2019 ICPC Asia Taipei-Hsinchu Regional E.The League of Sequence Designers

题目链接:Dashboard - 2019-2020 ICPC Asia Taipei-Hsinchu Regional Contest - Codeforces 


此时,WA = x, AC = (x-y)*len,其中WA和AC分别是错误答案,正确答案,len是数组长度。

那么就有AC = WA+k,那么就有:x-y = \frac{x+k}{len},看右边那个\frac{x+k}{len},枚举所有满足x+k整除len的x,寻找对应的y(还要注意在范围内),代码如下:

using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define FOR(i, a, b) for (int i = (a); i <= (b); i++)
#define ROF(i, a, b) for (int i = (a); i >= (b); i--)

int k,L,x,y;
inline void solve(){
    cin>>k>>L; L=max(2LL,L); //长度不可能<2,不然无法构造出结果
    bool ok = 0; int ax,ay,ai;
    FOR(i,L,1999){ //枚举所有可能长度
        x = i-k%i; //x的最小值(注意x是>0的)
        while(x <= 1e6){
            y = x-(x+k)/i;
            if(0> T; while(T--) solve();


参考自:The League of Sequence Designers(构造)_Harris-H的博客-CSDN博客  

代码如下: (这个短很多)

using namespace std;
// #define int long long
#define debug cout<<"!!!"<= (b); i--)

inline void solve(){
    int k,L; cin>>k>>L;
    if(L>=2000) {cout<<-1<<'\n'; return;}
    cout<<1999<<'\n'<<-1<<' ';
    int ave = (k+1999)/1998, rest = (k+1999)%1998;
    FOR(i,1,1997) cout<>T; while(T--) solve();
