

Science fiction shaped all my ideas about human society as a child. From Star Trek to Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke, I was raised on a steady diet of the future. The beauty of science fiction is that it can imagine future worlds that incorporate fantastic tech and sometimes even anticipate technology. Captain Kirk’s communicator anticipated the flip-phone. The ubiquitous PADs of Star Trek TNG anticipated the iPad.

科幻小说塑造了我所有关于儿童时代人类社会的观念。 从《星际迷航》到《阿西莫夫》和《亚瑟·克拉克》,我从小就对未来充满信心。 科幻小说的美妙之处在于,它可以想象结合了奇妙技术甚至有时可以预见技术的未来世界。 柯克上尉的通讯员预料到了翻盖手机。 《星际迷航TNG》无处不在的PAD预期会出现iPad。

One of the difficult jobs for any science fiction writer who wants to portray a future world is to evaluate technologies and determine whether to include them in the story.


Obviously, if your story depends on traveling to alien planets, you might need some advanced form of propulsion. If it’s a story about robots, you need advanced AI. But plots rarely hinge on most of the technology in science fiction. The rest of the technology is part of world building. You want your story to be, in some sense, removed from the present day. The more “out there” your science fiction is the more removed you want it to be.

显然,如果您的故事取决于前往外星球,那么您可能需要某种先进的推进方式。 如果这是关于机器人的故事,则需要高级AI。 但是情节很少依赖于科幻小说中的大多数技术。 其余技术是世界建设的一部分。 从某种意义上讲,您希望您的故事从今天开始删除。 您的科幻小说越“在那儿”,您就越希望删除它。

The best world builder in Science Fiction in my humble opinion is Frank Herbert, whose Dune series invented numerous little details to create a fantastic future interstellar society, even as it played out a modern story. Another is Neal Stephenson’s parallel universe Anathem. Jumping over to TV, there’s Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek which built up its world over many decades.

在我的拙见中,科幻小说中最好的世界建造者是弗兰克·赫伯特(Frank Herbert),他的《 沙丘》系列发明了许多小细节,以创造一个梦幻般的未来星际社会,即使它扮演了现代故事。 另一个是尼尔史蒂文森(Neal Stephenson)的平行宇宙《 阿纳海姆(Anathem)》 。 跳到电视上,有吉恩·罗登伯里(Gene Roddenberry)的《 星际迷航》 ,这部影片在数十年间建立了自己的世界。

All of these and many others introduce technology that is sometimes just convenient for the plot as transporters originally were in Star Trek to save production time on takeoffs and landings from alien worlds. Sometimes it is based on real science. Sometimes it goes directly against what science says is possible.

所有这些以及许多其他技术都引入了有时对于该地块来说很方便的技术,因为运输机最初在《星际迷航》中,可以节省外星人起降时的生产时间。 有时它是基于真实的科学。 有时,这直接违背了科学所说的可能。

One of the interesting features of science fiction, therefore, is that some technology is fantastically unlikely to exist in a future world while other technology is probably not that far around the corner.


In this article, I want to take a look at a variety of science fiction technologies and, using my background as both a physicist and an engineer, explore how difficult they would be to achieve and what might be required in terms of engineering problems to overcome and new science that would have to be discovered in order to make them work. These are in order from “easiest” to achieve to likely impossible and then some that are so far out there that we can’t even begin to imagine if they are possible. As you will see, none of them are “easy”.

在本文中,我想看一看各种科幻技术,并以我的物理学家和工程师的背景,探讨它们将要实现的难度以及在克服工程问题方面可能需要做些什么为了使它们起作用,必须发现新的科学。 这些是从“最简单”到可能实现的顺序,然后是遥远的以至于我们甚至无法想象它们是否可能。 如您所见,它们都不是“容易的”。

能源武器 (Energy weapons)

Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash Brian McGowan在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

Energy weapons are already a reality as the U.S. Military has been experimenting with high powered lasers to down drones and poke holes in boats. Given the complexities and expense of directing physical weapons at things, energy weapons have a number of advantages. They can be pointed at an object and be sure to hit it no matter what the weather conditions are. They are almost impossible to evade. And you can’t outrun them.

