道路和车道检测的最新进展——一项调查(Recent Progress in Road and Lane Detection - A survey)


道路和车道检测的最新进展调查(Recent Progress in Road and Lane Detection - A survey)


Definition 定义

Road and lane understanding includes detecting the extent of the road, the number and position of lanes, merging, splitting and ending lanes and roads, in urban, rural and highway scenarios.


Importance 重要性

The problem of road or lane perception is a crucial enabler for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems


Reasons 问题

The main reasons for that are significant gaps in research, high reliability demands and large diversity in case conditions.


Relevant modalities 相关方式

  • Vision: Vision modality, or more simply put, a camera, is the most frequently used modality for lane and road perception.
  • LIDAR: Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) represents another major possible modality for lane and road detection.

Modules and techniques 模块和技术

  • Image cleaning: Here, our objective is to remove clutter, misleading imaging artifacts and irrelevant image parts. In general, methods that fall under this module’s scope can be categorized into two families: handling illumination related effects for enhanced image quality, and pruning parts of the image that are suspected as irrelevant for the confronted estimation task.
  • Feature extraction:Low level features are extracted from the image to support lane and road detection. For road detection, these typically include color and texture statistics allowing road segmentation, road patch classification or curb detection. For lane detection, evidence for lane marks is collected.
    特征提取:从图像中提取车道和道路检测所需的特征。 对于道路检测,包括颜色和纹理统计。 对于车道检测,主要是车道标记。
  • Road/lane model fitting: A road and lane hypothesis is formed by fitting a road/lane model to the evidence gathered.

Conclusions and Relevance 结论与意义

Challenges 面临的挑战

The challenges for research in the near decade are mainly of two types: extend the scope of road understanding, and increase its reliability. The first challenge is to extend current road and lane detection abilities into new domains. This challenge requires the development of new road scene representations, which are rich enough to describe multiple lanes with non linear topology, and yet can be reliably extracted and tracked from a video stream. The reliability challenge is harder than the first, at least for systems based primarily on vision. The reliability of current systems, which is enough for warning systems, may not be enough for closed-loop features, requiring error rates which are often orders of magnitude lower.
近十年的研究挑战主要有两种:扩大道路理解范围,提高其可靠性。第一个挑战是将当前的道路和车道检测能力扩展到新的领域。 这一挑战需要开发新的道路场景表示,其足够丰富以描述具有非线性拓扑的多个车道,并且可以从视频流中可靠地提取和跟踪。可靠性挑战比第一次更难,至少对于主要基于视觉的系统而言。 对于警报系统而言,当前系统的可靠性对于闭环特征来说可能是不够的,需要通常低几个数量级的错误率。

Fruitful direction 建议方向
  • Use modalities other then vision when possible;在可能的情况下使用除视觉之外的其他方式
  • Adopt machine learning techniques;采用机器学习技术
  • A Public benchmark;A big challenge of current research is the inability to compare performance of
    different methods due to the lack of public annotated benchmarks.公共基准,当前研究的一大挑战是由于缺乏公开的基准测试

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