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When someone claims that they taught themselves programming these days, people no longer bat an eye. Similarly, individuals who went through programming boot camps for their jobs aren’t necessarily inferior to those with an IT-related degree.

当有人声称自己这几天自学编程时,人们再也不会注视。 同样,经历过编程新手训练营以从事工作的个人不一定比拥有IT相关学位的人逊色。

Does this mean that degrees are no longer a prerequisite for hiring? What’s the value of an IT degree then?

这是否意味着学位不再是招聘的先决条件? 那么,IT学位的价值是什么?

As a recent IT graduate looking back on my university education, I realized that there are aspects that could have been self-explored. There is technical knowledge that is readily available on online platforms, such as Stack Overflow to find answers for questions and YouTube and MOOC courses for tutorials.

作为一名应届IT毕业生,回顾我的大学教育经历,我意识到有些方面可以自我探索。 在线平台上随时都有技术知识,例如用于查找问题答案的Stack Overflow和用于教程的YouTube和MOOC课程。

However, I wouldn’t dismiss formal education entirely. You see, before university, I didn’t have a technical background. As a beginner to the field, the guidance doesn’t hurt.

但是,我不会完全放弃正规教育。 您知道,上大学之前,我没有技术背景。 作为该领域的初学者,指导没有受到伤害。

During one of my first programming courses, an instructor said, “To those who have never written a line of code, very good — welcome. To those who have, be prepared to unlearn and learn again.”

在我的第一门编程课程中,一位讲师说:“对于那些从未编写过代码行的人,非常好,欢迎您。 对于那些有经验的人,要准备学习和再次学习。”

Simply put, self-exploration can be quite a headache with people picking up bad habits.


Having gone through a rigorous curriculum and experienced the highs and lows, here are three reasons why university was worth it after all.


建立强大的技术基础 (Building a Strong Technical Foundation)

If you are a newbie in technology and its workings, you can get confused by the jargon thrown at you on the internet. Sure, you can always search it up and watch some video tutorials, but ultimately you are exploring and figuring it out on your own.

如果您是技术及其运作的新手,则可能会被互联网上的术语所迷惑。 当然,您可以始终对其进行搜索并观看一些视频教程,但最终您将自己进行探索和解决。

University education thereby provides you with a curriculum where you can be assured that the content and materials are legit. You have professors going through lecture content and handing out assignments for you to check your understanding. You work through problem sets rigorously to prepare yourself for tests and exams.

因此,大学教育为您提供了一门课程,可以确保您的内容和材料合法。 您有教授审阅讲座内容并分发作业供您检查理解。 您会严格地解决问题,为考试和考试做准备。

Just like how you learned calculus in high school, formal education helps to get your foundations right. Despite the steep learning curve in my freshman year, I’m glad that I went through a proper curriculum rather than doubting whether I found the right thing online every time. I came out of my freshman year armed with a strong understanding of programming concepts like Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS).

就像您在高中学习微积分一样,正规教育也可以帮助您建立良好的基础。 尽管我大一那年的学习过程很艰难,但我很高兴自己接受了正确的课程,而不是怀疑我每次是否都在网上找到合适的东西。 大一的时候,我对诸如面向对象编程(OOP)和关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)之类的编程概念有深入的了解。

Concepts were not just mastered with theoretical frameworks but also enforced when applied to projects. Being in university gives you that playground to experiment without being too afraid to break things. I could always consult my professors and peers for help, and that strengthened my learning.

概念不仅掌握在理论框架中,而且在应用于项目时也得到了加强。 上大学后,您便可以在操场上进行实验,而不必担心破坏事物。 我总是可以向我的教授和同行寻求帮助,这增强了我的学习能力。

Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash. Zachary Nelson在 Unsplash上的 照片 。

接受整体教育 (Exposure to Holistic Education)

It’s not just all coding when you pursue a tech degree.


In fact, the compulsory coding modules were only one-quarter of the curriculum I had to clear. Besides getting my hands dirty in building applications for those coding-heavy modules, I also had a fair share of business-related modules. There were lighthearted modules like design thinking and communication strategies. There were also mind-boggling ones like financial accounting and legal. But a combination of them allows me to understand how businesses work and what they have to abide by.

