A driver that requires delayed processing can use a work item, which contains a pointer to a driver callback routine that performs the actual processing. The driver queues the work item, and a system worker thread removes the work item from the queue and runs the driver's callback routine. The system maintains a pool of these system worker threads, which are system threads that each process one work item at a time.
The driver associates a WorkItem callback routine with the work item. When the system worker thread processes the work item, it calls the associated WorkItem routine. On Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, a driver can instead associate a WorkItemEx routine with a work item. WorkItemEx takes parameters that are different from the parameters that WorkItem takes.
WorkItem and WorkItemEx routines run in a system thread context. If a driver dispatch routine can run in a user-mode thread context, that routine can call a WorkItem or WorkItemEx routine to perform any operations that require a system thread context.
To use a work item, a driver performs the following steps:
1. Allocate and initialize a new work item.
The system uses an IO_WORKITEM structure to hold a work item. To allocate a new IO_WORKITEM structure and initialize it as a work item, the driver can call IoAllocateWorkItem. On Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, the driver can alternatively allocate its own IO_WORKITEM structure, and call IoInitializeWorkItem to initialize the structure as a work item. (The driver should call IoSizeofWorkItem to determine the number of bytes that are necessary to hold a work item.)
l 申请和初始化一个新的工作项。
PIO_WORKITEM IoAllocateWorkItem( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ); |
2. Associate a callback routine with the work item, and queue the work item so that it will be processed by a system worker thread.
To associate a WorkItem routine with the work item and queue the work item, the driver should call IoQueueWorkItem. To instead associate a WorkItemEx routine with the work item and queue the work item, the driver should call IoQueueWorkItemEx.
l 关联回调函数,同时将工作项压入栈中以便于系统工作者线程使用。
VOID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID |
3. Once the work item is no longer required, free it.
A work item that was allocated by IoAllocateWorkItem should be freed by IoFreeWorkItem. A work item that was initialized by IoInitializeWorkItem must be uninitialized by IoUninitializeWorkItem before it can be freed.
The work item can only be uninitialized or freed when the work item is not currently queued. The system dequeues the work item before it calls the work item's callback routine, so IoFreeWorkItem and IoUninitializeWorkItem can be called from within the callback.
l 一旦工作项不需要使用的时候,我们应该释放他们。
Because the pool of system worker threads is a limited resource, WorkItem and WorkItemEx routines can be used only for operations that take a short period of time. If one of these routines runs for too long (if it contains an indefinite loop, for example), the system can deadlock. Therefore, if a driver requires long periods of delayed processing, it should instead call PsCreateSystemThread to create its own system thread.