor, result) => { // 插入图片失败回调 }, success: (xhr, editor, result) => { // 图片上传成功回调 if (result.assertion) { console.log(result.message); } }, timeout: (xhr, editor) => { // 网络超时的回调 }, error: (xhr, editor) => { // 图片上传错误的回调 }, customInsert: (insertImg, result, editor) => { // 图片上传成功,插入图片的回调 // result: 上传图片成功时返回的数据,打印返回格式是: data:[{url:"路径的形式"},...] // console.log(result.data[0].url) // insertImg()为插入图片的函数 // 循环插入图片 const {code, data, msg } =result; if (code ==0) { insertImg("/CMMS" +data.image_url); }else { message.error(msg); } // let url = "http://otp.cdinfotech" + result.url; // let url = Settings.apiUrl + ":1889/" + result.objectEntity; // insertImg(url); }, }; // 自己实现上传图片 this.editor.config.customUploadImg =function (files, insert) { console.log(files, "files-----------"); // files 是 input 中选中的文件列表 // insert 是获取图片 url 后 , 插入到编辑器的方法 // let formData = new FormData() // for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // formData.append('file', files[i], files[i].name) // 多张图片放进一个formData // } // insert(imgUrl) }; // 上传视频 server接口返回格式, 很重要! // 接口返回 application/json 格式, 格式要求如下: /* { // error 即错误代码, 0: 表示没有错误 // 如果有错误, error != 0, 可通过下文中的监听函数 fail 拿到该错误进行自定义处理"error": 0 // data 是一个对象, 返回视频的线上地址"data": { "url": "视频1地址" } } */ this.editor.config.onchange = (html) => { let data =this.editor.txt.getJSon; console.log(data, "data---------"); this.info_ =html; // 绑定当前逐渐地值 this.$emit("change", this.info_); // 将内容同步到父组件中 }; this.editor.config.onchangeTimeout =500; // 修改为500ms // 用户选取操作自动触发 this.editor.config.onSelectionChange = (newSelection) => { console.log("onSelectionChange", newSelection); }; // 创建富文本编辑器 this.editor.create(); fileMenu(this.editor, this.$refs.toolbar); }, openFileAlert(value) { this.showEnclosureAlert =value; }, // 保存 advancedSave() { console.log("附件保存"); }, }, }; .editor { width:100%; margin:0 auto; position:relative; z-index:0; } .toolbar { border:1px solid #ccc; } .text { border:1px solid #ccc; min-height:500px; } this.editor.customConfig.uploadImgServer = Settings.apiUrl + ‘/api/CoreService/File/UploadFile’ // 配置服务器端地址,这个是处理图片上传问题的 /** * editor: wangEditor 的实例 * editorSelector: wangEditor 挂载点的节点 * options: 一些配置 */ import uploadFile from "./uploadFile"; import vue from "vue"; export default (editor, editorSelector, options) => { editor.fileMenu = { init: function (editor, editorSelector) { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "w-e-toolbar w-e-menu"; div.style.zIndex = 10001; div.setAttribute("data-title", "附件"); const rdn = new Date().getTime(); div.onclick = function (e) { if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } else { e.cancelBubble = true; } // document.getElementById(`up-${rdn}`).click() }; const input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "file"; input.name = "file"; input.id = `up-${rdn}`; input.className = "upload-file-input"; // 附件 div.innerHTML = ``; div.appendChild(input); editorSelector.getElementsByClassName("w-e-toolbar")[0].appendChild(div); input.onchange = (e) => { // console.log(e, 'change') console.log(e.target.files[0], "files"); // 使用 uploadFile 上传文件 // uploadFile(e.target.files, { // onOk: (data) => { // console.log(data); // // 可以使用 editor.txt.html(data) 进行更新 // }, // onFail: (err) => { // console.log(err); // }, // onprogress: (percent) => { // console.log(percent); // }, // }); }; }, }; // 创建完之后立即实例化 editor.fileMenu.init(editor, editorSelector); }; import { message } from "element-ui"; function uploadFile(files, options) { if (!files || !files.length) { return; } let uploadFileServer = commonApi.imgUploadApi; // 文件上传地址 const maxSize = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // 100M const maxSizeM = maxSize / 1000 / 1000; const maxLength = 1; const uploadFileName = "file"; const uploadFileParams = {}; const uploadFileParamsWithUrl = {}; const timeout = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 min // ---------------------- 验证文件信息 --------------------------- const resultFiles = []; const errInfo = []; for (let file of files) { const name = file.name; const size = file.size; // chrome 低版本 name ===== undefined if (!name || !size) return; if (maxSize < size) { // 上传附件过大 errInfo.push("\u3010" + name + "\u3011\u5927\u4E8E" + maxSizeM + "M"); return; } // 验证通过的加入结果列表 resultFiles.push(file); } // 抛出验证信息 if (errInfo.length) { this._alert("附件验证未通过, \n" + errInfo.join("\n")); return; } if (resultFiles.length > maxLength) { this._alert("一次最多上传" + maxLength + "个文件"); return; } // ----------------------- 自定义上传 ---------------------- const formdata = new FormData(); for (let file of resultFiles) { const name = uploadFileName || file.name; formdata.append(name, file); } // ----------------------- 上传附件 ------------------------- if (uploadFileServer && typeof uploadFileServer === "string") { for (key in uploadFileParams) { val = encodeURIComponent(uploadFileParams[val]); formdata.append(key, val); } } // 定义 xhr const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("POST", uploadFileServer); // 设置超时 xhr.timeout = timeout; xhr.ontimeout = function () { if (options.timeout && typeof options.timeout === "function") { options.timeout(xhr, editor); } message.error("上传附件超时"); }; // 监控 progress if (xhr.upload) { xhr.upload.onprogress = function (e) { let percent = void 0; // 进度条 if (e.lengthComputable) { percent = e.loaded / e.total; if (options.onprogress && typeof options.onprogress === "function") { options.onprogress(percent); } } }; } // 返回数据 xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { let result = void 0; if (xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300) { if (options.onFail && typeof options.onprogress === "function") { options.onFail(xhr, editor); } return; } result = xhr.responseText; if ( (typeof result === "undefined" ? "undefined" : typeof result) !== "object" ) { try { result = JSON.parse(result); } catch (ex) { if (options.onFail && typeof options.onFail === "function") { options.onFail(xhr, editor, result); } return; } } const data = result || []; if (data.code == 0) { options.onOk && options.onOk(data.data); } }; // 自定义 headers for (let key in uploadFileHeaders) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, uploadFileHeaders[key]); } // 跨域传 token xhr.widthCredentials = false; // 发送请求 xhr.send(formdata); } export default uploadFile;
:isClear="isClear" :quTitle="titleName" @change="editorTitleChange" > import editorBar from "../../../components/wangEditor/index.vue"; export default { components: { editorBar, // 注册 富文本编辑器 组件 }, data() { return { isClear: false, titleName: "", // 标题 tempTitle: "", }; }, methods: { // 标题高级编辑器change事件 editorTitleChange(val) { this.tempTitle = val; }, }, };
2-2、封装 wangEditor 组件(wangEditor.vue)
src / components / wangEditor / fileMenu.js
2-3、封装 wangEditor 组件(wangEditor.vue) src / components / wangEditor / uploadFile.js
src / views / edit / components / parameter.vue
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