能源武器已经成为现实,因为美国军方一直在试验高功率激光,以击落无人机并在船上戳Kong。 考虑到将物理武器对准物体的复杂性和费用,能源武器具有许多优势。 无论天气状况如何,它们都可以指向一个物体并确保将其击中。 他们几乎是不可能逃避的。 而且你不能超越他们。

The biggest problem with these weapons is that the energy requirements are huge. Until people are packing matter/anti-matter power packs with them, I think that we won’t be able to create energy sources compact enough for people to carry directed energy weapons. The other problem is heat. They get extremely hot and there is the potential for radiation. Still, none of these is entirely insurmountable. Still, ship-borne and land-based energy weapons are a reality in 2020.

这些武器的最大问题是能量需求巨大。 我认为,除非人们随身携带物质/反物质动力包,否则我们将无法制造出足够紧凑的能源来使人们携带定向能源武器。 另一个问题是热量。 它们变得非常热,并且有潜在的辐射。 尽管如此,这些都不是完全不可克服的。 尽管如此,舰载和陆基能源武器仍然是2020年的现实。

Rating: Likely


超感知觉 (Extra-sensory perception)

Photo by Mark de Jong on Unsplash Mark de Jong在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

Will we be reading each other’s thoughts one day? It turns out we already are. Experiments in transferring thoughts from person to person and from person to machine and vice versa are now underway. While the technology is crude, we may find that we will be practicing telepathy one day. Reading a person’s thoughts without their cooperation might run into difficulties however. Currently, telepathic communication requires a great deal of practice.

我们有一天会阅读彼此的想法吗? 事实证明我们已经是。 现在正在进行将思想在人与人之间以及人与机器之间相互转换的实验。 尽管技术还很粗糙,但我们可能会发现有一天我们会练习心灵感应。 但是,在没有他人合作的情况下阅读他们的想法可能会遇到困难。 当前,心灵感应通信需要大量实践。

What about other forms of ESP such as knowing the future? I think that is highly unlikely. We currently have no way for information to be transmitted into the past outside the quantum realm where it is entirely random and so gathering information that would actually be useful from the future is probably impossible.

其他形式的ESP诸如了解未来呢? 我认为这种可能性很小。 目前,我们无法将信息传递到完全是随机的量子领域之外的过去,因此收集将来可能真正有用的信息可能是不可能的。

Rating: Likely for cooperative telepathy, and Impossible for clairvoyance


通用人工智能 (General Artificial Intelligence)

Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash Alex Knight在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

From Asimov’s robots to Star Trek’s Data to Cylons, AI as a concept has been around for a long time. Unlike most of the following, I’ve worked, on and off, on AI in my professional career for over 20 years, so I have watched it grow up from a topic that people laughed at in the ‘90’s to one of the dominant areas of industrial research in the present day. Most people focus on Neural Networks and various adaptive statistical technologies these days, but AI is a much more general umbrella covering everything from logical rule-based systems to deep learning. The question everyone is asking these days, however, is when will machines actually think?

从阿西莫夫(Asimov)的机器人到星际迷航(Star Trek)的数据再到赛昂(Cylons),人工智能作为一种概念已经存在了很长时间。 与以下大多数情况不同,我在职业生涯中一直从事AI的研究和研究工作超过20年,因此我看到它从人们在90年代大笑的话题发展成为一个主要领域今天的工业研究。 如今,大多数人专注于神经网络和各种自适应统计技术,但AI是一个更为通用的保护伞,涵盖了从基于逻辑规则的系统到深度学习的所有内容。 如今,每个人都在问的问题是,机器何时真正思考?

Alan Turing actually came up with a test for this back in the 1940’s called the Turing test in which people had to have a conversation through some distance mechanism and try to decide if they were talking to a machine or a human. This so-called “Turing Test” would decide if the thing were generally intelligent.

艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)实际上在1940年代提出了一项测试,称为图灵测试,在该测试中,人们必须通过某种距离机制进行对话,并试图确定他们是在与机器还是在与人交谈。 所谓的“图灵测试”将决定事物是否通常是智能的。

It turns out that Turing’s test is too easy to game however and was beat in the 1990s with a chatbot. A real “Turing test” turns out to need more than just a conversation. It needs to involve a host of other abilities such as complex problem solving, generating ontologies (ways to understanding what exists), and lateral thinking.

事实证明,图灵的测试太容易上手了,但在1990年代被聊天机器人击败了。 真正的“图灵测试”不仅需要对话,还需要更多。 它需要包含许多其他能力,例如复杂的问题解决,生成本体(了解存在的方式)以及横向思考。

It also requires understanding hidden information such as interpreting social situations and anticipating outcomes from social scenarios correctly. Mr. Data from Star Trek was famously poor at the latter, showing he hadn’t quite progressed to what humans would call generally intelligent.

