An application that translates "/etc/config/wireless" into MTK's WiFi profiles (e.g. mt7620.dat). You may use it as an adapter to make MTK's WiFi drivers work with standard LuCi's WiFi management.
* $File: uci2dat.c
* $Author: Hua Shao
* $Date: Feb, 2014
* Boring, Boring, Boring, Boring, Boring........
#ifdef OK
#undef OK
#define OK (0)
#ifdef NG
#undef NG
#define NG (-1)
#ifdef SHDBG
#undef SHDBG
#define SHDBG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__);
#define DEVNUM_MAX (4)
#define MBSSID_MAX (4)
#define FPRINT(fp, e, ...) \
do {\
char buffer[128] = {0}; \
printf("%s(),%s=", __FUNCTION__, e->dat_key); \
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), __VA_ARGS__); \
if (strlen(buffer) == 0) { \
fprintf(fp, "%s", e->defvalue?e->defvalue:""); \
printf("%s", ""); \
} \
else { \
fprintf(fp, "%s", buffer); \
printf("%s", buffer); \
} \
printf(", def=\"%s\"\n", e->defvalue?e->defvalue:""); \
#define WIFI_UCI_FILE "/etc/config/wireless"
#define PARSE_UCI_OPTION(dst, src) \
do { \
src = NULL; \
src = uci_lookup_option_string(uci_ctx, s, dst.uci_key); \
if(src) { \
strncpy(dst.value, src, sizeof(dst.value)); \
printf("%s(), %s=%s\n", __FUNCTION__, dst.uci_key, dst.value); \
} \
struct _param;
typedef void (*ucihook)(FILE *,struct _param *, const char * devname);
typedef struct _param
const char * dat_key;
const char * uci_key;
char value[128];
ucihook hook;
const char * defvalue;
} param;
typedef struct _vif
param ssid;
param authmode; /* wep, wpa, ... */
param hidden; /* Hidden SSID */
param cipher; /* ccmp(aes),tkip */
param key; /* wpa psk */
param wepkey[4]; /* wep key, ugly, yep! */
param auth_server;
param auth_port;
param auth_secret;
param rekeyinteval;
param preauth;
param pmkcacheperiod;
} vif;
typedef struct
char devname[16];
param * params;
int vifnum;
vif vifs[MBSSID_MAX];
} wifi_params;
void hooker(FILE * fp, param * p, const char * devname);
/* these are separated from CFG_ELEMENTS because they
use a different represention structure.
vif VIF =
.ssid = {NULL, "ssid", {0}, NULL, NULL},
.authmode = {NULL, "encryption", {0}, NULL, NULL},
.hidden = {NULL, "hidden", {0}, NULL, NULL},
.cipher = {NULL, "cipher", {0}, NULL, NULL},
/* wpa key, or wep key index */
.key = {NULL, "key", {0}, NULL, NULL},
/* wep key group */
.wepkey = {{NULL, "key1", {0}, NULL, NULL},
{NULL, "key2", {0}, NULL, NULL},
{NULL, "key3", {0}, NULL, NULL},
{NULL, "key4", {0}, NULL, NULL}},
/* wpa & 8021x */
.auth_server = {NULL, "auth_server", "0", NULL, NULL},
.auth_port = {NULL, "auth_port", "1812", NULL, NULL},
.auth_secret = {NULL, "auth_secret", {0}, NULL, NULL},
.pmkcacheperiod = {NULL, "pmkcacheperiod", {0}, NULL, NULL},
.preauth = {NULL, "preauth", {0}, NULL, NULL},
.rekeyinteval = {NULL, "rekeyinteval", {0}, NULL, NULL},
param CFG_ELEMENTS[] =
/* Default configurations described in :
{"CountryRegion", "region", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"CountryRegionABand", "aregion", {0}, hooker, "7"},
{"CountryCode", "country", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"BssidNum", NULL, {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"SSID1", NULL, {0}, hooker, "OpenWrt"},
{"SSID2", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"SSID3", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"SSID4", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WirelessMode", "wifimode", {0}, hooker, "9"},
{"TxRate", "txrate", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"Channel", "channel", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"BasicRate", "basicrate", {0}, hooker, "15"},
{"BeaconPeriod", "beacon", {0}, hooker, "100"},
{"DtimPeriod", "dtim", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"TxPower", "txpower", {0}, hooker, "100"},
{"DisableOLBC", "disolbc", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"BGProtection", "bgprotect", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"TxAntenna", "txantenna", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"RxAntenna", "rxantenna", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"TxPreamble", "txpreamble", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"RTSThreshold", "rtsthres", {0}, hooker, "2347"},
{"FragThreshold", "fragthres", {0}, hooker, "2346"},
{"TxBurst", "txburst", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"PktAggregate", "pktaggre", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"TurboRate", "turborate", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"WmmCapable", "wmm", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"APSDCapable", "apsd", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"DLSCapable", "dls", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"APAifsn", "apaifsn", {0}, hooker, "3;7;1;1"},
{"APCwmin", "apcwmin", {0}, hooker, "4;4;3;2"},
{"APCwmax", "apcwmax", {0}, hooker, "6;10;4;3"},
{"APTxop", "aptxop", {0}, hooker, "0;0;94;47"},
{"APACM", "apacm", {0}, hooker, "0;0;0;0"},
{"BSSAifsn", "bssaifsn", {0}, hooker, "3;7;2;2"},
{"BSSCwmin", "bsscwmin", {0}, hooker, "4;4;3;2"},
{"BSSCwmax", "bsscwmax", {0}, hooker, "10;10;4;3"},
{"BSSTxop", "bsstxop", {0}, hooker, "0;0;94;47"},
{"BSSACM", "bssacm", {0}, hooker, "0;0;0;0"},
{"AckPolicy", "ackpolicy", {0}, hooker, "0;0;0;0"},
