
$ npm -l

Usage: npm 

where  is one of:

    access       npm access public []
                 npm access restricted []
                 npm access grant   []
                 npm access revoke  []
                 npm access ls-packages [||]
                 npm access ls-collaborators [ []]
                 npm access edit []

    adduser      npm adduser [--registry=url] [--scope=@orgname] [--auth-type=legacy] [--always-auth]

                 aliases: login, add-user

    bin          npm bin [--global]

    bugs         npm bugs []

                 alias: issues

    cache        npm cache add 
                 npm cache add 
                 npm cache add 
                 npm cache add 
                 npm cache add @
                 npm cache clean
                 npm cache verify

    completion   source <(npm completion)

    config       npm config set  
                 npm config get []
                 npm config delete 
                 npm config list [--json]
                 npm config edit
                 npm set  
                 npm get []

                 alias: c

    dedupe       npm dedupe

                 aliases: ddp, find-dupes

    deprecate    npm deprecate [@] 

    dist-tag     npm dist-tag add @ []
                 npm dist-tag rm  
                 npm dist-tag ls []

                 alias: dist-tags

    docs         npm docs 
                 npm docs .

                 alias: home

    doctor       npm doctor

    edit         npm edit [@]

    explore      npm explore  [ -- ]

    get          npm get   (See `npm config`)


    help-search  npm help-search 

    init         npm init [--force|-f|--yes|-y]

                 npm install (with no args, in package dir)
                 npm install [<@scope>/]
                 npm install [<@scope>/]@
                 npm install [<@scope>/]@
                 npm install [<@scope>/]@
                 npm install 
                 npm install 
                 npm install 
                 npm install 
                 npm install /

                 aliases: i, isntall, add
                 common options: [--save-prod|--save-dev|--save-optional] [--save-exact] [--no-save]

                 npm install-test [args]
                 Same args as `npm install`

                 alias: it

    link         npm link (in package dir)
                 npm link [<@scope>/][@]

                 alias: ln

    logout       npm logout [--registry=] [--scope=<@scope>]

    ls           npm ls [[<@scope>/] ...]

                 aliases: list, la, ll

    outdated     npm outdated [[<@scope>/] ...]

    owner        npm owner add  [<@scope>/]
                 npm owner rm  [<@scope>/]
                 npm owner ls [<@scope>/]

                 alias: author

    pack         npm pack [[<@scope>/]...]

    ping         npm ping
                 ping registry

    prefix       npm prefix [-g]

    profile      npm profile enable-2fa [auth-only|auth-and-writes]
                 npm profile disable-2fa
                 npm profile get []
                 npm profile set  

    prune        npm prune [[<@scope>/]...] [--production]

    publish      npm publish [|] [--tag ] [--access ]

                 Publishes '.' if no argument supplied

                 Sets tag `latest` if no --tag specified

    rebuild      npm rebuild [[<@scope>/]...]

                 alias: rb

    repo         npm repo []

    restart      npm restart [-- ]

    root         npm root [-g]

    run-script   npm run-script  [-- ...]

                 aliases: run, rum

    search       npm search [--long] [search terms ...]

                 aliases: s, se, find

    set          npm set   (See `npm config`)

    shrinkwrap   npm shrinkwrap

    star         npm star [...]
                 npm unstar [...]

                 alias: unstar

    stars        npm stars []

    start        npm start [-- ]

    stop         npm stop [-- ]

    team         npm team create 
                 npm team destroy 
                 npm team add  
                 npm team rm  
                 npm team ls |
                 npm team edit 

    test         npm test [-- ]

                 aliases: tst, t

    token        npm token list
                 npm token revoke 
                 npm token create [--read-only] [--cidr=list]

    uninstall    npm uninstall [<@scope>/][@]... [--save-prod|--save-dev|--save-optional] [--no-save]

                 aliases: un, unlink, remove, rm, r

    unpublish    npm unpublish [<@scope>/][@]

    update       npm update [-g] [...]

                 aliases: up, upgrade, udpate

    version      npm version [ | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease | from-git]
                 (run in package dir)
                 'npm -v' or 'npm --version' to print npm version (5.6.0)
                 'npm view  version' to view a package's published version
                 'npm ls' to inspect current package/dependency versions

    view         npm view [<@scope>/][@] [[.subfield]...]

                 aliases: v, info, show

    whoami       npm whoami [--registry ]
                 (just prints username according to given registry)

npm  -h     quick help on 
npm -l           display full usage info
npm help   search for help on 
npm help npm     involved overview

Specify configs in the ini-formatted file:
or on the command line via: npm  --key value
Config info can be viewed via: npm help config

[email protected] F:\websites\node-8.9.4\node_modules\npm
