Interactive Brokers Web API for 3rd Party Companies
version: 1.0.0
Host: www.interactivebrokers.com
httpsBasePath: /tradingapi/v1
content-type: application/json
type : API key
header param name: portal
Obtain a request token. See section 6.1 of the OAuth v1.0a specification for more information. http://oauth.net/core/1.0a/#auth_step1
Note: We do not return an oauth_token_secret in the response as we are using RSA signatures rather than PLAINTEXT authentication
method : POST
Authorizations: cookieAuth
content-type : application/json
OAuth Parameters:
name | type | description |
oauth_consumer_key | string | The 25-character hexadecimal string that was obtained from Interactive Brokers during the OAuth consumer registration process |
oauth_signature_method | string | The signature method used to sign the request. Currently only ‘RSA-SHA256’ is supported. |
oauth_signature | string | The signature for the request generated using the method specified in the oauth_signature_method parameter. See section 9 of the OAuth v1.0a specification for more details on signing requests. |
oauth_timestamp | string | Timestamp expressed in seconds since 1/1/1970 00:00:00 GMT. Must be a positive integer and greater than or equal to any timestamp used in previous requests |
oauth_nonce | string | A random string uniquely generated for each request. |
oauth_callback | type | An absolute URL to which IB will redirect the user. This URL is provided by the consumer during registration. This parameter must be set to ‘oob’. |
– 200 status–
content-type : application/json
Obtain an access token using the request token and the verification code you received after the user provided authorization. See section 6.3 of the OAuth v1.0a specification for more details.
method : POST
Authorizations: cookieAuth
content-type : application/json
OAuth Parameters:
name | type | description |
oauth_consumer_key | string | The 25-character hexadecimal string that was obtained from Interactive Brokers during the OAuth consumer registration process. |
oauth_token | string | The request token obtained from IB via /request_token. |
oauth_signature_method | string | The signature method used to sign the request. Currently only ‘RSA-SHA256’ is supported. |
oauth_signature | string | The signature for the request generated using the method specified in the oauth_signature_method parameter. See section 9 of the OAuth v1.0a specification for more details on signing requests. |
oauth_timestamp | string | Timestamp expressed in seconds since 1/1/1970 00:00:00 GMT. Must be a positive integer and greater than or equal to any timestamp used in previous requests. |
oauth_nonce | string | A random string uniquely generated for each request. |
oauth_verifier | string | The verification code received from IB after the user has granted authorization. |
– 200 status–
content-type : application/json
"oauth_token": "string",
In order to access protected IB resources, a live session token is required. This endpoint allows consumers to obtain a live session token to access these resources using an OAuth access token and the Diffie-Hellman prime and generator supplied during the registration process.
Note: this is an additional IB-specific step, and not part of the OAuth v1.0a specification. Please refer to the “OAuth at Interactive Brokers” document for more details. https://www.interactivebrokers.com/webtradingapi/oauth.pdf
method : POST
Authorizations: cookieAuth
content-type : application/json
OAuth Parameters:
name | type | description |
oauth_consumer_key | string | The 25-character hexadecimal string that was obtained from Interactive Brokers during the OAuth consumer registration process. |
oauth_token | string | The request token obtained from IB via /request_token. |
oauth_signature_method | string | The signature method used to sign the request. Currently only ‘RSA-SHA256’ is supported. |
oauth_signature | string | The signature for the request generated using the method specified in the oauth_signature_method parameter. See section 9 of the OAuth v1.0a specification for more details on signing requests. |
oauth_timestamp | string | Timestamp expressed in seconds since 1/1/1970 00:00:00 GMT. Must be a positive integer and greater than or equal to any timestamp used in previous requests. |
oauth_nonce | string | A random string uniquely generated for each request. |
diffie_hellman_challenge | string | Challenge value calculated using the Diffie-Hellman prime and generated provided during the registration process. See the “OAuth at Interactive Brokers” document for more details. |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"diffie_hellman_response": "string",
"live_session_token_signature": "string"
Allows the caller to request a list of accounts associated with the session.
Method : GET
Authorizations: cookieAuth
Path Parameters:
name | required | type | description |
account | true | string | Account Number |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
Returns a list of positions for the indicated account.