{"NoForwarding", "noforward", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"NoForwardingBTNBSSID", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"HideSSID", "hidden", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"StationKeepAlive", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"ShortSlot", "shortslot", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"AutoChannelSelect", "channel", {0}, hooker, "2"},
{"IEEE8021X", "ieee8021x", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"IEEE80211H", "ieee80211h", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"CSPeriod", "csperiod", {0}, hooker, "10"},
{"WirelessEvent", "wirelessevent", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"IdsEnable", "idsenable", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"AuthFloodThreshold", NULL, {0}, NULL, "32"},
{"AssocReqFloodThreshold", NULL, {0}, NULL, "32"},
{"ReassocReqFloodThreshold", NULL, {0}, NULL, "32"},
{"ProbeReqFloodThreshold", NULL, {0}, NULL, "32"},
{"DisassocFloodThreshold", NULL, {0}, NULL, "32"},
{"DeauthFloodThreshold", NULL, {0}, NULL, "32"},
{"EapReqFooldThreshold", NULL, {0}, NULL, "32"},
{"PreAuth", "preauth", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"AuthMode", NULL, {0}, hooker, "OPEN"},
{"EncrypType", NULL, {0}, hooker, "NONE"},
{"RekeyInterval", "rekeyinteval", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"PMKCachePeriod", "pmkcacheperiod", {0}, hooker, "10"},
{"WPAPSK1", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WPAPSK2", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WPAPSK3", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WPAPSK4", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"DefaultKeyID", NULL, {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"Key1Type", NULL, {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"Key1Str1", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key1Str2", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key1Str3", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key1Str4", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key2Type", NULL, {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"Key2Str1", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key2Str2", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key2Str3", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key2Str4", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key3Type", NULL, {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"Key3Str1", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key3Str2", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key3Str3", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key3Str4", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key4Type", NULL, {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"Key4Str1", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key4Str2", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key4Str3", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Key4Str4", NULL, {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"AccessPolicy0", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"AccessControlList0", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"AccessPolicy1", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"AccessControlList1", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"AccessPolicy2", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"AccessControlList2", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"AccessPolicy3", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"AccessControlList3", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WdsEnable", "wds_enable", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"WdsEncrypType", "wds_enctype", {0}, hooker, "NONE"},
{"WdsList", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"Wds0Key", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"Wds1Key", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"Wds2Key", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"Wds3Key", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"RADIUS_Server", "auth_server", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"RADIUS_Port", "auth_port", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"RADIUS_Key1", "radius_key1", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"RADIUS_Key2", "radius_key2", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"RADIUS_Key3", "radius_key2", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"RADIUS_Key4", "radius_key4", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"own_ip_addr", "own_ip_addr", {0}, hooker, ""},
{"EAPifname", "eapifname", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"PreAuthifname", "preauthifname", {0}, hooker, "br-lan"},
{"HT_HTC", "ht_htc", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"HT_RDG", "ht_rdg", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"HT_EXTCHA", "ht_extcha", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"HT_LinkAdapt", "ht_linkadapt", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"HT_OpMode", "ht_opmode", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"HT_MpduDensity", NULL, {0}, hooker, "5"},
