webstorm 入门指南_如何选择最佳的在线销售产品(入门指南)

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You want to make extra money on the side, so you looked into several online business ideas and decided that creating an online store is the way to go.


The next step is where beginners often struggle the most: choosing which products to sell on your online store.


In this ultimate guide, we will explain how to easily choose the best products to sell online by following our step by step process.


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1.选择要在电子商务商店中销售的产品的基础 (1. Basics of Choosing Products to Sell on Your Ecommerce Store)

Before you start looking into products that you can sell, there are some basics that you need to keep in mind. Let’s look at some of the most important ones first.

在开始研究可以销售的产品之前,需要牢记一些基本知识。 首先让我们看一些最重要的。

1. Choosing Your Ecommerce Platform


First you need to choose a platform that you want to use to sell your products.


Choosing the right eCommerce platform is important because it would affect your choice of products and how you do business.


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WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform in the world. It is easy to use, and you can use it to sell all kind of products while accepting payments using multiple payment gateways. See our guide on how to start an online store to get started with WooCommerce.

WooCommerce是世界上最受欢迎的电子商务平台 。 它易于使用,您可以使用它销售各种产品,同时使用多个付款网关接受付款。 请参阅有关如何开设在线商店的指南,以开始使用WooCommerce。

However, WooCommerce is not the only platform out there. There are some great WooCommerce alternatives that could be better for you depending on what you are trying to sell.

但是,WooCommerce不是唯一的平台。 根据您要出售的产品,有一些很棒的WooCommerce替代品可能对您更好。

If you lack technical skills and want a quicker way to build an online store, then you may want to look into Shopify. It is a fully hosted solution that takes care of all the technical stuff. The catch here is that you will be paying a little more, and your costs will grow as you make more sales.

如果您缺乏技术技能,并且想要更快的方式来建立在线商店,那么您可能需要研究Shopify 。 这是一个完全托管的解决方案,可以解决所有技术问题。 这里要注意的是,您将支付更多的钱,并且随着销售的增加,成本也会增加。

For a side by side comparison, see our article on Shopify vs WooCommerce with the pros and cons of both platforms.

要进行并排比较,请参阅我们关于Shopify与WooCommerce的文章, 了解这两个平台的优缺点。

2. Shipping


Shipping has a huge impact on the success of an eCommerce store. A study conducted by Business Insider discovered that higher shipping costs are the #1 cause of all abandoned shopping carts online.

运输对电子商务商店的成功有巨大影响。 Business Insider进行的一项研究发现,较高的运输成本是所有在线废弃购物车的第一大原因。

You would obviously want to select products that you can ship at lower costs or for free. If you only plan to sell digital products (music, video, software, ebook, etc), then you don’t have to worry about shipping because the products will be downloaded by customers online.

您显然希望选择可以以较低成本或免费运送的产品。 如果您只打算销售数字产品(音乐,视频,软件,电子书等),则不必担心运输问题,因为这些产品将由客户在线下载。

3. Inventory


Do you want to manage inventory and keep products stocked? For that, you will need storage space and inventory management through your eCommerce software. Keeping products in stock will increase your cost of business.

您要管理库存并保持产品库存吗? 为此,您将需要通过电子商务软件进行存储空间和库存管理。 保持产品库存会增加您的业务成本。

On the other hand, drop-shipping solves this problem. You can select products that are shipped directly by the manufacturer or supplier.

另一方面,托运解决了这个问题。 您可以选择制造商或供应商直接发货的产品。

4. Price


You’ll need to find products where you can offer a competitive price to your customers. If the product you are selling is more expensive than your competitors, then obviously that would discourage many first time buyers.

您需要找到可以向客户提供具有竞争力的价格的产品。 如果您出售的产品比竞争对手更昂贵,那么显然这会使许多初次购买者望而却步。

2.您可以轻松销售的产品类型 (2. Types of Products That You Can Sell Easily)

There are many different kinds of products that you can sell in your online store. Let’s narrow them down into two major sections.

您可以在网上商店中出售许多不同种类的产品。 让我们将其分为两个主要部分。

1. Commoditized Products


These are products that everyone needs and are sold by many small and large stores without any difference in quality. For example, everyday products like soap, detergent, cereal, and more.

这些是每个人都需要的产品,许多大小商店都出售它们,而质量没有任何区别。 例如,日常用品,例如肥皂,清洁剂,谷物等。

These products are made by some of the largest brands in the retail industry and are available widely with little to no difference in price.


This makes it harder for you to compete with giants like Amazon, Walmart, Target, etc. They can offer those products at lower costs, free shipping, and other perks.


This rules out a large number of products for you.


2. Niche Products


These are products that are unique or hand-made, available in limited stocks, and from specific suppliers. Think of home-made soaps, novelty t-shirts, ceramics, gift items, software, and countless other products.

这些是独特或手工制作的产品,数量有限,可从特定供应商处购买。 想一想自制的肥皂,新颖的T恤,陶瓷,礼品,软件和无数其他产品。

Since these products are not widely available, they give you a competitive advantage.


