

英文 中文
Um, it's 2:00 a.M. What's with all the balloons? 现在是半夜两点搞这么多气球做什么
You having some clowns over? 你要请小丑来家里吗
No, it's for another dumb school thing 不是又是艾米的幼儿园
in Emme's kindergarten class. 搞的幺蛾子
Mrs. Rodriguez wants a hundred balloons blown up. 罗德里格兹老师让我准备一百个气球
I've already blacked out three times. 我已经晕过去三次了
why don't you just use the balloon pump? 你干吗不用气球泵
Because I didn't know what that was. 因为我不知道那是个啥
I thought it was a... 我以为那是个
lady thing. 女士用品
Right. 'Cause I keep all my lady things 对我平时都把女士用品
in the kids' cubbies. 放在孩子们的储藏间
What function did you think this would perform exactly? 你觉得这玩意应该是什么功能
Yeah, I don't think you want me to answer that. 你不会想听我回答这个问题
Yeah. You're probably right. 你说得对
You know, 你知道
when Rodriguez roped me into being room parent, 罗德里格兹骗我当家长代表的时候
she never told me how much work it would be. 根本没告诉我这要费多大功夫
They celebrate everything. 他们什么都要庆祝

Well, Adam, m-most people like parties. Yeah. 亚当大多数人都喜欢派对
But it's never-ending. 可这玩意永远不结束
I've organized '80s Day, 我已经组织过80年代日
'90s Day, and you remember Future Day. 90年代日还有未来日你记得吧
I had to wear a tinfoil suit. 我穿了一身锡纸服
I'm sorry, honey, but look on the bright side. 真抱歉亲爱的但你往好的方面想
Now that I'm working, I don't have to do it anymore. 现在我去上班就不用再干这些事了
I lost my sense of humor 30 balloons ago. 30个气球以前我就笑不出来了
Look, honey. I-I know it's a lot, but... 亲爱的我知道事情很多很麻烦
you know, I would be freaking out at work all the time 可是如果要不是你做育儿号的船长
if you weren't doing such a good job 把孩子照顾得这么好
as captain of the parenting ship. 我根本就不能好好地上班
I'm the captain? 我是船长吗
Yes. You're the captain. From 7:45 to 5:15, 对啊你是船长从7点45到5点15
- and then, when I get home... - We're co-captains. -等我回家以后-我们都是船长
Okay, sure. 对啊
Okay, Emme. 好吧艾米
You did such a good job helping, 你真是帮了大忙
I'm gonna sneak a couple extra cookies in your cubby. 我要在你的柜子里多放几个饼干
Thanks, Daddy. 谢谢爸爸
Hey, it pays to know the right guy, huh? 跟对人有好处吧
Hi, sweetheart. 宝贝
You can catch up with the other kids on the playground. 你去操场上跟别的孩子玩吧
Oh. Not bad. Look who finally got it together. 还行啊你终于搞定了
That's the kind of praise that makes it all worthwhile. 有你这句表扬这些都值得了
Okay, I'm out of here. 行我走了
Oh, Mr. Burns, one more thing. 伯恩斯先生还有件事
Teacher Appreciation Day is coming up, 教师感谢日要来了
so there's gonna be a party. 所以到时候会办个派对
Of course there is. 当然是要办的
So, we're gonna need food, decorations and games. 所以我们需要食物装饰和游戏
This isn't a school, it's a Chuck E. Cheese. 这不是学校这里是儿童餐厅
Oh, but the most important thing 不过最重要的是
is the Teacher Appreciation gift, 教师感谢日的礼物
which each room parent organizes. This year, 都是由家长代表来准备的
I'd like you to make me puppets. 今年我想让你给我做木偶
Kids like puppets. 小孩子都喜欢木偶
No, they don't. 他们并不喜欢
They haven't liked puppets since... 他们早就不喜欢木偶了
anything else was invented. 现在什么不比木偶好玩