它还需要了解隐藏的信息,例如正确解释社会状况和预期社会情景的结果。 来自《星际迷航》的Data先生在后者方面表现差强人意,表明他还没有完全发展为人类所谓的聪明人。

It is also hard to design a test that some human beings would not fail and so it may be like the definition of obscenity as given by the Supreme Court: “I know it when I see it.”


Advances in computing technology from faster processors to GPU coprocessors to neuromophic chips have given AI a huge boost. Back in around 2001–2, I remember remarking to one of my advisors at the University of Texas that slow computation was the main thing holding AI back. I’m glad that has been vindicated.

从更快的处理器到GPU协处理器再到神经芯片,计算技术的进步为AI带来了巨大的推动力。 早在2001–2年前夕,我记得我曾在德克萨斯大学的一位顾问中说过,缓慢的计算是阻碍AI发展的主要因素。 我很高兴被证明是正确的。

Faster computers will eventually unleash AI’s full power and sooner rather than later. Combined with better ways of curating and processing data, I anticipate we will see general AI somewhere between 2040 and 2060.

速度更快的计算机最终将释放出AI的全部力量,而不是早晚释放。 结合更好的策展和处理数据方式,我预计我们将在2040年至2060年之间看到通用人工智能。

Rating: Likely


复制器 (Replicators)

Photo by Rob Wingate on Unsplash Rob Wingate在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

I have always wanted to be able to have my favorite meal prepared to me in seconds. From the Jetson’s foodarackacyle to Star Trek’s replicators, being able to manufacture almost anything instantly is something that is already being innovated with 3D printing. Still, 3D printing is pretty crude compared to having the ability to create anything out of raw materials or from pure energy.

我一直希望能够在几秒钟内准备好我最喜欢的一餐。 从Jetson的食品武器到Star Trek的复制机,能够立即制造几乎任何东西,这已经是3D打印技术的创新。 尽管如此,与能够从原材料或纯能源中产生任何东西的能力相比,3D打印还是非常粗糙的。

Matter-energy conversion is, I think, an unlikely form for replicators to take since such a process would be incredibly inefficient and generate a lot of radiation. Rather, replicators are likely to be based on nanotechnology and the ability to assemble complex structures from constituent molecules kept in storage tanks similar to how printers work.

我认为物质-能量转换对于复制者来说是一种不太可能的形式,因为这样的过程效率极低,并且会产生大量辐射。 相反,复制器很可能基于纳米技术,并且具有与打印机的工作原理类似的功能,该能力由保存在储罐中的组成分子组装复杂的结构。

A molecular scan of a master object would be input into a computer and its AI-powered nanobots would learn how to assemble it, perhaps directed by lasers. The same could be done with food as well, even meat, since these are formed of complex proteins that could be provided to the printer.

对一个主要对象的分子扫描将输入到计算机中,其AI驱动的纳米机器人将学习如何组装它,也许是由激光指导的。 食物甚至肉也可以这样做,因为它们是由可以提供给打印机的复杂蛋白质形成的。

This is already off to a good start, and I think that by 2060 we will see something complex enough to be called a replicator.


Rating: Likely


疾病免疫 (Disease Immunity)

National Cancer Institute on 美国国家癌症研究所的 Unsplash 照片

As the present pandemic suggests, people have a long way to go when it comes to disease immunity. But even in my lifetime, medical science has progressed enormously. When I was a kid, AIDS was a death sentence. Viral infections were only handled by vaccines. Nobody thought that antivirals would come so far as to make it mostly a chronic disease.

正如当前的大流行所暗示的,人们在疾病免疫方面还有很长的路要走。 但是即使在我一生中,医学科学也取得了长足的进步。 小时候,艾滋病就是死刑。 病毒感染只能通过疫苗处理。 没有人认为抗病毒药可以使它成为一种主要的慢性疾病。

Likewise with cancer treatments, from proton therapy to immunotherapy to miracle drugs like Gleevec, which treats a kind of Leukemia, have all come a long way. It seems only a matter of time before we learn how to treat all diseases.

与癌症治疗一样,从质子治疗到免疫治疗再到神奇的药物,例如治疗一种白血病的格列卫,都已经走了很长一段路。 我们学习如何治疗所有疾病似乎只是时间问题。

New innovations in genetic engineering and gene hacking such as CRISPR and advanced synthetic biotechnology may allow bacterial and completely synthetic microorganisms to do our bidding inside the body. Stem cells (which need not be embryonic) also enable doctors to replace or regenerate organs and even limbs using a person’s own DNA, ensuing that rejection is unlikely.

