AaaS,Anything as a service -万物皆服务
ABE,Aggregate business entity-聚合业务实体
API,Applicationn program interface-应用程序接口
B2B,Business to business-企业到企业的商业模式
B2B2X,Business to business to X, where X is any other engaged party-企业到企业再到任意相关方的商业模式
BPMN,Business process modeling notation-业务流程建模定义
CEM,Customer experience management-客户体验管理
CRM,Customer relationship management-客户关系管理
CSMIC,Cloud service measurement initiative consortium-云服务测量行动委员会
CTK,Conformance test kit-一致性测试工具包
eTOM,Business Process Framework-业务流程框架
IaaS,Infrastructure as a service-基础设施即服务
KPI,Key performance indicator-关键绩效指标
PaaS,Platform as a service-平台即服务
QoS,Quality of service-服务质量
RFI,Request for information-信息邀请书
RFP,Request for proposal-建议邀请书
SaaS,Software as a service-软件即服务
SID,Information Framework-信息框架
SLA,Service level agreement-服务等级协议
TAM,Application Framework-应用架构
UML,Unified Modeling Language-统一建模语言
VNA,Value network analysis-价值网络分析
XaaS,Anything as a service-同AaaS,即万物皆服务