Method : GET
Authorizations: cookieAuth
Path Parameters:
name | required | type | description |
account | true | string | Account Number |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"Position": 0,
"AverageCost": 0,
"ContractId": 0
Returns a list of account and margin balances associated with the account passed in the URL
Method : GET
Authorizations: cookieAuth
Path Parameters:
name | required | type | description |
account | true | string | Account Number |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"Ledger": [
"CashCumQty": 0,
"ExchangeRate": 0,
"NetInterest": 0,
"RealizedPNL": 0,
"FuturePNL": 0,
"UnrealizedPNL": 0,
"OptionMarketValue": 0,
"StockMarketValue": 0,
"CashBalance": 0,
"FutureOptionMarketValue": 0,
"NetDividend": 0,
"NetLiquidation": 0,
"TotalCashBalance": 0,
"CashBalanceFXSegment": 0
"Info": {
"AccountType": "string",
"AccountCode": "string",
"AccountReady": "string",
"Cushion": "string",
"DayTradesRemaining": "string",
"DayTradesRemainingT": "string",
"DayTradesRemainingT+2": "string",
"DayTradesRemainingT+3": "string",
"DayTradesRemainingT+4": "string",
"HighestSeverity": "string",
"Leverage-S": "string",
"LookAheadNextChange": "string",
"SegmentTitle-C": "string",
"SegmentTitle-S": "string",
"TradingType-S": "string",
"WhatIfPMEnabled": "string"
"Summary": {
"AccruedCash": 0,
"AccruedCash-C": 0,
"AccruedCash-S": 0,
"AccruedDividend": 0,
"AccruedDividend-C": 0,
"AccruedDividend-S": 0,
"AvailableFunds": 0,
"AvailableFunds-C": 0,
"AvailableFunds-S": 0,
"Billable": 0,
"Billable-C": 0,
"Billable-S": 0,
"BuyingPower": 0,
"EquityWithLoanValue": 0,
"EquityWithLoanValue-C": 0,
"EquityWithLoanValue-S": 0,
"ExcessLiquidity": 0,
"ExcessLiquidity-C": 0,
"ExcessLiquidity-S": 0,
"FullAvailableFunds": 0,
"FullAvailableFunds-C": 0,
"FullAvailableFunds-S": 0,
"FullExcessLiquidity": 0,
"FullExcessLiquidity-C": 0,
"FullExcessLiquidity-S": 0,
"FullInitMarginReq": 0,
"FullInitMarginReq-C": 0,
"FullInitMarginReq-S": 0,
"FullMaintMarginReq": 0,
"FullMaintMarginReq-C": 0,
"FullMaintMarginReq-S": 0,
"GrossPositionValue": 0,
"GrossPositionValue-C": 0,
"GrossPositionValue-S": 0,
"IndianStockHaircut": 0,
"IndianStockHaircut-C": 0,
"IndianStockHaircut-S": 0,
"InitMarginReq": 0,
"InitMarginReq-C": 0,
"InitMarginReq-S": 0,
"InsuredDeposit": 0,
"InsuredDeposit-C": 0,
"InsuredDeposit-S": 0,
"LookAheadAvailableFunds": 0,
"LookAheadAvailableFunds-C": 0,
"LookAheadAvailableFunds-S": 0,
"LookAheadExcessLiquidity": 0,
"LookAheadExcessLiquidity-C": 0,
"LookAheadExcessLiquidity-S": 0,
"LookAheadInitMarginReq": 0,
"LookAheadInitMarginReq-C": 0,
"LookAheadInitMarginReq-S": 0,
"LookAheadMaintMarginReq": 0,
"LookAheadMaintMarginReq-C": 0,
"LookAheadMaintMarginReq-S": 0,
"MaintMarginReq": 0,
"MaintMarginReq-C": 0,
"MaintMarginReq-S": 0,
"NetLiquidation": 0,
"NetLiquidation-C": 0,
"NetLiquidation-S": 0,
"NetLiquidationUncertainty": 0,
"PASharesValue": 0,
"PASharesValue-C": 0,
"PASharesValue-S": 0,
"PostExpirationExcess": 0,
"PostExpirationExcess-C": 0,
"PostExpirationExcess-S": 0,
"PostExpirationMargin": 0,
"PostExpirationMargin-C": 0,
"PostExpirationMargin-S": 0,
"RegTEquity": 0,
"RegTEquity-S": 0,
"RegTMargin": 0,
"RegTMargin-S": 0,
"SMA": 0,
"SMA-S": 0,
"TotalCashValue": 0,
"TotalCashValue-C": 0,
"TotalCashValue-S": 0
Returns a list of orders for the account passed in the URL
Method : GET
Authorizations: cookieAuth
Path Parameters:
name | required | type | description |
account | true | string | Account Number |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"CustomerOrderId": 0,
"ContractId": 0,
"Ticker": "string",
"ListingExchange": "string",
"RemainingQuantity": 0,
"FilledQuantity": 0,
"OrderType": 1,
"TimeInForce": 0,
"OutsideRTH": "string",
"Side": 1,
"Price": 0,
"Status": "-1",
"Warning": "string",
"TransactionTime": "string"
Method : POST
Authorizations: cookieAuth
Path Parameters:
name | required | type | description |
account | true | string | Account Number |
content-type : application/json
