* Returns the hard limit for the amount of memory native is allowed to
* allocate. The memory setting defaults to JVMs max memory which can be
* specified with JVM command line option '-Xmx<size>.Once the 'nio.mx'
* limit is reached, the allocating thread is blocked and a JVM GC request is
* issued. The allocating thread continues to wait, until sufficient minimum
* amount (Default: {@literal DisposableGC#MIN_MEMORY_RELEASE})of native
* memory was cleaned up or a timeout (Default:
* @return the limit in number of bytes
* {@literal DisposableGC#OUT_OF_MEMORY_TIMEOUT} ms) occurs.
* This limit can be set at startup of the application using the
* following system properties, which are checked in the order listed
* below:
* org.jnetsoft.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize
* nio.MaxDirectMemorySize
* org.jnetsoft.nio.mx
* nio.mx
* The different property names, from the most fully qualified to the
* least, are provided to property name conflict resolution. For
* convenience, it is recommended that the user choose the least
* qualified property name to use. In the unlikely event that another
* library within the same runtime application uses the same property
* name, one of the more qualified (or longer) property names can be
* used to resolve the conflict.
public static long maxDirectMemory() {
if (directMemory != 0) {
return directMemory;
Properties p = System.getProperties();
String s = p.getProperty("org.jnetsoft.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize");
s = (s == null) ? p.getProperty("nio.MaxDirectMemorySize") : s;
s = (s == null) ? p.getProperty("org.jnetsoft.nio.mx") : s;
s = (s == null) ? p.getProperty("nio.mx") : s;
if (s != null) {
directMemory = parseSize(s); // process suffixes kb,mb,gb,tb
if (directMemory == 0) {
directMemory = maxDirectoryMemoryDefault();
return directMemory;
public static final long MAX_DIRECT_MEMORY_DEFAULT = 64 * Units.MEBIBYTE;
public static long maxDirectMemory() {
if (directMemory != 0) {
return directMemory;
Properties p = System.getProperties();
String s = p.getProperty("org.jnetsoft.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize");
s = (s == null) ? p.getProperty("nio.MaxDirectMemorySize") : s;
s = (s == null) ? p.getProperty("org.jnetsoft.nio.mx") : s;
s = (s == null) ? p.getProperty("nio.mx") : s;
if (s != null) {
directMemory = parseSize(s); // process suffixes kb,mb,gb,tb
if (directMemory == 0) {
directMemory = maxDirectoryMemoryDefault();
return sun.misc.VM.maxDirectMemory();
只是在最后return 处返回了sun.misc.VM.maxDirectMemory(),其他代码尽量不动,然后将源码重新打成jar包放入项目(具体过程:找到Jnetpcap源码,新建一个工程,将src代码复制进去,修改源码,打成jar包)中,额算是顺利解决吧。
2020/3/19 重新回顾此项目,似乎源码并没有问题,只是我没正确配置最大直接内存(原先实在太蠢- -!)
System.setProperty("org.jnetsoft.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize", "2gb");