十月晨读—Speak English like an American





1.cut class =cut school翘课

2.slack off(on sth)松懈,放松;eg:If you slack off just before the exam, you will likely fail in it.  slacker很懒的人

3.hit the books 温习,复习

4.表示太难:1)way over/above/beyond/my head太难了 eg:This lecture is way over my head. 2)The class beats me难住我了

5. set your heart on sth:want sth very much渴望;一心想做什么事 eg:She has set her heart on marrying a rich man.

6. I blow it搞砸了

7. 表扬:1)give sb thumbs up,2)get sb's pat on the back, 3)pay compliment

8. can’t stand: to hate  eg:I can’t stand his big mouth.

9. stand a chance: to have the possibility of success

10.比其他人(或事物)好得多:出类拔萃1)head and shoulders above sth/sb/   2)street ahead(of sb/sth)

11.way to go很棒

12.插嘴butt in ;chime in with sth ;jump in打断对话 

13.right on完全正确

14: go into:进入(某行业)Mary wants to go into the tourism business.

15. up in the air: not yet decoded eg: Our travel plans are still up in the air.

16. about to: ready to  eg: I was just about to ask you the same question.

17 not sb’s cup of tea: not what sb likes or is interested in  eg: He’s nice enough but not really my cup of tea.

你可能感兴趣的:(十月晨读—Speak English like an American)