1.29日China daily

【Morning Buzz】

The days that make us happy make us wise. (John Masefield, English poet, 1878-1967)




>Snow wreaks havoc in China


>1st private rocket to launch


>Beijing has longest commutes


>Camels banned over Botox


>Language tips: Juice up


【Top News】

>Snow wreaks havoc in China


Snow continued to affect parts of China on Saturday, disrupting traffic and causing economic losses. East China's Jiangsu saw a maximum snowfall of 11.6 millimeters, with a snow depth of up to 11 centimeters as of 2 pm, leading to a shortage of de-icing salt in Nanjing, the provincial capital. Nearly 60 bus lines, over 1,000 long-distance coaches and 500 flights have been suspended or canceled. The Nanjing airport was temporarily closed. Over 7,000 people in neighboring Anhui were affected by the snowfall. Direct economic losses of 24.3 million yuan, including over 18 million yuan in agricultural losses, were counted in three cities in Anhui. In central China's Hunan, many highway sections were closed, or limited the number of passing vehicles due to snow and ice. More than 670,000 people in Hubei were affected by the snowfall that started Wednesday, with direct economic losses of more than 270 million yuan as a result of damaged homes and crops.


>1st private rocket to launch


China is set to launch the first rocket manufactured by a private company in the first half of 2018. The 8-meter-long mini rocket, with a 6-meter solid propellant rocket engine that can generate a thrust of 35 tons, is less than half the size of the recently launched Long March 11, which was developed by China's state-owned China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology. It can carry a 100 kg satellite and send it to an altitude of 800 km. Engine testing was completed at the end of 2017. By cooperating with military enterprises, such as China North Industries Group and China Aerospace and Industry, the private company has developed a cost-effective and highly-reliable carrier rocket, proving that it is technically feasible. It is estimated that the market value of global commercial aerospace will reach $485 billion and that of the Chinese market will be around $125 billion by 2020, offering a huge opportunity for private companies.


>Beijing has longest commutes


A new study revealed that Beijing residents had the longest commutes in China last year. According to a report released by Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi, the average daily travel time for Beijing's workers is 52.9 minutes to cover an average of 17.4 km in 2017. The capital was followed by Dongguan and Shenzhen, two cities in Guangdong, with 48.5 minutes for a 17.3 km-journey and 47 minutes for 16.8 km, respectively. The report indicated that Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang, had the most congested traffic in morning rush hours, followed by Chongqing and Changchun. China had more intercity commuters over the past year, with the country's northern Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, eastern Yangtze River Delta, and southern Pearl River Delta regions witnessing a 186% increase in intercity commuting. Commuting between Shenzhen and Dongguan, Guangzhou and Foshan, Beijing and Langfang were the first three most frequent lines, said the report.



>Camels banned over Botox


12 camels have been disqualified from a beauty contest in Saudi Arabia after their owners tried to tweak their good looks with Botox. The key attributes in camel beauty are considered to be delicate ears and a big nose. Judges are also looking for perfectly placed humps, muscular physiques and leathery mouths. But there are strict rules against the use of drugs in the lips, or shaved or clipped body parts. Ali Al Mazrouei, the son of a top Emirati breeder, said Botox was used for the lips, the nose and even the jaw. "It makes the head more inflated so when the camel comes it's like, 'oh look at how big that head is. It has big lips, a big nose'," he said. This year's event has been mired in scandal after the lure of 20 million Saudi riyals in prize money for each category tempted some owners to cheat.




1. on the juice


She won't be able to return your call. I'm afraid she's on the juice again.


2. juice up


A thing like that can really juice you up.



thrust: 推力(n.)

Botox: 肉毒杆菌素(n.)

hump: 驼峰(n.)

physique: 体格(n.)


>China on tech-hiring binge


>Beijing to put on new show


>Roger Federer sets record


>New refrigerators cost $24M


>Sorry I 'neglexted' you


【Top News】

>China on tech-hiring binge


China's emergence as a global center for technology, with champions such as Alibaba and Tencent now worth more than a trillion dollars combined, has led to a hiring boom and wage growth that starts to puts salaries for the top talent within striking distance of those offered in Silicon Valley. In China, top graduates working on artificial intelligence can command salaries of 300,000 yuan to 600,000 yuan a year, according to a tech recruitment website, while team leaders with 3-5 years of experience can make more than 1.5 million yuan annually. Many of these jobs are in Beijing or Shenzhen. For Chinese software engineers who have studied in the US, returning home is becoming more appealing.


>Beijing to put on new show


The 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics will take place in South Korea between Feb 9 and 25, 2018. In the Olympic tradition, Beijing will put on an eight-minute art performance during the closing ceremony of the Games on Feb 25. Zhang Yimou, who was behind the opening ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympics, will again direct Beijing's eight-minute show. According to Zhang, the show will be filled with totally new elements and be an eye-popper for audiences. "My team wants to convey the message to the world that China has the confidence and enthusiasm to hold the 2022 Winter Olympics. And the Chinese people welcome people from different parts of the world," said Zhang.



>Roger Federer sets record


Roger Federer has beaten Marin Cilic in Sunday's Australian Open final. He has reached the milestone of 20 grand slam titles - the first man to do so - at age 36 in a sport where the spoils have generally been reserved for a much younger crowd. Federer, like Serena Williams, has redefined the limits. "The fairy tale continues, for us, for me," Federer said during the trophy ceremony in Rod Laver Arena, looking toward his team and his family in the players' box.



>New refrigerators cost $24M


Air Force One is primed to receive an upgrade that will include new refrigerators expected to cost nearly $24 million. The Air Force awarded Boeing a $23.6 million contract in December to replace two of the five "cold chiller units" aboard the aircraft used by President Donald Trump. Both of those units were installed on the plane when it was originally delivered in 1990. "The units were based on the technology at the time and designed for short-term food storage," Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek said. "Although serviced on a regular basis, reliability has decreased with failures increasing, especially in hot/humid environments. The units are unable to effectively support mission requirements for food storage." Former senior adviser to president Barack Obama Eric Schultz reacted to the news by tweeting that "we would have been impeached."





Neglext is the act of not texting back when in the midst of a text exchange. Can be intentional or inadvertent.



I am so sorry I neglexted you...I got so busy at work and then went out with my co-worker right after.



binge: 狂欢(n.)

eye-popper: 令人瞠目的事物(n.)

spoil: 奖品(n.)

inadvertent: 无意的,疏忽的(adj.)


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