Order Parameters:
name | type | description |
CustomerOrderId | string | The order ID assigned by the customer. |
Ticker | string | The symbol that identifies the trading product |
ListingExchange | string | The exchange on which the trading product is listed (only for InstrumentType=STK) |
Currency | string | The currency in which the FX pair trades (only for InstrumentType=CASH) |
InstrumentType | string | The instrument type of the contract |
ContractId | number | The internal IB identifier for the trading product specified as an integer (can be obtained in response to /secdef request) |
Quantity | number | The number of units in the order; contracts or shares |
Price | number | The order price |
Order Type | number | Enum: [0, 1, 2 , 3, 7 ](1 Market ,2 Limit 3 Stop ,4 StopLimit ) |
Aux Price | number | Required Price to support Stop and Stop Limit orders |
Time in Force | number | Enum: [0, 1, 2 , 3, 7 ](Defines order’s active lifetime. Day = ‘0’ GTC (Good till Cancel) = ‘1’ IOC (Immediate or Cancel) = ‘3’ Open = ‘2’ Close = ‘7’) |
Outside RTH | number | Indicates if order is active outside regular trading hours,where defined. 0 = no (default), 1 = yes |
Side | number | Enum: [1, 2 ](‘Buy = ‘‘1’’, Sell = ‘‘2’’’) |
OrderRestrictions | number | MultiValueString representing the restrictions associated with an order. If more than one restriction is applicable to an order, this field can contain multiple instructions separated by space. ‘1’ Program Trade ‘2’ Index Arbitrage ‘3’ Non-Index Arbitrage |
GermanHftAlgo | boolean | By setting this bool to false the customer attests that theorder is not subject to German HFT Act, was not generated using any automated algorithm, and no algorithm determined or changed financial instrument, side, quantity, order type,limit or other price, trading venue or timing of this order. Currently we cannot accept orders where this flag is set to true. Such orders will be rejected. |
Mifid2DecisionMaker | string | This field permits specification of the user’s preregistered (via account management) MiFID II short code for decision makers. |
Mifid2Algo | string | This field permits specification of the user’s preregistered (via account management) MiFID II short code for algos that are responsible for investment decisions |
Mifid2ExecutionTrader | string | This field permits specification of the user’s preregistered (via account management) MiFID II person responsible for handling/routing of the order |
Mifid2ExecutionAlgo | string | This field permits specification of the user’s preregistered (via account management) MiFID II short code for algos that are responsible for handling/routing of the order. |
To specify the contract, you provide a value for the ContractId field, OR Ticker/ListingExchange/InstrumentType=STK for stocks OR Ticker/Currency/InstrumentType=CASH for FX.
Required Fields For Security Resolution
Asset Class | Instrument Type | Required Fields | Example |
Stocks | STK | ContractId or InstrumentType Ticker ListingExchange |
8314 or STK IBM NYSE |
FX | CASH | ContractId or InstrumentType Ticker Currency |
12087795 or CASH EUR USD |
Transmits an order tagged with the specified CustomerOrderId for the account passed in the URL.
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"CustomerOrderId": 0,
"ContractId": 0,
"Ticker": "string",
"ListingExchange": "string",
"RemainingQuantity": 0,
"FilledQuantity": 0,
"OrderType": 1,
"TimeInForce": 0,
"OutsideRTH": "string",
"Side": 1,
"Price": 0,
"Status": "-1", //Status of the order InvalidOrderStatus = '-1' New = '0' PartiallyFilled = '1' Filled = '2' DoneForTheDay = '3' Canceled = '4' Replaced = '5' PendingCancelReplace = '6' Stopped = '7' Rejected = '8' Suspended = '9' PendingNew = 'A' Calculated = 'B' Expired = 'C' AcceptedForBidding = 'D' PendingReplace = 'E'
"Warning": "string",
"TransactionTime": "string"
Returns the order with the referenced Customer Order ID for the account passed in the URL.
