
英文 中文
Previously on This Is Us... 《我们的生活》前情回顾
I told you that when I met you, 遇见你时我告诉过你
that I couldn't fall for a fat person. 我不能爱上一个胖子
But you did. 可你爱了
So now what? 那现在怎么办
You're just gonna throw me away? 你打算甩了我吗
I'm sorry, I can't do this. 对不起我做不到
Can't do what? 做不到什么
When a nice boy who adores you offers you pie, 要是有位喜欢你的男孩送你一块派
say thank you. 说声谢谢
Why is there a photo of me 为什么威廉的公寓里
in a letter that you sent to William's apartment? 有张我的照片和一封你寄去的信
Randall, you have to understand... 兰德尔你得明白...
Understand what, that you knew my father? 明白什么你很早就认识我父亲了吗
That you kept him from me my entire life? 而你却一直不告诉我他的存在
I'm upset, I'm not deaf. 我在生气但我没聋
Hey, babe. 亲爱的
I was worried about you. 我很担心你
I'm fine. 我没事
The carpet would beg to differ. 可是地毯都被你踩扁了
You've been pacing for a few hours now. 你已经来回走了好几个小时了
You ready to talk? 可以谈谈吗
To William. 可以跟威廉谈
You can come in, too, William. 你也进来吧威廉
I know how angry you must be. 我知道你肯定很生气
When did you meet my mother? 你跟我妈什么时候认识的
When she took you home from the hospital. 她从医院带你回家的时候
I wanted to make sure you were going to a good home. 我想确保你能有个好归宿
Did my father know about you? 我爸爸认识你吗
I never got that impression. 应该不认识
What are you writing, babe? 你在写什么亲爱的
A list of reasons I'm mad at my mother. 我对我妈生气的理由
I got 22 so far. 已经有22条了
And don't think I'm ignoring 别以为我忘了
the fact that you lied to me, too. 你也骗了我
When I showed up at your door two months ago, 两个月前我去你家找你
you acted like you didn't remember abandoning me. 你装作一副不记得抛弃了我的样子
I was respecting your mother's wishes. 我是尊重你妈的意思
Which is why I'm second maddest at you. 所以我第二气的就是你
You're in third place. 你排第三
But... I've been trying to get your mother 可是我一知道真相
to tell you the truth since I found out. 就一直努力让你妈向你坦白
Which is why there isn't a Beth or William list. 所以我对你们的愤怒没有列成单子
My mother's the one who betrayed me. 背叛我的人是我妈
And as soon as I'm finished with this list, 等我写完这张单子
I'm gonna read it to her, 我要念给她听
and make sure she hears every damn word. 一字一句念个一清二楚
I'm gonna beat you! 我肯定比你快
Whoa! Slow do... Slow down. 慢点都慢点
The deli guy can't believe we've already gone through 熟食店老板都不敢相信
the two pounds of ham and cheese from last week. 两斤的火腿和芝士我们一礼拜就吃完了
Triplets. 三胞胎啊
Speaking of, you know where our third is? 说到这个第三只去哪儿了
Let me show you again. 我再做一次
Like that. Can you do that? 就这样你们会吗
Sorry. He's with us. 抱歉是我们家孩子
Sorry. 对不起
Sorry about that. 打扰你们了
What are you doing? What was that, huh? 什么情况你在干什么
I asked 'em if they could roll their tongues. 我问他们会不会卷舌头
But, sweetheart, that's not really 可是宝贝你不认识人家
something you ask strangers. 问这种问题不合适
We learned about inherited traits in science, 今天科学课上我们学了遗传性状
and rolling your tongue is one. 卷舌头就是其中之一
If I can find people who roll their tongue, 如果我能找到其他会卷舌头的人
they could be my birth parents. 他们可能就是我的亲生父母
Excuse me... 请问...
Look, I... I don't know what to tell him. 我...不知道要跟他说什么
I mean, he knows everything that we do. 我们知道的他都知道
Then there's nothing else to say. 那还有什么可说的
I just... I don't want him 我就是...不想让他
sticking his tongue out at strangers, you know, when he's 80. 到80岁时还对陌生人吐舌头
It kills me that he'll always have this hole, 想到他以后要带着不知道自己的父母是谁
not knowing who his parents are. 这个缺憾活着我就很心疼
We're his parents. 我们就是他的父母
You know what I mean. 你知道我在说什么
Hey, Bec. Hey, sponge down, sponge down. 小贝把海绵放下放下
Look at me a sec. 看着我
Look... 听我说
I know this is hard to think about. 我知道考虑这事对你来说很难
It's hard for me, too. 我也一样
Okay? But he has questions that... 可他已经产生疑问了
they're not gonna go away. 这些问题不会消失
I just, I don't want him resenting us... 我只是不想让他怨恨我们
For what, Jack? 怨恨我们什么杰克
We love him, 我们爱他
we give him absolutely everything he could ever want, 我们给他想要的一切
what... would he be missing from us? 跟我们在一起他会有什么缺憾
We can't roll our tongues. 我们不会卷舌头
I can. 我会啊
- You can roll your tongue? - I can roll my tongue. -你会卷舌头吗-我会卷舌头
Roll your tongue. Just... 卷一个看看这样...
