TCP/IP 详解(第 2 版) 笔记 / 2 互联网地址架构 / 2.10 参考文献


2.10 参考文献

  • [CGEMA] Cisco Systems
    “Guidelines for Enterprise IP Multicast Address Allocation,”
  • [EIGRP] B. Albrightson, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, and J. Boyle
    “EIGRP—A Fast Routing Protocol Based on Distance Vectors,”
    Proc. Infocom, 2004.
  • [EUI64] Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers
    “Guidelines for 64-Bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority,”
    Mar. 1997
  • [H96] M. Handley
    “The SDR Session Directory: An Mbone Conference Scheduling and Booking System,”
    Department of Computer Science, University College London, Apr. 1996
  • [IANA] Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
  • [IDChes] S. Cheshire and M. Krochmal
    “Multicast DNS,” Internet draftcheshire-dnsext-multicastdns, work in progress, Oct. 2010.
  • [IDv4v6mc] S. Venaas, X. Li, and C. Bao
    “Framework for IPv4/IPv6 Multicast Translation,”
    Internet draft-venaas-behave-v4v6mc-framework, work in progress, Dec. 2010.
  • [IEEERA] IEEE Registration Authority
  • [IMR02] B. Edwards, L. Giuliano, and B. Wright
    Inter-domain Multicast Routing: Practical Juniper Networks and Cisco Systems Solutions (Addison-Wesley, 2002).
  • [IP4AS]
  • [IP4MA]
  • [IP4R] IPv4 Address Report
  • [IP6AS]
  • [IP6MA]
  • [KK77] L. Kleinrock and F. Kamoun
    “Hierarchical Routing for Large Networks, Performance Evaluation and Optimization,”
    Computer Networks, 1(3), 1977.
  • [NRO] Number Resource Organization
  • [RFC0919] J. C. Mogul
    “Broadcasting Internet Datagrams,”
    Internet RFC 0919/BCP 0005, Oct. 1984.
  • [RFC0922] J. C. Mogul
    “Broadcasting Internet Datagrams in the Presence of Subnets,”
    Internet RFC 0922/STD 0005, Oct. 1984.
  • [RFC0950] J. C. Mogul and J. Postel
    “Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure,”
    Internet RFC 0950/STD 0005, Aug. 1985.
  • [RFC1075] D. Waitzman, C. Partridge, and S. E. Deering
    “Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol,”
    Internet RFC 1075 (experimental), Nov. 1988.
  • [RFC1112] S. E. Deering
    “Host Extensions for IP Multicasting,”
    Internet RFC 1112/STD 0005, Aug. 1989.
  • [RFC1122] R. Braden, ed.
    “Requirements for Internet Hosts—Communication Layers,”
    Internet RFC 1122/STD 0003, Oct. 1989.
  • [RFC1812] F. Baker, ed.
    “Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers,”
    Internet RFC 1812/STD 0004, June 1995.
  • [RFC1918] Y. Rekhter, B. Moskowitz, D. Karrenberg, G. J. de Groot, and E. Lear
    “Address Allocation for Private Internets,”
    Internet RFC 1918/BCP 0005, Feb. 1996.
  • [RFC2080] G. Malkin and R. Minnear
    “RIPng for IPv6,”
    Internet RFC 2080, Jan. 1997.
  • [RFC2328] J. Moy
    “OSPF Version 2,”
    Internet RFC 2328/STD 0054, Apr. 1988.
  • [RFC2365] D. Meyer
    “Administratively Scoped IP Multicast,”
    Internet RFC 2365/BCP 0023, July 1998.
  • [RFC2544] S. Bradner and J. McQuaid
    “Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices,”
    Internet RFC 2544 (informational), Mar. 1999.
  • [RFC2622] C. Alaettinoglu, C. Villamizar, E. Gerich, D. Kessens, D. Meyer, T. Bates, D. Karrenberg, and M. Terpstra
    “Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL),”
    Internet RFC 2622, June 1999.
  • [RFC2644] D. Senie
    “Changing the Default for Directed Broadcasts in Routers,”
    Internet RFC 2644/BCP 0034, Aug. 1999.
  • [RFC2974] M. Handley, C. Perkins, and E. Whelan
    “Session Announcement Protocol,”
    Internet RFC 2974 (experimental), Oct. 2000.
  • [RFC3056] B. Carpenter and K. Moore
    “Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds,”
    Internet RFC 3056, Feb. 2001.
  • [RFC3068] C. Huitema
    “An Anycast Prefix for 6to4 Relay Routers,”
    Internet RFC 3068, June 2001.
  • [RFC3170] B. Quinn and K. Almeroth
    “IP Multicast Applications: Challenges and Solutions,”
    Internet RFC 3170 (informational), Sept. 2001.