CRISPR和先进的合成生物技术等基因工程和基因黑客技术的新创新可能使细菌和完全合成的微生物在体内发挥作用。 干细胞(不必是胚胎细胞)还使医生能够使用人自身的DNA来替代或再生器官甚至四肢,因此拒绝的可能性很小。

Whether people will ever be completely immune to disease is unknowable, since the battle against disease is always a battle of mutual adaptation. It is likely, however, that nanotechnology, genetic engineering, and AI will advance medical technology to the point where many diseases will become chronic rather than deadly and curable in many instances.

人们是否会完全免疫疾病是未知的,因为与疾病的斗争始终是相互适应的斗争。 但是,纳米技术,基因工程和AI很有可能将医学技术推向一个新的高度,在这种情况下,许多疾病将变成慢性病,而不是在许多情况下致命和可以治愈的疾病。

I would imagine that if such an innovation were achieved it would take some time, so I’m guessing 2080 to 2120.


Rating: Likely


时间旅行到未来 (Time Travel to the Future)

The Conmunity — Pop Culture Geek) 社团-流行文化极客 )

Traveling in time is a fantastic premise for a story which is why so many science fiction stories use it. We are always traveling to the future. Can we get there faster as in Back To The Future II?

及时旅行是一个故事的绝妙前提,这就是为什么如此多的科幻小说都使用它。 我们一直在走向未来。 我们可以像《回到未来》 II中那样更快到达那里吗?

Yes, says Einstein (the man not the dog). If you can accelerate near to the speed of light and decelerate again, you can travel into the future faster. This is the famous twins paradox of relativity.

是的,爱因斯坦说(男人不是狗)。 如果您能以接近光速的速度加速并再次减速,则可以更快地进入未来。 这是相对论中著名的双胞胎悖论。

If, for example, I travel 4 lightyears at 99% the speed of light, it will only feel like 7 months to me. The closer to light speed you go the less time it appears to take when you return. If you wanted to travel 3000 years in the future in 1 day, you would need to travel 99.99999999995% the speed of light!

例如,如果我以光速的99%行驶4光年,对我来说只感觉像7个月。 您越接近光速,返回时所花费的时间就越少。 如果您希望未来1天旅行3000年,则需要以99.99999999995%的光速旅行!

Will humans ever travel to the future this way? I think it is plausible that we will, perhaps as a side-effect of traveling to the stars, but to travel at these speeds would take technology so advanced I wouldn’t even guess when it would be available.

人类会以这种方式前往未来吗? 我认为我们可能会有这样的想法,也许这是前往恒星的副作用,但是以这种速度行驶将使技术如此先进,我什至都无法猜测它何时会面世。

Rating: Plausible.


身体和/或心灵的传送 (Teleportation of the Body and/or Mind)

Mobilus In Mobili) Mobilus In Mobili )

Teleportation has been a staple of science fiction for decades but none popularized the idea as much as Star Trek. As I mentioned before, transporters were originally a cost saving mechanism, but later on became a signature feature of the show.

数十年来,远距传输一直是科幻小说的主要内容,但没有一个像《 星际迷航》那样普及这个想法。 正如我之前提到的,运输商最初是一种节省成本的机制,但后来成为该展会的标志性特征。

But how likely is it that we will be streaming our bits across space? It turns out that the answer is: very unlikely.

但是,我们将比特流跨空间传输的可能性有多大? 事实证明,答案是:非常不可能。

I think there are a few pieces to teleportation that we need to understand first. Teleportation, as I define it, is the conversion of matter into information which is then transmitted or stored and used to reconstruct that matter in some other place or time. There are other forms of teleportation such as are included in the faster than light travel category where there is no conversion. You just step through a portal and appear somewhere else. I’m not talking about that here.

我认为我们需要首先了解一些有关隐形传送的内容。 正如我所定义的,隐形传态是将物质转换为信息,然后将其传输或存储并用于在其他地方或时间重建该物质。 还有其他形式的隐形传送,例如比没有转换的轻快行进类别更快。 您只需浏览门户并出现在其他位置。 我不是在这里谈论这个。

It turns out that while teleportation is possible for quantum matter. It is not possible for matter that is not is a “pure quantum state”. That would require something being completely, 100% isolated from its surroundings.