{"HT_BW", "bw", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"VHT_BW", "bw", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"VHT_SGI", "vht_sgi", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"VHT_STBC", "vht_stbc", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"VHT_BW_SIGNAL", "vht_bw_sig", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"VHT_DisallowNonVHT", "vht_disnonvht", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"VHT_LDPC", "vht_ldpc", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"HT_AutoBA", "ht_autoba", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"HT_AMSDU", "ht_amsdu", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"HT_BAWinSize", "ht_bawinsize", {0}, hooker, "64"},
{"HT_GI", "ht_gi", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"HT_MCS", "ht_mcs", {0}, hooker, "33"},
{"WscManufacturer", "wscmanufacturer", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WscModelName", "wscmodelname", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WscDeviceName", "wscdevicename", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WscModelNumber", "wscmodelnumber", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WscSerialNumber", "wscserialnumber", {0}, hooker, NULL},
/* Extra configurations found in 76x2e */
{"FixedTxMode", "fixedtxmode", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"AutoProvisionEn", "autoprovision", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"FreqDelta", "freqdelta", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"CarrierDetect", "carrierdetect", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"ITxBfEn", "itxbf", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"PreAntSwitch", "preantswitch", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"PhyRateLimit", "phyratelimit", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"DebugFlags", "debugflags", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"ETxBfEnCond", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"ITxBfTimeout", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"ETxBfNoncompress", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"ETxBfIncapable", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"FineAGC", "fineagc", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"StreamMode", "streammode", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"StreamModeMac0", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"StreamModeMac1", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"StreamModeMac2", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"StreamModeMac3", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"RDRegion", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"DfsLowerLimit", "dfs_lowlimit", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"DfsUpperLimit", "dfs_uplimit", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"DfsOutdoor", "dfs_outdoor", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"SymRoundFromCfg", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"BusyIdleFromCfg", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"DfsRssiHighFromCfg", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"DfsRssiLowFromCfg", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"DFSParamFromConfig", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"FCCParamCh0", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"FCCParamCh1", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"FCCParamCh2", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"FCCParamCh3", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"CEParamCh0", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"CEParamCh1", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"CEParamCh2", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"CEParamCh3", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"JAPParamCh0", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"JAPParamCh1", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"JAPParamCh2", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"JAPParamCh3", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"JAPW53ParamCh0", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"JAPW53ParamCh1", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"JAPW53ParamCh2", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"JAPW53ParamCh3", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"FixDfsLimit", "fixdfslimit", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"LongPulseRadarTh", "lpsradarth", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"AvgRssiReq", "avgrssireq", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"DFS_R66", "dfs_r66", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"BlockCh", "blockch", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"GreenAP", "greenap", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"WapiPsk1", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiPsk2", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiPsk3", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiPsk4", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiPsk5", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiPsk6", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiPsk7", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiPsk8", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiPskType", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"Wapiifname", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiAsCertPath", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiUserCertPath", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiAsIpAddr", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"WapiAsPort", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"RekeyMethod", "rekeymethod", {0}, hooker, "TIME"},
