
Do you want to add a contract agreement form to your WordPress website that people can e-sign?


Typically to get contracts signed, you either have to manually print / scan the signature, or pay for an expensive third-party e-sign service.


Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get users to sign forms with a digital signature in WordPress without the high costs?


In this article, we’ll show you how to easily create a contract agreement form with digital signatures in WordPress.



为什么要创建在线合同协议表? (Why Create an Online Contract Agreement Form?)

An online contract agreement form is easy to fill and submit. Normally, you’ll send the agreement as PDF, which the other party will have to print, fill-in, scan, and send back.

在线合同协议表易于填写和提交。 通常,您将以PDF格式发送协议,另一方将必须打印,填写,扫描和发送回协议。

That’s a lot of work.


By creating an online contract agreement form on your website, users can fill it right away and sign it digitally with an e-signature.


It does not require any overly priced SaaS software and works very well for many different kinds of legal documents.


For instance, you can use it to create a code of conduct form, employment forms, non-profit or volunteer application forms, and more.


Are Digital Signatures Legal?


Yes, digital signatures and digitally signed documents are legally enforceable. If both parties agree to digital signatures, and the software used keeps a record of digital signatures, then they are legally binding.

是的,数字签名和数字签名的文件具有法律效力。 如果双方都同意数字签名,并且所使用的软件保留了数字签名的记录,那么它们具有法律约束力。

However, they cannot be used for all kinds of legal documents. For example, legal documents or forms that require to be notarized, need court stamps, or witnesses.

但是,它们不能用于所有法律文件。 例如,需要公证,需要法院盖章或证人的法律文件或表格。

With that said, this article is not legal advice, please consider a lawyer for practical legal advice and guidance.


准备您的合同协议表 (Preparing Your Contract Agreement Form)

If you don’t already have a contract drawn up, it’s a very good idea to consult a lawyer. You want to be sure that your contract is legal and that it won’t cause you any possible problems in the future.

如果您还没有起草合同,那么咨询律师是个好主意。 您想确保您的合同是合法的,并且将来不会给您带来任何可能的问题。

Apart from the contract terms themselves, your contract form will probably need space for:


  • The name of the person signing.

  • The address of the person signing.

  • The date the contract is signed.

  • Space for your client (or new employee) to actually sign the contract.


That being said, let’s create a contract agreement form with a digital signature field.


如何在WordPress中创建数字签名合同表格 (How to Create a Digitally Signed Contract Form in WordPress)

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WPForms plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WPForms插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

WPForms is a premium plugin, and you’ll need at least their Pro plan to access the Signatures addon.


Upon activation, you need to visit the WPForms » Settings page to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on the WPForms website.

激活后,您需要访问WPForms»设置页面以输入许可证密钥。 您可以在WPForms网站上的帐户下找到此信息。


Next, you need to visit the WPForms » Addons page and install the Signature addon.


You are now ready to create your contract agreement form with the digital signature feature.


Simply go to the WPForms » Add New page to create your form. This will launch the WPForms form builder interface where you need to provide a title for your form and then choose a template.

只需转到WPForms»添加新页面即可创建表单。 这将启动WPForms表单构建器界面,您需要在其中为表单提供标题,然后选择模板。

We’re going to use the ‘Blank Form’ template for this example, but you can choose a different one if you prefer. Just click on the template to load it.

在本示例中,我们将使用“空白表格”模板,但您可以根据需要选择其他模板。 只需单击模板以加载它。


You’ll probably want to include the text of your contract itself on the page above the form. This could include your own signature as an image.

您可能需要在表格上方的页面上包含合同本身的文本。 这可能包括您自己的签名作为图像。

In the form itself, you just need to add the fields (form elements) that need to be filled in.


To add a new field, simply click on a field from the left column. You can rearrange fields by moving them up and down in the preview column.

要添加新字段,只需单击左列中的字段。 您可以通过在预览列中上下移动字段来重新排列字段。


If you want to send a copy of the signed form to the user as well, then don’t forget to add an email field where users can provide their email address.


Once you’re happy with the fields you’ve added, it’s time to add the most important form field: the signature field.


Scroll down to the ‘Fancy Fields’ section and click to add the Signature field to your form.



That’s it. You’ve created your form. Next, we need to make sure the settings are correct.

而已。 您已经创建了表格。 接下来,我们需要确保设置正确。

配置合同协议表单的设置 (Configuring Your Contract Agreement Form’s Settings)

Click on the ‘Settings’ tab to view your form’s settings. The default settings will work in most cases, but you may want to make some changes.

单击“设置”选项卡以查看表单的设置。 默认设置在大多数情况下都可以使用,但是您可能需要进行一些更改。

In particular, you’ll want to check that the ‘Notifications’ are correct.


By default, the signed contract agreement form will be sent to the administrator’s email address. This is normally the email address of whoever set up your WordPress site. If that’s not you, then enter your email address here instead.

默认情况下,已签署的合同协议表将发送到管理员的电子邮件地址。 这通常是设置您的WordPress网站的人的电子邮件地址。 如果不是您,请在此处输入您的电子邮件地址。

You may also want to send a copy of the form to the user as well. To do that, go to Settings » Notifications tab and click on the Add New Notification button.

您可能还希望将表单的副本发送给用户。 为此,请转到“设置”»“通知”选项卡,然后单击“添加新通知”按钮。


In the ‘Send to Email Address’ section, click on the Smart Tags link and select the Email field.



Review all other settings and adjust them to your requirements. WPForms will now send the form confirmation email to the user as well.

查看所有其他设置,并根据您的要求进行调整。 WPForms现在还将向用户发送表单确认电子邮件。

Next, switch to the ‘Confirmation’ tab, you can edit the confirmation message that the client (or employee or volunteer) signing the form will see.


Once you’re happy with the settings, click the ‘Save’ button at the top of the screen. You can now close and exit the form builder.

对设置满意后,请点击屏幕顶部的“保存”按钮。 现在,您可以关闭并退出表单构建器。

将您的合同协议表添加到您的站点 (Add Your Contract Agreement Form to Your Site)

Finally, you need to put your contract agreement form onto your website.


Create a new page or edit an existing one. First, you’ll need to add the text of your contract terms here before including the form itself.

创建一个新页面或编辑一个现有页面。 首先,您需要先在此处添加合同条款文本,然后再包含表单本身。

After that, simply add the WPForms block to your content area.


Select your contract agreement form from the drop-down box, and WPForms will automatically load a preview of the form in the editor.



You can now save or publish your page to make your form publicly available.


After that, visit the page to see your contract agreement form in action. Don’t forget to test out the contract agreement form. You should be able to enter your signature by using your mouse, trackpad, or a touchscreen.

之后,请访问页面以查看您的合同协议表格。 不要忘记测试一下合同协议表。 您应该能够使用鼠标,触控板或触摸屏输入签名。

Make sure you see the confirmation message and receive an email after submitting the form.


If you don’t get an email, don’t worry. It’s quite a common problem and we’ve got instructions on how to fix WordPress not sending emails.

如果您没有收到电子邮件,请不要担心。 这是一个非常普遍的问题,我们已就如何修复WordPress不发送电子邮件的说明 。

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a contract agreement form with digital signatures in WordPress. You may also be interested in our articles on the best WordPress plugins and the best business phone services for small businesses.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress中创建带有数字签名的合同协议表格。 您可能也对我们有关最佳WordPress插件和针对小型企业的最佳商务电话服务的文章感兴趣。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-a-contract-agreement-form-with-digital-signatures-in-wordpress/