实际上,强制性编码模块只是我必须清除的课程的四分之一。 除了为那些编码繁重的模块构建应用程序外,我还拥有与业务相关的模块的相当一部分。 有轻松的模块,例如设计思维和沟通策略。 还有令人难以置信的财务会计和法律。 但是,它们的结合使我能够了解企业的​​运作方式以及必须遵守的条件。

The multi-disciplinary curriculum also allowed me to better appreciate how tech empowers businesses. A tech system can be employed to automate business processes, increase customer engagement, track performance, review more efficiently, etc. I also got to understand the considerations businesses have when employing tech — the legal compliance required when it comes to data protection, the cost of building a system in-house, the estimated rewards from it, and much more.

多学科课程还使我能够更好地了解技术如何为企业提供支持。 可以使用技术系统来自动化业务流程,提高客户参与度,跟踪绩效,更有效地进行审核等。我还了解了企业在使用技术时应考虑的因素-涉及数据保护的法律合规性,成本在内部构建系统的过程,从中获得的估计收益等等。

The complement suite of business modules made me realize how business and tech are so tightly intertwined. Every tech project should be more of a value add to businesses and less of a cost burden. This overarching notion helps me in scoping future tech projects and finding their value proposition when I enter the working realm.

商业模块的补充套件使我意识到商业和技术之间如何紧密地交织在一起。 每个技术项目都应为企业增加更多的价值,并减少成本负担。 当我进入工作领域时,这个总体概念可以帮助我确定未来的技术项目范围并找到其价值主张。

Bonus points for being able to switch subjects when I get stuck in coding!


Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash. Marten Bjork在 Unsplash上的 照片 。

提高就业能力 (Increase Employability)

Probably the biggest goal everyone wants to get out of university education.


Being in university gives you semester breaks that can be exceptionally long. It is then a great opportunity to go on internships. You get exposed to the working world and figure out which type of career you want without needing to take a gap year.

上大学后,您的学期假期可能会特别长。 这是一个进行实习的绝好机会。 您可以接触工作环境并找出想要的职业类型,而无需花费很多时间。

I loved my tech internships, as I was involved in various development projects and immersed in the startup-like environment of building solutions. Internships are also great for connecting what you learned in class and appreciating the relevance of what you’re studying!

我喜欢技术实习,因为我参与了各种开发项目,并沉浸在类似于初创企业的建筑解决方案环境中。 实习对于将您在课堂上学到的东西联系起来并欣赏您所学的内容也非常有用!

Leveraging your university reputation can also be a stepping stone in many ways. An example would be the career fairs organised by the school, as they invite companies down and you can speak to the company representatives. Networking at such events can be extremely helpful for students to ask about company culture, job openings, the application process, etc.

在许多方面,利用您的大学声誉也可以是垫脚石。 一个例子就是学校组织的招聘会,因为他们邀请公司参加,您可以与公司代表交谈。 在这样的活动中建立网络对学生询问公司文化,职位空缺,申请过程等非常有用。

Eventually, most students would be on the job hunt when nearing graduation. It’s nice to have friends going through the same struggles and wanting each other to succeed — not to mention the seniors and career coaches in school you can reach out to for advice and assistance. I was blessed with a great support system that I could count on and I believe it would have been a different job hunting experience if I had not been in university.

最终,大多数学生在临近毕业时都会去找工作。 能够有朋友经历同样的挣扎,并希望彼此成功,真是太好了-更不用说您可以与学校中的年长者和职业教练了,他们可以向他们寻求建议和帮助。 我很幸运,我可以依靠一个强大的支持系统,而且我相信,如果我没有上过大学,那将是一次不同的求职经历。

结论 (Conclusion)

To summarize, here are three main reasons why you shouldn’t dismiss pursuing a tech degree:


  1. Building a strong technical foundation.

  2. Exposure to holistic education.

  3. Increase employability.


I hope any prospective student reading this gives themselves the education opportunity. And to any current tech students, stay hungry in your learning!

我希望任何希望阅读此书的学生都能给自己提供受教育的机会。 对于任何当前的技术专业学生,请保持学习的渴望!

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/why-i-dont-regret-my-tech-degree-30f0c6dc10eb

