java画雪花_雪花算法 Java 版

雪花算法根据时间戳生成有序的 64 bit 的 Long 类型的唯一 ID

各 bit 含义:

1 bit: 符号位,0 是正数 1 是负数, ID 为正数,所以恒取 0

41 bit: 时间差,我们可以选择一个参考点,用它来计算与当前时间的时间差 (毫秒数),41 bit 存储时间差,足够使用 69 年

10 bit: 机器码,能编码 1024 台机器;可以手动指定含义,比如前5 bit 作为机器编号、后 5 bit 作为进程编号

12 bit: 序列号,同一机器同一毫秒内产生不同的序列号,12 bit 可以支持 4096 个序列号




ID 有含义/可逆性:ID 可以反解出来,对 ID 进行统计分析,可以很简单的分析出整个系统的繁忙曲线,还可以定位到每个机器,在某段时间承担了多少工作,分析出负载均衡情况


public class Snowflake {


* 每一部分所占位数


private final long unusedBits = 1L;

private final long timestampBits = 41L;

private final long datacenterIdBits = 5L;

private final long workerIdBits = 5L;

private final long sequenceBits = 12L;


* 向左的位移


private final long timestampShift = sequenceBits + datacenterIdBits + workerIdBits;

private final long datacenterIdShift = sequenceBits + workerIdBits;

private final long workerIdShift = sequenceBits;


* 起始时间戳,初始化后不可修改


private final long epoch = 1451606400000L; // 2016-01-01


* 数据中心编码,初始化后不可修改

* 最大值: 2^5-1 取值范围: [0,31]


private final long datacenterId;


* 机器或进程编码,初始化后不可修改

* 最大值: 2^5-1 取值范围: [0,31]


private final long workerId;


* 序列号

* 最大值: 2^12-1 取值范围: [0,4095]


private long sequence = 0L;

/** 上次执行生成 ID 方法的时间戳 */

private long lastTimestamp = -1L;


* 每一部分最大值


private final long maxDatacenterId = -1L ^ (-1L << datacenterIdBits); // 2^5-1

private final long maxWorkerId = -1L ^ (-1L << workerIdBits); // 2^5-1

private final long maxSequence = -1L ^ (-1L << sequenceBits); // 2^12-1


* 生成序列号


public synchronized long nextId() {

long currTimestamp = timestampGen();

if (currTimestamp < lastTimestamp) {

throw new IllegalStateException(

String.format("Clock moved backwards. Refusing to generate id for %d milliseconds",

lastTimestamp - currTimestamp));


if (currTimestamp == lastTimestamp) {

sequence = (sequence + 1) & maxSequence;

if (sequence == 0) { // overflow: greater than max sequence

currTimestamp = waitNextMillis(currTimestamp);


} else { // reset to 0 for next period/millisecond

sequence = 0L;


// track and memo the time stamp last snowflake ID generated

lastTimestamp = currTimestamp;

return ((currTimestamp - epoch) << timestampShift) | //

(datacenterId << datacenterIdShift) | //

(workerId << workerIdShift) | // new line for nice looking



public Snowflake(long datacenterId, long workerId) {

if (datacenterId > maxDatacenterId || datacenterId < 0) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException(

String.format("datacenter Id can't be greater than %d or less than 0", maxDatacenterId));


if (workerId > maxWorkerId || workerId < 0) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException(

String.format("worker Id can't be greater than %d or less than 0", maxWorkerId));


this.datacenterId = datacenterId;

this.workerId = workerId;



* 追踪调用 waitNextMillis 方法的次数


private final AtomicLong waitCount = new AtomicLong(0);

public long getWaitCount() {

return waitCount.get();



* 循环阻塞直到下一秒


protected long waitNextMillis(long currTimestamp) {


while (currTimestamp <= lastTimestamp) {

currTimestamp = timestampGen();


return currTimestamp;



* 获取当前时间戳


public long timestampGen() {

return System.currentTimeMillis();