{"MeshAutoLink", "mesh_autolink", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"MeshAuthMode", "mesh_authmode", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"MeshEncrypType", "mesh_enctype", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"MeshDefaultkey", "mesh_defkey", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"MeshWEPKEY", "mesh_wepkey", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"MeshWPAKEY", "mesh_wpakey", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"MeshId", "mesh_id", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"HSCounter", "hscount", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"HT_BADecline", "ht_badec", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"HT_STBC", "ht_stbc", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"HT_LDPC", "ht_ldpc", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"HT_TxStream", "ht_txstream", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"HT_RxStream", "ht_rxstream", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"HT_PROTECT", "ht_protect", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"HT_DisallowTKIP", "ht_distkip", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"HT_BSSCoexistence", "ht_bsscoexist", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"WscConfMode", "wsc_confmode", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"WscConfStatus", "wsc_confstatus", {0}, hooker, "2"},
{"WCNTest", "wcntest", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"WdsPhyMode", "wds_phymode", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"RADIUS_Acct_Server", "radius_acctserver", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"RADIUS_Acct_Port", "radius_acctport", {0}, hooker, "1813"},
{"RADIUS_Acct_Key", "radius_acctkey", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Ethifname", "ethifname", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"session_timeout_interval", "session_intv", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"idle_timeout_interval", "idle_intv", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"WiFiTest", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"TGnWifiTest", "tgnwifitest", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"ApCliEnable", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"ApCliSsid", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"ApCliBssid", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"ApCliAuthMode", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"ApCliEncrypType", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"ApCliDefaultKeyID", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"ApCliKey1Type", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"ApCliKey1Str", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"ApCliKey2Type", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"ApCliKey2Str", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"ApCliKey3Type", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"ApCliKey3Str", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"ApCliKey4Type", NULL, {0}, NULL, "0"},
{"ApCliKey4Str", NULL, {0}, NULL, NULL},
{"EfuseBufferMode", "efusebufmode", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"E2pAccessMode", "e2paccmode", {0}, hooker, "2"},
{"RadioOn", "radio", {0}, hooker, "1"},
{"BW_Enable", "bw_enable", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"BW_Root", "bw_root", {0}, hooker, "0"},
{"BW_Priority", "bw_priority", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"BW_Guarantee_Rate", "bw_grtrate", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"BW_Maximum_Rate", "bw_maxrate", {0}, hooker, NULL},
/* add more configurations */
{"AutoChannelSkipList", "autoch_skip", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WscConfMethod", "wsc_confmethod", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WscKeyASCII", "wsc_keyascii", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WscSecurityMode", "wsc_security", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"Wsc4digitPinCode", "wsc_4digitpin", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WscVendorPinCode", "wsc_vendorpin", {0}, hooker, NULL},
{"WscV2Support", "wsc_v2", {0}, hooker, NULL},
static struct uci_context * uci_ctx;
static struct uci_package * uci_wireless;
static wifi_params wifi_cfg[DEVNUM_MAX];
char * __get_value(char * datkey)
int i;
for(i=0; idat_key, p->uci_key,
p->value[0]?p->value:"(null)", p->hook?"Y":"-", p->defvalue);
return NULL;
void parse_dat(char * devname, char * datpath)
FILE * fp = NULL;
char buffer[128] = {0};
char k[32] = {0};
char v[32] = {0};
int i = 0, n = 0;
char * p = NULL;
char * q = NULL;
wifi_params * cfg = NULL;
printf("API: %s(%s, %s)\n", __FUNCTION__, devname, datpath);
for (i=0; iparams[n].value, v, sizeof(CFG_ELEMENTS[n].value));
if (n >= sizeof(CFG_ELEMENTS)/sizeof(CFG_ELEMENTS[0]))
printf("!!! <%s> not supported\n", k);
printf("<%s>=<%s>\n", k, v);
#if 0
/* dump and check */
for ( n=0; nparams[n].value)>0)
printf("inited: <%s>=<%s>\n", CFG_ELEMENTS[n].dat_key, cfg->params[n].value);
printf("empty : <%s>=<%s>\n", CFG_ELEMENTS[n].dat_key, cfg->params[n].value);
if(fp) fclose(fp);
void parse_uci(char * arg)
struct uci_element *e = NULL;
const char * value = NULL;
int i = 0;
int cur_dev, cur_vif;
printf("API: %s(%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, arg);