Method : GET
Authorizations: cookieAuth
Path Parameters:
name | required | type | description |
account | true | string | Account Number |
CustomerOrderId | true | string | CustomerOrderId |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"CustomerOrderId": 0,
"ContractId": 0,
"Ticker": "string",
"ListingExchange": "string",
"RemainingQuantity": 0,
"FilledQuantity": 0,
"OrderType": 1,
"TimeInForce": 0,
"OutsideRTH": "string",
"Side": 1,
"Price": 0,
"Status": "-1",
"Warning": "string",
"TransactionTime": "string"
Cancels the order with the referenced Customer Order ID for the account passed in the URL.
Method : DELETE
Authorizations: cookieAuth
Path Parameters:
name | required | type | description |
account | true | string | Account Number |
CustomerOrderId | true | string | CustomerOrderId |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"CustomerOrderId": "string",
"Symbol": 0,
"OrderQty": 0,
"Price": "string",
"Side": 1,
"Status": "-1",
"Warning": "string",
"OrderType": 1
Allows the caller to modify the order with the referenced Customer Order ID specified in the URL. A separate Customer Order ID must be provided in the request body for the modification.
Method : PUT
Authorizations: cookieAuth
Path Parameters:
name | required | type | description |
account | true | string | Account Number |
CustomerOrderId | true | string | CustomerOrderId |
content-type : application/json
Order Parameters:
name | type | description |
OrigCustomerOrderId | string | he order ID assigned by the customer |
CustomerOrderId | string | The new order ID assigned by the customer for the modification. |
Quantity | number | The number of units in the order; contracts or shares |
Price | number | The order price |
Order Type | number | Enum: [0, 1, 2 , 3, 7 ](1 Market ,2 Limit 3 Stop ,4 StopLimit ) |
Aux Price | number | Required Price to support Stop and Stop Limit orders |
Time in Force | number | Enum: [0, 1, 2 , 3, 7 ](Defines order’s active lifetime. Day = ‘0’ GTC (Good till Cancel) = ‘1’ IOC (Immediate or Cancel) = ‘3’ Open = ‘2’ Close = ‘7’) |
Outside RTH | number | Indicates if order is active outside regular trading hours,where defined. 0 = no (default), 1 = yes |
Side | number | Enum: [1, 2 ](‘Buy = ‘‘1’’, Sell = ‘‘2’’’) |
GermanHftAlgo | boolean | By setting this bool to false the customer attests that theorder is not subject to German HFT Act, was not generated using any automated algorithm, and no algorithm determined or changed financial instrument, side, quantity, order type,limit or other price, trading venue or timing of this order. Currently we cannot accept orders where this flag is set to true. Such orders will be rejected. |
Mifid2DecisionMaker | string | This field permits specification of the user’s preregistered (via account management) MiFID II short code for decision makers. |
Mifid2Algo | string | This field permits specification of the user’s preregistered (via account management) MiFID II short code for algos that are responsible for investment decisions |
Mifid2ExecutionTrader | string | This field permits specification of the user’s preregistered (via account management) MiFID II person responsible for handling/routing of the order |
Mifid2ExecutionAlgo | string | This field permits specification of the user’s preregistered (via account management) MiFID II short code for algos that are responsible for handling/routing of the order. |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"CustomerOrderId": "string",
"Symbol": 0,
"OrderQty": 0,
"Price": "string",
"Side": 1,
"Status": "-1",
"Warning": "string",
"OrderType": 1
This endpoint allows the consumer to check the impact that an order would have on the account, including margin, NLV and estimated commission costs. To specify the contract, you provide a value for the ContractId field, OR Ticker/ListingExchange/InstrumentType=STK for stocks OR Ticker/Currency/InstrumentType=CASH for FX.