Mr. Burns, why do you have to be so difficult? 伯恩斯先生你是不是非得这么多事
No other room parent has ever caused me this much trouble. 别的家长代表从没找过这么多麻烦
Well... It just seems like you're crossing a line. 我是觉得你有点过分了
You know, you're taking advantage of me 你在占我便宜
because my daughter's in your class, and you know... 就因为我女儿在你班上而且你知道
I like her. 我喜欢她
I'm only being hard on you because I know 我对你这么严格是因为
you're capable of better work. 我知道你能做得更好
So, dig deep, 所以加把劲
and make me puppets. 然后给我做木偶
You know what? No. 我告诉你不
But they're for Teacher Appreciation Day. 可这是为了教师感谢日
I got to be honest. I don't appreciate you. 我老实跟你说我并不感谢你
When Teacher Resentment Day comes along, 等教师仇恨日的时候
I'm your man. 你想怎么都行
Plus, I don't have time to make puppets. 再说我也没时间做木偶
Mr. Burns, being a room parent is a full-time job. 伯恩斯先生做家长代表可是全职工作
No. No, my full-time job is my full-time job. 不不我的全职工作才是全职工作
I have three construction projects going on right now. 我现在手上有三个建筑工程
Okay. Why don't you take all this negative energy, 好吧你不如把这些负能量
and put it into making puppets. 都用来做木偶
I got a better idea. I quit. 我还有个更好的主意我不干了
Uh... no. You can't quit. As long as Emme's in my class, 你不能不干只要艾米还在我班上
you're the room parent. And if you don't like it, 你就得当家长代表如果你不喜欢
you can transfer her to the other class. 就把她转到别的班去吧
Hold on a second. 等一下
That's an option? 这样也行吗
- Well, technically, yes. - I could just... -是可以的-我可以
put her in the other class? 把她转到另一个班上去
- They already have a room parent. - Okay. -那个班已经有家长代表了-好吧
- Trust me, you don't want to do that. - Oh, I think I do. -相信我你不会想要这样做-我想
- No, you don't. - Yes, I do. -你不想的-我想
- No, you don't. - Yes, I do. -你不想的-我想
- No, you don't. - See, this is -你不想的-看这就是
one of the issues. 问题之一
No, it's not. 并不是
All right, I've had enough. 行了我受够了
I'm transferring Emme out of this class. 我要把艾米转到别班
Here's the transfer form. 这是转班申请表
Now, we have a reason to party. 我们现在有理由庆祝了
No, we don't. 并没有
Yes, we do. 有的
So long, suckers. I'm transferring Emme 拜拜了倒霉蛋们我要把艾米
out of Mrs. Rodriguez's class. 转出罗德里格兹老师的班了
So, who's gonna be our room parent? 那谁来做我们的家长代表啊
I can't do it. I got to go home and sit around. 我做不了我得回家躺着
But you can't just leave me. You're my mentor. 可你不能离开我你是我的导师
People our age don't have mentors, Lowell, 我们这个年纪的人没有导师洛厄尔
they've already... mented. 我们都受过指导了
Not me. After years of being a stay-at-home dad to two girls, 我不觉得我给两个女孩做了多年全职爸爸
you're showing me how to be a man again. 是你告诉我怎么样再次成为一个男人
Thanks to you, I started watching the sports report. 多亏了你我又开始看体育报道了
"Boom," Says that one guy. 有个人说砰
Great job. I'm proud of you. 干得漂亮我为你感到骄傲
Now all we got to do is get that jazzercise sticker off your car. 现在只需要把你车上那个舞蹈课贴揭下来
Over my dead body. 除非我死了
Hold on. So, you just transferred Emme 等一下你把艾米转到了别的班上
into another class, without asking Andi? 但没有问过安迪
I don't need to ask her permission. 我不需要请求她允许
Little brother. Do you know what you are? 小弟你知道你这人什么样吗
Adorable. 特别可爱
Let me tell you a little something 我告诉你在我们家
about how things work in my house, okay? 事情是怎么运转的
I steer the parenting boat. 育儿船是我掌舵
You know what Andi told me last night? 你知道安迪昨晚怎么跟我说的吗
I'm the captain. 我是船长
Oh, you are, huh? 是吗
That's right. Uh-huh. 说的对
You know how you give a little kid 你知道小时候
a fake steering wheel in the backseat 爸妈会在后座给装个假方向盘
so they can pretend they're driving? 让小孩假装自己在开车
Might even have a little horn. 可能还有个小喇叭
That's the kind of captain you are. 你就是这种船长
You don't know what you're talking about. Oh. 你才不知道自己在说什么呢
Okay, how about this? Call Andi. Let's see if I'm right. 那要不这样打给安迪看我说得对不对
Loser has to... 输家就得
eat a ghost pepper. Ooh. 吃一个魔鬼辣椒
That's right. The world's hottest pepper. 没错全世界最辣的辣椒
- Put your mouth where your mouth is. - Fine. -你要是对自己说的话有信心就赌-行
But you're gonna be eating that pepper, 但到时候要吃辣椒的是你
and if I know you, 如果我没想错的话
you'll forget and rub your eye. 你会忘掉这件事然后用手揉眼睛
And if I know me, 如果我没想错的话
I'll be laughing at you. 我会嘲笑你
Hey, honey. What's up? 亲爱的怎么了
I got a great idea. 我有个好主意
You know how Rodriguez has been on me? 你知道罗德里格兹一直给我找茬吧
Well, I'm thinking I'm gonna transfer Emme 我想把艾米
to the other class. How about that? 转到别的班上去你觉得如何
Andi? 安迪
Do I hear you smiling? 你是在笑吗
No, I'm not smiling. 我没有在笑
That's a terrible idea! 这个主意烂透了
Look, there's only one good teacher in every grade. 你听我说 每个年级只有一个好老师
Okay? Y-You have no idea 你都不知道
how much I had to kiss Mrs. Rodriguez's butt 我为了让艾米进罗德里格兹的班
to get Emme in that class. 拍了她多少马屁
So, for you to even think 所以你就因为工作太多
about transferring her because you have to work too hard, 就想把她转到别班
makes me so mad, that I'm yelling. 让我很生气所以我在吼
I'm yelling now, and everybody here's looking at me. 我是在吼每个人都在看我
What? This isn't a show, Markowitz. 干吗有什么好看的马克维茨
Good. Yeah. Take it out on Markowitz. 很好把火发在马克维茨身上
Bye, honey. Love you. 拜亲爱的爱你
Hello, ghost pepper store? 你好魔鬼辣椒店吗
I'd like to place an order. 我要买东西
Look, Mrs. Rodriguez, 罗德里格兹老师
I would really appreciate it 如果你能让艾米回你班上
if you would let Emme back in your class. 我就真的太感激了
Why would I do that? 我为什么要这样做
Well... what better way to celebrate 要庆祝这个好学校的生日
the birthday of this fine school 忘掉我今天早上所说的话
than with the gift of forgetting what I said this morning? 就是最好的办法了
Or you could apologize 或者你可以为你今天早上
for everything you said this morning. 所说的每一句话道歉
Okay. 可以
- Apparently, you think that I... - No. -很明显你觉得我...-不行
- If I said something... - No. -如果我说了什么...-不行
- If you weren't so... - No! -如果不是你...-不行
Fine. 行行