事实证明,尽管量子隐形传态是可能的。 不是“纯量子态”的物质是不可能的。 这将需要将其与周围环境完全隔离100%。

Even if you could put a person in such a state, converting all their trillions upon trillions of subatomic particles into information would be virtually impossible. Reassembling them on the other side without errors would also be an enormous undertaking.

即使您可以将一个人置于这种状态,将他们的数万亿个亚原子粒子转换成信息几乎是不可能的。 在没有错误的情况下将它们重新组装到另一侧也是一项艰巨的任务。

The idea that you could just beam a person down to a planet is completely ridiculous. You would certainly need some tech on the other side to reconstruct them also in a pure quantum state.

您可以将一个人放到一个星球上的想法是完全荒谬的。 当然,您还需要另一侧的技术来以纯量子态重构它们。

Another option may be that, instead of teleporting the person’s body, you could just teleport their mind and place it into some kind of artificially intelligent brain or the brain of another person. We understand so little about the mind that it is hard to say if this is possible or not, but I think, on the whole, it is more possible than physically transporting a person.

另一个选择可能是,您不必传送人的身体,就可以传送他们的思想并将其放入某种人工智能的大脑或另一个人的大脑中。 我们对思想了解甚少,很难说这是否可行,但总的来说,这比实际运送一个人更有可能。

The key would be whether the human mind can be reduced to mere information. If so, this might be a potential means for interstellar travel if you could somehow ensure that the person’s mind didn’t get scrambled in transit.

关键在于人类的思想是否可以简化为单纯的信息。 如果是这样,如果您可以某种方式确保此人的思想在运输途中不会被打扰,则这可能是星际旅行的潜在手段。

I am going to rate complete teleportation as “virtually” impossible since I can’t say it is completely physically impossible. Consciousness transfer I’ll just rate as unknown since we don’t quite understand all that would be involved but more plausible.

我将完全的隐形传送评为“几乎”不可能,因为我不能说这在物理上是完全不可能的。 意识转移我将其归类为未知,因为我们不太了解所涉及的所有因素,但似乎更合理。

Rating: Virtually impossible for physical teleportation and unknown for transfer of consciousness but more plausible.


快于轻快旅行和时光穿越过去 (Faster Than Light Travel and Time Travel to the Past)

CorvinZahn) CorvinZahn )

So many science fiction stories from Asimov to Star Trek and Stargate rely on FTL travel. It is so important to being able to tell stories about alien worlds but, at the same time, we do not know of any physics that would even allow it.

从阿西莫夫(Asimov)到《星际迷航》(Star Trek)和《星际之门》(Stargate)的许多科幻故事都依赖FTL旅行。 能够讲述有关外星世界的故事非常重要,但与此同时,我们还不知道任何允许它发生的物理学。

I wrote an article recently on why FTL travel was impossible. Known physics rules it out completely. This turns out not to be because of Einstein’s relativity, which gives us the speed of light as an upper bound but allows loopholes if we change space itself. The problem is actually with the rest of physics which tells us that there is no way to warp space or time to travel faster than light. All these methods require exotic forms of energy and matter that don’t exist, even within quantum physics.

我最近写了一篇文章 ,说明为什么不可能进行FTL旅行。 已知物理学将其完全排除。 事实证明,这并不是因为爱因斯坦的相对性,它使我们以光速为上限,但是如果我们改变空间本身,就会产生漏洞。 问题实际上出在物理学的其余部分,这告诉我们没有办法扭曲空间或时间以使其比光快。 所有这些方法都需要奇特的能量和物质形式,即使在量子物理学中也不存在。

I put time travel to the past in this category too because from a physics perspective traveling faster than light and traveling back in time are the same thing. That may be why they are both impossible. For these to become possible, we would have to discover new forms of matter or energy that don’t obey the same rules as all the laws of physics we currently have.

我也将时间旅行归为此类,因为从物理学的角度来看,光速旅行和时光倒退是同一回事。 这可能就是为什么它们都不可能的原因。 为了使这些成为可能,我们将不得不发现新的物质或能量形式,这些形式不符合我们目前拥有的所有物理定律。

Rating: Currently physically impossible


即时通讯 (Instantaneous Communication)

While Star Trek uses a form of communication called “subspace” which appears to be FTL but takes time if you look at the Voyager series, other science fiction has communication between stars that is instantaneous. Orson Scott Card’s ansible is an example.