Method : POST
Authorizations: cookieAuth
Path Parameters:
name | required | type | description |
account | true | string | Account Number |
content-type : application/json
Order Parameters:
name | type | description |
CustomerOrderId | string | The order ID assigned by the customer. |
Ticker | string | The symbol that identifies the trading product |
ListingExchange | string | The exchange on which the trading product is listed (only for InstrumentType=STK) |
Currency | string | The currency in which the FX pair trades (only for InstrumentType=CASH) |
InstrumentType | string | The instrument type of the contract |
ContractId | number | The internal IB identifier for the trading product specified as an integer (can be obtained in response to /secdef request) |
Quantity | number | The number of units in the order; contracts or shares |
Price | number | The order price |
Order Type | number | Enum: [0, 1, 2 , 3, 4 ](1 Market ,2 Limit 3 Stop ,4 StopLimit ) |
Aux Price | number | Required Price to support Stop and Stop Limit orders |
Time in Force | number | Enum: [0, 1, 2 , 3, 7 ](Defines order’s active lifetime. Day = ‘0’ GTC (Good till Cancel) = ‘1’ IOC (Immediate or Cancel) = ‘3’ Open = ‘2’ Close = ‘7’) |
Outside RTH | number | Indicates if order is active outside regular trading hours,where defined. 0 = no (default), 1 = yes |
Side | number | Enum: [1, 2 ](‘Buy = ‘‘1’’, Sell = ‘‘2’’’) |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"EquityWithLoan": 0,
"InitMargin": 0,
"InitMarginBefore": 0,
"MaintMargin": 0,
"MaintMarginBefore": 0,
"MarginCurrency": "string",
"Commission": 0,
"MinCommissions": 0,
"MaxCommissions": 0,
"CommissionsCurrency": "string"
Returns a list of trades for the account starting at the given ‘since’ date to the current time (now()). Timezone is UTC. Any request with a future since date or going further than one week will result in an HTTP 400 bad request response. Calling /trades without since will return all trades for the past 24 hours.
Method : GET
Authorizations: cookieAuth
Path Parameters:
name | required | type | description |
account | true | string | Account Number |
Body Parameters:
name | required | type | description |
since | false | string | Start time specified in UTC. Allowed formats are “yyyy-MM-dd” or “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss”. Time is optional and is set to midnight if omitted, e.g. “00:00:00 hh:mm:ss”. |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"CustomerOrderId": 0,
"ContractId": 0,
"OrderId": "string",
"Ticker": "string",
"ListingExchange": "string",
"Currency": "string",
"Side": 1,
"OrderType": 1,
"FilledQuantity": 0,
"RemainingQuantity": 0,
"Quantity": 0,
"TradePrice": 0,
"TradeSize": 0,
"AvgPrice": 0,
"ExecutionTime": "string",
"ExecId": "string",
"Commission": 0,
"CommissionCurrency": "string",
"LastMarket": "string"
Fields that compose security definition. Allowed combinations, (1) type and symbol and currency, or (2) type, symbol, exchange, and currency, or (3) conid
Method : GET
Authorizations: cookieAuth
content-type : application/json
Order Parameters:
Allowed combinations are [type and symbol and currency], or [type, symbol, exchange, and currency], or [conid].
name | type | description |
type | string | The instrument type of the contract (CASH). |
symbol | string | The symbol that identifies the trading product. |
currency | string | The currency in which the given pair trades. |
exchange | string | The exchange on which the trading product is listed (required for type=STK). |
conid | number | The internal IB identifier for the trading product specified as an integer. |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"ContractId": 0,
"Ticker": "string",
"SecurityType": "string",
"Exchange": "string",
"CompanyName": "string",
"Currency": "string"
This endpoint allows the consumer to request a market data snapshot for one or more trading products.Consumers need to provide unique identifiers (conids) for the products in the IB product database (retrievable using the /secdef endpoint).
The ‘market’ values are integers whose bits indicate the exchange(s) making up the quote. The mapping of bit to exchange is obtained from the marketdata/exchange_component endpoint.
For example, if a bid has a ‘market’ value of 5 and the exchange_component result has the map
0 => NYSE
2 => ARCA
then the exchanges contributing to the bid size are NYSE and ARCA. Similarly, if market=2, then only ISLAND is contributing.
Method : GET
Authorizations: cookieAuth
content-type : application/json
Order Parameters:
Contract. Allowed combinations are [type and symbol and currency], or [type, symbol, exchange, and currency], or [conid].
name | type | description |
type | string | The instrument type of the contract (CASH). |
symbol | string | The symbol that identifies the trading product. |
currency | string | The currency in which the given pair trades. |
exchange | string | The exchange on which the trading product is listed (required for type=STK). |
conid | number | The internal IB identifier for the trading product specified as an integer. |
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"Conid": "string",
"Temporality": 0, //0 = Real time data 1 = Delayed data
"Complete": true,
"Trade": {
"market": 0,
"price": 0,
"size": 0,
"time": 0
"Closing": {
"price": 0
"Bid": {
"market": 0,
"price": 0,
"size": 0
"Offer": {
"market": 0,
"price": 0,
"size": 0
This endpoint provides a bit mapping for the bid/ask/last ‘market’ values in the snapshot response.
Method : GET
Authorizations: cookieAuth
– 200 status–
content-type :application/json
"ConId": 0,
"Complete": true,
"mapping": [
"bit": 0,
"code": "string",
"exchange": "string"