  • [RFC3180] D. Meyer and P. Lothberg
    “GLOP Addressing in 233/8,”
    Internet RFC 3180/BCP 0053, Sept. 2001.
  • [RFC3306] B. Haberman and D. Thaler
    “Unicast-Prefix-Based IPv6 Multicast Addresses,”
    Internet RFC 3306, Aug. 2002.
  • [RFC3307] B. Haberman
    “Allocation Guidelines for IPv6 Multicast Addresses,”
    Internet RFC 3307, Aug. 2002.
  • [RFC3315] R. Droms, ed., J. Bound, B. Volz, T. Lemon, C. Perkins, and M. Carney
    “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6),”
    Internet RFC 3315, July 2003.
  • [RFC3569] S. Bhattacharyya, ed.
    “An Overview of Source-Specific Multicast (SSM),”
    Internet RFC 3569 (informational), July 2003.
  • [RFC3701] R. Fink and R. Hinden
    “6bone (IPv6 Testing Address Allocation) Phaseout,”
    Internet RFC 3701 (informational), Mar. 2004.
  • [RFC3810] R. Vida and L. Costa, eds.
    “Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 (MLDv2) for IPv6,”
    Internet RFC 3810, June 2004.
  • [RFC3849] G. Huston, A. Lord, and P. Smith
    “IPv6 Address Prefix Reserved for Documentation,”
    Internet RFC 3849 (informational), July 2004.
  • [RFC3879] C. Huitema and B. Carpenter
    “Deprecating Site Local Addresses,”
    Internet RFC 3879, Sept. 2004.
  • [RFC3927] S. Cheshire, B. Aboba, and E. Guttman
    “Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses,”
    Internet RFC 3927, May 2005.
  • [RFC3956] P. Savola and B. Haberman
    “Embedding the Rendezvous Point (RP) Address in an IPv6 Multicast Address,”
    Internet RFC 3956, Nov. 2004.
  • [RFC4012] L. Blunk, J. Damas, F. Parent, and A. Robachevsky
    “Routing Policy Specification Language Next Generation (RPSLng),”
    Internet RFC 4012, Mar. 2005.
  • [RFC4116] J. Abley, K. Lindqvist, E. Davies, B. Black, and V. Gill
    “IPv4 Multihoming Practices and Limitations,”
    Internet RFC 4116 (informational), July 2005.
  • [RFC4177] G. Huston
    “Architectural Approaches to Multi-homing for IPv6,”
    Internet RFC 4177 (informational), Sept. 2005.
  • [RFC4193] R. Hinden and B. Haberman
    “Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses,”
    Oct. 2005.
  • [RFC4286] B. Haberman and J. Martin
    “Multicast Router Discovery,”
    Internet RFC 4286, Dec. 2005.
  • [RFC4291] R. Hinden and S. Deering
    “IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture,”
    Internet RFC 4291, Feb. 2006.
  • [RFC4380] C. Huitema
    “Teredo: Tunneling IPv6 over UDP through Network Address Translations (NATs),”
    Internet RFC 4380, Feb. 2006.
  • [RFC4423] R. Moskowitz and P. Nikander
    “Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Architecture,”
    Internet RFC 4423 (informational), May 2006.
  • [RFC4489] J.-S. Park, M.-K. Shin, and H.-J. Kim
    “A Method for Generating LinkScoped IPv6 Multicast Addresses,”
    Internet RFC 4489, Apr. 2006.
  • [RFC4566] M. Handley, V. Jacobson, and C. Perkins
    “SDP: Session Description Protocol,”
    Internet RFC 4566, July 2006.
  • [RFC4601] B. Fenner, M. Handley, H. Holbrook, and I. Kouvelas
    “Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification (Revised),”
    Internet RFC 4601, Aug. 2006.
  • [RFC4607] H. Holbrook and B. Cain
    “Source-Specific Multicast for IP,”
    Internet RFC 4607, Aug. 2006.
  • [RFC4608] D. Meyer, R. Rockell, and G. Shepherd
    “Source-Specific Protocol Independent Multicast in 232/8,”
    Internet RFC 4608/BCP 0120, Aug. 2006.
  • [RFC4610] D. Farinacci and Y. Cai
    “Anycast-RP Using Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM),”
    Internet RFC 4610, Aug. 2006.
  • [RFC4632] V. Fuller and T. Li
    “Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan,”
    Internet RFC 4632/BCP 0122, Aug. 2006.
  • [RFC4786] J. Abley and K. Lindqvist
    “Operation of Anycast Services,”
    Internet RFC 4786/BCP 0126, Dec. 2006.