if (!uci_wireless || !uci_ctx)
printf("%s() uci context not ready!\n", __FUNCTION__);
/* scan wireless devices ! */
uci_foreach_element(&uci_wireless->sections, e)
struct uci_section *s = uci_to_section(e);
if(0 == strcmp(s->type, "wifi-device"))
printf("%s(), wifi-device: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, s->;
for(cur_dev=0;, wifi_cfg[cur_dev].devname))
printf("%s(), device (%s) not found!\n", __FUNCTION__, s->;
for( i = 0; isections, e)
struct uci_section *s = uci_to_section(e);
if(0 == strcmp(s->type, "wifi-iface"))
value = NULL;
value = uci_lookup_option_string(uci_ctx, s, "device");
for(cur_dev=0; cur_dev= DEVNUM_MAX)
printf("%s(), device (%s) not found!\n", __FUNCTION__, value);
value = NULL;
value = uci_lookup_option_string(uci_ctx, s, "ifname");
printf("%s(), wifi-iface: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, value);
cur_vif = wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifnum;
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].ssid, value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].hidden, value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].key, value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].wepkey[0], value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].wepkey[1], value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].wepkey[2], value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].wepkey[3], value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].auth_server, value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].auth_port, value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].auth_secret, value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].rekeyinteval, value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].preauth, value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].pmkcacheperiod, value);
#if 0
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, value);
PARSE_UCI_OPTION(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].cipher, value);
#define STRNCPPP(dst,src) \
do {\
strncpy(dst.value, src, sizeof(dst.value)); \
printf("%s(), %s=%s\n", __FUNCTION__, dst.uci_key, src); \
} while(0)
/* cipher */
value = uci_lookup_option_string(uci_ctx, s, "encryption");
const char * p = NULL;
if (0 == strncmp("8021x", value, strlen("8021x")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "8021x");
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].cipher, "wep");
if (0 == strncmp("none", value, strlen("none")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "none");
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].cipher, "NONE");
else if (0 == strncmp("wep-open", value, strlen("wep-open")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "wep-open");
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].cipher, "wep");
else if (0 == strncmp("wep-shared", value, strlen("wep-shared")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "wep-shared");
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].cipher, "wep");
else if (0 == strncmp("mixed-psk", value, strlen("mixed-psk")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "psk-mixed");
p = value+strlen("mixed-psk");
if (*p == '+' && *(p+1) != 0)
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].cipher, p+1);
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].cipher, "tkip+ccmp");
else if(0 == strncmp("psk", value, strlen("psk")))
if (0 == strncmp("psk-mixed", value, strlen("psk-mixed")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "psk-mixed");
p = value+strlen("psk-mixed");
else if (0 == strncmp("psk+psk2", value, strlen("psk+psk2")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "psk-mixed");
p = value+strlen("psk+psk2");
else if (0 == strncmp("psk2", value, strlen("psk2")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "psk2");
p = value+strlen("psk2");
else if (0 == strncmp("psk", value, strlen("psk")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "psk");
p = value+strlen("psk");
if (*p == '+' && *(p+1) != 0)
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].cipher, p+1);
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].cipher, "tkip+ccmp");
else if(0 == strncmp("wpa", value, strlen("wpa")))
if (0 == strncmp("wpa-mixed", value, strlen("wpa-mixed")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "wpa-mixed");
p = value+strlen("wpa-mixed");
else if (0 == strncmp("wpa+wpa2", value, strlen("wpa+wpa2")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "wpa-mixed");
p = value+strlen("wpa+wpa2");
else if (0 == strncmp("wpa2", value, strlen("wpa2")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "wpa2");
p = value+strlen("wpa2");
else if (0 == strncmp("wpa", value, strlen("wpa")))
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].authmode, "wpa");
p = value+strlen("wpa");
if (*p == '+' && *(p+1) != 0)
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].cipher, p+1);
STRNCPPP(wifi_cfg[cur_dev].vifs[cur_vif].cipher, "tkip+ccmp");
/* key */
void hooker(FILE * fp, param * p, const char * devname)
int N = 0;
int i = 0;
//printf("API: %s(%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, p->element);
if (!uci_wireless || !uci_ctx)
printf("%s() uci context not ready!\n", __FUNCTION__);
for(N=0; N= MBSSID_MAX)
printf("%s() device (%s) not found!\n", __FUNCTION__, devname);
if(0 == strmatch(p->dat_key, "SSID?"))