There are even unique platforms like Etsy stores where you can find small vendors who make beautiful products and would love to partner up with other stores.


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You can also find suppliers abroad using websites like AliExpress or Alibaba.com. These suppliers can make those niche products to your specifications and deliver them to you.

您也可以使用AliExpress或Alibaba.com等网站在国外找到供应商。 这些供应商可以按照您的规格制造这些利基产品,并将其交付给您。

Niche products are available in almost any product category imaginable. You’ll find tons of unique ideas as you do your product research.

利基产品几乎可以想象到所有产品类别。 在进行产品研究时,您会发现大量独特的想法。

This brings us to our next tip.


3.自行进行产品研究 (3. Doing Product Research On Your Own)

Don’t use your best guess to select products you sell online. Back it up with data so that you know there is a demand for these products and customers are looking for them.

不要用最好的猜测来选择在线销售的产品。 用数据进行备份,以使您知道对这些产品有需求,并且客户正在寻找它们。

The first tool you are going to use for your research is Amazon.


It is the world’s largest eCommerce store with thousands of products. Luckily, it is also a treasure trove of free data that you can scrap and make your decisions.

它是全球最大的电子商务商店,提供数千种产品。 幸运的是,它也是免费数据的宝库,您可以剪贴这些数据并做出决定。

Go through different product categories to find out top performing products in each category. Keep narrowing down your search to sub-categories to find targeted sub-niches of products.

浏览不同的产品类别以找出每个类别中性能最高的产品。 继续将搜索范围缩小到子类别,以找到有针对性的产品子领域。

Let’s suppose you wanted to sell kid’s toys, narrow down your search to very specific toy categories. This excludes popular products, and you get a very focused set of products as you filter through.

假设您想出售儿童玩具,并将搜索范围缩小到非常特定的玩具类别。 这不包括受欢迎的产品,并且在筛选时会获得非常集中的产品集。

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Switch to the ‘Bestsellers’ view to find the top performing products on Amazon under each category.


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SEMRush is another great tool that you can use to gather data from competitors or any eCommerce store you want.


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It shows you where those eCommerce stores are getting most of their traffic, which products they are promoting through paid advertisements, what are their most viewed products, and more.


It also shows your competitor’s product listing ads from Google. You can see their best performing product listing ads, keywords, and other data.

它还显示来自Google的竞争对手的产品详情广告。 您可以查看其效果最好的产品详情广告,关键字和其他数据。

Here are some other tools you can use to gather product data from other websites.


  • Ahrefs – A powerful competitor research tool that will show what’s popular on the websites of your competitors.Ahrefs –一个强大的竞争对手研究工具,将显示竞争对手网站上的流行内容。
  • AdPlexity – A popular eCommerce research tool that helps you collect eCommerce data from across the web, from competitors, or any other website.AdPlexity –一种流行的电子商务研究工具,可帮助您从整个网络,竞争对手或任何其他网站收集电子商务数据。
  • AmazeOwl – It is an Amazon product reseach tool available as a free desktop application.AmazeOwl –这是一个Amazon产品重新研究工具,可以作为免费的桌面应用程序使用。

4.使用客户角色查找产品创意 (4. Use Customer Personas to Find Product Ideas)

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A customer persona is a fictional profile of an ideal customer that you want to target. You create this profile by answering simple questions about an ideal buyer.

客户角色是您要定位的理想客户的虚构配置文件。 您可以通过回答有关理想买家的简单问题来创建此资料。

This is your target audience and personifying them helps you understand them better when you are doing product research.


If you have an existing store, then you can use eCommerce tracking in Google Analytics to build an ideal buyer persona.

如果您已有商店,则可以使用Google Analytics(分析)中的电子商务跟踪来建立理想的买家角色。

If you are just starting out, then use your best guess to build a customer persona. This exercise helps you understand your customer’s needs, questions they may have, and what kind of products they would like to buy.

如果您只是刚入门,请使用最佳猜测来建立客户角色。 该练习可帮助您了解客户的需求,他们可能遇到的问题以及他们想购买哪种产品。

To learn more about buyer persona, see this guide on creating a concrete buyer persona with ready-made templates and examples.

要了解有关买方角色的更多信息,请参阅本指南,其中提供了具有现成模板和示例的具体买方角色 。

5.查找您感兴趣的产品 (5. Find Products You are Passionate About)

As career advisors say, ‘Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life’.


Similarly, choosing products that you are passionate about helps you sell them more effectively.


These could be products that you personally love and passionately recommend to your family and friends. These could be products related to a hobby or activity that you are passionate about.

这些可能是您个人喜欢并热情推荐给家人和朋友的产品。 这些可能是与您热衷的爱好或活动有关的产品。

Nothing drives more passion when you build something useful and want others to use it.


Following your passion allows you to look deeply into products and find ideas that offer real value to your customers.


We hope this article helped you learn how to choose the best products to sell online. You may also want to see our article on tips to grow your business online without spending a lot of money.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何选择最好的产品以在线销售。 您可能还希望查看我们的文章, 提示如何在不花很多钱的情况下在线发展业务 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-choose-the-best-products-to-sell-online-beginners-guide/

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