
什么是NVMe驱动器,您应该购买一个吗?_第1张图片 Samsung 三星

The biggest upgrade you can make to your old PC is faster storage. Other components like the CPU and GPU have certainly improved in the last decade, but everyone will appreciate faster storage.

您可以对旧PC进行的最大升级是更快的存储。 在过去的十年中,CPU和GPU等其他组件的确得到了改进,但是每个人都会喜欢更快的存储。

NVMe is the latest and greatest storage interface for laptops and desktops, and it offers much faster read and write speeds than older interfaces. This comes at a cost, so depending on what you use the computer for, buying an NVMe drive may not make sense.

NVMe是适用于笔记本电脑和台式机的最新,最出色的存储接口,并且比旧接口提供更快的读写速度。 这是有代价的,因此根据您使用计算机的用途,购买NVMe驱动器可能没有意义。

什么是NVMe驱动器? (What Are NVMe Drives?)

Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) is a storage interface introduced in 2013. “Non-Volatile” means the storage isn’t erased when your computer reboots, while “Express” refers to the fact that the data travels over the PCI Express (PCIe) interface on your computer’s motherboard. This gives the drive a more direct connection with your motherboard since data doesn’t have to hop through a Serial Advance Technology Attachment (SATA) controller.

非易失性内存Express(NVMe)是2013年推出的存储接口。“非易失性”表示在计算机重新引导时不会删除存储,而“ Express”是指数据通过PCI Express传输的事实(计算机主板上的PCIe)接口。 由于数据不必通过串行高级技术附件(SATA)控制器进行跳跃,因此可以使驱动器与主板更直接地连接。

NVMe drives are much, much faster than SATA drives that have been around for years. PCIe 3.0—the current generation of the PCI Express standard— has a maximum speed transfer of 985 megabytes per second (Mbps) on each lane. NVMe drives have been able to utilize 4 PCIe lanes, meaning a theoretical max speed of 3.9 Gbps (3,940 Mbps). Meanwhile, one of the fastest SATA SSDs—-the Samsung 860 Pro—-tops out at read and write speeds of about 560Mbps.

NVMe驱动器比已经存在多年的SATA驱动器快很多。 PCIe 3.0(最新版的PCI Express标准)在每个通道上的最大速度传输为每秒985兆字节(Mbps)。 NVMe驱动器已经能够利用4条PCIe通道,这意味着理论上的最高速度为3.9 Gbps(3,940 Mbps)。 同时,最快的SATA SSD之一-Samsung 860 Pro-以约560Mbps的读写速度达到最高 。

NVMe drives come in a couple of different form factors. The most common of these is the m.2 stick, shown above. These are 22 mm wide and can be 30, 42, 60, 80 or 100mm long. These sticks are thin enough to lay flat on a motherboard, so they’re perfect for small form factor computers and laptops. Keep in mind that some SATA SSDs use this same form factor, so you’ll want to pay close attention and make sure you don’t mistakenly buy the slower drive. The Samsung 970 EVO is an example of an m.2 NVMe drive.

NVMe驱动器有两种不同的外形尺寸。 其中最常见的是上面显示的m.2棍子。 它们的宽度为22毫米,长度可以为30、42、60、80或100毫米。 这些棒足够薄,可以平放在主板上,因此非常适合小型计算机和笔记本电脑。 请记住,某些SATA SSD使用相同的外形尺寸,因此您需要密切注意并确保不要误认为购买速度较慢的驱动器。 Samsung 970 EVO是m.2 NVMe驱动器的示例。

什么是NVMe驱动器,您应该购买一个吗?_第2张图片 Intel 英特尔

Next is the PCIe-3.0 form factor. This is similar to a GPU and other accessories in that it plugs into any of the PCIe-3.0 slots on your motherboard. This is fine for full-sized ATX cases and motherboards but is constraining on small form factor PCs and impossible inside a laptop chassis. The Intel 750 SSD is an example of a PCIe-3.0 NVMe drive.

接下来是PCIe-3.0尺寸。 这类似于GPU和其他附件,因为它可以插入主板上的任何PCIe-3.0插槽。 这对于全尺寸的ATX机箱和主板很好,但是在小型PC上受到限制,并且在笔记本电脑机箱内是不可能的。 英特尔750 SSD是PCIe-3.0 NVMe驱动器的一个示例。

您应该购买NVMe SSD吗? (Should You Buy an NVMe SSD?)

什么是NVMe驱动器,您应该购买一个吗?_第3张图片 Samsung 三星

Whether you need the faster speeds comes down to your exact workload. But while NVMe drives are coming down in price—the NVMe Samsung 970 Pro and the SATA Samsung 860 Pro both go for about $150 at the 500 GB size—don’t feel like you need to rush out and replace your SATA SSD.

是否需要更快的速度取决于您的确切工作量。 但是,尽管NVMe驱动器的价格有所下降(NVMe 三星970 Pro和SATA 三星860 Pro的价格均为500 GB,价格均为150美元左右),但您无需急于更换新的SATA SSD。

A SATA SSD will already get your computer turned on in a few seconds, launch programs in a snap, and let you copy and move files relatively quickly. But if you work with a lot of huge videos—whether they be from a database, video editing, or ripping Blu Rays—the extra cost may pay itself off by letting you work faster.

SATA SSD已经可以在几秒钟内打开计算机,立即启动程序,并让您相对快速地复制和移动文件。 但是,如果您处理大量的大型视频-无论是来自数据库,视频编辑还是翻录蓝光-额外的成本都可以通过让您更快地工作来收回。

In my case, I’m happy to stick with my SATA SSD until it stops working. There’s not much sense in spending the money for an NVMe drive right now just so my computer comes on in four seconds instead of five, or the rare giant file I have to move transfers slightly faster. When it does come time for a new SSD, I’ll go for an NVMe model, because why pay the same amount for a worse product?

就我而言,我很乐意坚持使用SATA SSD,直到它停止工作为止。 现在花钱购买NVMe驱动器并没有多大意义,只是让我的计算机可以在四秒钟而不是五秒钟内启动,或者是我不得不稍微加快传输速度的罕见巨型文件。 当到来的时间为新的SSD,我会去的NVMe模式,因为为什么支付一个糟糕的产品一样多吗?

Whether you still have some life in your SATA SSD or need something now, just know that NVMe drives are starting to come down in price. Upgrade and spend the money when you need to, and not a moment sooner.

无论您的SATA SSD仍然有生命还是需要一些东西,只要知道NVMe驱动器的价格开始下降即可。 在需要的时候升级并花钱,而不是很快。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/404627/what-are-nvme-drives-and-should-you-buy-one/