i = atoi(p->dat_key+4)-1;
if(i<0 || i >= MBSSID_MAX)
printf("%s() array index error, L%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].ssid.value);
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "BssidNum"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "%d", wifi_cfg[N].vifnum);
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "EncrypType"))
for(i=0; i0) FPRINT(fp, p, ";");
if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "none"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "NONE");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "wep-open")
|| 0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "wep-shared")
|| 0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "8021x"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "WEP");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].cipher.value, "ccmp"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "AES");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].cipher.value, "tkip"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "TKIP");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].cipher.value, "ccmp+tkip")
|| 0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].cipher.value, "tkip+ccmp"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "NONE");
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "AuthMode"))
for(i=0; i0) FPRINT(fp, p, ";");
if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "none"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "OPEN");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "wep-open"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "OPEN");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "8021x"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "OPEN");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "wep-shared"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "SHARED");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "wep-auto"))
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "psk"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "WPAPSK");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "psk2"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "WPA2PSK");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "psk-mixed")
|| 0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "psk+psk2"))
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "wpa"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "WPA");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "wpa2"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "WPA2");
else if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "wpa-mixed")
|| 0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "wpa+wpa2"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "WPA1WPA2");
FPRINT(fp, p, "OPEN");
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "HideSSID"))
for(i=0; i0) FPRINT(fp, p, ";");
FPRINT(fp, p, wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].hidden.value[0]=='1'?"1":"0");
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "Channel"))
if(0 == strcmp(p->value, "auto"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "0");
FPRINT(fp, p, p->value);
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "AutoChannelSelect"))
if(0 == strcmp(p->value, "0"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "2");
FPRINT(fp, p, "0");
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "HT_BW"))
if(0 == strcmp(p->value, "0"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "0");
FPRINT(fp, p, "1");
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "VHT_BW"))
if(0 == strcmp(p->value, "2"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "1");
FPRINT(fp, p, "0");
else if(0 == strmatch(p->dat_key, "WPAPSK?"))//(0 == strncmp(p->dat_key, "WPAPSK", 6))
i = atoi(p->dat_key+6)-1;
if(i<0 || i >= MBSSID_MAX)
printf("%s() array index error, L%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
if (0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "psk")
|| 0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "psk2")
|| 0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "psk+psk2")
|| 0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "psk-mixed"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].key.value);
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "RADIUS_Server"))
for(i=0; i0) FPRINT(fp, p, ";");
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].auth_server.value);
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "RADIUS_Port"))
for(i=0; i0) FPRINT(fp, p, ";");
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].auth_port.value);
else if(0 == strmatch(p->dat_key, "RADIUS_Key?"))//(0 == strncmp(p->dat_key, "WPAPSK", 6))
i = atoi(p->dat_key+10)-1;
if(i<0 || i >= MBSSID_MAX)
printf("%s() array index error, L%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].auth_secret.value);
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "PreAuth"))
for(i=0; i0) FPRINT(fp, p, ";");
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].preauth.value);
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "RekeyInterval"))
for(i=0; i0) FPRINT(fp, p, ";");
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].rekeyinteval.value);