虽然《星际迷航》使用一种称为“子空间”的通讯方式,该通讯方式看起来像是FTL,但如果您查看旅行者系列,则需要花费一些时间,而其他科幻小说中的恒星之间却是即时通讯。 奥森·斯科特·卡德(Anson Scott Card)的ansible是一个例子。

It turns out that instantaneous communication in the sense of sending information instantly from one place to another is just as physically impossible as FTL travel. Sending information faster than light is the same as sending it potentially back in time, so again physics rules it out.

事实证明,就从FTL传播到物理上来说,从一处到另一处立即发送信息的意义上的即时通信是不可能的。 信息发送的速度比光发送的速度快,这意味着可能会及时将其发送回去,因此物理学再次将其排除在外。

We do observe instantaneous communication between particles in the form of quantum entanglement, but no information can be sent through that mechanism. Things can affect one another instantaneously but they can’t exchange anything you didn’t already know.

我们确实观察到了量子纠缠形式的粒子之间的瞬时通信,但是没有信息可以通过这种机制发送。 事物可以立即相互影响,但是它们无法交换您不知道的任何事物。

Rating: Currently physically impossible


前往平行宇宙 (Travel to parallel universes)

As much as I love stories about parallel universes like the His Dark Materials series, Neal Stephenson’s Anathem, and numerous Star Trek episodes about the Mirror Universe, these story telling mechanisms depend on something that we have never observed. Other universes are one way to explain what we see in quantum mechanics, but there has been no evidence that they exist, and there are alternate explanations for quantum theory that don’t rely on them.

尽管我喜欢关于平行宇宙的故事,例如《他的黑暗物质》系列,尼尔·斯蒂芬森的《 Anathem 》以及关于《镜宇宙》的众多《星际迷航》情节,但这些讲故事的机制取决于我们从未观察到的事物。 其他宇宙是解释我们在量子力学中所见事物的一种方法,但是没有证据表明它们存在,并且有一些不依赖于它们的量子理论解释。

If parallel universes do exist, how would we travel to them? One way might be through wormholes where one side exists in our universe and the other in theirs. I suppose this might happen through some quantum experiment like Schroedinger’s cat. Schroedinger’s wormhole?

如果存在平行宇宙,我们将如何前往它们? 一种方法可能是通过虫洞,其中一方面存在于我们的宇宙中,另一方面存在于它们的宇宙中。 我想这可能是通过诸如薛定inger的猫之类的量子实验而发生的。 Schroedinger的虫洞?

If we can keep the wormhole ends connected through some form of quantum observation where one end stays in our universe and the other ends up in the other universe, we would have a means to travel to the other universe.


This wouldn’t necessarily “violate” the laws of physics because it really gets outside of known physics entirely. Unlike FTL wormholes, it is unclear if such a wormhole would violate causality (cause paradoxes) since there is no causal relationship between the universes after they split. Even with the multiverse explanation of quantum physics, we have no idea how universes relate to one another other than that they somehow split off from each other when you observe mutually exclusive quantum outcomes.

这不一定会“违反”物理学定律,因为它确实完全超出了已知物理学。 与FTL虫洞不同,目前尚不清楚这样的虫洞是否会违反因果关系(引起悖论),因为宇宙分裂之后就不存在因果关系。 即使对量子物理学进行了多宇宙的解释,我们也不知道宇宙之间是如何相互联系的,只是当您观察到相互排斥的量子结果时,它们以某种方式彼此分离。

I am going to suggest that this is currently unknown.


Rating: Unknown


结论 (Conclusion)

These are just a few examples of advanced technologies that might be realized in the future. There are many more. Probably one of the most significant changes for future society will not be technological but social. Technology is only as good as how well it is used and how freely available the bounty of the future is to all. In a post-scarcity society, it stands to reason that nobody should be hungry, poor, sick, or forgotten. No matter how likely a technology is it will be important to make it benefit everyone.

这些只是将来可能实现的高级技术的一些示例。 还有更多。 未来社会最重大的变化之一可能不是技术而是社会。 技术的好坏取决于技术的使用程度和对所有人的自由可用。 在后稀缺社会中,有理由断定没有人应该饿,贫穷,生病或被遗忘。 不管一项技术有多大可能,使它对所有人都有益至关重要。

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-infinite-universe/replicators-teleportation-warp-drive-and-more-how-likely-is-science-fiction-to-come-true-4e1f81a9ba5e

