万维网支持用户资源上行至服务器,万维网服务器 Web server


万维网服务器(1)通过动态地生成能够被用户设备解译的网页代码,而应答来自远端用户设备(2)的请求消息. Web server (1) to generate a user equipment can be interpreted by dynamically page code, and response to a request message from the remote user equipment (2). 设备类型识别符(45)是从请求消息中提取的,以及被输入到代码生成引擎(25),它解译存储的指令,用于参照相应于该设备类型识别符的,与选择的设备有关的信息来生成网页代码. Device type identifier (45) is extracted from the request message, and is input to the code generation engine (25), which interprets the instruction memory for reference corresponding to the device type identifier, related to the selected device information to generate a web page code. 网页信息被存储作为内容文档,它包括以脚本语言编写的一组指令. Web page information is stored as contents of the document, which includes a set of instructions written in a scripting language. 万维网服务器以适当形式为每个用户设备生成网页,而不需要把网页从一种形式变换到另一种形式. Web server in a suitable form for each user device generates a web page, without the need to transform web pages from one form to another form.