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "PMKCachePeriod"))
for(i=0; i0) FPRINT(fp, p, ";");
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].pmkcacheperiod.value);
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "RekeyMethod"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", p->defvalue);
else if(0 == strcmp(p->dat_key, "IEEE8021X"))
for(i=0; i0) FPRINT(fp, p, ";");
if(0 == strcasecmp(wifi_cfg[N].vifs[i].authmode.value, "8021x"))
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", "1");
else if(0 == strmatch(p->dat_key, "DefaultKeyID")) /* WEP */
for(i=0; idat_key, "Key?Type")) /* WEP */
/* TODO: do we need to support byte sequence? */
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", "0");
else if(0 == strmatch(p->dat_key, "Key?Type")) /* WEP */
int j;
i = atoi(p->dat_key+3)-1;
for(j=0; jdat_key, "Key?Str?")) /* WEP */
int j;
i = atoi(p->dat_key+3)-1;
j = atoi(p->dat_key+7)-1;
if(0 == strncmp("s:", wifi_cfg[N].vifs[j].wepkey[i].value, 2))
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", wifi_cfg[N].vifs[j].wepkey[i].value+2);
FPRINT(fp, p, "%s", wifi_cfg[N].vifs[j].wepkey[i].value);
#if 0
else if(0 == strmatch(p->dat_key, "ApCliKey?Type")) /* Ap Client Mode */
i = atoi(p->dat_key+8)-1;
/* TODO */
else if(0 == strmatch(p->dat_key, "ApCliKey?Str")) /* Ap Client Mode */
i = atoi(p->dat_key+8)-1;
/* TODO */
else if(0 == strmatch(p->dat_key, "Wds?Key")) /* Ap Client Mode */
i = atoi(p->dat_key+3)-1;
/* TODO */
else if(0 == strmatch(p->dat_key, "RADIUS_Key?")) /* Radius */
i = atoi(p->dat_key+10)-1;
/* TODO */
/* the rest part is quite simple! */
FPRINT(fp, p, p->value);
void gen_dat(char * devname, char * datpath)
FILE * fp = NULL;
char buffer[64] = {0};
int i = 0;
param * p = NULL;
wifi_params * cfg = NULL;
printf("API: %s(%s, %s)\n", __FUNCTION__, devname, datpath);
for (i=0; idevname);
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/etc/wireless/%s/%s.dat", cfg->devname, cfg->devname);
// snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/%s.dat", cfg->devname); //test only
fp = fopen(buffer, "wb");
printf("Failed to open %s, %s!\n", buffer, strerror(errno));
fprintf(fp, "# Generated by uci2dat\n");
fprintf(fp, "# The word of \"Default\" must not be removed\n");
fprintf(fp, "Default\n");
for(i=0; iparams[i];
printf("%s(), %s\n", __FUNCTION__, p->dat_key);
fprintf(fp, "%s=", p->dat_key);
p->hook(fp, p, cfg->devname);
else if(strlen(p->value) > 0)
fprintf(fp, p->value);
else if(p->defvalue)
fprintf(fp, p->defvalue);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
void init_wifi_cfg(void)
struct uci_element *e = NULL;
int i,j;
for(i=0; isections, e)
struct uci_section *s = uci_to_section(e);
if(0 == strcmp(s->type, "wifi-device"))
for(i=0;, sizeof(wifi_cfg[i].devname));
printf("%s(), too many devices!\n", __FUNCTION__);
void usage(void)
int i, j;
param * p = NULL;
printf("uci2dat -- a tool to translate uci config (/etc/config/wireless)\n");
printf(" into ralink driver dat.\n");
printf(" uci2dat -d -f \n");
printf(" -d device name, mt7620, eg.\n");
printf(" -f dat file path.\n");
printf("\nSupported keywords:\n");
printf(" %-16s\t%-16s\t%s\n", "[uci-key]", "[dat-key]", "[default]");
for(i=0, j=0; iuci_key)
printf("%3d. %-16s\t%-16s\t%s\n",j, p->uci_key, p->dat_key, p->defvalue);
printf("%2d. %s\n", j++, VIF.ssid.uci_key);
printf("%2d. %s\n", j++, VIF.authmode.uci_key);
printf("%2d. %s\n", j++, VIF.hidden.uci_key);
printf("%2d. %s\n", j++, VIF.cipher.uci_key);
printf("%2d. %s\n", j++, VIF.key.uci_key);
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int opt = 0;
char * dev = NULL;
char * dat = NULL;
char olddat[128] = {0};
int test = 0;
while ((opt = getopt (argc, argv, "htf:d:")) != -1)
switch (opt)
case 'f':
dat = optarg;
printf("---- datpath=\"%s\"\n", dat);
case 'd':
dev = optarg;
printf("---- devname=\"%s\"\n", dev);
case 't':
test = 1;
printf("---- TEST MODE ----\n");
case 'h':
return OK;
return NG;
if (!uci_ctx)
uci_ctx = uci_alloc_context();
uci_wireless = uci_lookup_package(uci_ctx, "wireless");
if (uci_wireless)
uci_unload(uci_ctx, uci_wireless);
if (uci_load(uci_ctx, "wireless", &uci_wireless))
return NG;
#if 0
uci_foreach_element(&uci_wireless->sections, e)
struct uci_section *s = uci_to_section(e);
struct uci_element *ee = NULL;
struct uci_option *o = NULL;
printf("%s() === %s\n", __FUNCTION__, s->type);
uci_foreach_element(&s->options, ee)
o = uci_to_option(ee);
printf("%s() : <%s>=<%s>\n", __FUNCTION__, ee->name, o->v.string);
if(dev && dat)
snprintf(olddat, sizeof(olddat), "/rom%s", dat);
parse_dat(dev, olddat);
FILE * fp = NULL;
char * p = NULL;
char device[32] = {0};
char profile[64] = {0};
fp = popen("cat /etc/config/wireless"
" | grep \"wifi-device\""
" | sed -n \"s/config[ \t]*wifi-device[\t]*//gp\"",
printf("%s(), error L%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return NG;
while(fgets(device, sizeof(device), fp))
if (strlen(device) > 0)
p = device+strlen(device)-1;
while(*p < ' ')
*p=0; // trim newline
snprintf(profile, sizeof(profile), "/etc/wireless/%s/%s.dat", device, device);
parse_dat(device, profile);
printf("%s(), error L%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
else if(dev && dat)
gen_dat(dev, dat);
uci_unload(uci_ctx, uci_wireless);
return OK;