Babe... 亲爱的
- Am I doing it? - It's so sad. -我成功了吗-真心疼你
- I'm not doing it? - You're not rolling your tongue. -我没卷成吗-你没卷成
But I can show you. 不过我可以教你
- You can show me? - Yeah. -你能教我吗-当然
Mom never told him that she knew his biological dad? 妈从没告诉兰德尔她认识他的生父吗
I know. 可不是
That's cuckoo's nest-level insane. 这简直太疯狂了
Well, what about you? 话说你是怎么回事
Showing up all of a sudden, deciding to get your stomach cut open-- 冷不防冒出来决定给自己的胃开刀
what is that? 你要闹哪样
Uh, I almost died in a plane crash, Kevin. 我差点坠机死掉凯文
Okay? My life flashed before my eyes. 我的一生在眼前闪回
Kate, you experienced mild turbulence. 凯特你只是遇上点小气流
All right? You spilled your peanuts. 好吗你有点小题大做了
It was scary. Shut up. 很可怕好不好闭嘴
It was a real "Seize the day". "及时行乐"的理念
Kind of awakening for me. 真正在我体内觉醒了
Yeah? Okay, well, what happened to dieting? 是吗好啊你不是在节食吗
I don't know, I ran the numbers, and... 不知道我算了算
at this rate, I would be 106 years old 照这个速度下去我得等到106岁
by the time I reach my goal weight. 才能减到目标体重
So I, you know, I want to live now. 所以我...现在就想好好生活
- Yeah? - Yeah. -是吗-当然
Does this have anything to do with your breakup with Toby? 你和托比分手也是因为这事吗
No. I'm fine. 不我很好
You know, millions of people have surgery every day-- 要知道每天都有几百万人动手术
it's not a big deal. 这没什么大不了的
It's not a big deal? No, it's one of about 没什么大不了吗不我脑子里
a billion big deals swirling around in my head right now. 现在正有无数这些大不了的事在打转
Kate, I've got you, I've got Randall, 凯特我要操心你还有兰德尔
Mom's selling the cabin, 妈妈要卖掉木屋
I just had the single greatest kiss 而且我才刚体会过辈子
- of my entire life... - Whoa. -最棒的一吻...-等等
Mom's selling the cabin? 妈妈要卖木屋吗
Yeah, I found out yesterday. 对我昨天才知道的
- It sucks, right? - She can't do... -糟透了对吗-她不能就这么...
I love the cabin. The cabin is our childhood. 我爱那个木屋它就是我们的童年
I know, but we haven't been there in years, right? 我明白可我们好几年没回去了不是吗
Well, let's go. We should. 那我们这就走我们应该回去
Like, let's seize the day. 及时行乐啊
Hey, have you guys seen... Oh, there it is. 你们有没有看到...在这儿
Ran out of paper. 纸快用完了
You know where I bet there is a ton of paper? 我知道一个地方有一大堆纸
Where? 哪里
Can't believe Mom is selling this place. 真不敢相信妈妈要把这儿卖了
I got a lot of "can't believes" with Mom. 我对妈妈还有很多"不敢相信"的事
You know what I can't believe? 你们知道我不敢相信什么吗
我们来小屋了 新鲜空气 大自然 特别好
如果你喜欢新鲜空气 和大自然的话
That we are in the middle of nowhere, 到了这么个与世隔绝的地方
and all my messages are going through. 我的短信居然都发出去了
Do I have wifi in my car? 我的车是自带无线网吗
No. 没有
No wifi. I'm living in the past. 没有无线网一夜回到从前了
I'm not. Not anymore. 我没回去再也回不去了
Listen, man, I know you're hurting, 听着哥们儿我知道你很伤心
but you and mom are gonna have to make up eventually, okay? 但你和妈妈总是要和好的不是吗
Hopefully before Christmas, so that holiday isn't ruined. 最好在圣诞节前否则节日就给毁了
Nope. I'm gonna clear out my stuff, 不会的我会把我的东西都清理出来
hand over my keys, then I am out of the whole thing. 把钥匙还回去然后一切都与我无关了
That's funny. 真好笑
With the language barrier, sometimes Olivia's funnier 由于和奥利维亚之间有语言障碍她的笑话
than she means to be. 有时我们抓不住笑点
- She's British. She speaks English. - Yes. -她是英国人她说的就是英语-是啊
Never understood why mom felt like we needed 我一直搞不懂妈妈为什么觉得
three locks on this door. 这门上需要三把锁
It's because Kev was afraid of bears. 因为小凯小时候怕熊
Hey, Zoobooks said they're smart. 《动物画刊》说过熊很聪明
Not this smart. 没那么聪明
Forgive me for not learning in high school. 原谅我高中没好好学习
I was having sex, Randall. 兰德尔我光忙着上床了
托比 我家的木屋你一定会喜欢绝不是《鬼玩人》里那种
Ah, so much denim on denim. Look. 看啊全是牛仔套装
I can't look now, I'm busy. 没空看我现在很忙
Oh, you still can't see the Magic Eye? 你还是看不到魔法眼吗
- Uh... yeah. - Look, you just gotta relax your eyes. -是啊-听着你只要放松眼睛
- Yeah. - Look through it, and it's right... -好-透过表象真相就在...
