Unity 2.5.1发布!

I’m happy to report that Unity 2.5.1 has finished baking in the oven and is now ready for download! As with all minor updates (anything 2.x) this is a free update for all existing Unity 2.x license holders, you just download the new build, install it and get back to work! From the news item on our website:

我很高兴地报告Unity 2.5.1已经在烤箱中完成烘烤,现在可以下载了! 与所有次要更新(任何2.x版本一样),这是对所有现有Unity 2.x许可证持有者的免费更新,您只需下载新版本,安装并重新使用! 从我们网站上的新闻 :

We’re very excited to share that Unity 2.5.1 has been completed and is now available for all Unity developers! 2.5.1 is all about stability of the Editor and Web Player, along with some other improvements that somehow snuck in. This hotfix release is recommended for all Unity developers. Due to one particular bug fix, we also recommend that all developers using the Web Player as a deployment target read through the Tech Note inside the 2.5.1 release notes.

我们很高兴分享Unity 2.5.1已经完成,并且现在可供所有Unity开发人员使用! 2.5.1的目的是关于编辑器和Web Player的稳定性,以及通过其他方式获得的其他一些改进。建议所有Unity开发人员使用此修补程序版本。 由于一个特定的错误修复,我们还建议所有使用Web Player作为部署目标的开发人员都阅读2.5.1发行说明中的​​技术说明。

And here are two relevant links:


Unity 2.5.1 Release Notes Download Page

Unity 2.5.1发行说明 下载页面

Existing license holders can simply download the new installer from the download page above (there is only one installer for Unity Indie, Pro, trial, etc.) and run it to update to the latest build. Have fun!

现有的许可证持有者只需从上面的下载页面下载新的安装程序(Unity Indie,Pro,trial等只有一个安装程序),然后运行它以更新到最新版本。 玩得开心!

Note: this release does not contain updates to Unity iPhone, that update (Unity iPhone 1.1) is being handled separately and in parallel, more news on that will be shared later as appropriate.

注意:此版本不包含对Unity iPhone的更新,该更新(Unity iPhone 1.1)将单独和并行处理,有关此方面的更多消息将在以后适当时共享。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/07/08/unity-251-released/
