win10 设置侧载默认程序之借尸还魂 —— ahk 命令行转接脚本,ahk成为命令行拨号员



win10 设置侧载默认程序之借尸还魂 —— ahk 命令行转接脚本,ahk成为命令行拨号员_第1张图片

win10 设置侧载默认程序之借尸还魂 —— ahk 命令行转接脚本,ahk成为命令行拨号员_第2张图片




 However, this behavior can be disabled by modifying a registry key.

To disable this behavior, you can follow these steps:

Open the Registry Editor by pressing Windows + R, typing "regedit", and pressing Enter.
Navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent
If the "CloudContent" key does not exist, create it by right-clicking on the "Windows" key, selecting "New", and then selecting "Key". Name the new key "CloudContent".
Create a new DWORD value under the "CloudContent" key by right-clicking on the key, selecting "New", and then selecting "DWORD (32-bit) Value". Name the new value "DisableWindowsConsumerFeatures".
Double-click on the "DisableWindowsConsumerFeatures" value and set its data to 1.
Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer.
After following these steps, you should be able to set side-loaded EXE programs as the default program without being prompted to use the Microsoft Store. However, please note that modifying the registry can be dangerous and may cause system instability if done incorrectly. Make sure to back up your registry before making any changes.



  1. 写一个ahk脚本,功能是,接收命令行参数,并以相同参数启动自己的player.exe

  2. 将ahk脚本编译成run.exe。

  3. 将将媒体文件默认发开方式设置成potplyer

  4. 干掉potplayer.exe,用run.exe替换,将run.exe重命名为potplayer.exe!


; Get the command line arguments
CommandLine := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str")
DllCall("ole32\CoInitialize", "ptr", 0)
VarSetCapacity(Args, 32768, 0)
DllCall("shell32\CommandLineToArgvW", "wstr", CommandLine, "ptr", &Args)
Loop % A_Args.Length()
    Arg := A_Args[A_Index]
    If InStr(Arg, " ")
        Arg := Chr(34) . Arg . Chr(34)
    Arguments .= Arg . " "
; 消息(Arguments)

; Launch D:/play.exe with the same arguments
Run, D:\Code\FigureOut\Textrument\plugins\DirectUILib\WODPlayer\bin\WODPlayer.exe %Arguments%