Right there in front of you, I know. 就在面前我知道
That's what dad always used to say, 爸爸常这么说
but I can't see it. It's a pirate ship! 但我就是看不到是艘海盗船
It's always been a bear, dude. 哥们儿一直都是头熊
But you know what? 但你知道吗
Maybe it was never real, anyway. 反正从来也不是真的
Just like the rest of my childhood. 就像我的童年一样
Randall, what Mom did was insane, 兰德尔妈妈做的确实不对
but that doesn't erase your childhood. 但那并没有抹去你的童年
Me and Kev are real. 我和小凯就是真实的
Okay? Our family... we're real. 我们的家我们是真实的
- Yeah. - Come here. -没错-过来看
- No, come look at this. - All right. -别收拾了过来看-好吧
Come on, indulge us. Sit down. 过来听我们的过来坐
Look at this. Look. 看这张看
We're all here. You're here. 我们都在这儿你也在
Grinning ear to ear in our elastic waistband, 穿着松紧裤褪色牛仔裤
acid-washed jeans. 笑得合不拢嘴
Those jeans were real! 这些牛仔裤都是真的
All right, here. Let me see. 好吧我看看
Look at this. Right there? 看这儿这张
That's Mom lying to me about not being able 这张是妈妈在骗我说
to find my birth father. 找不到我亲生父亲
- Okay. - That's awesome. -好吧-真是了不起
You're right. I-I'm sorry. 你说得对我很抱歉
But this is probably gonna be the last time 但这可能是我们三个
that the three of us are ever gonna be here. 最后一次来这里了
So can we just enjoy today? 能让我们好好享受今天吗
Please? 求你了
- What's that? - I'll get it. -什么情况-我去开门
You made it! 你来了
You all made it. 你们都来了
Are you kidding me? 开什么玩笑
- What do you think? - Yeah. -你觉得怎么样-不错啊
It's not a bear. 不是熊
Good to know. 多谢告知
This place is so quaint. 这地方真别致
Yeah, right? 是吧
Oh, my God. 我的天
This looks absurd. 真是太傻了
Hey, what's up? 怎么了
This was supposed to be our day. 今天应该是属于我们的
What? No, I mean, you know, I told her that we were here. 什么不是我告诉她我们来这了
I told her she could come. I didn't know she was gonna 我说她可以来可我没想到
bring our playwright and some dude. 她会叫来编剧和另一个家伙
This guy is wearing suspenders over a thermal. 那家伙在保暖内衣服外套了条吊带袜
Like, what... what is that? 什么鬼
These are my people now, Kate. 他们是我的同事凯特
He's an artist. He's authentic. 他是如假包换的艺术家
I'm sorry, I love you, 抱歉我爱你
but I want to punch you. 但我真想揍你
Okay, can you do me a favor? 好吧帮我个忙
Can you please just give them a chance? 拜托你给他们个机会
I really want you to like Olivia. 我真的希望你能喜欢奥利维亚
We brought some nosh and some liquid. 我们带了些小吃和喝的
Cool if I just put it here in the fridge? 可以放进冰箱里吗
Yeah, just, you know, throw it in there. 当然随便放
Right on. It's for everyone. 太好了大家都可以吃
- That is weird. - It's nice. -真的很奇怪啊-这样很好
Man. Rad Cabin, by the way. 天啊对了我叫拉德·卡班
Norman Rockwell? 诺曼·洛克威尔
He would have really lost his mind in this place. 他要是来这里绝对会乐疯的
Thanks. 谢了
Yeah, that's nice of you. 是啊谢谢你的夸奖
I can't tear 'em away from that Atari. 孩子们玩游戏机玩上瘾了
Thank you. 谢谢
I'll give my boys another five. 我再让他们多玩五分钟
- I'm feeling generous today. - Okay. -今天就大方一把-好吧
Hey, so has Randall asked you 对了兰德尔问过你
if you can roll your tongue? 能不能卷舌头的事吗
No. He supposed to? 没有他该问这事吗
He's been asking people, 他一直在到处问
hoping to trace that trait across the whole city 希望在整个城市中找出会卷舌头的人
to see if he can find his birth parents. 看看能不能找到自己的亲生父母
And we told him we can't find his biological parents, 我们告诉他我们找不到他的亲生父母
and he understands that, so... 而他也理解所以...
Oh, okay. 好吧
At least, now, I get it. 至少现在我懂了
He's been telling my boys different stories 他一直在跟我的孩子们讲不同的故事
about who his father might be. 猜测他生父可能是个什么样的人

