You should never underlook yourself

Have you ever felt troublesome?

Sure. Me too.So what?

And then, they made me even stronger as long as I am willing to face it.

Someone said that whatever that cannot kill me would make me better. I cannot agree more!

You need to tell yourself: Facing it is only a minor decision. Don't ever look down upon yourself.

What you should do is to recall those beautiful days of difficulties, and then write down your concerns, target, period targets, then review them.
Maybe you can analyze them use mind model of SWOT. S is for strength, W is for weakness, O is for opportunity, and T is for threat.
Your duty is to explore your courage to face it, your ability to solve it, your resources to help you, and spare your time to cope with it. Take a break. Then continue your trip.
  • 你有觉得麻烦的时候吗?
  • 我有过,当然有过。不过,那又怎么样?
  1. 告诉你,就是面对那些麻烦嘛,之后就没事了。
  2. 还要告诉你,有人说过,凡是没有杀死你的,最终能把你打造的更强韧。这句话我绝对,双手赞成!
  3. 你需要告诉你自己,面对麻烦,是一个很小很小的事。不要小瞧你自己。

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