Angular CLI 6 库支持

Library support in Angular CLI 6

库支持在 Angular CLI 6

Angular CLI v6 comes with library support via ng-packagr
plugged into the build system we use in Angular CLI, together with schematics for generating a
Angular CLI v6通过插入到我们在Angular CLI中使用的构建系统中的ng-packagr提供库支持,以及用于生成库的原理图。

Generating a library


You can create a library in a existing workspace by running the following commands:

ng generate library my-lib

You should now have a library inside projects/my-lib.
It contains a component and a service inside a NgModule.
你现在应该在 projects/my-lib 中有一个库。它包含一个组件和一个NgModule内的服务。

Building your library


You can build this library via ng build my-lib, and also unit test it and lint it by replacing
build with test or lint.
您可以通过 ng build my-lib 来构建这个库,并且还可以通过用test或lint替换构建来对其进行单元测试并对其进行测试

Using your library inside your apps


Before you use your library, it's important to understand the mental model of how libraries are
used in general.

When you want to use a library from npm, you must:

  • install the library into node_modules via npm install library-name
    通过 npm install library-name 将库安装到node_modules中
  • import it in your application by name import { something } from 'library-name';
    通过 import { something } from 'library-name'; 将库安装到node_modules中

This works because importing a library in Angular CLI looks for a mapping between library name
and location on disk.
这是有效的,因为在Angular CLI中导入库会查找本地磁盘上库名声带库和位置之间的映射。

Angular CLI first looks in your tsconfig paths, then in the node_modules folder.
Angular CLI首先在您的tsconfig路径中查找,然后在node_modules文件夹中查找。

When you build your own libraries it doesn't go into node_modules so we use the tsconfig paths
to tell the build system where it is.
Generating a library automatically adds its path to the tsconfig file.

Using your own library follows a similar pattern:

  • build the library via ng build my-lib
    通过 ng build my-li b构建库
  • import it in your application by name import { something } from 'my-lib';
    通过import { something } from 'my-lib'; 导入到应用程序中;

It's important to note that your app can never use your library before it is built.

For instance, if you clone your git repository and run npm install, your editor will show
the my-lib imports as missing.
This is because you haven't yet built your library.
例如,如果你克隆你的git仓库并运行npm install,你的编辑器会显示缺少my-lib导入。这是因为你还没有建立你的图书馆。

Another common problem is changes to your library not being reflected in your app.
This is often because your app is using an old build of your library.
If this happens just rebuild your library.

Publishing your library


To publish your library follow these steps:

ng build my-lib --prod
cd dist/my-lib
npm publish

If you've never published a package in npm before, you will need to create a user account.
You can read more about publishing on npm here:

The --prod flag should be used when building to publish because it will completely clean the build
directory for the library beforehand, removing old code leftover code from previous versions.
构建发布时应使用 --prod 标志,因为它会事先完全清除库的构建目录,从旧版本中删除旧的代码剩余代码。

Why do I need to build the library everytime I make changes?


Running ng build my-lib every time you change a file is bothersome and takes time.

Some similar setups instead add the path to the source code directly inside tsconfig.
This makes seeing changes in your app faster.

But doing that is risky.
When you do that, the build system for your app is building the library as well.
But your library is built using a different build system than your app.

Those two build systems can build things slightly different, or support completely different

This leads to subtle bugs where your published library behaves differently from the one in your
development setup.
For this reason we decided to err on the side of caution, and make the recommended usage
the safe one.

In the future we want to add watch support to building libraries so it is faster to see changes.

We are also planning to add internal dependency support to Angular CLI.
This means that Angular CLI would know your app depends on your library, and automatically rebuilds
the library when the app needs it.
我们还计划向Angular CLI添加内部依赖关系支持。这意味着Angular CLI会知道你的应用程序依赖于你的库,并在应用程序需要时自动重建库

Note for upgraded projects


If you are using an upgraded project, there are some additional changes you have to make to support
monorepo (a workspace with multiple projects) setups:

  • in angular.json, change the outputPath to dist/project-name for your app
    angular.json中, 修改 outputPathdist/project-name 为你的项目
  • remove baseUrl in src/ and src/tsconfig.spec.json
    移除 baseUrlsrc/
  • add "baseUrl": "./" in ./tsconfig.json
    添加 "baseUrl": "./"./tsconfig.json
  • change any absolute path imports in your app to be absolute from the root (including src/),
    or make them relative
    将您的应用程序中的所有绝对路径导入更改为绝对路径(包括src /),或使它们相对

This is necessary to support multiple projects in builds and in your editor.
New projects come with this configuration by default.

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