  • [RFC4795] B. Aboba, D. Thaler, and L. Esibov
    “Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR),”
    Internet RFC 4795 (informational), Jan. 2007.
  • [RFC4843] P. Nikander, J. Laganier, and F. Dupont
    “An IPv6 Prefix for Overlay Routable Cryptographic Hash Identifiers (ORCHID),”
    Internet RFC 4843 (experimental), Apr. 2007.
  • [RFC4893] Q. Vohra and E. Chen
    “BGP Support for Four-Octet AS Number Space,”
    Internet RFC 4893, May 2007.
  • [RFC4948] L. Andersson, E. Davies, and L. Zhang, eds.
    “Report from the IAB Workshop on Unwanted Traffic March 9–10, 2006,”
    Internet RFC 4948 (informational), Aug. 2007.
  • [RFC5059] N. Bhaskar, A. Gall, J. Lingard, and S. Venaas
    “Bootstrap Router (BSR) Mechanism for Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM),”
    Internet RFC 5059, Jan. 2008.
  • [RFC5110] P. Savola
    “Overview of the Internet Multicast Routing Architecture,”
    Internet RFC 5110 (informational), Jan. 2008.
  • [RFC5156] M. Blanchet
    “Special-Use IPv6 Addresses,”
    Internet RFC 5156 (informational), Apr. 2008.
  • [RFC5214] F. Templin, T. Gleeson, and D. Thaler
    “Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP),”
    Internet RFC 5214 (informational), Mar. 2008.
  • [RFC5352] R. Stewart, Q. Xie, M. Stillman, and M. Tuexen
    “Aggregate Server Access Protocol (ASAP),”
    Internet RFC 5352 (experimental), Sept. 2008.
  • [RFC5415] P. Calhoun, M. Montemurro, and D. Stanley, eds.
    “Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) Protocol Specification,”
    Internet RFC 5415, Mar. 2009.
  • [RFC5498] I. Chakeres
    “IANA Allocations for Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Protocols,”
    Internet RFC 5498, Mar. 2009.
  • [RFC5533] E. Nordmark and M. Bagnulo
    “Shim6: Level 3 Multihoming Shim Protocol for IPv6,”
    Internet RFC 5533, June 2009.
  • [RFC5735] M. Cotton and L. Vegoda
    “Special Use IPv4 Addresses,”
    Internet RFC 5735/BCP 0153, Jan. 2010.
  • [RFC5736] G. Huston, M. Cotton, and L. Vegoda
    “IANA IPv4 Special Purpose Address Registry,”
    Internet RFC 5736 (informational), Jan. 2010.
  • [RFC5737] J. Arkko, M. Cotton, and L. Vegoda
    “IPv4 Address Blocks Reserved for Documentation,”
    Internet RFC 5737 (informational), Jan. 2010.
  • [RFC5771] M. Cotton, L. Vegoda, and D. Meyer
    “IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address Assignments,”
    Internet RFC 5771/BCP 0051, Mar. 2010.
  • [RFC5952] S. Kawamura and M. Kawashima
    “A Recommendation for IPv6 Address Text Representation,”
    Internet RFC 5952, Aug. 2010.
  • [RFC5905] D. Mills, J. Martin, ed., J. Burbank, and W. Kasch
    “Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification,”
    Internet RFC 5905, June 2010.
  • [RFC6034] D. Thaler
    “Unicast-Prefix-Based IPv4 Multicast Addresses,”
    Internet RFC 6034, Oct. 2010.
  • [RFC6052] C. Bao, C. Huitema, M. Bagnulo, M. Boucadair, and X. Li
    “IPv6 Addressing of IPv4/IPv6 Translators,”
    Internet RFC 6052, Oct. 2010.
  • [RFC6217] J. Arkko and M. Townsley
    “IPv4 Run-Out and IPv4-IPv6 Co-Existence Scenarios,”
    Internet RFC 6127 (experimental), May 2011.
  • [RFC6144] F. Baker, X. Li, C. Bao, and K. Yin
    “Framework for IPv4/IPv6 Translation,”
    Internet RFC 6144 (informational), Apr. 2011.
  • [RFC6164] M. Kohno, B. Nitzan, R. Bush, Y. Matsuzaki, L. Colitti, and T. Narten
    “Using 127-Bit IPv6 Prefixes on Inter-Router Links,”
    Internet RFC 6164, Apr. 2011.
  • [RFC6275] C. Perkins, ed., D. Johnson, and J. Arkko
    “Mobility Support in IPv6,”
    Internet RFC 3775, July 2011.
  • [RFC6308] P. Savola
    “Overview of the Internet Multicast Addressing Architecture,”
    Internet RFC 6308 (informational), June 2011.
  • [WRWS]

